"frpG Host* SatetJ Plate ' O'W *t„ourBh ‘ ” Vr>pd * h"Ttv o«nf«*r,‘n< ,;..h ber.»n - P, RVrnoi»» a,P ^hich hr*’an Apf‘ |,or*«!,ne' s»tety IU : *Sff. tKfSJ* p',nu« ‘SJE-1-** ^”ari:r«‘^^acp^ an«l **"‘ 1 ra||0n. in 'Nt jn add ing 1;,, nt inter** '* „ihet *h*re» • ’ Carolina P1*; .<(.nte<» tion to tP ini, unit* »\ 7;,on. ®SJK utw-t*" gsiwa*: lllln°l* • .j„nrvott»*. ,rKdn»rg •"W5JS. C$U"* ,h“ Iff SS« Conf^,. Biennial ,or u, Mr. *«** - ] ..n. nit***1 ing to - (prince* *• **<%:*; **«*»*£> of 1, ..roaram ‘t*1 hi,. u» *^Urari*nt personnel tune P,a ifica* *”‘1 , *alfty ‘'X’h.ffh‘"*» *tar,',*rrth Carolina now have an output value of more titan S?t bil lion annually. Our farms, our in dustries. our stores and restau rants proVid'* employment for hundreds of thousands of our plant plans and progtams on management aims for 1964-65. In addition to Plant Manager J. V. Sehweppe. It. S. Bose. Direc tor of Industrial Relations: Ben Goforth. Personnel and Safety Supervisor; md Las- Waters. Km ployment Supervisor, were among the Shelby narticipants in the three-duy conference. pfopltv . . . “Merchants throughout the state* .an* realizing that Made* :n North Carolina pr-alu ts nr easy to se ll. Consul”.<*rs know ihey are* opttin^ c|uality products lyirn they see "M ule n Noiiii Carolina' stamped upon th<-m. “By purchasing more* 'MaA* in North Carolina’ proeemis the* |Ms>pli> of North Cai >lina are helping to biiiltj a state with a stronger economy, a state w*h:e*h can preiv ;e|e* ni »r«* n ithwhile ser vice*. anil thus enable tin* farm er. tlie manula. turiT anel pro.n-s. sor. and the cotesumcr to share* hem-fits that accrue.” Holland Rites Te Be Thursday funeral rites foi Lal«n Hoi land, 75. of Bessemer City, hi ci ther-in-lav. in Mrs. Quay Ham bright of K.ngs Mountain. w.ll be* helel Thursday at I p.m. from Holland Mem.u* ai Baptist church in Be*ss«*in«*r City. Mr. Holland ilril \Veelne*:dn\ morning following illness of five* months. Other survivors include* h.s wife*. Mrs. 1‘eai! Ilowdl H Hand: five sons. Garrison Holland. Ralph Hollanil Ray Holland. Paul Holland and Franklin Holland; and two daughters. .Mis. Ralph Ray and Mrs. Garrison Bess. The body will remain at Sisk Funeral Home in Bessemer City until take>n to the e-hm %* 5*1 mi:* ute*s before the* rite*s. Annual Mooie Reunion Held Sun. In Grover; Students In Programs The Moor > Reuni .n van held SuikI«) Jt I bo Grover Renew Squad Building. (hit oi town guest-. s.ere Mr end Mi«. Vernon Demps.-S r'l! family, Vickie Dempsey. Tli - non Dempsey, Mi. anil Mi- M’t.i Surrett and and land) :• tl of Landrum. S. C. M and Mi Fred F!. Taylor. John hi \m Moore »l (lastonia.! \l: ' I Vila !;■dless o| Ttyon Mr. and Vli -. Carl Punk of Hamp ton, Va M rnd Mrs. Robert IX-mpsev I... and Robbie ot Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roark of I'nJon spent s’l.wk.y with Mrs N ia Vent mo reland a»vl in the afternoon Mi ami Mrs. Carl Funk id \o: ilk. Va. si.iitisl with them. Mr and M’s Lh.n Woods, Ter r> and B >»> of A she* iile. spent the weekend .• th Mrs. B. A. liar rj. Mi-;. 11 a returned to Ashe v lie with the Wood* on Sunday. Joitn Martin Dire-tor of Youth at the YM?.V (Gastonia. was speake at td" Senday morning vs i ship se v:rp at First ehurch. Mr and Mrs. \V. S. llieks. Sr. spent the \s -ekeml in Charlotte with the \V S. Hieks. -Ir family. Mis. hill— Mae Rollins was vs", kend ■ • »i • :t of Miss Th»‘ima ; Rollins in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kincaid of i Bessemer Cits spent Wednesday ssith Mr. anil Mrs. Orahan FREE... with this Broitet K«#P» _tuM MW™* .11 Atfftl) Lowest price for PULL’N CLEAN oven convenience! • World's only Pull ’N Clean oven pulls out like a drawer-clean from the top while standing up • Now, recessed, one-piece flowing top keeps spills on top for easy wiping. • Cook-Master automatic oven control minds oven cooking for you. • Speed-Heat surface unit gives you instant hc when seconds count. MMel RB-3M4. electric 4 Mian «r white with trade DAYS ONLY! 3* TWO OTHER REASONS TO HUY NOW!_ FRIG ID AIRE Space-Saving TWIN 30 at budget price! • 2 ovens in compact 30* width-* one up at eye level, one below, • Upper oven has filigree glass door see in to check a cake at you bake. • Cook-Master automatic oven control. • New recessed, one-piece top. e Full-width lower storage drawer lor pots and pans. DAYS ONLY FRIGIDAIRE glass-door % PULL VN CLEAN oven range ; > • Exclusive Pull *N Clean oven pulls out like a drawer... dean standing up. • Sec thru glass oven window. » 4 • Cook-Master control minds the oven for you. • Heat Minder and Speed Heat units. RC0-6SS-S4 40* altctric 4 calm h whrt4 * 249.95 with trade DAYS ONLY cGINNIS FUBNITUBE COMPANY in Elkin. Mis. C.ira '\isev and Mrs. j,u Norman sf**nt Saturday and Sunday with Mi*. Hubert Bmwn. Lmeilnton, Ga. Bu l a Rountree and Mi's <;in -'er Crutehfi'dd students at Pres n>terian Co’l-ge. Clinton spent the wi-ekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rountree. Mt Grady r uld*is of H.-h Point sjh*(>t Tucsdav and Wcdn.s day with Mrs. Susie C «>k Mi and Mn. A. L. Ratehler and Mr. and Mrs. Clytle McDaniel stient several days at Ocean l>n\e Bearh this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Tate and Sandra spent Tuesday a* torn, ton with Mr. and Mrs. R C. Tate. Donald Martin, drover i II member ga-.e a demonstration on Care and l'.- 01 en Electrle Mo tor. Thu rad iv night in the final of a series of Eleetrie Workshop at the Agricultural Budding at iShelby, sponsored by the Agr.eul tin a! extension service and Duke Bower C. -rpany Viekie Jean Turner. Grovei I II Clufc mem■ ber entered the I II talent eortest and Junior Cotton dress revue 1 held at Elizabeth Soho d on May 2. Vickie vv.it tii st plai-e m the Junior Divisiori anil Miss Jane MeMuiiv. fj rover 1 -11 membct won third place in the Senior Cot ton Dress Division. Miss Jainitha Rountree anil Miss Christine Lackey spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs Glenn R Rountree. Miss Roun-1 • fee and Miss Lackey are stu dents at St. Andrews College. Mrs. Alice Bridges is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs Jim my Fortenberry and family in Charlotte. The Rev. and Mrs. P D Mont eomery of Columbia. spent Sat urday with Mr and M.s, Wilbui Roark. Mr. and Mrs. Newt IB mbri ’ht spent the weekend with Mrs If L. Beam. Luc lie R mntree of Augusta. Ga. spent Monday through Fri day with Mr. end Mrs. Glenn Rountree. Mr anti Mis. Egbert L. Roark of Rockville. Maryland visited Mrs. Nina Westmoreland Sat.u day through Wednesday. Mrs Gene Turner an i Mr. and Mrs. W. s. Hiiks attended the funeral of Robert Edward Wash burn Monday aftern■> J'( j ‘ HKHIWA'i! The Young Mar ihhI Couples Ci. '> i»l . ).ik I»ro\i' held a so.-ml Sal in da \ night ni the home of Mi and Mrs. Wil lard Boyles »lt and Mrs Donald H iin presented an enjoyable pro gram and duvcti-d s**v«. ,il ames. Kenneth C>ngg was among a group of stude nt s from Waco School who wo it to It.deigh Sat urday Da\id Baptist Church pre sented a love dfer.ng to Mrs. D A Stroupo Sunday n eht. Mrs. St l oupe cares for her mother who has ,-«*en seriously ill ioi several months. Mrs. Lew - Jenkins spent Thursday wi’h Mi and Mrs. H" by Jen1.ms >n (laslatiia. Little K< vjn Jenkins remained there for a few days with his gra- Iparents Mr. and Mrs. Kred Stiou|M‘and we girts . ■ ( ittie Herndon and Vickie Ptifna .. ind Pat r. sener. the Cha C'ha with a group of girls. Johnny of Mm canton spent Sun da) with Mrs. D. A. Stroup** Mr. ami Mrs Dean Huskey and children of Ownffn. Miehigan an’ p lit • . i lays with Mi and Mi.- \V. It liuskey. Mr and Mrs. Kugetie Bell. Mic key. Nadine, and Jacx \ is.ted Mrs. Kthel .McMillan in Bessemer City Sunday. Sunday visitors • Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Da\is were Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D o is William. Carl, and Toy. anil Mr. and \lis Mike Ware <>f the Oak drove commu nity. ami M *-s Dianne White. Mr. M**i\in tti een Miss Mai caret dreen. and Mis Boyd Kdinuml son. all of Shelby. Mrs. Kosalee Bell and Gina Pattersso, Mrs. Sally Moore. .Miss Ova Adams, Mrs. Opal Bell, and Mrs. Virginia Bell and Gail .s|ient Wednesday with Mrs. Giace Led ford. Mr. and Mrs Giles Bell, Craig and Blent, and Mis. Arnold Phil lie -k were Sunday afternoon Vi ^itois of Mir. Virginia Bell anil Gaul. Mr and Mrs. Stokes Wright and fa mil) visited Mr M M Wolfe ami Marv 1'earl \V >lfe in the B-ulah ortmunity Sunday. Mr and Mrs. James Champion and . hiltlren. and Ml and Mrs. Kowtr Hamrick and children were Sunday afternoon v isitors of Mr. and Mrs 1V>mmy Champion. Mrs. T. A Champion spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. C. B. Clary. Sunday Mrs. Champion and tin- i lai s visited Mrs. Elva McSwain Tommy Champion celebrated his birthday last week with a dinner given by his children. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE Located At Lake Montonia Kitchen. Bath. Bedroom Large Living Room with Firr Place Large Screened Porch I'nusually Level Lot Easily Accessible Near Pavilion PRICE — S6500-0C J. Wilson Crawford Reo) Estate Broker Tel. 739-3328 5:7tfn Vote ® Yes For Toll - Free Phone Service To Gastonia All Kings Mountain area telephone patrons will re ceive ballots soon asking whether they desire toll free service to Gastonia and Dallas. It will mean 17,000 new numbers available without toll charges. Kings Mountain Chamber of Commerce Mother’s Day Values Ladies First Quality Seamless Mesh NYLONS 39c pi. Top Mode DRESSES Sizes 12-28* 2 Reg. S3.98 S2.98 Shoe Values! LaSier LS $1.99 to $3.99 Ladies Cotton DUSTERS Just $199 39c or 3 ior S1.00 LADIES & CHILDREN'S SCOTTIES Girls' 2-pc. SUN SUITS As Low As $1.49 Children's BLOUSES Just SI Chtldtcn's Sizes 1 • 14 $1.49 to $199 Girls SHORTS and Pedal Pushers $1 Hampton’s Discount Center S. BATTLEGROUND AVE. PHONE 739-22SI