rmm ... Popnlation Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 TMa ant tor OnUi Elay* NwiMla 1* traai da IMS Elf Nmw, dry dncraty etna. IS* dty Kant* ■)«• ], from tlw g*M Slat** cma ai ISM. -------J 10 10 Today VOL 75 No. 25 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C.. Thursday, June 18, 1954 PRICE TEN CENTS Toll-Free Service Proposal Favored By Phone Users City Is Enjoying Big Income Year CONTESTANT — Joan McChifo te among oight boauty contest astm who will t!o for tba tltlo of Sholby" Friday night, Joan McClure Pageant Entry « 'Miss Joan McClure. 18-vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McClure, is among eight beauty contestant* who will vie for the itle of ••Mis. Shelby * Friday ight in SKelb>. The pageint is under sponsor ship of the Shelby Junior Cham ber of Coirn-ercc. Miss MeC.urc, a June graduate of Kings Mountain high school, has studied piano for 12 years and voice for six months. She was drum major for the Kings Mountain high school band and was presented at the Shelby Jun ior Charity League Sub-Deb Ball earlier this month. She will play the piano in the talent cuni|v‘tition. Winner ol “Miss Shel'c ” will receive a $300 scholarship from the Shelby Jay cees and wilt represent the city in the Miss North Carolina com petition. Miss McClure will be a fresh man at the t'niversity of North Carolina in Greensboro in Sep tember. Miss Cashion To Teach Here Schools Superintendent B. N. Barnes reported Wednesday em ployment oi a faculty member for 1964-63 and i resignation. Miss Elenor Kimbrough Cush ion. a recent > raduate of Western Carolina coll'gc and a Bethwaiv high school graduate, nas b**en employed as ? high school teach er of Engbsh. W Mrs. Vallarn White Shull, of Shelby. sLx:h grade teacher at BCthwarc. has resigned to be come a teacher of special educa tion in the Shelby system. Mr. Barr •* reported that two faculty members who retired from the Km;» Mountain system at the end of the recent term have accented positions in South Carolina. Tney are Mrs. W. T. Weir, who wilt become librarian at Clover nigh school, and Miss Lillian Qui:tn. high school Eng lish teache-, who will teach at Clinton. FilfUtgi Licenses Expin lone 3t Annual privilege licenses for 1961-65 for '•orsoni. and firm* do ing huninris within the City of King* Mountain ate due July 1. The city commission adopted the annual i>n\ ile^p license ordi nance rsting expenses of $182,765 therefore irdicate an operating profit (exclusive of debt service) of approximately $110,000. The gas system's sal1* zoomed upward. Operating expanses oth er than for ourchase of gas. were less than anticipated, by about $5,000. Gas put chases are indicat ed at $160,000. up about $19,000 than anticipated. Majority of the city's regular budget revenue items either ap proximated estimates or were -more span anticipated. Utility sales orpov/or and water are now estimated to total $493,000. up S2S.000 over estimates, while tax revenues will approximate S1S0. 009. up $5,000 over estimates. Oth er major indicated increases are: water and sewer taps, up $3750 to $7750; ir.'angibic tax rebate, up $3600: and street assessments up $1650. The city received last October about $1730 more than expected fit m the Powell Bill gas tax rebate. City spending has kept pace with city 'ncome. Departmental expense is running about $9,000 over the 93n7.147 estimate, but the big increase came in the $39. 941 additional additional the city is spending for capital improve ments. The city now thinks capi tal improvements, largely repre sented by ‘no rebuilding of the electrical distribution system, will total $246,071. Lather am Call Supply Pastor Ronald Smith, first year min ishterial student at Lutheran Southern Seminary in Columbia, S. C.. will servo as supply pastor this summer at St. Matthew's Lutheran church. W. K. Mauney. Jr., member of the pulpit committee, said Mr. Smith, his wife and two children wouId move to Kings Mountain from Retdsvllle about the first of July. Mr. Smith will fill the pulpit at the St. Matthew's church on Sunday at the 11 o'clock service. He Is a graduate of Lenoir Rhyne college at Hickory Dr. W. p. Gerberding. pastor of St. Matthew’s about 13 years, is retiring and is moving to Flohrida where he will become assistant minister of a Lutheran church. PROMOTED — DeWoyna Cold wtU has bNn promoted by Sou thorn Boll Telephone Com pany to oftleo manager of the commercial department for the Statesville exchange. Caldwell Wins Bell Promotion Lloyd Dewayne Caldwell. Kings Mountain native, has ijeen ap pointed office manager of the commercial department at the Statesville Soethetn 15<\1 Tele phone company, according to an noeneemen! ry A. A. Williams, manager of th«» Statesville group. Caldwell |»; ihe son of Mr. and Mrs. Milla'd f aldvvcll of Kings Mountain and is married to the former Brenda McDaniel of Kings Mountain. A 1959 graduate of Kings Moent'.m high school, he earned his B.S in business ad ministration rt.d psychology from Wwtern Ciro.ina college at Cul lovvhee in 1963. Mr. Caldwell first began work with the tele».hone company in Charlotte on April 1. 1963. as su - pervisor in the coin telephone de partment and prior to reroiving the Statesville appointment, he served as supervisor of the busi ness office in Charlotte. Refore joining Southern Bell, he worked at Plonk Brothers & t Company f.c.m June 1959 to March 1963. Caldwell, a member of Mace donia Baptist church. Is a mem ber of the S.k.iety for Advance I men! of Management. Theta Xi! | fraternity vnd Alpha Phi Sigma ! fraternity. Active in ?tvic work, he is a ■ member of the District Five Ad vancement Committee for Boy ! Scouts of America in Charlotte ‘ and District Five Organization land Extenr on Committee for the ! scouts, and has served with the i United Ape-'tl and Heart Fund. He and his wife are living at 3234 Marii'orough Hoad in Char , lotte. New Business To Open Here A new retail business. City News, will open here In late July, the owner. J. W. Griffin, said Wednesday. Mr. Griffin, who lives in For est City. Is equipping the West Mountain street building of Mrs. 1. E. Lipford, for his operation, which will feature a large news stand and numerous sundries, including toys. Mr. Griffin is a brother-in law : of Dr. P. G. Padgett, of Kings i Mountain. He now operates three similar establishments, two in i Forest City, one in Rutherford 'ton. Governor Coatest Takes Limelight In Second Pihnary II Days Hence North Carolina Democrats go to the polls again ten days hence on June 27 to nominate a gov ernor and I'cun-nant-governor. Cleveland County Democrats will also determine two run-off race* for county commission po sitions. Leading interest, from stand point of our.eisatlon. is in the governor battle between Richard son Prcyer. os Greensboro, who > led Dan K- Moore by 3ljno votes while four other candidates were being eliminated on May 30. The othe- state race finds Clif iton Blue. Ahetueen weekly news oaper publishe> and 18-year legis lative veteran seeking to over take Robert VT. tBob) Scott. Haw Rivbr farmer and son of the late Governor and Senator W. Kerr Scott. Scott led by 53,'*X) vote* May 30. Cleveland < uunty Democrats also posted a record vote total May 30. more 'han ll.tfJO going to the votin'.' Loot Its. In the tv o county commission run-offs, tlv* tecond-runners of May 30 traileJ by slightly less than 1300 votes each in three man contests. Coleman Goforth, Stoney Poll t cairyman, seeks to I overtake In -unbent J. Broados Ellis. Grov?r businessman, and Charles Bridges, Sr., Polkvillc dairyman, sect's to overtake Spur geon Ilewi", l^awndale business man. All registered Democrats may ! ; vote June 37 tegardless of whe ther they cest ballots in the first primary. Week’s Holiday Is In Store For Area Textile Employees lone 27-July 6 Vacations Ate Scheduled A July Fourth weok vacation Avails the vast majority of Kind's Mountain textile employees. With a few exceptions, majori ty of Kings Mountain textile lirms will •••ispend operations on Saturday, lain- 27th. resuming operations with the first shifts in Monday. Ji.ly Gth. Mauney Hosier)' Mill and Caro lina Throwing Company will shutdown t’.e week of July 6th, general manager Charles II. Mauney said. Lmployces will re turn to work July 111h. Employees >f Pitcnix Plant No. I of Burlington Industries and Margrave ami Pauline Plants of Massachusetts Mohair Plush :'ompany will receive vacation bonuses ba*etl on length of ser iioc. Other industrial plants were in lefinite about vacation bonuses lo eligible employees. Ic Corporation has tentative plan- to close the week i>f July tth. manager Tom Burke «>.iil. Mr. Kt>."ke sat ft TChtative lilans are to suspend operations Sat.. June 27 and resume opera ntions the morning of Monday. July Gth. Park Vain Mills. Sadie Cotton Mills. Mineite 'tills «if Grover, and Phenix Plant of Burlington Industries will sus|iend opera tions June 27to for a week’s va cation resemir.; operation Mon day. July 6t‘*.. Mrs. Manner's Riles Conducted Funeral for Mrs. Bernice Ware Mauney. 48. wife of Ralph Mauney, was held Saturday aft ernoon at Central Methodist church. Mrs. Mauney died of leukemia at Kings Mountain hospi'al Fri day morning at 7 o'clock. She had been ill fer four years. A former employee of South ern Bell Telephone it Telegraph Company, Mrs. Mauney was a Kings Mountain native. a daughter of Mrs. Ursula J. Ware and the late John Fleteher Ware. She was a member of t'entral Methodist ehureh. Surviving, in addition to her husband and mother, are a son. William Ralph Maunty Jr., and a daughter, Myra Jane Mauney. iwo sisters. Mrs. Holland Dix on. Shelby, and Mrs. Van Wrape. Burlington, and three brothers. Paul Ware Kings Mountain, fioorge Ware. Asheville, and Bel* vin Ware. Calhoun Falls. S. C. The rites were conducted by Rev. Howard Jordan and burial was in Mountain Rest cemetery. Pallbearers were Hillard Black. Drai’%!. Peeler. Gt.il Mc Daniel. William McDaniel. Janies Cloninger and Wilbur Smith. Paper Honors Dr. Laura Plonk Dr. Lauri Plonk, Kings Moun tain native, was honored reeently t>y th> Ash-'vi'lc Citizen as the Citizen’s "VVortan of the Week". The artieie accompanying the citation fo!:o*vs: "For II ycor* Dr. Laura Plonk, co-founder ant: director of the Plonk School at 1 Sunset Park way. lias h ei striving to achieve better meihonr of educstion and t. H. Pit.niv & Company, gen eral contraries broke ground for the new plant on Phifer Roa* Monday, with several large earth moving machii.es paring the con tours of th<- property to archi tect’s specifications. A temporary water line Is be ing laid to the site for supply service water, pending decision o the hoard of eeucatiou on wheth er it will ten the county-owned line at Maner road with a six inch or eight-inch line. Superin tendent B. i\r Barnes said Tues day. The Pinnix firm anticipates completion of the building within a year, or le.-.r, therefore earlier than the August 1 completion deadline prcvloed in the eontrac with the boar 1 of edueation. R. H. IJndsay. Pinnix vice-president, said last w**ek. The hoar-l of education antici pates use of the building for the first time whin school opens in September 1SC.1 When eoriplc ted. the grounds landscaped, and t h e building equipped, the new plant will cos SI .500.000, or more. The plant is being locacd on the north comer of the 73-acre site west of Lambeth Rope Corpora tion. It will cotta n more lhan 12S. 000 square feet of floor space and is designed to accommodate a minimum of 1,100 Kings Moun tain district high school pupils. Administrative offices in thr new plant v«ill lie ait-condition ed. and basic installations for eventual air-conditioning of mosi of the build'.itg are included in the ions true lion plans. Architect* estimate ai* • . onditioning plans can becompleted for about $35, 000. IN SUMMER SCHOOL Mrs. Ilal Morris. Mrs. Jim Yarbro and Mrs. M. C. Poston. Kings Mountain elementary teachers, are enrolled in six weeks summer school classes at Ivonoir Ithvne college at Hickory. JOINS EEACE CORES — Robert (Bob) Munson, of Kings Moun tain. has enrolled in the United | States Peace Corps, and expects assignment to Venesuela. Munson loins Peace Corps Hubert (L )b» Munson, of Kin};.-! Mountain, recent graduate of St. j Olaf col leg \ North field Minn.. , leaves Saturday for Denver. Colo., for i 12-week training I course preparatory to duty with the United States Peace Corps. Mr. Munson expects assignment for [K-ace corps service mi Vene zuela. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree at St. Olaf, is the son of , Gerald Munson. Rev. Mitcham In New Post Rev. Lloyd Willard «Billt Mit cham. Jr.. Kings Mountain native, will assume duties as assistant pestor of it-formation Lutheran church of Columbia, S. C. on June 22. Mr. Mitcham was ordained in sendees Sunday at Trinity Lu theran church of Rocky Mount. A graduate of Kings Mountain I high school Mr. Mitcham was 1 graduated from Lenoir Rhyne college at Hltkory and Lutheran Theological Seminary in C'olum j bia. He was ptesident of his sop homore class at Lenoir Rhyne, ; treasurer of his senior i lass anti i chaplain of T*>cta Chi Fraternity He was st-. tient pastor of St. i Matthew's Lutheran church in i Wilmington during the summer ol 1961; at St. Paul's Lutheran church, Har-'et. summ -r of 19fi2 and st-rvotl •» jear of intership at Beth-Eden Lutheran church at Newton. Rev. Mr. Mitcham is a member Continued Ob Pag* 8 City Will Install Mile Water Line To New K Mills. Inc. Plant The city wiM install a 5390-foot 12-inch wa’cr itnc to servo the now K Mills, Inc., plant now mi derway. Tho boar1 of commissioners uuthori/cd purchase of iho pipe necessary for tho project at last Thursday’s regular Juno meeting. The pipe is «stimotcd to coat $18,000. Th<- oily public works department wll make Iho install- , ation. The lino will run from Deal 1 street to RMe.e. to Oriental ave nue. from Ct tonlal to Floyd street. and thts.tc to Laura street when- tho tv.nv plant is locating. | rho eomm's.' ion also authorized contract, as expected, with the i state depar*.rri nt of eonacrvatlon j and dcvrlopnnn for a land-use study. The --oriiract calls for a $6,000 share pa> mont on the city's part. A fedor.l grant of $9,000 for the project had been approv ed previously. *I1ie eomnis* .on authorized con ; tract with tie Kings Mountain S Junior Chamber of Commerce, whereby the civic club will in Participation In Patron Poll Was 70 Percent By MARTIN HARMON Kings .M i'ntain patrons favor toll-free service to Gastonia and Dallas. itesults o! a poll on the propos al. announ ed by Bryan Houck, ; Southern Bell Telephone Sc Tele I graph mana rer. shows that ap • proxir.iatelv 70 percent of the pa trons participi.ted in the voting, with lift), or a •tout 54 percent of those participating, favoring toll free service m exeh inge for slight montiilv rental increase*. Manager Houck noted that the North Carolina Utilities Com mission will be petitioned to ap prove the ne.v service within ten ■ days. However ne added, the service, if approved b.v the cor.imiuion, won't be available before some time in 1965. due to time required for engineering of line and equip ment needs, manufactuie of the equipment, and its installation. Monthly rental increases, won’t be effective, ol course, until the toll-free ser- 'cc is provided. Mr. Houck added The retd a. increases will hr- a maximum of fif* cents per month for residential phones <-10 cents per month toi four-party and eight-party lines', and a maxi mum of $i.50 per month for busl I ness phones t S3 cents per month i for business eight party linest. Mr. Houcl: said he was particu larly pleased at the high partici pation in the mail balloting which 1 covered the period of a month. Bob Maner. pi osident of the : Kings Mountain Chamber of Commerce sponsor and endorser of the toll-free sen ice. comment - ! ed. -The Cnamiier of Commerce ! is highly pleased at the results of the poll, apnieciates the partici pation of all who \otcd. and be lieves sincerely that this added service will oe beneficial to Kings Mountain te'ephone users." Approval rod installation of the new service will mean that phone subscribers will be able to call toll-free approximately 17. 000 additioi.si telephones. Cur rently. King1' Mountain sub scribers can call toll-free about 13.000 telephones, to Grover, Shel by. and Bessemer City, in addi ; tion to Kings Mountain patrons. The propose, for toll-free serv ice had th » endorsement of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of ConmeH- Lions. Rotary and J Kiwanis clubs. Bites Conducted ?oi Littlejohn Funeral rites for James Ed ward Littlejohn. 45. were held Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock at Kings Mountain Baptist chuch. Mr. Lilt': -John died suddenly following a heart attack at Kings Mountain hospital Thurs day night at 7:30. He was s’rick en at home, was driven to the hospital, walked into the emerg ency room and succumbed. Assistant manager of West ern Auto Store. Mr. Littlejohn was a Kings Mountain native, the son of Dor us Gaston Little john and J-iinie Hord Little john. He attended Appalachian State Teachers College and serv ed in World War III in the Pa cific Theatre with the Army Air Corps. He was a member of Kings Mountain Baptist church and Otis D. Green Post 155t i American Legion. Surviving are his wife. Sarah Beth Coon Llt'lcjohn. his par ents. two children. James Alvin ‘ Littlejohn. Fort Bragg, and Sar ! ah Susan Littlejohn. Kings | Mountain, and two sisters. Mrs. W. F. Laughter, Kings Moun tain. and Mrs. John W. Clay, Greensboro. Rev, Marion DuBosc conduct ed the rites and burial was ill Mountain Rest cemetery. Pallbearers were Tom Reyn olds, Ersten Wstterson, O d u s Smith. Luther Morrison. Lawr ence Littlejohn and E. E. Mar lowe. BIBLE SCHOOL Uf PROGRESS Vacation Bible School is con tinuing through Friday night 5-8 at Macedonia Baptist Church on Grover Road. On Tuesday the en rollment of the school reached 95. Commencement will be held Sunday night at 7 pm. at Uu: I neuter Mior Jap jer*»a.