r~ b Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8.008 TMa Mm t®« G«*at«> Kinyt Mountain u Inm th* IMS Elan Mountain dt| director. nnu Tfcr city HaclU By l» to tna the United Main cum ol I tea. VOL. 75 No. 20 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 14, i964 Seventy-Fifth Year c Pages Today PRICE TEN CENT* K. 0.Second Blow To Polio Will Be Given Sunday Saturday Is Last Day To Register Newton Reelected Democrats Head Mis. McDaniel b Elected Vice • Chairman Cleveland County Democrats re-elected J. Clint Newton chair man at the oie'.nial county con vention Satu-Iay. Mrs. F. A. I Pete* McDaniel. Jr.. of Kings Mountain, was elected vice-chairman, succeeding Mrs. J. K. Lipford. she of Kings Moun tain. and other vice-chairmen elected were L-r. Jack Hunt, of l^awndale, and Jirr Reason, of Roiling Springs. David Royster, of Shelby, was re-elected secre tary-treasurer Chairman Newton was re-elect ed to a second term as chairmai over R- Pat Spangler. o| Shelby, by a vote of .’8 to 18. Mrs. Lipfo'M did not <w*ek re election. completing a decade as the county's Number 2 Democrat. A. A. Powell of Shelby, de clined renom.nation as vice-chair man. with the statement he couldn't "serve under the clrcum JUanees’’. -4 * flnt the suggestion of Chairman ^^wton the Democrats elected a Uiird vice-chaiiman. There wa no contest for any of the offices except chairman. The Democrats voted to make all Democrats attending dele gates to the state convention on May 21- Chairman Newton re minded that the tenth distric caucus would la1 held the evening before for nomination of mem bers of the district executive committee. Chairman Newton, thanking the exeeutiv* committee for its endorsement, pledget! to continue past policies in managing the Par‘> "The executive comm.ttee will he convened to decide all matters of maior importance, as it has been in the |»ast." he declared. He added that pre< inct committees would he asked to act on local area matters such as postal ap pointments. Program for the convention was arrang- I ;:nd conducted by the Women’s Democratic organi zation. Mrs. Warren Gamble, of Shelby, presided, and presented all Democratic candidates for of fice present. Most were and made brief addresses Group Approves j flaming Survey Tl»e recently - appointed city planning committee recommend ed unanimously Tuesday that the city execute contract with the Department of Conservation and Development 'or a city planning survey. Under terms of the contract, the city would appropriate Sti.OOO for the survev. in turn receiving a federal grant of $9,000. The survey v ill include various factors, including land-use. traf fic flow. parking problems and others. The committee had conferred the previous week w ith represen tatives of th- CAD Department. Members are Mrs. George Hou ser. Mrs. J. K. Herndon. Sr.. Mrs. W. L. Pressly, Harold Coggins and Bob Manor. Some Not Y#t 21 Cent Cost Ballot Some 20-yca<--olds can register and vote in tile May 30 primaries. Under North Carolina law, a person 20 year- of age. who will attain the age of 21 by the date of the next general election 1 No vember 3. net, may register and vote in a pa*-tv primary Immedi ately preceding the general elec tion. - Mrs. J. H. Atthur, West Kings ^Mountain registrar, said she had ^rae instance o' a registration in which the voter had not yet at tained 21. but i.iet the test of the regteuraUau law. OFFICE CHANCE — Mrs. J. E. Lipiord. above, did not stand lor reflection as county Democrat ic vice-chairman at Saturday’s convention, a position she held for ten years. Elected to succeed her woe Mrs. F. A. McDaniel. Jr. also of Kings Mountain. Kiwanb Chb To Honor Ladles Rev. and \f s. John L. Yost, Jr. of Hickory *vil* present an enter tainment po’rani for members of the Ktnv' Mountain Kiwanis «lub at the annual latlics’ night h:in<|U'.i Thursday. The event ;s expected to attract over 125 nians. their wives and other fT****r.is. Dinner will la* served at 7 oV'ock at the Wo man's dub. Rev. Yost. stor of Holy Trin ity Lutheran church 01 Hickory, and Mrs. Yost will present a tra \ clog of songs as thov describe figuratively in terms of musical sounds sotr.* of the sights they saw in thei.- 17-countrv tour last summer. “The Sound of Music" program \v*!l include piano ac companiment by Mrs. Elmer Lint. The Yosts s'.ng together in the Newberry college choir. Born in Gastonia, a minister's son. Mr. Yost attend’d school in Atlanta. Ha. Mrs. Y > I was horn in India of missionary parents. Dr. W. P. Get herding will serve as toastma ;'er and Glee Edwin Bridges w'll reeogni/? special guests. Joh t A. Cheshire will welcome the ladies and Mrs. S. R. Suher. Jr. will make the response. Honor guest*; wil Imclude wi dows of Kiwnrians: Mrs. R. N. Baird. Mrs. Hugh Ballard. Mrs H. S. Blackmer. Mrs. 'V. S. Ful ton. Sr.. Mrs. I. B. Goforth. Sr.. Mrs. J. E- IfeTdon. Mrs. P. D. Herndon. Mrs. B. S. Peeler. Mrs. Frank Summers end Mrs. Arthur ! Hay B. S..Pi*ele*\-Jr. will lead the group in th** singing of "Ameri ca" and Presiderft R. S. Lennon will preside. Rev. B. L. Raines, pastor of First Baptist church, will give the invocotioo. Favors will he presented to the ladies. \Y. S. Fulton. Jr. is chairman of ilie ladies' eight committee on ar ranget t'*nt> which includes John Township Total Increases 1065; 2041 Registered _nlrlllV a n* *■!!' “m^L inji *atreas4 ‘ f„ur registrar* »»•" ar,^ v!!,e,V during the logs'd 1'**-’ th«- total pas- week t« *n‘ ‘^Wednesday eligible to ' •»<* as oi f<» 2CVI1- vn*l11 T'^rtUkS-^Sa. SSJt'Wr to accommodate lima> »»» rp.ivR stcrofl. dr;iX^’ K.ups Mountain r^isnar * a", the National r.uaid A all day day Thursday as** Saturday. Cranford, lowed by ' f* . r,. ustrar. a Ea«t Kings .loontain Otv Halt -«^mr;rover rezis hi ho 3t 51 F. Hambright s trar. will b» a* it. e . a, Ih,. .«■ ^•h.s.1 fr°™, * ! a|, dav on Satu: as wet! as an day- „. ,-inito a "real Uhjistvats ant -py slra influx °. ‘ ‘ .K jvu-e of tion period end • m.-rea^ne •*> Apnl once tn«* 'MKm 25. . i Town^WP* *" To *•*«?.$ vided as follows 3a Republicans 227- In, ..m-ts: The brr»';d<«wn by P- ^ Re ^ \ to publicans W. tal 332. Mnuntsin Ot*nio* * -■ •-K Barnes RoainB]i Heads WNHSAA Kings Mountain |hr,^ . year elected to a tot no >{ ^ w,.stem term as Prc*' ,, _h School Ac North Carolina Ht*b ^ annua, tivitie* “^"imison school last meeting at Hudson WtMr Barnes has served as presi <i™i »< ,k 'SC'Dr K H 28-S* ^u** "ro£ tarns. . al of the So,to proposed removal^ ^ •sudden death Iiia,npionsh,ps. settling May. ottd made effect,\t Nlounlain in the painful to Kings - shoW,y. The 19*1 grid samr s'j » a $ 7 regular gam* -sudden tkT Shelby rn - o offens ‘“■"^i.^ordow s-fr.,r.,he,en SJSJSt for both teams. LEGION DANCE 4tNW.on for Final dance of ^ ^ an), Legionnaldp. Saturday guests will p.ut. a' the night from 9 “"I'Vlildmg. Buddy S^antl Oribestr. wull SSTc for dancing. City Fire Rating Remains In Class 6 SF&AKER — Mrs Frank Lacy cf Martinsville. Va. will make the principal address at community wide May Fellowship Day sc rv ices Thursday afternoon. May Fellowship Bites Thuisday Kings M-r.'ntain ciiuiehwomen will observe lay Keiio.csnip Hay in a special otr.munity-wide ser vice Thursday ai Central Mel ho (list church. Mrs. Fran!; Lacy of Martins* viUe. Va., author and Presbyter i»n l iy le der. will make' the principal ad !: ess at 3:30 p.m. A social half-!, >u> will tie held be ginning at 3 o'clock in the church fellowship hell The Kings Mountain Council of Church worn en ;s sponsoring the service and Mrs. J. B. Simpson is program chairman. Mrs. Paul !I ‘ndricks heads the social com mittee. An offerin'?, to he received at the 3:3o program, will help fi nance a Negro i>ay Nursery to he operated in Kings Mountain be ginning in thr fall. A native \o:th v'arnlinian. Mrs Lacy is a graduate of Randolph Macon Woman's college and look graduate work in E glish at UN C. At Anderaon Memori i| Preshy. terian church of Martinsville, slii has served js director of Chris tian education. Active in church affairs, she has served as presi dent of the women of the church, as a Sunday School teacher and youth advis »r. She is a past Pres byterial pr >sident of Poanoke Presbytery and the author of several published Itooks, iiielud tag, "Pullers of the Stars”, a short Christmas story for child ren in booklet form: "A Woman Wants Cod", a devotional book far women, and numerous arti cles for "Concern”, magazine for women. Presbyterian Church US A and for ••Presbyterian Survey.” Mrs. Lacy will use the topic. "The Excitement of Acceptance.” May FeUnwsiiip Day is one of three annual programs sponsored by the Kings Mountain Council of Churchv omen, an interdenom inational organization tepresent «x! by virtually all Kings Moun tain area < lurches. In addition, the Council sp ■ so'. Workl Com munlty Pay and World Day ot Prayer service; “We invite the interested com rnunity to urn ns in this s|»ecial program". Mrs. Simpson said. Hospital Has Admitted 31,3(0 Since Opening; '63 Births 523 Kings Mountain hospital joins this week with the 171 hospitals ; in North Carolina in the nation i wide oba-rvamv of National Hos pital Week May It) 16. Administrator Grady Howard | said an invitation is extended 1 citizens of No. ! Township to tour I the hospital plant, a Kinjjs Moun ' tain institution over 12 years The first patient was admit ted ' April 1. 1951. Total admission to ; date is 31»n. , In 1963 liter** were babies bum at k***^1* it1111111*” hoapiiul and the hospital employed last year 102 pe sons. “Hospitals \re people the Life of Your Com; '.unity" was the Ihente ehosen by the North Caro lina Hospital \sso<'iat'on for the Sunday and is held annually on week's observant* whi -h began the .veek of th* birthdate of Flo rence Nightingale. Kings Mountain hospital began with a drram of Miss Lottie Go forth, Kin"* Mountain native, who at Iter death, left a betjueat Rating Bureau Recommends New Equipment By MARTIN HARMON •North Carol in;* Fire Insurance Rating Bureau has inlormed da\ >r Glo» A. Biid^rs that the city's fire defense grade remains NB Class II mwer. R. Kenneth Scott. the I rating hurcc.n’* chief engineer, commented tnat the overall “l ad ing indicated the grade remain; poor" in N’t Class 6. and re com - nends consideration of matota.n ng two firs*-line pumper com panies. plus purchase of a 300 gallon-per-mir.vte (preferably a 730-gallon - minutet pun-pet equipment ile Iain-led the 1931 Atneiican-L Fran, e pumper a. obsolete and suggested this equip mer.t ix- put m a public park to provide children a play item. Engineer Scott also criticized present citv policy of contracting with citizen., living outside tlv city Prnits to provide fire protec tion. Mr. S.-ott wrote, ‘‘..one >f ihe items that cause the fire depart ment to grade as poorly as it does...is the large, increasing volume of outside response now handled by your municipal de partment. We understand that tins is on a strict subset iptior basis with aproximately l.*» properties now on file .is on tracting for the response of the fire department. The population of Kings Mountain anti ihe popu lation in connect ion with the pro perties which you are serving may make it soon n<*.v.sar> for us to ask for additional manpo wer and an additional piece of apparatus to take care of tins lUtside response . We believe that this additional manning and equipment would even he ittdi rated at the present time so that t h e municipal fire defenses maintained within theCitv w »uld not he mat- rially .edit -ed when the department in answering calls outside the corporate limits Mayor Bridges said iltc rept- t will lx* dis -ussed at Thursday night’s city commission meeting. Toll-Free Poll To Subscribers Post card ballots and letter' explaining ’h** pro|»osed telephone "toll trc*e" cr* ice between Kings Mountain and Gastonia are being mailed this *v*s-k. according to Bryan Houck, Southern Bell’s Group Manager. •‘We hope for and anticipate that most of Kings Mountain’s telephone ■•uttomeis will mark their post card ballot and return it promptly." I’ouck stated. "If this toll tree sent .* is ap proved, it will mean that King.' Mountain telephone users will he able to call approximate ly :-ti*.0th» main telephones. The\ . an now call about 11 <100. However, the greatly expanded local calling area of this exrhang? which would result ’roni the plan would telephone service much r.1010 val uablc and convenient for our Kings Mountain telephone sub scrihers,” Mr. llotuk continued. "This toting hy Kings Moun tain teleph *r>e users has been brought a I tout due to tnc request for toll free sen t.-e from many of our Kings Mountain customers." 1 Houck added. The sett-ice would increase the monthly rental for residential sirbscritx*rs to a maximum of tin cents and for business subscrib ers l.V>. Kings Mountain Chamber of Commerce initially suggested the toll-free service and the proposal now has the endorsement of til Kings Mountain civic clubs, in cluding the Jsv<-ees. Lions. Rota ry. Optimist. ar.d Kiwanisorjatu RESCUE WEE:: UNDERWAY — Kims Mountain Mayor Glee A. Bridges, left above c.nd Corbot Nicholson, captain of the Cleve land County Rescue ?.juad. Inc. discuss plans for Rescue Week in Kings Mountain, a -.'.ate •* te observance. A parade Saturday afternoon will h>gj.4ight the local observance. County Honoring Rescue Squads Units Schedule Parades; Four Squads In County The »'li vet ir t County Rescue Squad joins !7~> vs -ui- u. .is Iron North Canilino tins vvie , in tiu annual o servant! ol Rescui Wti'k May H IT. A parade Sa'iraay >. Mining it Graver at I p. i will highlight the o iservan. • >. From Grover, tin parade vv:l| ■ ove to i-..n; - Mour tain at 3:3;) p n:.. to Vv o at -I p m., to Lawndale at 1:Tl*» p.m. am! to Shelby at ''-.jo j. ,i. lies n Squads Iron the . unty wil make up tm i i.’aiie uuns ..nil a life saving a <1 :es. .. ■ -qu.pmen w ill lx- feat at e<t. Si h"iil of • stin ;i..> j{ s ae Sipiaci mem'vi-.' vvi. h • .\i--n day for four days. Fa n Ham bright, of Grover has announced. Kings M. "Han lavorillo Bridges has |ii • <»-J.-i.ni.-.J this week as Rescue Week ,:i the < nmjiii ty and the I >cal unit i' holding open house all wek at its head quarters at riT Pa i ker st l eet. Captain .'oriel NiG-nlson said tile Clevela.' I County Lite Sav ing and Res ue Squ. o if 22 nn ai ders is tin- oldesi of the four res eue squads in Cleveland County . It was ni . amzci seven \ i s.u. "All 22 in - iilaos of our I'nit receive no pay in any way 1 >i the many hours they sp< n I helping those in ne.il '. .Mr ,\n hoison i on;min'd. He added, "Kadi week end. beginning Friday night through Sunday night, two men are at the he idquarters to answer • ij • ills T if i< si ot ;in- vveek all members are subjected to call at any time. d:y or night." Hill mg thi- past year to., (.'icv. land County Life Saving and Rescue Squ id. Jne. made over inn calls ami traveled over Jutukl miles Many of the t; ", Capta:: \ichi .«nn ot. . wei to I'm hospital at l»ui la n. I’ iptist hos pital at Winston Sah n. Oteeu Veterai - h pital it s Columbia. S. C. ('harlotie and Gastonia hospitals. Many of these V I were for 1*1 > id runs to.- K s Mountain iio-.t*iial and there were others The I'nit primary •our.-e of revenue is V Kings Mountain United Fund. Capt N added, nmi" the full budget was not reacheil anil other solicita tion w as ne -essary. TO rbOHIDA — Dr. W. P. G«r bcrding will become assistant paster ol Redeemer Lutheran Church ol St. Petersburg Fla. in July. Dr. Gerberding To Florida Post In Willi i i’. tii'i'lie.dinjj.piis t >1 Saint Matthew's Lutheran riuuv'i for Ft >ens will become >• 'Mut 111'*■ c ()f Rik).•enter Lu theran h;: i -h of St Petersburg. Fla. Jul> 13th. The tierberdiiigs announced their intention ol retirement a 'out a •• ago. They will go to St. Petersburg as soon as their son. Tomrm mpletes his fresh man year at Kfig> Mountain high 'ch«Mil e.itl\ next month to find housing accomodations. Fro ii Florida, tin* (jerberding fan il> will vacation in New Ot l« a is. Te\ •• and Santa Fe. New Mexico, i"in*iite to Denver, Colo tado for a i.imily reunion. Dr. tlerberdir.g s children ami their families, wh h nu lutles la grand • tildren. v .i: Ik* there to s|it*ntl a tew dais together. The (ierbe. tl’ngs will return to King' Mountain aftei a \isil with relatives in Minnesota before :n \ i ^ to St. Petersburg. ELECTED M.ss \:t*' • ott. nsmg high 'chotJ senior, has been fleeted editor of "The Mountaineer”. stu dent new spaper. Daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas f. Troll. Miss l *it w; * host*a among juniors a o to g journalism during the isi st ybar. Harris • Teeter Sale - Cracking lob Yields Thieves S3.913.40 In Cash A tnief or thieves dill l< *<i through the concrete roof of Har lis-Teoter S 'per Market hero Fri da)’ night or early Saturday morning, cracked the safe, and cauniiHl $3.ftt?.t0 in cash for the night's work. The ruhlx-iy wa> discovered at 7:15 Saturday morning, .chon the safe w hich hail l»eon ro'losedand locked, w as opened b\ a stun* cm ployee .1. D. Taylor More manager, noted that the . ulprits were quite considerate in not taking or riis lloyttig about S'.lf » ''hoiks. These wue lull m a mat yiit oW hirul a f iunl«T. alon^j with vari ous coupons w;*h monetary value. Chief if Police Haul Sanders and SHI A »en: Jack V under ford labeled the theft a ‘'professional \u«*» t Vandorford noted tli.it tin- thief if thieves drilled 21 holt's into tlic concrete roof, knocked "Ut the piinv. entered a bove a produce cooler, then low eted to the floer. Egress was b> the same forte. While the safe was at the front of the slot \ ip front of plate "lass \> ’!d ws ha"* of charcoal Oc.ifuc los ' • 'i»■ si .11 liic Same Format To Be Followed For Dose 2 Sunday is the «U»y to not polio vaccine No. 2 at five clinics here ami at 175 immunization clinics in seven counties. It's the final K-O Polio Sunday and Kings Mountain citizens should visit trie same feeding sta tions they did on March 22 for the tasteless md colorless \ ac «'ine taken by mouth with a cube of sugar. Two doses of the vaccine are necessary for mmpletP immuniza tion and people who get their firstdoso Sunday will l>e able to >i*<i*ive the'r second dose eight first dose their second dose eight v ate physicians. Some 51.131 Clmtland County men, women and children visited the tree clinics in .March. The ell ni«‘s in No. i Township attracted 11.424. "We exjM-ct even more people out this time ind we're ready lor them ". I>r Livingston Johnson, chairman of ihi county's polio im munization committee said. Tile program, sponsored hy the North Carolina medical society and by coun'v sociellev. js free. Citizens are invited to donate a half-dollar to defiav cost of the drug anti other supplies. Every jierson between the ages of six .veeks old and 100 years should have the newlv-perfected vaccine, regardless of any earlier Salk tvi»e protection he may have re celvetl. Assisting with the program voluntarily ore medical doctors, registeretl pharmacists, nurses, Jaycees and many indi' idual citi zens. Serving as directors of the our No. 1 Township clinics will be Jaycees Charles Blanton. John v’arlick. Bill Allen and Robert H. Goforth. K-O Polio is North Carolina's -post massive effort to eradicate head infantile paralysis. Clinics will he often here from 12 noon unt'l 7 p.rrt. at Kings Mountain National Guard Armo ry, Ouvidson, Grover and Beth ware schools. ^mith Issues S. O.S.ToGOP Ldward H. Smith. Kings ,\luun> tain Republican candidate for the Republican nomination for the I'nited State'; House of Represen tatives. is issuing a couple of S. ; O. S. calls 1' He savs even many of his Republican compatriots don't yet realize that it.ere is a Republican primary. 2> He savs failure of Republi cans to register and vote in the May .'50 HOP primary will dim his chances of winning the HOP nomination in his contest with VV. Hall Young. •{ Avery County. Republicans have primaries at the district level it he Smith • Young racet and at the state lev el. including a three-man race for governoi and a two-man af fair for lieutenant-governor. in the 19*52 primary, tenth dis trict Reput'Mcen* cast S-VM bal lot >. only 191 of them in Cleve land. Castor and Catawba coun ties Tiic remainder came out of the so-called mountain counties ol Avery. Burke, Mitchell and Rutherford. Mr Young's home county of \very cast 21.AS. Thumbnail Facts On "K-O Polio' Following are facts concerning Sunday 's "K O Poliif drive: Clink* <21 in Cleveland Coun ty i open at noon and dose at 7 p.m. All persons, age six weeks up, arc urged to take the Sabin oral vaccine <Pregnancy is no bar to taking the vaccine.> Location of area clinics: Kings Mountain National (luard Armory. Davidson school Hcthvvare school, ('.rover school. Washington high school and Waco elementary school. LODGE MEETING An emergent communication of Fairviovv Lodge 339 AF & AM will he held Monday night at 7:30 p.m. at Masonic Hall. Secretary T. I"». Tind-’ll has announced. METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the week ending Wednesday totaled $23*5. I<>. including SI 10.80 from on street m-ter*. $09 in over , parking fine.', and 2t>60 from uID 1 •ireci atuicrik I

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