Blood Quota lian yuinn ami Mrs. Tally Shu ford. Tin- <•;.!« olors ar<* yellow and while. th«* class f lover is ih< yellow ros ana the d-ss m iito is, "One step a* a time, hut al ways forward* Senior che> officers .ire James 'Medlin. j .-.ifient: Haul fash, vlce-prpsident; \lar> Wright. Me rotary; and <•< '-treasurers Mar> Frances Gofotth. Pats\ Welch, Mary . nne M Curd). Paul S< isrn and Fri d Di> ■ >, Candidates tor diplomas are: Sandra Adams, Willie Anthony, Miriam Baker. M .rgie Bowen, Becky Bow -is, Carol Bra/zeil, Libby Bun h. Billie Ann (‘.1100, Hita Cans -v. Judy Collins, IV"gy Davenport. Mollie Day, Juanita Dellinger. Bn ndn Kdmunson. Martha Crnsl Fvonne Falls. Joyce Fall-,, Glenda Foifcrherry, Linda Fort •nl- - ry .I’.araaia Gann Frances Goforth. I ynn Goforth, Bessemer City | Kings Mountain DRIVE-IN THEATRE j Always SI J00 A Car Load! Thurs. • Fri. - Sat. 4 Big Hits SenEAM-O RAMA! ‘Beast With Five Fingers" "King Kong vs. Godzilla** *?Grave Robbers" “Children at the Damned" Sat Shews run in Reverse Order Sun. - Mon. • *1 ues. - Wed. 3 BIG SHOWS! Paul Newman Joanne Woodward — Colei — "New Kind Ot Love" - 2 Gregory Pock ”Tc Kill A Mockingbird" John Wayne — Color "Man Who Shot Liberty Valance' Wed. Shows Hun Reverse Order Starts At 8:00 Virginia Cuforih. Karen Goins. Margaret Harr bright. Ann Ham moll. .Ia< kb- Hannon. Jackie Har din. Myra Hax'kins. Sandra Horn, Mickic llmiwr Anita lluf fatetler, Dora Kirni' uni Barbara Laney. Also Hunnni Lnckritlge. Don na i/n 1‘laci'. Judy Livi'lsct*. Bo nit.i Lowe a Lynn, Mary Jane Matthew*. Mary Anne Mi Curdy. Joan Xd’luri', Jane Mr Mtin ay. Ilrenda Melton. Linda Oliver. Priscilla Padgett, Virginia Payne Phylli Pusey. I Hmna Put nam. (’oral Ita'iiscur. Ilillic Rein* (mi <|i. Itart-ar • Ripp.v. Kmogene Robinson. Tinkv Scruggs. Connie Shaw. Judy Short Jane Smith, pat Smith. iJoeitie Spears, Becky Stowe. 15 « I t y Ann Slyer*. Margaret Swanason, Tonic* Ware. Rets*ci a Webster. Patsy Welch, Cccile Williams. Sylvia Willi ams. Jane W right. lli/al>c*th Wytc Mike Anowood. Joe Haiim gardner. Jerry Ream. Norman Clanton. Gary C<>lin. L. V. Brooks, .lack Broome. Don Bumgardner. Roger Byars. Paul Cash. Gene Connor. Lewi Cooke. Jimmy , Craw lord. Ray Crocker. Ernie Da Us. Wayne Dellinger. Steve De vennex Fr"d Dixon, Reel Dover. Johnny Dye. Ronnie Falls, Dennis 1 Floyd, ponn Freeman. Ronnie Gillespie. Carl Gladden .Warren .Goforth, Richard llamm. Coyt Herndon and t-lenn Hicks. Also Karl Dill. Jack Howard. Mike lluffstii k'or. Don Ifurlhut. Harry Jacksop Larry Jackson. Terry 1-e irtard. Calvin Lock ridge, Glenn Lovelae *. P a u I Lovelace S’eve Lovelace. Steve Marlowe*. Sur.ny Mauney. Bill McClunpy, Gerald McDaniel. Jim mv Mcdlin. Vernon .Morgan. Jim rn’v Owens. Joiin Owens. Roger Owens, Larry Porter. Jose Pucci. Harold' Putnam. Richard Rev nolds Jackv Khca. Paul Rol tins. Mike Royster. Steve Roys ter. Paul Seism. Ralph Shir kc*v. Robert S.pes. Mike '*niith. Kenny Stefly Gary stexxait. Dwight Swar. Junior Taylor. Mik** Trammell. John Tria. Jr.. Walter Voss .It.. Steve Vickers. I ton Ware*. Glenn Werner, and Robert Yarbrough. WED. - THURS - FRI EVER SEE A hillbilly' 's#ov?y %0 T^O^/sPi^o | MRHIRCS! SATURDAY Mil SUN. ■ MON. A SHAIIERiNQ ENTERTAINMENT EXPERIENCE! TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY rovcoMWTKwoTwmrTmi—a GUNFIGHT at COMANCHE CREEK AUDIE MURPHY WATCH FOR 1) "Rhine ' (2) “Robinson Crusoe on Mors** 3) “Flippers New Adventure** KMHS Lists Seism, Reid T. Dover, Mr*. Kli/a both Clint*. M >s Lynda Herndon Mrit. Su«* B'*ll:f Mrs. E. L. (an>el Guinn. Roy H. Hollifield. Aaron II. Cook Arthur Flowers, Harold Ledford, James Clark. Nancy Grigg, Mrs. Janie Black. Joe Hal Champion. Arli.* L. Dunn ard Leroy II. Blake. Also Shuford K. Peeler. Juanita Steffy. Mrr. Jessie II. Collins. Ronald Gr *g< ry, Dwight Chap man. Bobby Bridges, Carolyn X. Finger. Dotal' L. Parker. Joseph Lcflwieh. Jr., William II. Earley.j Charles D. Day. Juanita F.gerton. Betty R. Gamble. Mie!:ev Roger Warren Ralph Schues-.ler, Sam Hamrick. ‘Luther Caveny. Her man Fredell. Rol>ert Short. FM gone Bridges. Tommy Bridges (Minton E. foll\, C. D. Sowcrsev. Horace Cunningham. J. D. Ham mett. Haywood M. Brooks. Wil liom Hovis, Mrs. Edith Martin Mrs. Kvolvn Gibson. Paul Love lace. Mrs. Martha Clark and Miss Janie Boheler. Also Mrs. Dorothy Austin, Mrs. Margaret Hunt. Mrs. Thelma Del linger, Pau; Ham. Jr.. Victor Gar rett. Kenneth J. Metcalf. Mrs. Klairic Dov-*r. Gerald McDaniel. Herbert II. Leigh. Stokes Wright, Jacob P. Hauser. John O. Van Dyke, Mrs. Helen Tate. Ellis Tate. Horace L. Bell, Robert VV Whiteside, Thomas Darby. Bob Maner, Da* vin Peterson. Cicero Mitchcm, Mrs. E. R. Goter. J. D. Bridges John R. Lutz. Mrs. Mary Black. Mrs. Julia Plonk. John Hardin. Carl A. Bridges. Arnnldd W. Kincaid. Mearl D Valentine. Thomas Droppers* John D. 'M*>rrav. Bobby G. Corri gan and C- L- Peele. KM Friendly remain op**,, six days a week and also on Friday night." “City taxes arc making folks move out of town. It’s (joins: to he .soon a ghost town in the heart of town. The Country will be the renter of attraction *’ "ReetfcaPon facilities for young oenulc and children expansion of utilities and oevelopment of in dustrial sites to attract new in dustry. better shopping facilities, a more progressive city govern ment and community pride and self-reliance.” '‘Nursing home for aged and infirm, bridge or underpass. North Piedmont, for Railroad. ; King street wiuened entire length restaurants, more and better at tention to teenagers’ needs, a YMCA.” The citizens surveyed indicated | they like: ’’Friendli"ess of citizens’ bal ' ance of puniu- area, general good WINS TRIP — Glenn Spear man qualified for Gulf Life In*i surancc Company * 1964 Presi dent's Convention in Jackson ville. Fla. Speaiman Wins Florida Trip Glenn S'>f* •r.uan. Kings Moun tain t'»pi • ••• tti\«* for Gulf i.ilc Insurance Cor- panv, qualified for the President' ■ Cii-b Convention in Jacksonv'lle Fla. la backyard. . Mr Grigg has grafted a black hearted cherry twig into a wild |dum tree and since March notes frowth to eight inches tall. Mr. Grigg began a similar project 12 yea’ s ago but “someone broke a twig off.” The Shelby man is wondering a hat fruit t to tree will produce. BANK HOLIDAY first Un’on .National Bank will ix* closed Situtday in observance >f Memorial Day. Vice-President R. S. Lennoi nas announced. Fin Department Answered S Calls Five fire# wf re reported by the , City Fire Department for the week ending Mat 27. A 9:20 A M. Sunday fire at the unoccupied home of the late Mrs. Audie Mitrhem resulted in extensive damage to the rear of the house and to the kltrticn.' Firemen reported that the blaze apparently started in the rear of the house and spread into the kitchen before it could be con tained- The extent of damages was not known. A call was answered Tuesday * morning at 8:15 to the Ben Ses Mims residence on the York road. Two nuttmiMii were rcpuftwl destroyed in the fin*, which fire men extinguished shortly after arriving on the scene. No other damages were reported. A Cleveland County alarm was answered last Thursday after noon at 2:30 p.m. by Kings Mountain. Shelby. and Grover Fire Departments as a grass fire spread over several acres of land south of Kings Mountain on Gro ver Road. No property damages were reported but several acres of s'ubbli were burned. A cotton-cleaning machine fire at the J. E. Herndon Company Friday afternoon resulted in mi nor damages. It was the second such fire at the establishment in 'he prist week. , An inoprrntiw water heater apparently started a fire at the Evelyn Welch residence Satur day afternoon at 2:10. Reports indicated tint the Ha/ ’ was trig jeered b\ the mal functioning water heater and spread into the chimney area of the frame house. The interior portion of the wall around the chimney was damaged, and some smoke dam age to walls and furniture was reported BARNEf FATHER ILL The lather ol B. N Barnes, su pr rintetirient of school*, is seri ousl> ill in a Lumherton h<*spi tal. Tht Robeson county citizen was 90 on May 19. -——— VOTE (X) MAY 30th You Support Appreciated A Man With YOUR Interests Foremost SPURGEON HEWITT FOR COMMISSIONER — CLEVELAND COUNTY PLONK’S BOYS IVY STYLE Sports Shirts by E & W • Manhattan • Norris Casuals — Stripes* checks • plaids. 51.99 to 5199 E&W £ JANTZEN Swim Tranks All styles to choose from $1.99 np THE LATEST STYLES Puis Belts SL50 to S4 BIG SELECTION Knit Shirts by E&W • Jantzen • Man hattan—Cottons and Ban Ions. SlJ9to$199 HANES & E4W Underweai Briefs & T-Shirts 19c&S1 IVT STYLE Dress Panb Wash & Wear Dacron & Cottons — Light & Dark colors. SSJStoWJS HUNDREDS OF POPULAR STYLED Walk Shorts Solids • chocks A stripes $lJtto$5J9 GIRLS 100 Per Cent Nylon LACE TRIMMED Panties SIM Jamaica Shorts by Jontson ft otbor tarn* out mfgs. All colors and materials. SUStoSUI GIVE HER Luggage Complete selections by American Tourist** and Pajamas All styles and materials by SAW • Shrank • Miss Elaine S2JS&S3JS BEAUTIFUL ARRAY OF nones by New Eva • Jaatsm SliTtoSUS “BARONET * All-Nylon Shadow Panel GIVE HER Jewelry From our cool Summer Stock S1&S2 All GiftsBeanttfally Gift-Wrapped FBEE Here