Routine Docket Aiied Monday In City Court A routin'* dc.'kfi of v*s wic hear din fit- Re-ortlc:'s Court bo’on- Ju.i .r k Whi»p .Monday. A two wrrk I- .* *•! < <1* • wen rtookrt'fl 3 - a it --iilt of the Court' not i»in3 in -* siort ’>n May l1'. William IV r oster it) of 21 b Gantt ^ti Co-otntl!.. S. (’ \vai« found %' Ity of ojeratin: a motor vehic'-' without n proi» driver s license anl d. play.n, in improp” • -7- He re lived . (VI da\ M-i1"! fine and th Vote talph!. Tucl'P? ioi Reglsiei of Deeds I Of Cleveland County May 30th Friends, today we are approaching the closing hours o! the campaign. I wish to oiler my apologies to the people I have not had the privilege to talk with personally. Not be ing financially able to take a leave of absence. I was forced to use a oart cf my vacation time, but to the ones I have missed, I have you at heart as much as those I have contacted. My pledge to the people of Cleveland County is to serve all impartially. Coming one week before the election was an ap propriate Sunday School lesson (May 24), the topic of which was "The Responsibility of Gov ernment." You, the Christian voter ot this county, should go to the polls on May 30 and vote for the man you think best gualif:ed for Christian leadership. I humble myself and ask the support of all the voters of Cleveland County. (X) RALPH I. TUCKER Register Oi Deeds costs of court « fleorgc W. Kamsoy, 24. of 117 K. i ioid Smih'I pb-d guilty to charges of assault with i deadly . wi .ipon was sente teed t*. 9*t : days, amss•»-'«!. I upon the pay i nvnt of h .'*(> t;..e ar t rho <"sts of court. i Koir'rt K Ifriodon. ".2. of Rt. 2 Shelby iJoid. p>d guilty iociiarg ’ of for -:>l. trespassing and was sent' ' ft t.i So days, sus pended upon il,i- payment of the co. is m oti t iirrndon was also • ■ I i > j> \ for d images .n curled to the j ! ,-*•'*!> 01 Mrs *1 i'rile !;• H>ks i If: nd n leport lit -iiisl n:- way into the | Brooks home r.nd d.m.a < d the front s'-, ft d oj- and knocked j hole lit"* • II of the living :■>' m. No esth'.atf of the damag es wa i"|ro .ftl M(>niUv. P : il ■: .77 A 112 Wa co Rord. p! .1 guilty t>» two charg es i p.‘-I drunkenness and vlo ll’re the .ih i it.'i i laws and \ is -• niter- it to go days, stis t»r - !.st it* ■ i tie- payment of a $7 . ind ti: • r ts rf coni t in the i ,-<• ,,f pn'*o drunkenness and violating th« prohibition laws, and d \ - ;* nded upon the i paytru :it of ’hi cost ; of court for ! puhie drur-.ei ness A no| pro. v >» issued in the ! ease invop Yates Dew ey Young hi I oiite 1. rharg«*d with no opo-rtor's license. r c • . lea M ■ K V* j: • ■ t. charged I w ith .ssuln; wotthles* eh* dts. was continu- d until June s. The -asf ! *■ -living John Th > j pvt* \ "‘r'.vv of 1416 Rcvh ! wo d Road. Oast inis, harpi'd j with no operators license, was continued until June s. Cll il l s 'll i.‘ :.*S S|. of 11S Spruce Sir • 't. p!ed guilty to eh-i' ;■ - if vioi ’tirg the prohibi Co • I. .- .1 tv; s sen ten -etl to tvi 1 ivs. s ' ■ i ■ led upon the pay mer. of the ro ts of court. The i .is • involving Fred Car i nenter. .* • i- ■ ■ v ith lal*e pro tense, v. a- cot.I tinted ur.til June Larry Fran! l:n Vassey. is. of Route 1. pled guilty to charges of reckless drivi.v. and a stop sign I violation, and was se"o»n.-ed to 70 days, suspended upon the pay ment of a Sio tine and th*’ costs of court. A capais issued for Ray Anderson Kirby*, of K>1? N. Pied mont Avenue, charged with drivi ng while into', gated and leaving he s.ene of an accident. A nol pros •. as issued ir. the id Jerry' f>. Brown. 17. of 133 McGinnis Street, charged with m< lic’nsv plate. Pour casi”; o;' public drunken :ir>s «i*r(' i •ard with def< idants mctxing a >u day sentence, *us pended the payr.ent of the coals of co’1.1. Two case* were continued ur.til June S. one capais was issued. aim one oond was forfeited. .os in volving t ip following defendant*: ■lame* TV -nar. IS. *13 Pliemx ,»-i ;• «s « ho< k. half costs. Grady E. Blackett. 2 >. 30H Par k'*r Si., folio a og too elnudy ex — I !', > >(•' ' ax'd. CO is. E. F. Goode 2ii HI. 2. speeding "3 In 23 /on- c»>..>s. Norman C CVmp. lt>. 112 Walk er St . imn oper muffler, half cost*. Alfred L. '*hiilips. 21. ‘’ll Stowe A i t '. n-itt!?is driving. $3. cost.-. Jerry B. S r»lth. 17. Rt. 1. im P ipri nrjftlp . hell costs. Sainoy F ie Hunt?], 30. 11.1 v. :k IM l-.'|)»opPi- biakes. half •I i>|s Civ.I.- I! itir Lowery. Id, Rt 2 Hess-me (' \. improper muff ler. half costs. Roner Fill Hallman. 40. 711 1 r.w id St oaecding *afe *peed. •'.-•If«- =-ts. Chirk - C. I utnam. disposing of mot ‘ i“ *d properly. $31 S3 and cost ■ Jimmy *V lyr.e Stewart, 20. 11*> Cl- Sc-et i/nprop’. muffler. h:>lf costs. A ie Claude Hell. 62 Rt. 2. slop li.nht violation H~.1T posts. .1 fil'd. 67. 307 W Ridge SI. fa iuio t” yield right of way. half posts. Floyd Ray Whelsline. IS, Rt. 1. impr< :>er m tiller, half cost*. Icr>y Wayne Bumgardner. 16. Rt. 1 Improper muffler, half costs. Ri hard Mt.ei Bowman. 21. 119 Dover St.. Sh< liry. half costs. N . holson McFarland Leftwich, • ; Id .'A- « I'cding safe sj.t*cd. tial. costs. Al a rt Douglas Yarbro. 20. 1109 G'Id Exten-.jon. VPL. cost* of j court. Willi - Lipsc mb. 52. Cherry-! ville. *• »i» sign violation, half' OCM, I'elton Martin. 17. Ill Tracy' Str-e PD. res'sting arrest, post-, cd jury fee. Ro' M. Tnylor. 32. 113 Dellin o-r Rd.. Shelby. stop light viola- | tion, half costs. Jimmy L. Rowe. 19. Rt. 4. Tay- j lo.-aille. improper muffler, half] costs. 6 Public Drunkenness, costs. nationally advertised Sealy sleep sets... <£> £ >:/ XTK 3f\ Sealy Quilt Top Set Ho c it i ... the same costly inner construction and identical cover cho>cn b> Las Vegas' lavish Sahara I Mel for its new addition. For a limited tin c >ou can buy it 'aay below nationally advertised price! • Extra durable Triple X faille cover • Deeply quilted to Sealyfoam ' • Edge Cards prevent sagging edges • Firm construction from hundreds of coils Luxury Firm Quilt Top from ()> nick. rs of the Jiimous Pastur«paui You'll never pet another chance like the. to buy a top quality Scaly set priced >o low. It's luxury tiding support and durability. l.ooL at all the quality features you get! • Coil-on-coil construction • Luxurious damask cover • Quilted to resilient Sealyfbam^ • E*clussve Sealy Edne Cards '’ Timms Furniture Company "HOME OF QUALITY FURNITURE FOR GRACIOUS LIVING WHERE DISCOUNT IS KING" * FUNNY BUSINESS I "They seem to sense when it’s election year!** presidential Caveny, Wells Sell Angus Bulls Johji C. Cav. iij, Kin.*>. Moun tain riM'nt;. j-old an Aliordeon. Aneus bull *o L. K. Carson, Gaff nt\v. South f>r.;lina. William V»Vlls. Kings Moun tain. recr-tll/ purchas.*U four registered Angus tows irom X. F. M«Oill A- >on, r.lso ji Kings Mountain. «.. , BETHWARE ! OAK GROVE NEWS ; I , 4 ' Ftii Julti Bolton [Mris j < ' 7V/r/»/.«*r 7.55b.'9j9 > ! h BKTiIVVARI Vacation Si lt kiI M ill be hfld at Oak drove June m 12 fr-ir-. s:<*> to Tlic Oak Grove 1H Club met Monday niilit ai the church. Mr. and .Mr*. Un-hard Roes and Rhonda spent g feu days last week in Johnson City. Tenn. Mrs. Lawrence Ross and Linda, and Mrs. E igcnp Wright atiend •*d a birthdav dinner in charlotte Sunday hon-u.-ig Mr. Russell Smith. Mr. and M»s. Kdward Davis and Bobby, with Mrs. M. V Bol ton attended .Memorial I>.i> at High Shoals B. ptist Church neat Forest Cit\ Su>.da>. and a lamil.v get-to-gether at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L«-e Davis in Kllenboro Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Davis and Bobby visited Mr. Melvin Green and Margaret, and Mrs. Boyd Kdmundron in Shelby Sat urday Mr. ami Mrs. Franklin Davis; visited Mr. ami Mis. Nelson Dix on Sunday -lilt moon. The Intermediate Boys of Oak Grove enjoyed a swimming par ty and fish suppei last Saturday at Maple Springs. They were a ..mpanieri by their tea* her. Mi ‘ranklln D?v*. ami Mrs. Davi- , Mr. ami Mr«. lialpti .ton* tshley. Ka'hy. and Tomm> iastonia vtt'ted ‘Mr*. P. A troupe Tlfiraday afternoon Mr. Robey Jen’Uns of Gaston pent several days with Mi an I Irs Ijpv. is Jer kins Hoi Tip Here's a tip for painting a hot subject. .... . When calculating how much paint you'll need for a room, don’t forget to allow for radiators which require seven times as much paint as a similar area of the wall. The formula is multiply the height of the radiator by its width and then multiply .this product bv seven. Divide this figure by the number of square feet a'gallon of paint covers, as stated on the label. This gives you the frac tion of a gallon needed to paint the radiator. Remember. howe\er, t<> paint the radiator on a day when you can turn it off. P*»t Si, . 9* Salt m*. GOlD Bourn p7*C^V £ o *» S? Hr j£(j£» X472v B &"w** s , ... *«'• Me 4.99 . .. . . PAN AND HOLLER 9x12 RUGS sus 9x12 PLASTIC DROP CLOTH 69c Sale Price 588 7.88 10.95 15.88 149 .10c List Price ZEBCO 202 BOD-REEL-LINE. 9.90 ZEBCO 404 BOD - HEEL - LINE. 11.90 ZEBCO 06 BOD - REEL - LINE. 21.90 ZEBCO 33 ROD - REEL - LINE. 25.90 BRONSON DART BOD-REEL-LOVE.5.25 3 WAY PLASTIC FLOATS - Any Size__ 'A POUND LIMP NYLON LINE. U§ 64-10-12-15 POUND NYLON LINE (100 yds.) . 39c CHROME PLATED INTERLOCKING SWIVELS. 4c SHYSTER TYPE LURES - ANY COLOR. 3Sc SNELLED HOOKS-6 ON A CARD. ISc PLASTIC WORMS - ANY COLOR. 10c OCEAN SPINNING OUTFITS_SALE PRICED City Paint* Store SIS Battleground Are.