■ntheran Synod [eld Convention HANNAPOLfS — Tho North irotlna Lutheran convention hi told by It* tw*a*urw Charle* Heilig of Salisbury, Tuesday that during llu* past 10 years the Lutheran membership in North Carolina has increased 25 per cent to 71.346 and that giving has increased 221 per cent doing the same period. La«t year North Carolina Luth erans gave $1.19T>.(i81 .05 to church H’ork. Sixteen seminary students were presented to the Synod conven tion after they had been approved by an examinins boadrd. | The si udenis, their home towns and the rhurrhe* they will servej after their ordination at Ro<'ky Mount June 14 ineluded W. Lloyd Mitehum, Kings Mountain. Refo mation. Columbia, S. C.. assistant! pastor. BUY “SUPER-RIGHT” MEATS OCT WHitr YOU M FOR THE eat IN THE meat *"» " «.i - *• * gt • AAP EXCLUSIVE BRAND — SMOKED FLAVORED SLICED BACON • “SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY CORNED BEEF BRISKETS • “SUPER-RIGHT" 4 to 6 LB. AVG. SMOKED PICNICS 39c 59c 29c i i “SUPER-RIGHT” HEAVY CORN FED BEEF Sirloin LB. I Prices in This Ad Effective I I ThfWgfc Soturdoy Moy Wi | -T-Bone Porterhouse “SUPER-RIGHT" ALL MEAT SLICED BOLOGNA Hl-C DRINKS MAM. ORANSf. PIMtAPMt MAMfRUIT. FLORIDA PUNCH M ORAN6C-PINIAPPLI s?-.2 35c ANN PA6C TOMATO KETCHUP 2oV^45c ANN RAM CREAMY PEANUT ,SS"t.B3c aa» GELATINS 2 «* 27c • JANE MUM ** , • JAMS MUM CHERRY ICED >»r\ RYE BREAD 2loa^3Bc WHITE LAYER CAKES ,YSl *9c • JANE PARKER VE. • MM PARKER M. LEMON PIE 39C BLUEBERRY PIES *TC POTATO CHIPS JANE PARKER TWIN PACK—1-LB. BOX ■ED Itf- —v/mRANTEED TO PLEASE TOO 2-u Green Cucumbers 3 19c PICGn • mm OOM OH TM CM _ lif Fresh Yellow Com o Urt Sweet Cantaloupes 3 a LCIUTf Off LABEL—HEARTY • B-CENTS Off LABEL—HEARTY AN* VIGOROUS •Frozen Foods* OUR OWN TEA BAGS 48° p&#,40c a IONA CUT BEETS OO RICH'S CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS 4 £. 39c ^ .. DIXIE GARDEN CROWDER PEAS 'SS*39« IONA Golden Cream Co n «_ Oc SPECKUD RUTTERREANS -39. sEAMLkTnYLON HOSE W 39c • APPIR, PEACH, COCOANOT-CORTARD OR MORTON CHERRY PIES 3 %£ 79c — NVMNMT IN" B MV AGP ORANGE JUICE i BACH. # PACKER'S LABEL GREENS OR si .45 Sultana Perk & Beans 10c NESTLES Qwfc Cocao K*- 43c QaftCMM He 1*^-7 *m DIAL RE6VLAII SOAP 2 a 29c 2 e 39c it was a iwuitiful morning. Th>' sun was shining brightly and most welcome alter many days of rain. Tin* air was fresh and 1 fragrant with carlv spiing bios foms. I parked my car and was amb ling along t«>.aid the beck en trance to our building when a your. ’ friend and co . worker, from another department hap pened along on his w ay to work.! His eadene» war nearer 1W) than the usual 120 or less. I greeted him with top-o-the morning to you. Bob. and a hap pvdav. What's your hurry? He) scheeched to •» stop on his Hu6h‘ Puppies and decided to take a1 hreatlier ami pass the "time of day" with me "You know,” he said. "I just i live in a state oi rush and ton-1 sion. I mow m> lawn, tend my, Ixjiders. prune and spray, but I don't take tlx* time to enjoy the I environment I have tried to ere- | ate. It is more a matter of keep-t ing up with the neighix>rs than, of real enjoyment ami relaxation.! It is a shame, too.'' I suggested that it might be1 wise to slow down a little before! he gets butterflies in his stomach 1 He replied: "That is a challenge which I shall remember.” I know many, many more promising young men afflicted with this I seourge of the spaee age. How a- [ bout you? Mow; mow! mow! That has Ix-en the story in our neighbor- j hood as far as the evergreen grasses are concerned. Once a week has not been enough in ! some cases If you are also hav ing this lush growth don't get mad and cut the blades of grass! shorter than two inches. You will regret it if you do. Alow as often as needed and be thankful that vou have a beautiful welcome mat for your landscape. Some timely reminders. Insect eggs are hatching b\ the millions and other insects are coming out of hibernation. Bo prepared for a vigorous campaign against these pests with your dust and spray programs. Same for the leaf spot and other diseases on your ornamentals and vegetable i crops. Prune your early flowering shrubs as soon as they have fin ished blooming, if they need prun , ing. After planting your warm i season vegetable seed, lightly I mulch wit heither pine straw oi i dean grain straw over the rows, j This will break the force of the rain drops and prevent soil com | paction. I Catholic Shrine Dedication Set j Carolina Catholics will gather ! to give honor and thanks to the Blessed Virgin Mary on Moth 1 er’s Dav. May 10. The ceremonies will start at 2:30 p.m. with a procession which will begin at Freedom Park and proceed to the campus of Charlotte Catholic high school. These ceremonies will consist of the blessing and dedication of the statue of Our Lady of Char lotte. The Most Reverend Vin cent S. Waters. Bishop of the Di ! ocese of Raleieh. will officiate The imported white marble , statue will serve as a symbol of i the love and devotion of Caro . lina Catholics for Our Mother j Mary. An invitation is extended to all 1 to come to Charlotte on Mother's Re • Elect IVEY WHISNANT <•1 Register of Deeds May 30 Democratic Primary Register And Vete Tour Support • Will Bo Appreciated 5&2J* GARDEN HI me gardner n c state college Auto Dealers To Convention Pinohurst — Approximately 700 automobile dealers, finaniv company officials anil their wives attended the 2!hh Annual Con ( vent ion of the North Caolina Au tomobile Dealers Association which began Sunday. Mav .7. a cording to an announcement made today by NCADA Exccu live Secretary Bessie B. Ballon tine. A highlight of the three-day meeting was an outstanding di play of articles produced and manufactured in Norht Carolina These* products wee* exhibited from Sunday until Tuesdu\ morning when they were drawn ! for during the Breakfast Extra ordinary'. There were more than 150 North Carolina made prod- i ucts on display, reprc*senting in- I dustries all across the state*, said Mrs. Ballentine. Tire roster of speakers for the, Convention inclueies top-ranking officials in the automobile in dustry and hi the financing field Addressing the* business sessions were Allen W. Merrell, vice pies ident — civil and governmental affairs. Ford Motor Company; C Ed Flandro. Pocatello. Idaho, president of the National Auto mobile Dc*alers Association: James M. O'Mara. Hutchinson. Kansas. NADA secretary; Dr. Charles Walker. New York Citv. executive vice* president. Ameri can Banker-. Association; Thom as C. Todd. Chevrolet dealer in Chicago. Illinois; and Arthur K Summcrficld. Jr.. Flint. Michi gan. NADA director lor the state of Michigan. C. L. MacNelly. New York City, publislie of tlu* Saturday Ev«* ning Post and Dr. Pierce Harris, pastor of the First Methodist Church in Atlanta, fieorgia. wen* luncheon speakers. Ladles accompanying their hus hads to Pinehurst learned the latest about hats ft .m Martha Bouehc. the Mad Hatter of New Orleans. I Another exhibit of interest to 'Conventioneers was the North .Carolina Mobile Museum of His. tory on display in front of The Carolina on Monday and Tues day. Featuring an exhibition of lite in North Caroiia during the first 100 years of the colony, the museum is pat of the program of the State Department of Arch I ives and History’s Museum Pi i vision. The official program .f the Convention closed with a Bat I «|uet on Tuesday evening at which time the newly elected of filers were ..gni/ed. plaques and awards were presented and drawings for the ladle's and men's grand nti/es were held. Attending the three-day meet Day to participate in the iledi- a : tion of this shrine. Spence Is Aboard USS Bainbridoe USS BAINBRIDGE I! Sj»en< e. seaman appren tice. L'SN. son of Mr and Mrs. Horace L. Spence of 10-G Simon. Bright Apartment. Kinston, N. is serving aitoard the nuclear powered guided missile destroy c IJSS Rainbridgc. operating out ol mg from this area vw*i • Mr. and Mrs. t\ E. Dixon and Mr and Mrs. W. G. Grantham of Victor) Chevrolet Company. I’hai le.suw form the first .ill-nucle ir powered las* force in the world. The Sixth Fleet i« an instru ment of national poliej and pow er whose goals are peace, stabif ity and pood will gained by main! lining operational readi ness arid earning r<‘s|x- t for the tjited States, Telephone T«*K »T F. B. HOUCK MOTHERS DAY. MAY 10" Many of us look forward to this day each year because it honors the one person that we learned to love first, the person who has done the most for us in making us what we are today. Therefore we have a compelling desire to honor them on this special day with some ma terial gift, as a token of our love and apprecia t ion. I have just completed a surt e y among “Mothers” who received gift telephone extensions last year from the it* children. All of the Mothers contacted expressed complete happiness with the gift, but I think it was best expressed by a Mother who said. ”1 have never enjoyed any gift more than my bedroom extension. 1 think of my -on each time I use it. and if- just as good toda> as it was the first day it was installed. 1 have already told him what I want for Mothers Day this year.. I told him I wanted my gift extension anothei year.” It makes us at the Telephone Company hap py to be of assistance in honoring those who are most deserving of honor. Call us at the Business Office and order the gift that lasts for your Mother. wiHi brings you the MKBMEWS in pickups for ’64? •OUT imc THf B« TRUCKS. KBTH * BtC COMfOBT BONUS BIG NEW DOUBLE WALL BOX WITH EASY ONE HAND TAILGATE 0 ' jfc> StytesifJe bo* . . , stronger m 6? Big Sti lor lop power end economy' tils up the mile*, not the gas' NEW “BIG CAR" RIDE New 128.n wnee Pase. longer than many luaury cars gives you the smoothest pickup ride yet1 BIG NEW SAVINGS Near self adjusting brakes' New. up to 3?% longer hr rg *Me Near doub'e life mulflf'. tailpipe! Who but your FdMBUD ITOTKAaTJKra. 'FLASH!! FORD ADDS ATLANTA SM WIN TO ITS BOX SCORE!! Southwell Motors naattiU Pfcone J3MM3