MOM ABOUT B«ottS« Leonard gainst only 3 %as an impressive 9-1 win over \\ .*»' Virginia. Roberts Remains In Critical Condition Glenn • Fireball l Roberts. NASCAR'* biggest money win ner, is s'ill listed in critical rendition at Charlotte’s Me morial Hospital following the Sunday accident at the Char lotte 600 late model stock car ra« .• Robertr war involved in a three-car collision on the back stretch of the mile and a half Motor Speedway early in the race. The accident, which In vclved veteran driven Junior Johnson and Ned Jarrett occur red In the seventh lap ol the 400-lap meet. Roberts. N«». 2 money winner amon|{ NASCAR driven last year, was burned over 70 per cent ol hLs body. including 35 pci cent in third degree burns. VOTE FOR (X) Robert F. (Rob) Cabaniss Foi Cleveland County Board Of Education Bob Cabaniss is a native of Cleveland County, edu cated in the county schools and Gardner-Webb Col lege. Active member of Zion Baptist Church. Married to the former Mary Helen Hamrick. They have three sons. .. BOB CABANISS BELIEVES # The total wealth of Cleveland County should be be hind every child in Cleveland County. # That we should have county-wide consolidation of all our public schools. # That no child in North Carolina should have better educational opportunities than the children of our county. # That one of the greatest needs is vocational edu cation. Bob Cabaniss pledges to work to the best el his ability for the above program. ASK ANY PERSON WHO KNOWS BOB CABANISS AND JOIN THEM IN ELECTING HIM TO THE CLEVE LAND COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON SATUR DAY. MAY 3BTH. (X) BOBEBT F. (BOB) CABANISS CLEVELAND COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Houston aooKinj toonri nicjcoiy Win In Satanlay's "Ladies Night" HICKORY. N.C. — Ken Hou i slon will seek his fourth vitcory of the season at lliekory Speed way in the 30-lap NASCAR late model sportsman feature of a Kings Mtn. (•) \lurph>, .11* .. W. Goforth. cl . Leftwich, et . . Hold, ss . Bell. 2b . Pittman, rf ... . McGinnis, rf .. Cook, c.. Rhea. If . Bridges. 1 h Mvdlin. lb .... Lowery, p . S. Goforth, p .. Hughes, p . TOTALS . Gastonia (3) Culbertson, so Lewi*, cf .. Mill. 2b ... Bradford, rf Morgan. If Kdwards. lb Horne. e ... Origg. 3h •• Cloninger. p Robinson, p TOTALS ... AS R H .412 .200 .211 .423 .322 .200 .3 1 2 .302 ■; i o 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 41 • IS AS R H .410, .3 0 0 .3 0 1 .2 0 0; .400 .3 o l! .410 2 0 1 31 3 S KM—Lowery. Goforth. Hughes and Cook. Gastonia — Cloningor. Robin sot* and Horne. Scot* by Innings: Kings Mtn. 110 000 <«24 Gastonia . 001 000 002 City Pool Honrs To Change Soon The City 'W, which has boon open f.>r tv.u week*, will begin a regular schedule of operating hours follov. in;: the termination of the school year. Tlie pool is presently being iijM-riel front I o'clock until 8 during the «.eek. and fiom .(:.■*• A.M. until s o'clock on Saturday, and from 1:30 until 6:(Ki on Sun- • days. tmmodiat l> following the dose of s«-h(*o| th- |>ool will carry reg ular hours which will he from 9:30 A.M. until 12:00 and from 1:00 until 9:00 during the week, and t.:30 until 0 o'clock on Sundays. Balchot Galas Win At Gaffney Track A burst fuel pump eliminat ed tavored Daniel Warlick. and Roher Belcher. Inman. S.C., col led ed hi* first fetaure victory in tin 1919-t>2 model sportsman at Cherokee Speedway Saturday nigh.. Belcher outscrambled home town drivers Charlie Blanton and Otis Spencer in ’hi 10-lap fea ture event. Blanton had won the first heat and Spencer t h e second heat. Red Doggert of Carolccn took th( consolation race. Warlick promises ’o Nave his 1953 Chevrolet in working order for next Saturday night’s four ran card which features late ixraoe "Ladle* Night" program Saturday night. The lanky speedster front Con over, who leads the track point standing*, steered his 1961 K«*rd to vk-tory last week in a tight duel with Ervin Killian of Hick ory, who finished second in a 1961 Chevrolet Charles Triplett of North Wilkesboro scored his fifth vic tory of the season in the hobby • amateur) feature on the same program. Triplett has five wins and a second in six starts here this year. A field of to to 30 cars is ex pected for Saturday night's event, which Is scheduled to get under way at 8:30 p.m. on the four-tenths of a mile banked clay track. As usual when worn en are admi'ted free, a new-ca pacity crowd of 6.000 or more Is expctecd. Houston, who until this sea son had won only one race here, hav suddenly emerged as the star of the weekly Saturday night competition for the late model spor'sman division — which features 1960 and 1961 model cars with limited modi fications. He started slowly ir. 1964. fin ishing sixth and eighth in the season's first two races. Then he stormed into the ranks of • h e front-runners, winning two con secutive races — including a 123-lap duel in which he edged tormer champion Glenn Killian of Hickory. Since then, the predominant element here has been the run ning battle between Houston's Ford and Glenn Killian's 196 1 Pontiac. It was Killian first and Houston second in thi* next race Homer tBurrhead) Nantz of Mooresville. in a 1961 Chevrolet, won the following event after Killian spun out of the lead. Marlowe Wins First At Ywrk-Clover Oval Harry Marlowe of Fort Mill, S.C. drove his 1932 Chevrolet, modified, to v'ctory lor the time at York-Clover Speedway Friday night. Second place challenger who kept Marlow within inches was Jot* McClain from Matthews, N.C. Third was Max Goodwin of Rook liill. S. C. and Bob Seymour of Kannapolis fourth. Twelve care finished the 30-lap feature in the same lap and eompe'ition seemed the strongest it has ever been at York-Clover this past Friday night. Marlowe was quoted as saying. "You cannot win a race at York • Clover unless you have a lot of luck and a heavy foot." Jimmy Sorrow won the 25-lap amateur race with Guy Crocker second. The biggest program of the year thus far has been plan ned for this Friday night. A big six event program including a 50 • lap feature will get under way promptly at 8:00 p.m. Twen ty-three of the leading modi fieds Throughout the Carolina* models from Forest City. Gas tonia. Kings Mountain, and Pac olet. S.C. The Shelby speedster won four of the track's firs* five rac es before experiencing mechani cal difficulties Saturday. Which candidate will YOU elect to lead your state? CONSIDER THE FACTS ABOUT THESE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR GOVERNOR Elected Offices Education Military Service Legislative Service Judicial Service Democratic Party Service Direct Business Experience (Excluding Boards of Directors) DAN MOORE Legislature; Solicitor; Superior Court Judge. 2 terms; County Attorney Sylva Public Schools: U.N.C. (Phi Beta Kappa); U.N.C. Law School; U.N.C. Trustee. 15 years Enlisted as Pvt. World War II (although married. 2 children, 37 yrs. old. Draft exempt) Elected to represent Jackson County in 1941: General Assembly Elected Solicitor 20th Judicial Dtst; Twice elected Superior Court Judge. 10 years Precinct Chairman: County. State Executive Committee; Delegate National Convention; Congressional Advisory Committee (35 years) Asst. Secretary and General Counsel, Champion Papers, 6 years LAKE Member Town Board Wake Forest 2 yrs. Wake Forest Public Schools; Harvard; Columbia None None Appointed N. C. Asst. Attorney General None None Elected Superior Court Judge (unopposed) Wood berry Forest Prep School; Princeton; Harvard Officer, U. S. Navy Appointed Superior Court Judge and U. S. District Judge None r*onc Your vote is important. Make it count! VOTE FOR DAN MOORE City Recreation Schedule b Set The Ci’y Rrrtration summer Killian finished smtnd. with Houston fourth. The competition is definitely Hu fastest *«• haw ovet had h* r« ." said sprrdwa) manager (irafton Burgess. -In fact, they're Bering so fast that they're causing us a few problems. It's s tring so that the dirt retain ing hanks we used for years won't stop them when they get eu' of control. They're going so last they jump the hanks We're having t< rcplaei the hanks with steel railings." league* begin a* soon as school is out fot the Little League and th« Pony la-ague teams. The Little League program, which includes hoys in the 9 12 age group, opens its season on Monday. June 9, with eight teams participa ing. Team-- entered in this year's length include: Kui Mill. Ki wants. Re*, m Stjuad. Optimist. Units, Jayeees. Poli.v t'luh. and Park (trace. The league will lea ture two games on Monday through Friday, with each team playing every other team twice during 'hi regular season. play oft. which include* all teams, will In held at the torn phtion ol tin Mi-game *chod ul» .' single garni elimination tournament will In- held t< do irrminc the City champion for the year Assistan’ City K«-creation !>’• res in the 12-13 ago group. and i» expected to twain play a* soon as s<-hool is terminated School i lose* June X “At present we have only three i ntries. hut are seeking a fourth.' Hussey said The pres ent te. in members are: VF\V, Margrace. and Spangler Con erete Re-elect J. B. Ellis County Commissioner NOW SERVING as COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY Saturday What Makes Our Modern Pharmacy __ Old Fashioned T Plain, good old fashioned SERVICE . . . friend ly. interested, helpful SERVICE that is a GRIF FIN tradition. We've up-dated everything else in store fixtures, arrangement and merchan dise assortments to best accommodate our cus tomers. But we ve stuck with fine old-time l COURTESY and PERSONAL SERVICE. We like it that way — and you will too. Ail popular style* SUN GLASSES Colspan Caps. 69c Just Wonderful Hair Spray .... 89c Vaseline. 1 lb.69c New Pepto Bismol Tablets 79c FREE GIFT WRAPPING ON GRADUATION GIFTS Alarm Clocks. S2.98 Electric or Wind HEARING AID BATTERIES GRIFFIN'S DRUG YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE FREE PICK UP* OEU YE R Y PHONE 739-4721 • 129 MOUNTAIN ST. -T—— i .1 i i i n