Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 TIU tni, tot GiMttt Mail Mwawa la 4ril»4 lm Ika IMS IU«> Maaataaa aty dl,attar* craaiu Tka ally Ihalla Man la laaaa Mm IMM 3lata. ctaaaa •* IMS. Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, June 25, 1964 Seventy-Fifth Year IQ Pages 10 Today VOL. 75 No. 26 Established 1889 PRICE TEN CENT' Democrats Make Gubernatorial Choice Saturday Vacation Week Near For Many Holiday negus On Saturday % Plants Here A bit: polliv,ii of Kin 's Moun * tain rilif/ns will br on vacatim next week, .is .najority of textile plants dose Saturday for a July 4th week va» a i ion. With a few »xceptions. major ity of Kind's Mountain textile litms will suspend operations on Saturday, rest ining operations with the first shifts on Monday. July fith. Mammy I 'or iel y Mill and Cam lina Throwing Company will shut down the n •ok of July Oth. gen eral manager Char les F. Maunev said. Erapl,jp.“'t will return to work July 11:.'. Park Yarn Mills. Sadie Colt >n I Mills. Min.-tie Mills of f! rover. Pbenix Plant of BurIin;*ton In dustiies and Niislor and Pauline divisions of M;.ssaeliusetts Mo- f hair Plush Company Nvlll suspend operations Saturday. Eligible employees of Massa chusetts Mobfcit and Phenix i Plant will rcieive bonuses baaed on length of s« rvirv. Other indus trial plants w.-te indefinite about vacation bonuses. UCH m Directors or tin* Kings Moun tain Merchants Association will! convene at 1pm. Thursday ‘to day* in the a.-sociation otfiee to j vote on whether Kings Mountain stores will *)e closed or open In dependence Duy. The holiday 11s on a Saturday this war and, ^.rvious po i< v has dictated that stores would rtmain open <»n the1 holiday and ciose the Mondaj following. President Jcnas Bridges said directors would definitely set the holiday schedule Thursday after noon. Lambeth Hope Corporation ha tentative o' «n> lo close the full wrick, mamgt r Tommy Burke said. Somecit'/ens had already made plans this week for treks to the beaches and mountains. Local News Bulletins RETURNS HOME Scott Moss, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mow. was dis charged Friday from Cleveland Memorial hospital where he had been receiving treatment lor rheumatic fever. The youngster is recuperating satisfactorily but if allowed no visitors. | ROTARY CLUB ^Installation 01 new officers of the Kings Mountain Rotary club will feature the regular meeting Thursday at 12:15 at the Coun try Club. ON DEAN'S LIST Pamela Kay Childers, Annie Vera Dillin*’ r.nd Norma Lou Snear.ran, Ki:iR« Mountain stu dents at Appalachian State Teacher’s College. were among 112 students named to the Dean’s List for the spring quar ter. IN OUTDOOR DRAMA Bud Mayes of Kings Mountain has a lead role in the outdoor drama. “Horn In the West,” playing nightly except Mondays July through September 1 in the Daniel Boone amphitheater high atop the Blue Ridge mountains. Mrs. Mayes is also a member of the east. LEDFORD REUNION The annual Ledford family re union will he held Sunday at 12:30 at the home of Curtis Led ford, three miles north of Bel - wood school. ON HONOR _ Janet E. Hamrick of Kings Mountain was recognized with "highest distinction” on the ^Miring quarter honor roll at Ten VR»ee Tech. Registrar Altis H. Smith has announced. A mini mum B-plua average is required. Politicking Waxes Warmer As Candidates Pump Hands Pieyei Gels Warm Welcome In Shelby Democratic (andidate for gov ernor L. Richardson Preyer found his welcotr** ” as attuned to the temperatures m Shelby Monday as a standi""-1 oom-oniy crowd of Preyer faithf .1 gathered at his court square headquarters. They had waited in sweltering lteat for his a, (tearanee, at least 30 minutes beyond the scheduled 2:15 stop. Standing in a chair in order to he heard by the crowd of .Tin. Mr. Preyer saiuk« University Med ical Center it Durham. The licensed practical nurse completed the |*osl graduate i-ourse in ojierating room tech niques which s given only to li- | censed prc.ctiT.I nurses. Three other Cleveland County nurses were graduated. Mis. Orm *n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \\ i’. Gibbons, is also a graduate oi Shelby Hospital School of Pra.lical Nursing Tin* Onr.a.ids are parents of one son. Injuries Fatal To Mrs. Gieen Funeral ti»«s for M s. Mary Frances L'i kmi-c (in^M, 311. wife of Ray Grti-n, were held Monday at l p.m. fr >r the Cha|>el et Har ris Funeral i tonic. interment fol lowing in Mi untain Rest ivme-, tery. Mrs. Green was injured in a March Uttth automobile accident in the Crov. Jet s Mountain sec tion or Gr ten county. She died Satut day moniin.. at 3:50 a.r.i. in Kings Mount i n hospital without regaining i ui tour ness. A native •>* Voik C unity. S. t\. she w:.s th‘ -laughter 01 Mrs. Bertie MaeMu< ,av Lookridge and the late Srn locUridj**'. She was a former ewneyee of Aladdin Knit Mills of liessemer City. Besides her husband and mo ther. site is vivid hy me hro th'Ts, Janv; and Mack lank ridge of Lc>- Ai.geles. California. Oavid and c’nn-pbell LoeI.ridge of Kin::s Moittav and Sam Lock ridge of K*\v West. Florida; and two sisters. Mis. Charles Nash of Bessemer City ...ul Mrs. Way tie Anderson n Lings Mout.U-in Rev. Jar-.’s Holder ..nd Rev. Joltn Hams officiated at the fin al riles;. Bulldozers Catting Dirt At Site Of New School; New Teacher Hired Rig bul'doacrs were cutting dirt on the Phifer road site of the proposed Sl.yt0.000 district high school Wednesday. Huge earth • moving machines haw been moving dirt, paring the contours of M e property to ar chitect'* specifications. all week and R. H. F'’..nix & Company, general eont ’-actors, reiterated their prom'se to the board of education that the new building will he reu !v in a yea** oi less The hoard of education antici pates use of tlx building for the first time when school ope us in September lWVi. Mr. Pinni\ ho anticipates digging of tho basement Monday. The ixiaicl i i education, meet ing briefly Sriurday and again Monday in th • superintendent's office, cm doyvd a high school English teacher, Mrs. Norman II. Puscy. wife ot the Grace Metho dist minister, and authorized Mr. Barnes to ofru employment to a Bible teach->r or rocom Mutation of the Blhl*--! p-S*-hoolo (ommittee of the Kin is Mountain Ministerial association. - Area Citizens In Charlotte For Moore Rally BY ELIZABETH STEWART “Thank you. all you special interest people here tonight. I am so happy to have the sup port oi special interest people such as you.’1 With thos« remarks. Demo cratic gubernatorial hopeful Dan K. Moore drew his loudest cheers from a crowd of 3,000 supporters from Mecklenburg and sur rounding counties in Charlotte’s I’ark Center luesday night. The rally, billed by Moore supporters as designed to refute charges that the former Su perior Court judge from Canton is backed by "special interests", brought testimonials from his leading backers, who. along with Judge Moore, took to task Gov ernor Terry Sanford, Bert L. Ben nett. L. Richardson Preycr, and The Charlotte Observer. The speech- making followed a barbecue-chicken supper and music by Bill Knauff’s Orches tra. the Harvesters Quartet and the comedy team of Tommy Phail and Ralph Smith of the Crackerjacks. Cleveland County supporters for Moore filled five buses for a caravan to Charlotte, complete with band and banners which filed into Park Center just be fore the entrance of Judge Moore and Mrs. Moore. The band played, "Happy Days Are Here Again." Mrs. Moore was wearing a white dress tied with a green sash. Crowds had munched 700 plates ot chicken before 7 o’clock and over 3..VW servings of barbecue and chicken were distributed. "Where Is Dan the Mountain Man". Judge Moore said to the enthusiastic rally. "Let me tell you where he is. he is away in front. He plans to stay there." There followed more applause and cheering from men. women and children who sat at tables. Oittlimidl On Page *» Bites Thursday Foi Mr. Wright Funeral *m Fletcher Clayton Wright. 11. v ill he . unducted Thursday > tod iy • at -I p.rn. from the Chapel nl Harris Funeral Home. Rev. Ma ui OuIJose. >>„slor ot Kilims Moots.i ii Baptist church, will oifieiate .••nd interment ‘..'ill he made in Mountain Host ceme tery. Mr Wright uietl Tuesday mom in.: at 3 a.tv. oi self-mfli.icd gun sltot wounds ol the head. Cleve land County Coroner J. Ollie Har ris sa.d. Mr Wright, the coroner said, shot h‘.r .11 w ith a .43 auto matic pistol a* his home at 60N Me.tdmvhro-k road. No inquest was neccssc* y. A native .>f Cleveland County. Mr. Wright was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright. A World Wat i) \ flora n of Naval duty aboard tl.e CSS Salt Lako City, ho was a Mason and mem her of Kin*v Mountain Baptist ehureh. H*> was omnloyed by Noisier Mil's •■•vision of Massa ehusott* MoSiit Plush eompany. Survivor* t:vludc his wife. Mrs. Margaret Walker Wright of Haw thorne. California. one son. Clay ton Wrigh* of Kings Mountain; one daughter. Mrs. Arnold Led ford of Forest City; three broth er*. Kdwaro G. anti Boyce Wright of Kings M.-u .tain and Floyd Wright of Kl'< nboro and two sis ters. Mrs. Robert Wood* of Shel by and Mrs. Loir Junes ut Kings .Mountain. Hath Finishes Banking School At Bntgers Now Brunswick. New Jersey.— Three vice presidents ol North Carolina National Bank were a ■ mon2 2»58 hankers in the grad uating class of the Stonier Grad uate School ol Banking at Rut gets University. They were H. L. Ruth. Jr. and James R. Sheridan of Charlotte, and John B llairis. Jr. of Ra leigh. A native of Kings Mtn.. N C., Ruth is a graduate of David son College. Sheridan is a native of Columbia, S. C. and a grad uate of the University of South Carolina. Harris, a native of Al bemarle, N. <*., is a graduate of Duke University. Stonier was founded in 1935 to provide graduate study in hank ing and finance. Graduates must completi three two-week periods of resident study, two years of intensive work at home, and write an original thesis, fn addi tion, each must stand an oral examination by a panel of au thorities on the subject covered by his thesis. Mr. Ruth was elected Regent of his class. Moore Supporters Sing On Caravan Hip writers *.1 < ampaign jingh-s for the two gubernatorial candi- i dates in Satui'lay’s run oft elec tion and Kings Mountain sup|tort Prs of Candidate Mnnrc have something in jumnion, apparent ly Tuesday nigh:'* M.tore caravan to-Charlotte was held up about ' 30 minutes at Kings Mountain Bus Station Ijetausp of the lat< arrival of four buses from the county seat. \ string hand was on hand to preform for the '-am. paigners hut ti.e musicians had to pack up the:r gear and head for Charlotte to anive theio by 7 o’clock. Sans mu ic o.dn t dampen the enthusiasm of the Kings Moun tain Moore supporters headed by Continue.! On Pttyi >• Love Bites Held Wednesday Funeral ies foi Lewis Augus tus Love, ll'..A Uuuin 90, were held Wednesday at 3 p.m. from Antioch Bap'.iit church, interment following ii. *.*u church «**metery. Mr. Lov** .utcunibed Monday night ot his ho.r,e about 9:30 p.ni. after several years of declining health. A native of Cherokee Countv. he was the s -n of the late Mr. I and Mrs. Jo",iihan Love. He was a member ol Bethlehem Baptist ' church I Ilis wife. tl« former Lillie Sell- i ern. died in 1*156. He is survived l»y a sister, Mr#. Charles Psi'iitT, of Grover, and by a numt >*j- cl nieces and nep hews. Rev. A. C. Mushes, assisted by the Rev. M. Redding, offl elated at rhi i.nal rites. Union Service At AHP Sunday i Sunday *ut»h*'s union service for *i.< eitv chi.rch congrogations will hr held .it lioyw Memorial ARP ehutvh ,.t s o'clock. Dr. \V. L P vssly will deliver the evening message c n the theme. “Authility." Special mu sic by the Ch.meel choir will be under the direction of Mr#. N. F. McGill. An offerin- to he reociv ed will help defra\ expense# of Bible teaching procrum in the schools Luther Leaguers Name New Officers Luther Leaguer* of Resurrec tion Lutheran church installed new offhvrsr Sunday night. Johnnie Moore was installed as now president su*-awJVi( riUiifaA FOR LIEUTENANT - C-OVFRNOR CLIFTON H. BLUE ROBERT (BOB) SCOTT FOR DISTRICT II COUNTY COMMISSIONER I. BROADUS ELLIS COLEMAN GOFORTH rT nr ro»T? UlAlUxa A. sMllAits. 5M. o* W Ats****^. Kings Mountain Exchange Student Leaves Sunday For Trip Back Hone Jose Pii*’ -i Kings Mountain ox change studoiv from \rgentma, said ho will 'T|i siiis Kings Moun tain Irion "Is hut ho is excited about trtu-pi..K homo after a year away. Pucci leaves Sunday on the In st log nl his trip >.aok to Argentina. Ho is expect oc. to arrive homo on •luly 23rd to tnrol! in medical school In Gastonia ' 'unday ho will visit lor three days with Mr. and Mrs Otis Peach tr.d participate in the city’s Intel n.:-tional V-'pk end with 37 otlio. foreign -\chango students. The delegation will leave Imu Gj-Iu*uj uj tnn> on a ihrc ' ttce* ton, of other Mates. Tne\ will . eecivcri >\ Prosi dent John' n in Washington. D I). bef it* they return to their own countries. Voting I’tkti -aid their itinerary will also in. lu ie a stop at the New York '.\ Grid 's Fair. From Miami. Floitd:.. Pucci will goto ttia/il ami s.ihcequently on to northern Ar*r«ttna. In Kings Mountain. Pucci has tieen a school-'. irr> merri>et of the family Mr. «ind Mr.. John A. Cheshire. He graduated this month from K.ngs Mountain high school He *»lu s to be a surgeon. Run-Off Calls Made By Four Challengers t'lfveland < ountv Democniis ,,oin their follow citizens acne .v>rth Camlm;: in their seconl turn at - the ) late Saturday to nominate a :> wrnor and licutca ant-governor. vin> Mouniuin Democrats wit will also deiei mine two run-off "Hs-s for county commission posi tions. l’*iliti<-kin>? waxed warmer in No 4 Townshin tltis nwk as the candiiiates stumpbd Cleveland County for fatal visits before election day. Loading int. est is in the gov ernor battle I < tvvirn L. Richard son Preyer <>t Grci-nsboro and Dan K Mooif of Canton. Mr. Preyer camuaigned in Shelby Monday and Vootv returns to the county with an appearance at 2 p.m. Thursday . t Kings Mountain City Halt ard tinal spetvh of his campaign ir. Shelby. The other sti.te race finds Clif ton Blue. Aberdeen weekly news paper publisher and IS year legis lative veteran, seeking to over take P.ohert VV. iltobi Scott. Haw River farmer and son of the late Governor and Senator \V. Kerr Scott. Scott leo by 53.3'i0 votes May 30 Preyer I-**-! Moore bv 23.500 votes while four other candidates were eliminat'd on May 30. Cleveland County Democrats also |>oste:S0 a m. Polls close tii.'JO p.m. Polling 'li -. es in Number 4 Township • -i• Bethware pre cinct at Bethware school; East Kings \1 •untam precinct at City llall court, . ; Grover precinct at Grover P.* • ue Squad build in:: West Kings Mountain pre cinct at Ki”'’s Mountain National Guard ArmoiV. ■•’or Dcm s-r tis, tiumhcr of bal lots: two. one .or state offices and one for countv offices. Registered •.oters: In Number 4 Township. .DC. Fork Ranqer Rie« On Mountain Trek Park Ranger Joseph J. Ries left New York International Air port Tuesday afternoon for a six weeks tour ol Italy, France and Switzerland. Ben F. Moomaw, >uperinten dent «d King- Mountain Nation id Military Park. .>-aid Ranger Rios is participating with other members o| the Colorado Moun tain club in advam-cd training with new mountain climbing techniques and equipment. Three Grocery Firms To Close Inly 4th Three K.ngs Mountain gro cery stores Harris Teeter, Winn Pixi«> and A X- P- will he closed Satm '.iv July Ith. man agers ot the lirrns have an m*un