MORE ABOUT KM Board Mr*. Jane H. Henson. Mrs. !>>uise F. McAVhirter. Mrs. Jessie R. Greene, Mrs. Vrldariv Shull. Mrs. Kate Willis. Mi Vernon K. Kiser. Mr. Richard C. Culyer. III. Miss Sylvia A. West. Mr. Jak B Po well. Mrs. Edna B. Hendricks. EAST Mrs. Sarah L. Harris. Mrs. Vic toria L. Logan. Mrs. Nel| W Bi ser. Miss Louise Kendiick. Miss Jacqueline '.V. Blanton. Miss Ros alie Carlisle, Mrs. Winniru- M. Still. Miss Helen B Baker. Mrs Maxine B. Grayson. Mrs. Annie Bryant, Mrs. Lula B. Camp. Mrs. Daphne L. Stoll. GROVER Mrs. Edith it. Jones. Mis Eli zabeth C. McGill. Mrs. Sara W. Wilkins. Miss Aline Mullinax, Mrs. Dessic R. Cox, Mrs. Eliza beth B. Allen. Miss Piccola Bla lock. Miss Dorothy McCTaw. Mr. Wilbur C. Kiser. Miss Lowell L. Ellis. Mrs. Sara A. Cooksey, Mrs. Margaret J. Crocker. Mrs. Thel ma Goforth. KMHS Miss Helen Logan. Mrs. Sara S. Griffin. Mrs. Sue H. Moss. .Mr Carl O. McWhirter. Mi's. Eddys I.. Ware. Mrs. Dorris B. Kay. Mrs. Juanita Logan, Mrs. Charlotte M Shuford. Mr. Donald L. Parker, Mr. J. Fred Withers. Mr. Coy I!. Froneberger. Mr. Bobby Hussey. Miss Odessa Black. Mrs. Helen B. Ausley, Mrs. Margaret H. Baird. Mrs. Mattie Ft. Lowery, Mr. Wal ter F. Powell. Mr. Willard G. Boyd. Mr. Fenton L. Larson. Mrs. Mardecia E. Harrill. Mr. Ralph Sehuessler, Mr. James M. Stoll, Mr. Billy B. Bates, Mrs. Betty R. Gamble. Mr. Myers T. Hambright, Mr. Paul R. Hambright. Mrs. Mary Sue M. Howard. Mrs. Caro lyn N. Finger, Mrs. Ellen M Sikes, Mrs. Denii-e S. McKee. Mr. William Z. Fashion, Miss Svbile G. Wilson. Mr. William J. Kav NORTH Mrs. Ruth P. Beam. Mrs. Ruth U. Plonk, Mrs Margaret M. Sprat, Miss Ruth Z. Biggers. Miss Willie McGill. Miss Annie B. Roberts. Mrs. Martha P. Bridges. Miss Gussie Huffstetler. Mrs. Margar et G. McCarter. Miss Janet Falls. Mis* Sue A- Borders, Mrs. Doro thy H- Finger. PARK GRACE Mr*. Prue Nell If. Poston. Mi's Pauline F Weaver, Mrs. Carrie G. Hughes. Mrs. Harriet R Van Dyke, Mrs. Maty R. Page. Mrs Willie P- Patterson. WEST Mr* Edith F. Bridges. Mrs Phyllis B. Mat boson. Mrs. Mar guertte K. Powell. Mrs. Kli/alteth F. Griffith. Mrs. Sara II. Simp son. Mrs. Sue G. Arm wood. Mrs Christine R. Ramseur. Mrs. San dra D. Ilussey Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gamble, Mrs. Anita Culver. COMPACT Mrs. Mary Adair. Mr. Isaac l! Alexander. Mr. John L. Blalock. Mr. Marshall Lee Campbell. Mr. James N. Griffin. Mrs. Ouolla W Johnson. Mr. Oliver H. Patterson, Mrs. Hilda C. Wilson. Mrs. Louel la W. Shivers. Mrs. Dela J. Well mon. Mrs. Ina V. Couser. Miss Jettie I. Rowe. Mrs. Jeanette C Surratte. Mrs. Mamie M. Gill. Mrs. Sarah P. Adams. Mrs. Willie Jtpan Kerry, Miss Vi\ian K John son. Mrs. Marilyn H. Cabinet Mrs. Elsie M. Burch. Mr. Robert B. Bailey. Mrs. Sophronia P. Campbell, Mr. William H. Hauer. DAVIDSON Mrs. Addie G. Grier Miss Ruby Jane Lindsay. Miss C. Juanita Herron. Mrs. Willie J- Marable. Mrs. Virginia P. Wiggins. Mrs Garnel) A. Dye, Mrs. Mary B. Cabbagestalk. Miss Ora J. Rob ertson. Mrs. Margaret B. Leach. Mrs. Adelaide M. Allison. Mrs. Myrle H. McClure, ele mentary schools-primary school music; Mrs. Alice M. Lennon, ele mentary schools librarian; Mrs. Rosalie P. Suber. principal re lief West, North; Mrs. Martha C. Yarbro. principal relief Roth ware. East; Mt Joe Heddon. KM HS band; Mrs. Co/cll Van.-o. prin cipal relief Davidson Compact; Mr*. Lina T. Owens, principal re lief—Park Grate. Grover. Honoi Society hdnctsM Twenty-four juniors wm tap pcd into the Kings Mountain chapter of the National Honor Society. Wednesday. April s. in the colorful ceremony used at induction program. The 12 boys and 12 girls, chos en on the basis of outstanding a chievements in scholarship and on the basis of showing to a marked degree the principles ..f character, leadership, and service during their high school careers, are Steve Baker. Joyce Bolin. Kenneth Bunktwski. John Cave ny, Jr.. Lyn Cheshire, Mary Helen Goforth. Richard Gold. Jean Hamrick. Peter Hauser. Carolyn Heavner. Joan 1 Inward, Sandra Huffatetler. Carolyn Jones. Nan cy Luhlane.'ki. Neil McCarter, ludy Morris. Danny Neal. George Plonk. Susan Plonk, James Press ley. Tolly Shuford. Jr., Jan Wil liams. Herschel Wright. Jr., and Sandra Wright. An innovation to the program was a song composed hy Mrs. J N. McClure for the Kings Moun tain Chapter. Joan McClure, ac companied by Willie Anthony, sang the meaningful words. Other members taking part in the induction were president: Jack Howard. Vice • President: Steve Royster. Secretary: Miriam Baker, Elizabeth Bunch. Terry Leonard. Johnny Dye, Phyllis Pu i MORE ABOUT Merit Scholar munity program since these ire offered nationally in specific 1 | academic categories. Tin* scholar 1 ship amount in both foundation programs is based on the slu denis financial need. Students competing in tvith programs are required to take the National 'lerit Scholarship (Qualifying Test. Candidate's fil ing hir the Foundation's merit scholarship program must submit their applications directly to the National .\l<*rit Corporation in Chicago whereas students com jjeting in the plant community program most file their applica Hons with Mr. Schweppe at the Siieihy plant. The plant community v mnr iv selected from among i :roup of finalists by a scholarship panel comprised of three prominent college educators. Mr. Schweppe said the Shelby plant community scholarship winner will he a-n nounced on Thursday. A senior at Kings M luntam high school, young Tria plans to enroll at Dulse l.’niversity in Sep temher where he exports to pur sue the science curriculum which will lead to a career in research and development. He ranks sec ond in his class of ffi't seniors. Tile 17 year-old youth has par ticiputed in numerous extra-cur ricular activities while maintain ing a superior academic stondin i. Tria. who is primarily interested in the physical sciences ohemis try and physics has served is past president and has been a member of the high s -hool Sci ence club for f >ur yes s H- has been active in the National Hon or Society S*tident Court ! Latin (|-b and competed on th<‘ high sch| varsitv track team for three years. The Kings M Hintain youth was one of two school loor scitatives attending North Carolina Boys State last year. He als . w i- a warded a Certificate of educa tional Devel ipment for "out standing performance" in the National education I Develop ment Tests two years a •<>. Tria is one of two children. >nd his father is employed at PH IN Carolina Fitter Class l'iant at Shel‘y The farrilx ts active in Christ the King Cuth* I • chur* h. Hanv Javnes Lions Nominee Harrv E. Jaynes. high school principal, has been nominated for pn'sidcnt <>f Kin.’s Mountain l.ions eluh for lfttH-6n. Other nominees. as refiorted hy the nominatin'; cnnimittcc Tues. > •lay night are: first vice-presid ent, Ur. George* Plonk: second viee-president. Hal S. Plonk: third vice-president. Howard Bryant; secretary. Jack Hauser; treasurer, William Lavvarenoe Plonk; I.ion tamer. Fred Pilchard; tail twist er, Peter Mason; assistant tail twister. Gene (Hadden; directors for two-year terms. Bohhv Mc Daniel, David I. Saunders, and (Henri Campbell. Directors with one vear terms remaining arc William Kay, Sam Weir and Carl Goforth. Members of the nominating; j committee were Jonas Bridges. : chairman. George Thomusson, j and Martin Harmon. sey. Mary Wrisrht. Linda Oliver,! Suzanne Lockridgc. Jane Smith. John Tria. PaUy Welch, Coral Ramseur, Mike Royster, Priscilla Padgett, Donn Freeman. Frances Goforth. Betty Ann Styers, and High School Principal. Harry E Jaynes. Virginia Goforth was absent1 because of measles. CUFF BLUE Tor Lieut. Governor May 30 Democratic Primary Capable • Experienced • Serv«*d 9 terms .is Member of House from Moore County. • Speaker of House 19o3 Session. • Presbyterian. Lion, Mason, Woodman. • Business: Newspaper and Commercial Printing. • Home: Aberdeen. • Family: Married. 1 chil dren. 3 grandchildren. MORE ABOUT Neisler Files follows: For North Carolina Senate: Jack White and Charles Meath. For North Carolina House of Representatives: Robert F. Mail er iRi; H. Fields Young. Robert Z. Falls and •'red Simmoiu. For District 1 County Commis toner: Hugh Dover. Many Wood son. and Paid W. Seal iRi. For District 2 County Commis si-iner: J. It. Ellis. Donald Class, Coleman Goforth, and Joe Neis ler. Jr. ; For District I County Commis sioner: Charles A. Bridges; Spur geon Hewitt,; J- D. Turner, and Sam Proctor tP* For Register of Deecis: Ralph Tucker.: Ivey Whisnant. and Carl W. Queen. For County Board of Kduea tlun: Rlchaul Alexander, Bobby Austell, Charles L. Beam, Robert F. Cahiness. Before! Cline. B. B. Klliott, Charlie W. Elliott, J D. Ellis. Charles D. Forney. Jr.. Karl Jordan, Billy Williams, J. R. Dov er. III. all Democrats, and Marv in McCurry. Republican. For Constable. No. 1 Township:, Raymond R. Allison and Jimmy T. Cook. Democrats. For C nst-ahle. No. 2 Township: J. Rex Ledford. For Constable. No. 3 Township: John Bradl >v a-nel Bobby Putnam. For Constable. No. I Township: Charles \V. '-'ore! and Ed Gantt; For Constable. No. 5 Tow nship: 1 L. D. Beattie. For Constable. No. fi Tow nship: Joe L. Moore arcl W. To.n Patter son. For Constable. No. 7 Township: G -or^c1 W. Blanton and C. W. | Harris. For Constable. No S Township: Sim Snell in us. For Constable*. No. It Township: Wray Gle*nn, Meddie Lawrenre. W. B. Smith. >R>. For Constable. No. 10 Town ship: J. D. Boole. iD> and Cha rles Ruff. iR>. For Constable. No. !i Town ship: Flovd Towery. For Justice's of the* Peace: Wal ter Graham. No. 3: J. Lee* Rob erts, iDi and Elzie L. Putnam. iRi No. I: F'1 Dixon. No. R: P. A. Warlick. No. S; K. Wilhur (’<-tner No. b; John A. Cook. No. V>- Joe* Dostor. R i. No. 11.«e*an M®n To Attend Meeting Rev. George Moore, pastor, and Hultert McGinnis will represent Rojurrcetion Lutheran church at th.‘ annual convention of the North Carolina Synod of the Lu theran Church in America which begins Monday at Kimball Mem-; orial Lutheran church in Kan-1 li t polls. 'Hie meet in” will continue throuKh ne\t Thursday. Rev. Mr. Moore will present the report of Synod's eomrvittee on World Mis sions. Mn. Baity, 79 Dies Wednesday Mrs. Julia Baity, 79. wife of Harrison liaity. died Wednesday afternoon in t!ip King. Mountain hospital following a several month's illness. Funeral arrangements are in-! complete hut will be announced by Harris Mineral Home A native of Cleveland County. Mrs. Baity was the daughter ol the late Mr. and Mrs. John Mayes. Besides hei husband she is sor vived by three sons. Floyd Baity and Coleman Baity of Kings Mountain and T owren-'e Baity of Jacksonville Fla., and • wo daugh ters. Mrs. Frank Black and Miss Addie Mae Baity of Kings Moun tain. Also surviving are a half- i sister. Mrs. *»uth Lai| of Kings Vlountain and a step-sister. Mrs. Damie Mayes of Kings Mountain. Id grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Group To Push Reoistiations William Orr nas been elected chairman of a group of Negro citizens to spur registration for the May 30 primaries. The board of elections has cal led a new registration with books to open April 25. Other officers are Jake Crock er, assistant chairman. Frank Mitchem, treasurer. Mrs. Marie Burris, secretary, and Mrs. Lucio Wilson, assistant secretary. Precinct workers include Otis Thombs. Mrs. John Bess. Mrs. Veralee Roberts. Mrs. Luico Wil son. Bobby White. Franc Mitch cm. Florence Perry. Jake Crock er. and William Orr. Optimists SOLD The Barbecue Kings Mountain Optimists sold over 1700 plates of barbecue with trimmings during the two day sale last weekend. The project was co-chairman ed by W. D. Byers and Lawrence Adams, with members of the club and their wives dispensing the barbecue dinners from Opti-; mists Carpenter street clubhouse. President Bob Hurlbut said he profits from the barbecue sale, plus some donations, had enab led the club to pay for a bus the club has purchased for use in children's activities. LIONS CLUB KingsrMountain Lions club will hear Attorney Jack II. White, candidate for the Democratic nomination for a 31st district seat in the North Carolina Senate, at their Tuesday night meeting at 7 p.m. at the Woman’s club. April SAVINGS At You Family Drag Store WOODBURY DREAM SET HAIR SPRAY 77c SUNGLASSES 77c up I ALL TYPES Today's prescription cost averages only $3.25 — yet it gives yon More value than at any time in his tory. We stock all the new drugs. ar.d invite you to bring in your Doctor’s pre scriptions for prompt serv ice at fair prices. YOU* Si ST HiAITH VAIUC IS TODAY'S PMSCtlPTION DIUO OIL oI OLAY |3J« FREE DELIVERY — GRIFFIN'S Phone 739-4721 DRUG STORE ! ELUS TATE —WILSON GRIFFIN — REGISTERED PHARMACIST — KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VISITING HOURS Daily 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. 3 to i p.i/i. and 7 to 8 p.nt. °atient List at Kiu-js Moun tain Hospital at Moon IVcdncs day. Mrs. William Brown William Brown Mrs. Minnie Clonin."or Mrs. Bertha Ellison Mrs. Ethel Kcemster Mrs. Inez Fowler Mrs. Herman Fredoll Coley Freeman Murphy Hill Miss Marjorie Hord Janr- Howard Colon Hustetler Mrs. Otto Kiser Mrs. Annie MeAhee Mrs. Lee McDaniel Mrs. Lloyd McDaniel Mrs. W. G. McLeymore Mrs. C. E. Neisler Joe Putmm Mrs. Mamie Rudiselle Marion Shook Mrs. H. H. Smith Mrs. Clyde Stroupe Mrs. Charlie Stroupe Mrs. Shelby Jean Thompson J. J. Fret well David Passmore Miss Josie Suratte M;ss Ollie Mae Wade Miss Bessie l ee Ware Clarence White Seth Wilson ADMITTED THURSDAY Raymond Mann. 109 Lackey St. City Joseph Shirien. Rt. 2, Box 199 Gastonia. N. C ADMITTED PRIDAY Mrs. Arthur Allen, Rt. 1. York Rd.. City Darrell Frobes. Box 622. Shelby N. C. Mrs. Jamc: Thornburg. 1290 Midpines, City Mr. Billy Whetstine. Rt. 3. Cherryville Rd. City Alfred Batch'er. Box- 261, City ADMITTED SATURDAY John Adams. 310 E. Ridge St.. City Mrs. Harold Dean Blanton, 110 N. City St.. City Mrs. Grady Burris. Rt. 2. Box 170. City Mrs. Robert Cain. 217 N. City St.. City Mrs. Junie Cook. Gen. Del.. City Mrs. Charlie Green. Rt. 1. City Mrs. Joe David Houser, PO Box 242. City Mr*. Woodrow Laughter, 810 N. Fourth St.. City Vickie Quinn. Rt. 1, Clover, S. C Malcolm Smith, 201 E. Virginia Avenue, Bessemer City, N. C. ADMITTED SUNDAY Kenneth Anderson, 309 W. Vir ginia Ave.. Bessemer City. N. C. Mrs. Addic Baity, 26 Bennett Dr.. City Mrs. Hubert Boyles, S24 Grace St.. City Vernon Lee Owensby. 117 Brid ; ges St., Citv Mrs. Thomas Erskine Ware, Rt. 3 Box 259. City ADMITTED MONDAY Miss Linda Lee Bennett. 510 W. j Gold St., city Barbara Ann Black, 509 Broad St.. City Mrs. Geneva Carroll. 105 N. | Tracy St., City Mrs. Eugene Lefevets. 106 Mc Ginnis St., City Edwin Moore. Rt. 1, City Mrs. John McClain. Rt. 1, City George McDonald. Rt. 1, City Miss Janice Owensby. 512 Washington Ave. Bessemer City. N. C. Jack Pavn'V 945 Brown St.. Gastonia. N. C. Mrs. Miles Roberts. 921 Grace St. City Floyd Snvth. 3405 Pineview Lsne. Gastonia N. C ADMITTED TUESDAY Dena Barnes. Rt. 1. Box 76 Citv Guv Moss. Rt. 2 Box 499. Citv R D. Moss. PO Box 305. Grov er. N. C. Noah Crocker. Rt. 1. Grover. N. C. Aileen Miller. 216 N. Sims St.. Citv Jay Patterson. 207 Parker St.. Citv Mrs. John Moses. Jr.. 504 S 13th St.. Bessemer Citv. N. C. Mrs Hobie Gann 1006 Second St . Citv Mrs trr,„t. Holli field. 811 E P!d>»e St.. Ci»V ADMITTED WEDNESDAY Mrs. Caleb X. Fisher. Rt. 3. Box 2640. City Mrs. Jimmy Doan Gaddy. Sec ond St.. City P-TA MEETING The Park Grace Chorus will present a musical program at Monday night's regular meeting of the Park Grace school P*TA at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium. Hootenanny Set By IIBxed Chons The Kings Mountain high school Mixed Chorus will sponsor a "Hootenanny” Friday night at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. Proceeds will he used to pur chase music for the chorus. The program is under the direction of Mrs. J. N. McClure and Mrs. Jua nita Logan. Admfission is 35 cents for stu dents and 30 cents for adults. Several group* of musicians will participate in the show, in cluding the Candlelight Trio from Western Carolina college with Curtis Floyd of Kings Mountain; The Vllagers, a local group, with Debbie Hurlhut. Don Hurlbut. Jaekv Rhea. Gary Stewart anil Philip Wright; the Troubadours with Joan McClure. Floyd Cooke and Quay Moss; and a special mystery group known as The Hogwashers. The identity of this group will not be revealed until the program. A(.0NNAE TO MEET The Gaston Cbunty Chapter of Winthrop college will hold a din ner meeting Thursday. April 30th. at Gastonia Woman’s club. Wo men planning to attend should contact Mrs. Bill Jonas at 739 3613. OH DEAR'S LIST James Weddell Plonk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Plonk, has been named to llv- Dean’s list at Duke University this spring on the basis of high academic stand ing for the fall semester. EXECUATOrS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor for the Last Will and Testament of Lula M. Hardin, a’l persons having claims against her estate wl|l please file same yith the un dersigned on or before O-tobet 33. 1961 or this notice will he pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons inde >ted to said estate will please maKc immedi ate pavment. Avery J- Hardin. Executor 616 Fourth Street. N. K. llickorv. North Carolina Davis and White. Attorneys 4:23 5:1-1 Miss Graduate: He can be married to you within a year* for Just *68“ Graduation Special — #2164 Hard-headed as lie may be, he'll have to admit the price is right. *You needn't tell him what the records show—that gals who get Lane Chests from the boys they want to marry are, sure enough, married within just 12 months! Just look at this Lane Sweetheart Chest-beautiful oil wal nut, big 48" length, roomy silver drawer in base, self-rising tray inside. Ten days only—so tell him to get a move on! COOPER’S, Inc. law Down Payment ■ toy Ttnu AhwayeT MILBOAD AVI. PHONE 73S-X5C1 Late ClofttlfUd ^ WILLING TO TMM six-room nf two and a hnlf acre lot. loratcd at 3013 Oakwood Drive. Gas* tonia. for smaller house with more land on outskirts <,f town. House has hardwood floors andduct heating elem ents. Call 864-3750 Gastonia after 2:00 P. M. 4-26-64pd SLUE Lustre not only rids ear pets of soil but leaves pile soft and loftv. Rent electric sham. 4-23 to 5 14 Opening Monday S&M Grocery SK SoriMT st. S:23 30 Bmsmmt CHy Kings Mountain drive-in theatre Always ll