Popnlation Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 •be 75 No. 24 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, June 11, 1964 Seventy-Fifth Year Pages Today PRICE TEN CENT** aoMT noon EDWARD LEDPORD MU LIP HUMPHRIES More Students Receive Diplomas Numerou. oih^r King* Moun tain »tuclo>i*s veto graduated n «o.mmenoerient exercise* this mt»nth on n»tt\ entity and college campuses. They wore: Bobby Doan Bidd.x. son of Mr. and Mrs. I.ouoi liiddix. anti Paul Eu < n‘* !!on tricks. Jr., son of Dr. and M“». Pan I io:idrii ':*. were graduated f- in Wake Forest ool lej*e. Biddix majored in physics and received a B.D. flogreo. He was a memfc« i of the < dlegt baseball tn"i. Hendricks major «l in biology awl received a B.S degree. Two Tula*e University siudoi from K.ngs Mountain receivi master of racial work decree They were Anita McGinn daughter ot Vi), and Mrs. Pai McGinnis. and Edward K. I a ford, son of Mrs. I. W. Ledfi.rc Miss McGinnis rc.civcd her B.A O-MtiitHrd Oh Piii/i S JERRY PATTERSON PHIL PADGETT. JR. ROBERT MUNSON Bine Challenges Scott; County Races Offirial Democratic run off primaries1 for June Si were set Tuesday' when Clifton blue, second-runner to Robert it . iBobi Scott for the lieutenant sravernor nomination, said he was calling a second vote. .vieantime two Cleveland Coun ty second-nu:.H.r* had made offi cial their prior announcements that they v.ould demand second races. g^L'olcman Co orth seeks to over PR-e J. Broadus Bills, incumoent board chairman, »or the District 2 nomination, and Cnarles A. Bridges. Sr., socks to overtake Spurgeon Ihwitl. Bridges and Hewitt wain the District f nomi nation and * iu* commission seat being vacateo by John D. White*, who did not sock re-clection. Top race* began before ilu* final n turns wee*, in lrom the .May 3d voting. Dan K. Moon;, second-run ner for tho gubernatorial nomi nation. calling a run-off with L. Richardson I-rcyoi, who le*«l the balloting. Blue anncuued his run-off de cision in Rvcigh Tuesday. Scott held a plur "lily of '>2.jt)0, hut John Jordan polled 140,000. They seek the rig it to oppose Republi can Clifforc. Boll, of Uastonia. in Novi-mber. Moon* trn lea Preyer oy 23.500 votesli and tile second primary pousting is ilieady at lull tilt. * Preyer is making capital of Moore's refusal to meet him in a television d.luite. Preyer expects to ap|>ear over a state-wide net- i work Friday night at 9: TO. There will be a enair for Moore, which Moore has i*m rsonality wars. Go forth campa.gncd before May .HI on a one-pl i' k platform of favor ing the countv manager system of operation. Kllis has ngried. Ellis led (. Jlorth 1190 votes. Both Ilevitt and Bridges made statements on the county manager system, indi ating mote or less favorable ct osidcration. Hewitt led Bridges by 1171. SaHli Concedes To Hall Yeung Edward *J. Smith. Kings Moun tain candidal.- for the Republican nomination for tenth district U nited States Representalive, has conceded defeat to \V. Hall Young, of Avery County. Smith lust by 32 votes out of a total of HU*-'. Smith ini’tally considered ask ing for a recount, but conceded last weekend. Young will oppose Rep. Basil L. Whitcnc’. iH’tnocralic incum bent, in Nou'mttr. Tom Rydenhyer »hird year «ninary student from Colum . S C, will fill th* pulpit at o'clock services Sunday morn ing at St. Matthew's Lutheran churult. 55PercentAssessmentRatto On $260,576,000 Valuation 120 Examined Foi Glancoma; 17 Bdfenals Seventeen K..igs Mountain area citizens were teferred to opt ha mologists for lurther treatment or examination as a res all of last Thursday's glaucoma clinic spon sored hv t!”» Kings Mountain Lions club. At least t\» > of the 67'» persona examined vt re told they needl'd immediate t-vutmerit to save their vision. Additionally, tiO persons he queathed th tr eyes to the North Carolina «■%.- Lanl: at Winston Salem for use in cornea trans plants. Meantime the countv's mobile x-ray unit set up ai i.ie armory, s large clinic staff. PRESIDENT — Hugh Lancaster is the now president of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce succeeding Sill Toll-Free Poll Ends Saturday Southern Br II Telephone & i Telegraph Company * patron poll 'to determr.e whether King: Mountain .vim subscribers want toll-free serv.c; to Gastonia and Dallas will enu Saturday. Manager Bryan ll-tuck said that Saturday will mar!; a month since the pothr.g began and that : daily mail return of ballots is dwindling. i>n Monday, he said, .nine ballots were received, five l marked “for" and four against. Actual fa'illation of the ballot* i has not been made, he noted, but estimated n in excess af 65 per cent of pit* ms have teturru*d (I vtimml On Patjc 8 Movement Leading To New School Began Over 13 Yean Ago In 1951 When tin* now Kings Mountain district school plant is occupied in 1965. thr* . vent will mark phy sical completion of a movement dating 1-1 ytais previously. While th_* immediate movement will have consumed only six years, first suggestion of an area wide school . •■naolidation, plus modern high sthool plant, is first recorded on M;.y 30. 1951, when officials of the state’s school division reeomniended consolida tion of the area. Hrst action oi. the re--ommt*rot ation was n arly two years later. May 7, 1953. at a joint meeting of the county and Kings Mountain hoards of education. On Noven oet 16. 1953. the con solidation effort failed, as patron straw vote; on elimination of split-term s. hcoiing. showed the outlying arc's unwilling to accept that eonditk-.-i of consolidation. The current movement began April 30. 1959. The Kings Moun tain board of education was in session \\ hiii a telephone cal) was received fro.n lull Lowery, then chairman ol t!w Bcthware dis trict school '•ommittcc. inquiring if the Kings Mountain lioard was still hitere‘-«-tl in a consolidation movement. The Kings Mountain hoard was. Other key dales in the inter vening peri*-I: May It, 1900 Citizens in areas outside Kings Mountain district voted for consolidation. March 10. 15*2 Citi/.ins of the Kings Mountai: district author*/ ed issuance oi Si.ldtt.ftft) in lionds for the building of a high school plant. July 6.19,!‘.t- The hoard of edu cation chose the Phifer Koad site by a vote o; to 2. January *7 i963 The Uwrd of education aapioved location of the plant on the site. June 4, Us>l The state hoard of edm-atioe approved the Kings Mountain high school project. Over-raying Ante Owners i To Get Break Cleveland County board of Mini' nissio nets wilt ta:; county citi ■cns on the basis of 55 percent of S260.576.0ff! total value of real and personal property in the ■ounty on basis of the recently conpleted ni \v property valu ation by C le. Layer, Trumble Company, am raisal specialists. The commission declined, by 2t> oercent. to honoi the rctornmen iatio-i of the City of Shelby, City if Kings Mountain, county and shelby school districts, who had requested tr-.ing on basis of 73 percent. The taxing base therefore will be SI 13316 *45. a gain of S29361. S43 over last yeat's SI 13.500,000. representing a gain of more than JO per rent < f taxable base. Generally speaking, the chief beneficiary i-f the new valuation will be the automobile owner. '■ Autos have iii the past. lieen val ue>I LI Bethel Moth* odist church fi’.id Kev. Bru«x- N*>r wood will ;;o To Northbrook Mclh odist chutv'i a: a result of as signments announced Sunday at the Lake Junaluska meeting of the Western North Carolina Methodist Conference. New min' tei s for eight other Cleveland County Melhodis charges anttoiH.eed and rhanges were made ;n the ehurehes mak ing up three county ehirges. The Shcll.v eiieuit. formerly composed of B»-ss Hoey Memorial. Martin Street and Pine Grove Methodist i'lurches, was divided. B«-ss Iloey was paired with El B* thcl of K. tgs Mountain in a charge to he s< rved by Rev. Mr. Lockridgc of Xeko. June 17 h i« been set as moving day for the jOo ministers in the <-onferenoe who will he moving to new pulpits, announced Sunday bv Bishop Nolan B. Ifaimon. pre siding hishoo of the Charlotte Methodist An.*. Architect's Sketch of new Hendncks-Durhani Clinic City Boaid To Authorize Planning Study The board oi city commission ers is expo-led to approve <-on tract for a *-it> planning study at Thursday’s t: p.m. meeting Contract calls for the city to provide $6.is j lor the planning study, with .h< federal govern ment providing a sum of S9.U00. The work w.ll be carried out by the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Develop ment, in as'oiu.tion with the city planning commission. The city h ard is also expected to approve contract with the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce whereby it will ac cept a gift ei an electric score board for city sladium. The prof fered contract provides 1 • that the Jayce^s may remove the scoreboard for relocation at the futuristic htgti school studium when it is cor s true ted on Phifer Road, or 2• that the scoreboard may be removed by the Jaycccs at Jayi-ee on'ion. The boar-1 ill consider a pro posal of Mayo, dice A. Bridges to franchise a civic club to sell Kings Mountain license plates. Mayor Brid ies said his idea is to ask sealed bids of civic ciubs in terested. Th • Kings Mountain Jaycres and Lions dub have in dicated interest, he said. The comn ission is expected to enact for lO’-l-hS. with little if any change, the curreni privilege license ordin inre. Mis. Styers' Rites Geadnrted Funeral met. for Mrs. Ario Melvinia Ro*>crtt> Slyer*. 76, were held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. from Tern'ii. Faptist church, of which she w.us a member. Mrs. Sty vs. widow of Joseph Cleveland Slveis, died at 10 p.m Sunday in Kings Mountain hos pital. A native «»1 Madison county, she was th * daughter of the late James and Katherine Fox Rob erts of Madison and Cleveland Counties. Survivin'* are four sons. John S. Styers. LluyJ D. Styers, and Dewey A. St vers, all of Kings Mountain, and G. H Styers of Martinellle. Va.; two daughters. Mrs. Coy Barnette of Goldsboro and Mrs. Th"mas Greene of Man agua, Nien iuea: a sister Mrs. Mollie R. Phillips, of Kings Moun tain: 10 grandchildren, seven great • grandchildren and one groat-grea* grandchild. Rev. R. L M« Gaha. assisted by Dr. W. L. P vtsly. officiated at the final r'tes. and interment was made in Mountain Rest com ctcrv. FAM1LT NIGHT Dixon Presbyterian church will hold family night with a cover ed dish supper at 6:30 p.m. Sun day in '.he church fellowship baJL New Medical Clinic Is Now Underway Homecoming Set At Resurrection Annual ho.recoming will be nb sencd Sunday at Resurrection Lutheran chi*r< h. Former members have men in vited to attend in a m. regular church sen :i<-nie dinner at the church fo lowing tiie services. Simpson Bites Held Wednesday Funeral rites fot Willis Aiken Simpson, 73, of Hickory, wore held Wednesday at f:30 pm. from Hickory's Penelope B a p t i s t church, interim n? following in Oakvvood City cemetery Mr. Simpson was ihe lather of Mrs. \V. K. Mauney. Jr., W. H. Simpson, an-i Ji.mes Simpson, all of Kings Mountain. 11.-died Tues day mornin ; follow ing illness of three week Semi-retir d Mi. Simpson has been employed by Merchant Dis tributing O ;n| any for ov er 30 years. He was a member of Pe nelope Baptist church. Besidi-s hi.! sons and daughter here. Mr. Sini-son is survived by his wife. Mrs. Connie Brown Simpson a” 1 two stepdaughters. Miss Jo Tby'oi of Hickory and Mrs. Marth- llcmphill of Hick ory. Nine granoehildren also sur vive. Rev. Jam s t ow lcs officiated at the final rit- s. Medical Clink To Be Finished By September Ground was broken Monday for a new 12-room doctor's clinic for Uendricks-Pai ham Clinic at the comer of Mountain and Jumper streets. Contracts t.nt awarded low bidders last \.«>ek. T. C. Strickland of Shelby is general contractoi. Hoke Electric company, b n T. iniio.in ..ml Kings Mountain Sheet Metal Works, all 1.1 Xings .Mountain, were low bi.iders for electrical plumbing npH roofing. Arichitcct J. L. Beam oi Gastonia said. The building will approximate 3200 square . cc-t on a lot which fronts 115 It'l l by lmo feet deep. Tlie lots were purchased from George W. Mauney and Mrs. A. L. All ran. The clinic will liou^e offices and treatment rooms plus an x ray room uni emergency room. It will be of brick and marolc construction Construct on work is expected to Ih' completed by September 1 Dr. Paul Hendricks anti Dr. Th urns M. ’am also ar.nounced that Dr. Jo*’ Lee of Greenville S. C. will i tin tnem in oie piac tice of medicine- July 1. The Lee family w ill o. cupy the former (> W. Myers residence on Piedmont Avenue. Dr. Lee is now com pleting his .nicrm’ship. Kings Mountain Jaycees To Seek Cash Te Fight Multiple Schlerosis .lohn II. Cambio and W. 1'. • Billyi Mo.'m'i arc serving as honorary co-chairmen ol the 1P6I multiple srl.-rosis dri-o which gets under*. y this wo.-!;. Kings M •ontain's goal in the campaign tor lunds is $1,U00. The Ktitos Mountain Junior Chamlier o' Commerce is con ducting the drive in No. | Town ship and a house-to-house can vass will be held Irom 6:30 p.m until s p.m Friday night, Jay eve John Warlvk said. Mr. Warlick said citizens who may not he contacted Friday night a tv invited to mail their contri butions to him, to Jav.ve Presi dent Bill AMen or to any member of the Jay.ve organization. There are coin containers avail able in most stores for contribu tion!. Mr. \V>-luk continued, i Multiple a«.K'nx>ia or Mi is a. chronic crippling riit.ca.-c of the central nervous system Dr. Tho mas M. Ri\ >*i s, fo.meiiy Director of Rockefeli-T Institute, has call ed MS "the foremost ncurologi cal problem of our time.'' I>r. II. Houston Meiritt. Director N. V. Neurological institute, states that MS i- "the greatest cause of chronic disability among young adults." The cause of MS is un known as yet and one of the tragedies of the disease is that it strikes mainly those in the prime of life young adults in the 120-to-40 age group. Forty percent of funds cancel ed by MS chapters is allotted to the National Society for research. Chapters retain the balance to support local programs tailored to the comru.niry tu-eds for aid of MS patient* in a personal way. Pinnix Firm "Beady To Go" Says Official By MARTIN HARMON It. H. Pinnix & Company, gen* er.il contra -lots for the new Kings Mm> itain district high scho.il. exp • *t to break ground within a w and to have the new plant completed within a year or less. R. H. Lindsay, vice-president president and general manager of the Pinnix firm, said Wed nesday. "WViv ready to go as quickly as t'.e toniraci is return ed to us." T .at matter was being handled Wcon'sday. Mr. I-mdsay said the construc tion superin'-ndent for the Kings j Mountain oroject will be Ben ‘Lindsay, wno if completing some three-years work at Duke Univer sity. where the Pinnix firm has constructed additions to Duke Hospital and i new physics build ing. Architect Thomas H. Cothran reported Wednesday that all con tracts have o-en returned with the exception of the one for heat ing-cooling installations, expected momentarilv fiom Southern Pi ping and engineering Company, of Charlotte. The Kings .Mountain plant with the acceptance of the alter nate for th ee additional class rooms w 'll total 12X.900 square feet of floor s| ace. The heat'og-iooling specific* lions provide for air-conditioning of administrative areas, and for basic instal'.itions for ail the re mainder of me building except ing vocational education shops and locker rooms. Space is pro vided for a chilled water unit which would complete the air conditionin'! of the whole plant. The plan*, which when equip ped will -ost a minimum of v, ll lie built on a 73 acre site or. Phifer Road. School of; ciitls anticipate csvu pancy for t!%* ..jm ning of the l‘K>5 G*j school tci’ti. Church School Sot At Lutheran Church Bible School will get underway Monday and continue thr>ugn Saturday from it a.m. until 11:30 at St. MatthewLutheran church. Mrs. Dan r liigrc is serving as director of ilw* school. The week of activ ities wi'l follow the theme, ' Old Testao.en! Heroes." Youngsters from age four through seventh grade are invited to participate. Maoney Hosiery Was Contract Mauney Hosiery Mills, fne., ’fenntain men-., hosiery manufacture has received ivin tract for producing one million pair of eotion-ii.vlon Idtick socks for the fede-at defense clothing anil textile 'apply center. Contract pine is at unit cost of 2s cents to 2b'i cents for gross contract of S2vi.05S. These ar * firm, fixed • price (•ontracts awarded by competition, after formal advertising. Of the 21 concerns >oi.cited, six concerns furnished blu The t*ontraets were awarded under Invitation for Bids ISd l-tt-l lU® which opened on Ma> 26th. Tie awards were made in accordance with regulations governing aw aids made to sm; I! business. They were await ied to the lowest re s|Kinsibie hiddcis who conformed wilU all bid l c^uuuncats.