Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8.008 Uaf* HwalM It ItHtMl ««T «r**tonr NMI. TIM - mmm at II Kings Mountain, N. C.. Thursday, May 21, .964 Pages Today i VOL. 75 No. 21 Established 1889 Seventy-Fifth Year PRICE TEN CENT' Paring Work Ahead As School Bids Top Estimates PhwcwjM uioimu auiwwi. — turn puoiO^rapa cam a architect's picture •f the proposed Kings Mountain district high school. Architects Van Wagsnin gon & Cothran of Shelby say the building will approximate IMOOO square feet ®l floor space and bids to be negotiated they estimate at S1A77.10K00 represent ing S1Q.I4 per square foot They say total of bone bids of S1J41J4K00 will cuuoun. to »iu.io pet squo.e loot. Construction bids wore opened Friday and the bids of S1.341.34&00 topped the estimate Sl.l million by S241.349.00. Bonds ler construction of '.he school will be sold in Raleigh Tuesday by the Local Goveramen Commission. r Local News Bulletins to wm "rtpggc - L Alicia Gay Jolley and Johnny PLewis Joncj of Kings Mountain are among the candidates for de grees from Gardncr-Wehb Junior Ceflege on .Vla> 24. TALENT EVENT The Waco community volunteer Are departnient will sponsor a talent end nu-dtal show Friday night at 8 p.m. it. Waco gymnasi um. LIONS CLUB The Kin".': Mountain high school football coach Bill Bates will show slides oi the Kin ’s Moun tain-Shelby football game a t Tuesday night’s Lions Club meet ing at 7 p m. at the Woman's Club. Lion George Plonk is pro gram chairman. KIWANIS PROGRAM W. H. Do-Id. principal of Waco school, will s**ow slides of North Carolina at rhursday night's Ki wanis club meeting at 6:45 p.m. at the Woman's club. B. N. Barnes will introduce the prog ram. ROTARY PROGRAM Jack H. White, past president of the Rota-y club and a candi date for the Slide Senate, will ad dress Kings Mountain Rotarians at their 12 noon meeting Thurs day at the Country Club. Mr. White will gi*e his interpreta tion of the problems which uil the ne t administration at the state le»'e' METER RECEIPTS Meter re -cipts for the week ending Wednesday at noon in eluded $2*>7 frc,m on-street me ters. including $64 in fines, and $31 from off-street meters. City Clerk Joe H. V.-Daniel. Jr. said. Gerberdings Te Be Honored The St. Mcithew's Lutheran church will nonor Dr. and Mrs. William P. Gcrbciding at a re ception Sunday afternoon in the church fellowship hall. A epokesmar for the church said. “It is .toped all members and friends of the Gerberdings will call from I o'clock until 5:30 p.m.“ The Gerberdings will go to SL Petersburg. Fla. early next month whem Dr. Gerberding will become past >r of Redeemer Lu theran church July 15th. The Gerberdings will vacation it Minnesota l efore returning to Kings Mountalr and subsequently moving to fiorida. Dr. Gerberding became pastor rSt. Mattiiew's 13 years ago. The St. Matthew's congregation moved into Its new church build ins 10 year, ago this month. Industrial Water Rates Cut, Seven Plants Will Benefit City Board j Pans Kate By 25 - Pescent The city bo;:rd of commission- ' ers cut indrstr al water rates lo. plants outs’t'e the city from 30 percent to ■»> percent higher than th** rate charged city water cus tomers Monday Plants nli*v:ed will in* Neisler • Division of Ma'-sachusetts Mohair Plush company Kootc Mineral company. Lambeth Rope Corpor ation. Span tl'Vs. Bennett Brick & Tile Waco Stwrtswear and Su perior Stone »1 for a four-month oeriod the firm would pay $7,355.01 I Thecommiuuon studied the 1963 water consumption usage h.v Mo j hair to arrive U the new rate ; I The Margra>-<» plant had a high I consumption of 9.537.000 gallons i in November with a low recorded In July and May. The total a mount paid dm ing the year was $11,078.85. Based on the 25 per cent outside charge the figure would have Urn changed by C’3. Routine Agenda lace Commission At May Meeting The oily ooei-d of i immission ors conducted several items of routine business ;I i Thursday night's r<*Kuhr meeting. Items: l* voted to [.ni t has,- a it) feel ‘ »y 911 feel l >t mi Hilling street near Mountan Hest ivmetery t<« build a tool shed and office for the caretaker at cost of $600. 21 employ it Tom Wilson as a •ity polieem tn Mr. Wilson, for merly a police offiec i in Gastonia, ci mes to the i ity staff from Har ris Funeral Heine. , 3» heard a letter read front the North Caroline Fire Insurance j rating bu'-iu in which the city : was criticized for eontraeting to ' send city trucks to fires outside the city limits. 11 accepted for consideration whan tlte money is available re quest to pave Si|tes street from Gaforth to .Sims streets. 5» agreed to discuss on June II i public ho *s:ng proposal to he presented bv an architectural and | engineering linn. tii adopted traffic committee i proposals to install several 12 minute parkin" meters in the bus iness district and effective July 1 to declare the Mountain St. side •if Victory Chevrolet company a loading zone and install two one hour meters at a loading /.one site on Cherokee street. Local Democrats At Convention Thirty (Tevi land Countv citi /(vis .-iic in i alt igh for the Demo tralif convt’'ftan. including the n was named to the 10th Carrressional District executive oniiittee and Camcr [ on Ware of Beihware was ne«med to the judicial executive commit tee. •Mrs. McDmiel was appointed a delegate to the national Demo cratic convention in Atlantic City. Clint Newton, county party chairman, is -dso In Raleigh for i ike convention APPOINTEE — force Plonk, rising senior at Lenoir Rhyne college, is one of 100 college students named to participate in the North Carolina Fund poverty program this summer. Miss Plonk Is Selected Miss Joy-? Plonk. Kings Moun tain junior it Lenoir-Rhyne col lege and daughter of Mr. jhm Mis Hal Plonk, is among 100 ! North Carolina college students named to work this summer in The North Caroline! Fund's |«>v erty fight in; rommunity projects ihronghoui :he state. North Carolina Volunteer head quarters announced the names, selected from a total of 7.>0 ap plietMds this week. The stu dents will star* their 11 -week ser , \ iee iK'liod with a June 11-18 training session at the Duke Unl ! versily campus The seven areas wh *re North ' Carolina Fund projeets are get ting under-vay arc Watauga. Av ery. Mitehell end Yamey coon ties a joint project in the North Carolina mountains; Mecklenburg in the south "iedmont; Forsyth** in Hie norto P'edniont; Durham, in the north Picdm*»nt; Nash • Edgecombe, a two-county project in the north Coastal Plain; Rich mond-Robes ?n-Scotland, a three county proi vt in the south Coas tal Plain; and Craven county, in the Tidewater area. Today's annoumvinool marks th** last sten in a recruiting drive that start** told colleg** j-tudents of the Vol unteers' plans to attract 100 ma ture students to work in one of the cummuniie* where The Nortl Carolina F ind is conducting ex |!erimenls to Hnd and show new Edtrcatfcn Board i*eid Susv A Mantles ^ershn I *.<• K’il s ii da;:; l ia;d of (‘dUi'afiin >)p ru'd c- .i.sliuction ..vs o 1 th •. ipor milll'i) dstrit! high siool Frdiy arid .■» nday nigh; . cndu.-lc.l a three hour paring session in an attempt :<> reduce th. I ■'.» base bids which imounted to ‘Vll.ils more than lie *. iio ii . -:t< m's I >i:iil .ssue au .h. l i.at: n S.'pt. ?•: ; Prunes ,i«l Wed aeoday he hint t.i ■ .1 w.th the Dl on of 3 -he •! PI: r,i ig in Ka • "h to *i : . :i- .j t > \ would .term t ne ■ • - •<> ■ term nr how rrinh "Pi a s « in • cltct wtn and sr;r>-« wo saw. He s.’iH h** i i followin'; Their in •(ructions forward: v; in them ‘definite figure t.'' There ;■><■ 1* alteron'cs ' the a si* (cnst'i: -I'ln hi! v* th the •nalor ones bem;; tiie bold rootr. ] and thr<-e , I ".s'wri n tiio base- i lent area undo the lib:.-try. Th- I i-il: ii'Ti is it. iuded in the has** •id hot tlv* th oe ilassrotms are td'litional. Other alternntes are of a tni’tot • nature. Including having either marble st ills n restrooms, ac See Editorial Section B •ordion doors in place of folding, Dartitions. n'-const leal tile, etc. | The education hoard discussed eight alternates where possible • t the May monthly meeting. Low has., bidders Friday were Robert II. Plrnix. In,-, of Gas ; <»nia. Sitsj lli tor general eon- i struetion; S’ mi hern Piping and * Engineerin ' Company of Char-: lotto. $113.72?: for Inviting: Gas •nia Plumbi'i" and Heating com •jany, SlLV-sL* tor plumbing and Caldwell Electric Co. of Newton, i SW.99s for electrical wopk. OtlH*r firms bidding electrical .vork were Ga*-ton Electrical com-1 puny. Indust riel Kh ■trie -f Chat lotto. Bidde’ : on heating wen Hickory Plumbing and Heating. Price and .< -sociates. Pyra nk! Meehan•< *1 Corporation and rhompkins Johnson Company, all of Chari 'tb*: Making bids on - dumbing w r-* .1. V. Andrews of ’harlotte air! fiii-koi\ Pi imbin: tnf Shelby and V A. I! .h im y and Sons of Sh< lh\. Kurds ft*** p. nstruction of the sch'Hil will I** sold Ma> 2fi in Ra leigh by th * Loral Government Commission. Frklay's ••■rt*: do not include | ■quipment for the school's class rctoms. laboratories, kitchen, cafe tcria and the architect's fees. Discussing several construction i facets wliic1* could he negotiated ; with contractors to reduce the Lost, the education boa id mem hers talked :.h.u.i the omission of a covered bus unloading /one, grading on ihe play area, acous tical ceiliiu,.! on first-floor class - Continued on page 8 Bloodmobile Here Monday Tlv IJi'd Cress blood hi »hi le will return to Kiiv.'.s Mountain for its seventh and f nal visit of the I9t:3-*>l fiscal veai Monday. Donors wi.| be processed from II a.m. until p.m. at Kings 'Mountain Raetist church and goal of the collection is 125 pints of blood. I "We expe. t*.< surpass our hlo«Kl quota a*, lb* year", blood program eh; .i man Charles I*. Mauney said, lie continued, “1 wish to e'or.** publicly my ap preciation t-» the committees, the blood donors and other workers vrtio have helped make the blood visits this yen* highly successful and a record collection for Kings Mountain." Donors will ne**d to give 71 pints or bl.-xid at next week’s vi sit to assure Kings Mountain's yearly quota of K88 pint* of blood. "We are oakdent", Mr. Maun ey continued. "that Kings Moun tain will s *: a tecord in blood giving for 19G4 *' 'lr. Maunev noted that for the first time Monday \olunleers who assist at the blood hank will wear blue and whit* Red Cross uni forms which have been made by Kings MouMai i volunteers. Mrs. Charles Blai *on was chairman of the commit*.4*. The uniforms will be worn at ail blood hank visits in Kings Mountain and Grover by women volunteers. Mr Mauney CMlUuuui. CO liiuNinr FUN DAY _ The Kings Mountain Optimist CM it sponsoring Optimist Community Fun Day Saturday with a 10 a.m. parade to launch the day's festivities. Rides and circus en tertainment will be featured at city park with admission Iron and balloons and candy for the kiddies. (Photo Optimist Presi dent Boh Hurlbut) Optimist Fun Day Set For Saturday Big Paiade, Elephants, Bides n it■j *■ Saturday will ix* optr mst Com rnunity Fun Dr.y hi Kings Moon lain with a dr« us parade at 10 a m. The Kin 1 Mountain Optimist cliin is sjx> • , nies anil horses will parade in the city park where young folk ear ride the ferris wheel, mcrry 'ii round fire on '■tine, roto-'.vhir! and receive free balloons and candy. There will Ik* a 2‘» cent t lor rides hut ad mission is :ioo to the park, and many young fi It: will have free tickets compliments of merchants Mr. Adams said that Mayor Glee A. Ri'*part men! Store. McG.nnis Furniture com pany, Medici! Pharmacy. Paulin* Stone. Phif**r Harware company. Plonk Brothers Southwell Motor company, C. H Werlii k Insuran v Agency. Western Auto Associate Store, Willie’s Jewelry, Kings Mountain Herald. Radio Station WKMT and I ellingrr’s Jewelry. Kid’s Day i< expected to lx* an annual affair at th.- Deal street playground Mi. Adams added. Mixed Chons Concert Set The K'n »s Mountain high school Mixed Chorus will present the annual spring concert Thurs day evening at S o'clock In the high school auditorium. Admission is frr«. Mrs. Myrle H. McClure and Mrs. Juanita M. Logan an* directors ol the chorus. Plrno accompanists will he Libby Alexander and Bec ky Dixon. Specie! numbers will he render ed hy the chorus and by ihc choir. The program will include: Smith’s ~ood News: Noble Cain’s King Jesus Is A-Listening; deVTaux’s Hock a-My Soul: Born NEW POST — Captain William P. Brewet is the new commandos of licet ait wings. United States At* l an tic Fleet. Brewei Fleet Aii Wing Chief NORFOLK. V;i. Captain Wil liam Francis Brewer USN has re lieved Rear Admiral Norman C. Millet to USN es Commander Fleet Air Wind's. U. S. Atlantic Fleet. ■ In a ceremonv at head(|uarters lo cated on the Naval Air Station, Norfolk. Virginia, witnessed by Vice Admiral Charles fcl. Weakley USN. Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Fatw. U. S. Atlantic Fleet, Captain Brewer took over his new dut'es after Mo ving as Chief of S>a;'f to the Commander far nearly two years. I ,• The Fleet Ail Wings At last ic t'ommand ic composed of over ! (iOiN) officers and men and some lido planes r:i Id pairo] squadrons based at N \S Jacksonville. Flori da, Brunswick Maine Patuexent River. Maryland and Norfoll:, Virginia. These squadrons fly the P2 Neptune ar the P3 Orion air craft and are lendbased Mad time Air Arm of the U. 3. Atlantic I Fleet Antisubmarine Force. The Wing slant aircraft deploy as far north as Iceland, south through out the Canibrean and eastward : through the Mediterranean Sea. Captain Brewer was horn in Henderson, North Carolina and was graduated from Pavidson College. He is married to tlie for mer Pauline Noisier of Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Seating Policy For Commencement <»raduati;'g seniors at Kings Mountain hi-h school will retiMve , four tickets each this commence ment season for seats for their relatives at June 3 finals exer cises. The new policy in seating ar rangement* vsill hr* used only at .the finals progiani and not at the Sunday baetalaureate serv ice. | Ticket holders ate asked to ar , rive at the .-iiKUtorium between 7 and 7:30 p.rp. June 3. Doors will Ik* open to tne genera) public at 7:3rt and no leseived -.eats will be «v4iiahl*