Richard A. Lynn Wins Promotion I I AIR' IK:.I> ('..Ijf, K|i l>nri| •Lynn, -i.n ,f \|t and Mrs. H«h<*n S. Lvnn of r»ir» norland r Avo.g Kim's M< untaln. N. C.. has heon promoted lo alrm :n first .-las* in the V. S. Air r»»rce at Travis AFV. < alif. Airman Lv n is an aircraft iw* olianic in a mil that supports th«> Military Air Transport Smio mission of nroMdiriK global air !if’ of U. S. r'litujr forros and •sjuipmon*. Th«* airman attended Kind’s Mountain tiiKh school False Charge: 'Dan Moore has made secret promises to special interest groups." The Troth: Dan Moore has made no secret promises or deals with any individ ua» or group. He has publicly pledged himself to bring an end to machine politics in North Carolina. False Charge "Dan Moore will raise interest rates.' The Troth: Legal interest rates are established by the Legislature. Dan Moore has pledged to oppose vigorously any increase in interest rates. Vote For Dan K, Moore SATURDAY, JUNE 27 Dan K. Moore Will be at Kings Mountain City Hall Thursday at 2 p.m. This Is The Law NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS Sam Smith gives to Ben Brown a noi'oitabk' instiament f#>r Sltto In payment of *he |*otai<«-s. if |n jifr ivnt of the potatoes are rotten. how -milt would Brown hi1 able to <•. from Smith? Brown ran in only Stitt from Smith. In the hand* of .1 fiersn other (bar innocent puirhu^r for value hrfiirp ma turity tknown as a "holder in duo course" 1, a negotiable ins trument is MihWs-t to the same defenses if it were nonne gotiablo It is no' until a no •oti.ii ie instrument is subject to *he same defenses as if it wore non ne tollable, ft i- not until a negotiable Instrument has passed into the hands of a hold er in due course that it heroines free from the defenses that are available against the original party to the instrument. Allen gives to Butler « ne gotiable promissory mite in con sideratIon of Bu’ler placing |>ois on in tin* t-«»ff«*»* of Yates. If But ler dors tlx* act promised, he cannot recover anything from Allen. because Alien may plead ;is a defense to any ;x-tion brought by Butler on the ne gotiable promissory note the il legal object of the tiansaetion out of which the note arose. 1 But if Butler transfers ‘lie note to Collins a holder in clue course, the lull amount of the note mav be recovered by Col lins from Allen, since In* has acquired the negotiable instru ment free from ’he personal de fense of illegality of object a callable against liuller. Collins has acquired a contractual right to recover money that was worthless to Bihler. 'f Collin- nad acquit cd the ne got table promisso v note after maturity, or with knowledge of the illegal transaction for which the no’e was given. Collins would he able to recover any thing from Mien May the holder in due course of a negotiable instrument le gally recover thereon front a |x*r MAKES SOLO FLIGHT — Ha va) Aviation Cadet Charles C. Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Fisher )t. of Route 2. Kings Mountain, took his first giant stride toward winning co veted "Wings of Cold" at Pens acola. Flo., recently when he ilew his first solo flight in the “Mentor" trainer at Pensacola. Fla. son less than twenty-one years of age? No A minor, who is a person loss than twenty-one years of age, inay disaffirm his negotia-. hie as well as non-negotiable eontraets. The fact that the present hold er did not know that the maker or indorser was a minor is im material. This is the last of a full serias of articles which have appeared weekly during the past three months. They have been written for the non-lawyers as a public service of the North Carolina Bar Association. Another series will be started in the spring. There is an old Caster tradition that a snake, it it looks on an emerald. b'"o,.ies blind, accord ing to the Hook of Knowledge. FIVE BEAUTIFUL BUYS AND ONE GREAT PLACE TD BUY ( NOW at your (hevrolel dealer's ) M.vlrh oh,re: t„n I,ft. Conette Sting Rag Sport Conpe; right. Conan Monza “ Coupe; enter. Cl, " U \„a Sport Coup/; bottom left, Cherelte Malibu Conrertible; right, Chevrolet lmpain Contertibl.. FUvn wailinji till now to buy that now Chevrolet? You’ve ni rack it rich! Want to know why? Because right now it’s “Trade ’\T’ Travel Time” at your Chevrolet dealer’s. The greatest time of the year to get the mast travel fun from a new car. And those' live beautiful buys? 1—The big luxurious Jet-smooth Chevrolet. 2—Chevrolet’s latest, the youth fully styled, highly accepted Chevelk*. 3—Chevy II for families who appreciate economy along with high style. 4—The unique rear-engine Corvair with its road-hugging traction and easy handling. 5—You can go all out that’s for sure!) with the sen-ational Corvette Sting Hay. Any one of thfsc can In* jusi what you want, too. Sl.vk Super Sport models dressed up with soft vinyl interiors, sin k -hifts, great choice of power plants and other optional extra-cost equipment right on up to air conditioning. Roomy wagons for camping. World’s Fair travel or what have you. Plus as solid a choice of sun loving convertibles and eou|»es as you’ll ever get to see. And here's the greatest thing about Trade ’\” Travel 1 into—whichever of these five great highway |>erformers you pick, you've got yOurvlf a great way to go. And the first way to go is to your Chevrolet dealer’s and that’s nyl<t row—during Trade N” Travel Time! CNEC* W T M T DEALS ON CHEVWHiTCHEVELlECHEYY TT COKVAM ONI CMVCTTE NOW AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER S VICTORY CHEVROLET CO. HAJLHOAD AVEHip MOUNTAIN. N. C. Mo. 110 Letters To The Editor Pear Mr 1 t.ii rrion; ! want to kt';o this o,ilui1unil> to express my sincere admiration of two fntur<« of your nevspa per. ntmrty, .Martin's Medicine' and Dili; U odwarrt- II. tld S|H»rtv' oolum:. I'otr (ii'umm ate ‘tops In mv t-i nl; and a 'n u>f -o my newspajit |- ri'.idinAlso want to tak' time-out fot youi ex.oll.-nt cr*it»: ial on '.lim l.itil John i’hI to r«’|M‘,:t your •«> n lud in- iiimiiKiit 1 it wo si.all mi* Jim Idtflo'oh'i mctitily \\ liili* >i n subject of roinen: bo in” folia, >fs not forgot a fo\. well < .tost n remi.i.s .on frinin" th-* p; ssim* of wtit i on July i, IWii and whoso un timely doat'i h ,s loft ma y of u» saddened w ih hi* pas sm” non.* ot'*oi than *•:. ".fst Homi’. ’.-.ay f.,: w.ioin i ho!»* great idmii .t!• and with whom I pas- I many htmis in <1 *o companionship while wi* wot next floor n.-i-h bo.s in K"\ West, Fiorina just prior to World War II Krnie stanr < novy as tren. with V\i'liam Bu,l*i Yeats aid .lame* Joyce as ui’(*nf the three most in fleentla! wri. is of the ora ||<> appealed in IN s ;y of .,.1 litera tun- like a meteor and then stayid then A str?np> wa\ fot a metis,r to t Vet a- eneh h,M>k. appeared, st* eritha yy mid issue final announcements that In- \va burned out The Noix*l Prize Judges th"ii,»ht differently a* they read. -The Old Man and the Sea." "Hie mill’o-is who i'lljov id his stories yy-e not partieularly troubled b« his skill in writing about y iolen. e. They had pr >ha bly notie*-d -ha' th« world around them was tally in a state of considerable mmoil. H«-ming\y ay bad more triemfs than any othei yyriter from A frn a to Montana, from Key \Ves* to New York to Madrid. Pm is and the Venetian plain. His ’Hartwell to Arms’. 'For Whom Bell Tolls', and "The Sun Aiso Pises’ ,-»-.-e just a feyy of his I iks which \y ill live on. !t I- a |>i*> : at Liiii’kI In-mtnj; way, tonn | niitltoi of pri/p-win nin^ volii'-'i ..hout death and violence. hit i i It <ii«i| \ ,<>)enth l’t'>m Iho um tow of his Ketchum. Idaho horn one .-an ihc ifKiPtorv. it* . moving' scene, with tin- <n. . mountain* and the h.i t| of shivp /ra/inff alonthi" (piwt ivhi'tT t hr _*rass i tins th** '.i <■ la ush nonnid foothills. I* host dost i iii-ii |>\ this insenp i, written mam years ,n>o hi l.’ominewr\ for I hi ifravi* ot i fi i ml w!i. ,s Kn ie'i near him: "Mi* ha- h rin«- t.» ihe nl|> that In* loveo >nd now i ■ will lie a part <>f forever In tin* »;.• >ni.i Gazette Mnn tiny after! ,lul\ 2\. l!Ki| eil tio't itvre >1 ;>< .lied tile In Sl .>f .1 wii“s nl '..Hi arli> l-s dialing with tlx* trav. I' and .k<|ikuiii an<a*s >f tv n .dfisigned, it will !*• found att thed. It sun* hnnes mil fhi* 1! : a\ in rrc. f'lni“,irij. Kred 11 Drewef LFTTKl! TO iri'.ITOR . Sir: f>n hehaP d the Kim;s Moun tain Lions Cmi» the (;iau< >ma Clime Cumn iltor wishes to e\ Dress appro iatjon for the .splend id eooperatVi and supjMirt your paper iraw it puhliei/in ; the -lin i«*. We are ne t indehtisl t > radio station WKVfT. Medii-al Pharma ey. Kino- Mountain Dnt-’s. Qua lily Sandtve i Company. Pepsi Cola Motiloi . Cotr|ian\. Carolina Dairy, and > Ion list of I.ions Lionoesses volunteer worker and health workers for eaeh in dividual <*o>>' ihrtmn of material, lime, and en>-i„\. The Kin-,- •lount.iin Lions sin cfnHy hopo • Ik»i the seventeen |iei-s<>ns who wire reforred for further examination will not suf fer of v ision We re joiee with *•« remainder of the 67*1 person- who were examined The Veterans Comer i ■ il‘T*- ar** .n ..on'oiivo answer* f>\ the Vet ii’<t Administration to «{ii'-stion« <mn foimor M*rvk*p. m--i awl th *i. famili.'s. •V t',111 I my annual <;i him ''I* i ml ii'mnin on »!•,isn ■«> , fumy. promiumT A Y«*.s. ’•«. may. You should noli > ill. •> - .lamv S-rvic* of !it»* V<*ii*i.ns Vrlminislration Of. fi wIkmi* _ ... (•„;» v»m prctni u" s t > 'wii1 , tun* dividends to >••11 rrt'ilii. i i:iif*n*s*. to moot j should fail to pa\ vhon due. 'i I -<-i i ?. >« ill.mi .1 year in tli<- Amy 'ictnieM and 191.1 <«• • i' Iwc ■ ihl\ discharged at m> own • I*•-1• si io annul em ployment in -sentiai industry. Will 1 Ik- entitled i < a (tension w hen I bp inn 65 years old? ■\ Pens.." may l.e -'i anted at any a if • > t teran ha* the re quisite b"i .or..hie »*rvi«e nnd is umihlo to i’liinu substantially •ainfill eminoymeni duo to disa bility Q i had >. • \ iee during both World War II and the Korean c •nfln't ’ ll' I avt* heard that the I iter period Vi ■ Ill' i In* list'd in de tprmintn.' • . deadline for a <11 loan. Is this Hue? A Oidui 'i ly yes However, if the t •T.pi!t*o based on a World W i II v\n: i t lablish a later ih-adli'ie I• .• • a short period of spiv • tillin' the Korean Con flipt the V.'arrl War •! |>eriod nay be us'*d Inal there >»,ts no evidence of ylaupoma. V >ur. .vith a spirit of IJontsrr. How no l.ryant, Chairman Olai' ■ Committee You get SELF-RISING OR REGULAR SHAWNEE'S BEST ENRICHED FLOUR S l» Nil rCee4t*&*€Ufi*6i WWNEES IIST III *(HI 3 I In r<* ' reaiiv jM'i \\ t»»r >ou lx kimu mIi.iI lii in nui'. h.iivinir >••11 1.111 pul nil \olir t .11 • 11* ill) ill** help of >m \\\ \kk*> ki:>r .uni . (I. TH\ IT! W li.ileVer \rnir fa\orilt I'.ikmi; rei ipes are, >nil li.nrn t «»t ill*' MO" | from llieiii till \»u u»e SH \\\ NKK'S HKST . . . tin eiirirlieil flour that *s inilli-il from tla\or-fjiiioii. >oiillii*e«lerii v% heal l»> mm "lio lia\e Jieeii fauiih flour millrr-i for >ear«. (><•1 "the proof of the puddingand > il E 15c—on either Sll i IPX EE'S BEST Regular or Self-Rising Flour. CLIP THIS COUPON NOW-SAVE I5‘ THIS COUPON WORTH 15c c "t ... ON S-U. OK 1**01* SIZ( SHAWNK I B(»T HOUR Mr. C/iH rf PI*++*• sa rpt tint • •*up-*«i (or lie on the pui.h-.^ r< »«->• >.|fc. or U»»*;rj *». bHAWNEKl BEST Flo. •. We will tfileent coupon for I c plus ic htnJlint frr thr>i trrmt of offer are comp! | taith Redrenial> only by •tore* telling ftHAW’NEE S BEST Flour. V. .4 !r<J y out. »!4e a*rr-y or '•here |>n b»h*t. » !. tiird or ffrtn-vj by law Ct.«tot:ier inu»t \\*. any u'm t»*. Redrt:.|-»»or w■',] t- » *.‘» l v your SHAWNH BEST : *;»rrw*nt»tivr. or mo! co«f»r> « ’ •» Shi* nee M § i. * Nhoanee. OfcUhrr .a.

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