Junior Clubwomen Install New Officers NSW OFFICERS IXSTAI.I.KU Tin Ki»<m Mmintnin Junior H'i.nunTs rlnb ihsIuIIiiI m ir <>/• funs Mutnliiu nuiht nnil thin «H iw-turril above. Mrs. IhII .hnnis, nt fur riiiht. flisplillis n nilr* r Iron iiIi/miI Ini th I' n! i-hib nt 'h XCFll'l’ ii'iiiriit’OH Inst in i A'. I'ri.ni h/t: Mrs Hill Tlimit ir. rii nnluti/ si i rt’lnri/; Mrs. Rulurt Chniii/imH^ Ji., i urn s/Sinil ii»i/ serretm-y; Miss P*•«/_»/»; Run*. a urn’ member; Ms. Itifl) Morns, treasurer; Mrs. Dirk MrGinnis, ?hu plain; Miss Jackie Rlan'on, rire-presuient; mil M JOn<isi presulent. Mrs Janus, Miss Blun on mill Mrs. Champion in rc nil re-eleitcd to '<•<■< * Inn terms in the organization. (Photo lur (hi Hrrulil lot Carlisle Sliuhol People In The News Donna Lynn Myers, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Myers, ce'ebrates her second birthday Thursday, May 7th. A birthday oarty for 25 chil- j dren is planned Saturday af fernoon at the Myers home on Grover road. Donna yellow and white decorated cake will center the refreshment table. The cake will be served with ice cream and party refresh-, ments. Favors will be given each child. Donna i:. granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Raines and Mr. and Mrs. Miles H. Myers, all of Kings Mountain. Her mother is the former Mar-' tha Raines. ♦ * * * Mrs. Carl Mayes won third place awe.’d in the crafts i contest sponsored by the North Carolina Federation of Wo men s Clubs for a display of Christmas ornaments. The Kings Mountain winners entry wur among those or display in Greensboro at last week's annual convention of the NCFWC. Mrs. Aubrey Mauney of Kings Mountain, a past state president, installed the new slate of officers at Thursday night s banquet. She also erved as organist for the conven tion. Representing Kirt. Mountain Woman's club, in addi tion to Mrs. Mauney whc is pre-s’dent, were Mrs. John Ches hire, incoming president, and Mrs. Paul Hendricks. About This N' That Mrs. Michael Daniel announces the marriage of her; daughter. Char ere Daniel A iman, to Buford Adam Robbins. The wedding took place May 1st ! a ceremony performed in Gaffney, South Carolina. The couple wl be at home after Mav I Oth at 401 West Mountain street. New officers of the Kings Men ' tain high school Parent Teacher Student Association have been elected for the coming year. The slate of officers is headed by Pie dent Ber Gomes. Other officers are Mrs. Tom Trott, vice president; Mrs. Wil son Griffin, secretary; and Mrs. John Gold, treasurer. ♦ * ♦ ♦ Country Clubbers have scheduled a family fi>h fry for Friday evening and a Mother's Day buffet for Sunday noon. Reservatio n are asked or both mea' . A ladies' bndqe-'uncheon, a regu'ar monthly event, will{ be held Wednesday. Reservations are asked by 3 p.m. Tues day. Mr. and Mr Gordon Hughes and son. Jackie, visited Pvt. David Hughe at Fort E >tis, Vj. during the weekend. * * * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Grigg and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fowler ot Shelby '-pent Sunday in Maggio Val ey and Chero kee. * • * * It's A Boy Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Carrigan ar-ounce the arrival of; their second child. Jeffrey Bob. Fiday, April 24. Kings Mountain hospital. Grandparent* are Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Carrigan and Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Dover, al! of Kings Moun tain. * * * * Phone 739-5441 Elizabeth Stewart, Editor Mrs. Prince Home After Hospital Stay Mrs. A. B. Prince has returned home after undergoing major surgery at Charlotte Presbyterian hospital. Mrs. Prince was hospi talized for 10 days and reeuper atisl for two weeks at the home of a daughter. Mrs. Jack Prime and family in Charlotte. Mrs. George Antonich and chi! 'hen have arrived for a visit from their home in Florida. The Anti nichs expect to he here with Mr. and Mrs. Prlnct iMrs. Antonich's parents) for two weeks. Mr. An t'-nich will <-ome to Kings Moun t; in and accompany his family back home. Dixons To Ncte Silver Anniversary The follow ing invitation is he int* issued in Kings Mountain: , 19.19 , 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Eilicin Duiyht Dixon request the pleasure of your (Ton pony on the T mill it-fifth Anniversary nf their nuirriat/n mi Saturday. erniinq. the sixteenth of May front seven-thirty to nine-thirty o’eloek at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. Wesley Kiser loon Linwood Road Knots Mountain. Sorth Carolina Concert Tickets On Sale This Week 'Hie Gastonia Community Con certs Association is conducting a week - long membership drive which will end on Saturday. Kings Mountain area citizens may purchase a year's member ship itiekets good for five eon oertsi at $S. Student member ships are $4. Tickets mav he purchased by telephoning Gastonia UN 5-4611. They ran also tie picked up at the Chamber of Commerce Building in Gastonia. Pr. Andrew Miller, publicity chairman, said. They may also be ordered via mail. In addition. Dr. Miller pointed •ut that the membership has in clude! a co-op setup whereby lo cal tick holders will he able to at tend concerts in Shelby, Hickory and Morganton. all with entirely different artists. Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Tour Orchestra head up a list of concerts that already in clude. in addition, the Revelers male quartet and Tanias Vasary. young Hungarian pianist. No memberships will he sold after Saturday, Pr. Miller point ed out. He noted that a full mem bership of 1.500 is neod.-d if Gas tonia is to he assured to top ar tists and five concerts. — Mrs. Briggs Hostess To Methodist Circle | Mrs. Paul Briggs was hostess j Wednesday morning at her home1 to seven members of Circle 2 of Central Methodist church. The devotional was given hy Mrs. J. R. Davis and Mrs. Jay Powell had the program. "Our I-a ter Years A Time for Respon sible Living.' Mrs. Powell also presided in the absence of Mrs. Y F. Thronehurg. chairman. Plans for the May Pdlow’ship Pay observance were announced. The Kings Mountain Council of Cnitcd Churchwomen will spon sor the annual program May 14th at 3:30 p.m. at Ontral Methodist church. A social half-hour will be held from 3 until 3:30 in the fel lowship building. Mrs. C. A. Butterworth invited the group to meet at her home in June. Mrs. Briggs was assisted in serving refreshments. The Kings Mountain Junior Woman's club installed new offi cers for WtH-fiT* at the regular May meeting Monday night. Miss Elizabeth Stewart, past president and District IV chair man of Public Affairs, was in stalling officer The new officers and a new member. Miss Peggy Ross, were installed in a candlelight cere mony. Mrs. W. (i. (Bill! Jonas will head the women's organization for a second year and Mr«. Jonas was install**-!, along with these of filers: Miss Jackie Blanton, re elected to a second term as vice president; Mrs. Boh Morris, trea surer; Mrs. Bill Tinsley, record ing secretary; '.Mrs. Robert Cham pion. Jr.. re-elected correspond ing secretory; and Mrs. Dick Mc Ginnis, chaplain. Trior to the installation pro gram. a social hour was held Mrs. Dwain Lynch and Mrs. Charles Dover served a dessert course with ieed tea. Miss Mary Alice McDaniel con ducted the devotional and Mrs. Jonas presided. Mrs. Charles Herndon and Miss Libby Mi-dlin were present as visitors. The silver tray won by the Jun iors for its Children's Clothing project and awarded at the state convention last week was on dis play. Mrs. Jonas announced that Dis trict IV. which includes clubs from this area won the Kather ine Mauney American field Ser vile silver compote, a traveling award presented annually to the district in the federation which boasts the Highest percentage of American Ti-ld Service students. The award is presented by Mrs. Aubrey Mauney of Kings Moun tain. a past president of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs. It's A Boy For J. V. Caunes Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Cauno of Greensboro announce the arrival of a son. Saturday. May 2nd. Mrs. Cauno is thoformer Rachel Jolly of Kings Mountain. The eight pound haby hoy was t>orn at Wesley Long Memorial hospital. Mrs. Clarence Jolly and her granddaughter. Cindy Jolly, spent the weekend in Greensboro, going especially to see Mrs. Jolly's new grandson. Miss A^xander Weds S+eve Hope Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alexander of Sharon, S. C. announce the marriage of i h e i r daughter, Frances Judy, to Stephen Michael Hope, son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hope of Kings Mountain. The wedding took place Mon day evening in York, S. C. with Probate Judge Charles Nunn per forming the ceremony in the presence of the immediate fam ilies. '.Mr. and Mrs. Hope are at home in Kings Mountain. ' SOCIAL : CALENDAR Thursday: 7:30 Pink Ladies orientation and organizational mating at Kings 'Mountain hoapit <1 chapel. Friday: 7:00 Family fish fry at the Country Club. Saturday: 7:30 Margrave Woman s club at the home of Mrs. Fird Davis. Sunday: 12:00 Mother's Day buffet at the Country Club. Monday: 3:00- Circle i of Kings Moun tain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. D. (I. Littlejohn. 3:00 Circle L ot Kings M -un tain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. C. D. Ware. 7:'J0 Ann'tal Jubilee Birthday Party of the Women’s S iciety at Boyce Memorial ARP church. 7:30 Circle | of Central Meth odist at th>* home of Mrs. Clar ence Peele. 7:30 Circle 5 of Cen'ral Meth odist church at the hone of Mrs. James Alexander. 7:30 Orel** 7 of Centtal Meth odist church it th<> home of Mr*. Austin Bumgard'ier. Mrs. Perry Champion, .o-host ess 7:30 Circle 7 of CWttnl Meth odist church at the h >mc of Mrs. Hazel Bumgardner and Miss Bes sie Bumgardner. 7:30 Circle S of Kings Moun tain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. B. O. Weaver. 7:30 Circl- I o«' Kings Moun tain Baptist church at the home of 'Miss Fannv Carpenter. 7:30 Circle 3 of Kings Moun tain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. Alfred Tate. Turnday: 6:30 Candvstripers organiza tion will meet in the Kings Moun tain hospital chapel. 9:30 a.m: Circle 6 of Kings Mountain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. D. F. Hord. Wednesday: 10 a.m. - Monthly bridge lunch eon at the Kings Mountain Coun try Club. 4-H'ers Hear Camp Program Henry Dam cron, assistant coun ty agricultural agent, showed slides of Cleveland County 4-H campaigning activities at Camp Millstone at the regular Tuesday night meeting of the Dixon Com munity 4-H club. Mrs. Rachel Jones, assistant home economics agent, was also a visitor. Cleveland County 4-H Camp will he held this summer the week of July 13th. Some 130 4? ll'ers are expected to attend. President Patsy Welch presided and Linda Montgomery, program chairman, gave the devotional. Marlene Weir Wins Honor LAURINBURG. N. C- -Miss Marlene Weir of Kings Mountain was given an outstanding student service award this past week at St. Andrews Presbyterian Col lege. Miss Weir was presented this award by the Interdormitory Council for excellence in extra curricular activities throughout the year. A junior. Miss Weir is the daughter of Mi. and Mrs. S. S. Weir, Jr., of Kings Mountain. Radio Personality To Be Commentator For Sub-Deb Ball; Committees Appointed Ty Boyd. WBT radio personali ty. will serve as commentator for the 19t>l Junior Charity League Suh-Dobutante Ball, it has been announced hy Mrs. Gordon Ham rick, chairman Arrangements tor Mr. Boyd's participation in the 19:h annual event were made hy Mrs. J. V. Schweppe. lie will announce each o 1 the 93 debutantes who will be presented hy their lathers or chief marshals. A* in the past, the debutantes will wear long white formal dresses and carry bouquets of ret* roses. Other committee assignments revealed by '.Mis. Hamrick in ad dition to Mrs. Neil Johnson, debu tante secretary, and her assist ant. Mrs. L. P. Holland, Jr., in clude Mrs. A. \V. Archer, who is in charge of decorations, assisted by Mrs. Numa Carter; Mrs. L- W. Short, tickets: Mrs. Robert Burns, figure; and Mrs. Kush Hamrick, Jr., publicity. Flrsfcof the League-sponsored activities for the two-day event which will get underway on Fri day, June 5. is the debutante re ception to be held at North Lake Country Club under the chair manship of Mrs. Julian Hamrick. Mrs. William Campbell and Mrs. Aaron B. Quinn. Jr. are in charge of arrangements for Friday eve ning's supper dance. A new feature of the 19t>l ball will he a Saturday morning dance and brunch to be held at North Lake Countrv club with Mrs. Ed Hamilton serving as chairman. Mrs. Jack Palmer. Jr., assisted by Mrs. Craig Jones, is in charge of deb pictures. Other committee heads are: fathers' golf Mrs. Richard Bowl ing; house. Mrs Robert Lutz; in formation. Mrs. George Corn;{ flowers, Mrs. £ F. Edwards; mu sic. Mrs. Robert Stone. The mothers" coffee, an annual event sponsored by the League's senior active mcmliership, will be held on Saturday morning with Mrs. Draper Wood in charge. First Baptists To Be Host Nex+ Thursday To WMU Associational Leadership School First Baptist church will be host next week to the Lrst in a three-night W.MU Aasbciational leadership study course. Sessions will be held on Thurs •lay nights beginning May Hth and continuing through May 2Sth from 7 p.m. until 9:30. The leadership coutses art* open to all Baptists in the Kings Mountain association. Leaders for the various pro gram topics for officers and WM IT chairmen include: Thursday. May Hth: Mrs. W. E. McSwaln. presidents: Mrs.Carl Hamrick. treasurers; Mrs. Clyde Dover, community missions and Mrs. Yancey Ellis, vice-presidents. Thursday, May 2tst: Mrs. Da vid Beam, publications; Mrs. George Dowd. se<*retaries; Mrs. Recca Bingham, mission study: and Mrs. John Gold, prayer. Thursday. May 2Mh: Mrs. B. II. Hopper, stewardship; Mrs. Horn er Ward Sunbeams: Mrs. Jack Shull. Girls Auxiliaries; and Mrs. Don Hoff. Young Women's Auxi liary'. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, J»5 Flat rock St., Clover. S. C., an nounce the uirth of a son, Friday, May 1, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Keneth Green. 102 E. Louisanr. Ave.. Bessemer City, announce the birth of a son. Friday, May 1, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Houser. 213 Maple St announce the airth of a son. Friday. May 1, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs Billy Hugh Camp, Rt. 2, announce the birth of a son. Saturday, May 2. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore West moreland, 1235 E. Dixon Blvd., Shelby. N. C., announce the birth of a son, Monday, May 4. Kings Mountain hospital. Missing Pictures To Be Run Next Week The Herald is missing this week three pictures which should have appcar-d on its women's pages and two others which were to have been used in connection with news stories. I Customarily, the Herald ships i to the Spartanburg. S. C. Herald Journal the photographs to be engraved for editions of the Her ald. The engraving were return ed by parcel post Tuesday but had not rcaeh«*d the Herald at presstime yesterday. They nor mally are shipped via bus. Dead* line for pictures to appear in an ••dition of the Herald is -t p.m. Tuesday. The pictures and stories will appear in the May Hth edition. Johnny Barber. Jr. has return ed home from Maryland where he has worked the past several , months. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Barber. ■Mr. and Mrs. Dean Westmore land of Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bert Westmoreland of Grover spent the weekend at Myrtle Beach. S. C. They went es pecially for thi wedding of Miss Alice Elizabeth Lee and Captain Teddy Day Lowe which took place .Saturday in First Methodist church. Mrs. Dean Westmoreland was matron-of-honor in her sis ter’s wedding. Zhe Kest Kind of uQet Well” Message • The prescription your doctor writes ter yen is. in fact, a “Get Well Message" which we are ready to translate immediately into healing medicine for you. • The professional and personal interest we take in your health needs is your assurance of the finest in prompt prescription service »t a rraskable price. — Ask Your Doctor to Call — GRIFFIN'S DRUG STORE Ellis Tate — Wilson Griffin Registered Pharmacists Phone 739-4721 — Free Delivery Mrs. Anderson To Visit Gillespies, Pethels Mrs. Cot'll Anderson will ar rlvo Saturday from Knoxvillo. Tennessee for a visit with her brother. Booth W. Gillespie and Mrs. Gillespie Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Ander-' son will leave Sunday morning for Greensboro where they will visit Mrs. Gillespie's daughter. Mrs. Franklin Pethol and family The Kings Mountain women are going especially to attend a spe e'al Sunday nieht chur.-li service in Greensboro at which Mr. Peth el will direct a .Tt-piece orchestra In a musical program. Pink Ladies To Meet Thursday An orientation class for pink ladies who conduct the hospital visiting program will lx* held at Kings Mountain hospital chapel Thursday night at 7:30. Mrs. Wan/a Y. Dav is, president of the hospital auxiliary, said that all interested women. both whitt* and colored, ar? invited to meet for a combined orientation and organizational meeting. Interested volunteer workers from No. I Township. Cherry ville. Grover and surrounding communities are invited to at tend. Pink l.tdics are on duty at the hospital trom f» un'll 11:30 a. m. and 2 to 4:30 p.m. daily and from 6:30 to 8:30 nightly. Mrs. Davis also announced that an organizational meeting of th > Candyst ripens. young girls who are high school students and who assist at the hospital, will meet' Tuesday night at 6:30 in the hos pital chapel. Interested Negro girls may contact Mrs. Marshall Campbell about the Candystrip ers and other area high school students should contact Mrs. Da vis. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hughes and grandson, Cor.nie. spent Sun day in Rock 'Iill. S. C. where they attended a birthday dinner in honour of M'-s. Hughes’ brother. ’ Halbert Dunlap. Vicki Turner Wins Dress Revue Award jm|Af Grow'r.jj^kh anl^P^ f>ic I^PI r Vicki Tur ter of Mr. an^rc wnr r^^prr. copped first olaer award in the junior cotton dres* division of the county wide 4-H dress revue held Saturday at Elizabeth s hod in Shelby. Miss Turner is a member of the Grover Ml club. The revue, nar rated by Linda Klliott. was in terwoven with a talent contest Mrs. J. V. Jones. assistant home economics a*ent, presented the awards to winners. CAIXme ALL HOME MAKERS Bt GENE TIMM* THEBE !S A D1PFEBSMCE BETWEEN "DECO BATING*' AND “rUlUflSHINd Dm-oratlns is that ' p r ( i a I touch w h i c turns .« “house into a ‘‘charm ins home.” In t )i «• old : 3 TIMMS day; you would simply buy a living room, dining room and bedroom sust and your home would be furnished T.iday people jusf don’t buy “sets’* ot furniture il they really warn t» decorate. Colors, tables. tcx'Urcs. ar rangements. \v alls, ceilings. oj>ws. r and accesso. s all he taken into consideration so that the entire* trirtut* will have coherencs, utility and beauty.. And. ol courae, with it all. youi home should reflect your iikes and your personality. It’s really not difficult to turn youi “house*' into a “charming home*.* and have a home that is not just “furn ished." bill one that is smart ly "decorated.’’ We can give yog .1 fine se lection of furniture from which you can choose and we offer you free decorating help and ideas without -oust or ob ligation. We invite vou to come in. For day-to-day specials, tune in the Gene Timms radio show on WKMT from 7:30 to 8:00 A. M. TIMMS FURN1TUKE COM PA NY. HOME OF QUALITY FURNITURE FOR CRACIOUS LIVING WHERE DISCOUNT IS KING. a BE A MIND READER, GIVE MOM AN I > Dili’s fimtsst Vaktts h IN yon if Am WUNmNuI A. Starlit* - Outstanding 17 jewel value. In natural or white. , *24.95 8. Sold Stream “E"-Luxurious 14 kt gold model with line 23 jewel movement Available in natural or white.$59.95 C. Lady Meredith "A”—She’ll jump for joy with this 14 kt. gold ultra-feminine style, set with two diamonds. 23 jewel shock , resistant movement with unbreakable mainspring... $7935 ®* !®?£i****?JWdbdette-Elgin quality and design at its finest. 14 kt. gold beautifully set with 22 diamonds. 17 jewel move 5 ment of incomparable accuracy.. $100.00 _ pt .M E'j> ><d t»« WATCH ELCIIN—100 YEARS YOUNG Deling ers JEWEL SHOP* Kings Mountain's Leading Jewelers

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