People In The News Joan McClure. Kings Mountain entry in the Miss j Shelby beauty pageant Fri- j day night, was first runner-up I and came home with a trophy ' and a $100 scholarship. Miss McClure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McClure.' played the piano in the talent > competition. She has studied j piano for 1/ years and voice for six montns. Winner of Miss Shelby" was I 7 year-old Judy Starr Carden nf Snelby, rising sen-j ior at Shelbv high school. Sec- i ond runner-uo was Ann Piercyi of Shelby. M>ss Carden won a: 1500 scholarship and will represent Shelby in the 1965 Miss j North Carolina contests. Miss McClure will be a freshman at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in September. ♦ * * * Kathleen Smcox, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Francis Sin cox, was hono.ed on her third birthday June I 3th at a party for seven children at her home. The decorated birthday cake was topped with a clown and it was cut and served at refreshment time with ice cream and randy. Small baby dolls and cars were given to the children as favors. Present for the party wer* Kathleen’s older brother Doug, and Lisa Bridges. Eliza beth McG’I1. Carla Maunev, Sallie Durham, Sammy Wolfe and David Barrett. * ♦ * * Anne Trott, rising senior at Kings Mountain high school, will serve as editor of The Mountaineer for the 1964-65 schooiy«ar beginning in Sep tember. Miss Trott will succeed Donna Hardes and llene 1 Gantt, co editor*. Daughtc* cf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Trott, Miss Trott is) active in St. Matthew s Lu theran church and Order ot j Rainbows. She was a com-, mencement marshal. The student newspaper edi-1 tor went to Winthrop col lege at Rode Hill, S. C. June 15-17 tor a journalism convention. * * ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Pride Ratterree and daughters, Ruth, Mary and Myr+ha, of Charleston. S. C.. visited here last week with Mrs. Ratterree ter, Mr,. Margaret Ward, and their aunt, Mrs. R. J. G bb . Mr. Ratterree *s associated with The Citadel. ABOUT THIS AND THAT Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smashers honored Kings Moun tain sub debutantes at a swim pjrty at the Red Fe.: club at Lake Wylie Friday evening. Buffet tables were spread with red end white calico cloths and held arrangements of magnolia^ and wrought iron candlesticks. Swimming and dancing provided the evening entertain ment for 10 young people, including Libby Bunch, Tommy Black, Cora Ram'eur, Paul Rollins, Priscilla Padgett, Done Freeman, Mary Wright, Jimmy Medlin, M*ry Anne McCur dy and Jose Pucci. Debutante Joan McClure was a contest ant in the Miss Shelby contest that evening. ♦ ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moss have returned t«ome aft;->r visit ing in Panama City, Florida with their son, A 1C Karl Moss and Mrs. Mos-. Mr. and Mrs. Bi McDaniel, their da ghter, Su:anne, son, David, and Mr. a d Mrs. Ear! Morris have returned from a vacation tr'p which took them to New York City and the World s Fair. They a so stopped in Washington, D. C. ard Virginia. » ♦ « * IT S A BOY Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kinncmun, Jr. of Pensacola. Fla. announce the arrival of Robert Eugene Kir.reman, III. The youngster weighed six pounds. 12 ounces ard is second child of the Kinnemans who are parents of four-year-old Care Elizabeth. Kings Mountain grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J H. Arthur. Mrs. Arthur has returned home after a week s visit with the Kinnemans in Floridj. Mrs. K>neman is the for mer Shirley Arthur. * * • * Elizabeth Stewart, Editor Phone 739-5441 SOCIAL CALENDAR Thiunilny: 7:30 II. K Dixon is entertain ing lor men o' the Dixon-Moore wedding pa:ty at a bachelor sup per at Kelly’s -Steak House in Uiacksbur”, S. C. Saturday: H:00 Misc. lloncous shower honoring .Vis.-> Kay McCarter, bride - eled Hostess 's: Mrs, Charles Pr<~ on, Mrs. Bob Kam **y and Mrs .main Lynch at the Lynch horn.- i n Sipes street. 10 a.m. '.V«..ding brvaKlast at Honey's Rest turant in Gastonia for Mis-s Linda Moore and Don ald Dixon, Horts: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Herndon an I Mi. and Mrs. Jessie Putnam. 7:30- Rehe-anal for the Dixon Moore wedding in Patterson Grove Baptist church. 9:00 After - rehearsal party at 103 W. Moird.;in street honoring Miss Lind i Moore and Donald Oixon. Hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and Mis. J. M. Moore. Sunday: 4:00 The v/idding of iss Linda Jane Moor** and Donald Keith Dixon in Patterson Grove Baptist church. Wrdaauday: 9:30 a.m. -Circle 2 of Central Methodist eht .ih at the home of Mrs. C. A. Piifterworth. 10 a.m. C ides 3 and K of First Presbvteiian church in the Ladies Bible ( lassroom. Miss Goforth Gives Plans Miss Sare .Mac Goforth, daugh ter of Mr. end Mrs. Dennis L. Goforth, ha. 'flounced pians for her mania j • to Kenneth Eugene Cash, son of !r. and Mrs. Henry Melvin Cash. The wedding will lake place Saturday. Jtilv *»h. at 2 p m. in El Bethel church. Rev. R. M. Lockrid's'p .11. will hear the double-ring ••». h.inge >>f vows Miss Pule*,» Patterson will be ai the orgap *01 the program of nuptial nris-c. The bruit--fleet will be given in marriage hv >< r father ami tn-st man for th-- (.respective i groom will o. his brotner. Pauli Cash. t Aliss fier’l'.iiio Goforth will at teng the hi !o*be as maid of honor, and < dj ottetidant. Tom m> Barrett tmi Eddie Herndon will serve a> ushers. Formal vv« «l in ginvitations are not lieing is. ui d. All friends anti relatives ot no two families are invited to attend. Bon Voyage P*r+y Honors Jose Pucci Jose Pur -i. K.ngs Mountain ex- • change stud- r.t from Argentina, was guest • if • honor Saturday night at a Ihh voyage party giv en bv Mr. aid Mrs. Kelly Bunch and Miss f.k'&beth Bunch at i iheir home or Grover road. Thirty your • profile who en joyed a co ik out and dancing gave Pucci :rif*s. The guests ate. hamburgers a* small tables plai • I ed around the pool The refresh- ; ment table was decorated with magnolia leaves. Pucci leave. Sunday for New York City ai.d subsequently home to Argentina lie has made his home the -i. si school year with tin* John A. i -eshire family. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED — Mr. amd Mr*. J. Lee Roberta untwunre the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Lee, :o 0"uti laa D. Kubanka, aon of Mr. and Mra. W. J. Eubanka. Both families are of Kings Mountain. An August wedding is planned. Free Fashion Show Next Tuesday Night To Climax June Dairy Month Activities A five fashion show al Graham Junior high school in Shelby next Tuesday ntyht will climax June Dairy MonMi activities in Cleve land Countx Five adid's. 'hree teenagers and seven youni,s:e>s will model sum mer clothing (urn Shelby. Falls ton and Swai :s\ ill*- stores. In ad dition. 12 t-H ois from Cleveland County will rwxlel the dresses they have r adc in county 4-H competition. The event will lx* staged at 8 o’clock and tin interested public is invited to attend. Mrs. Hay Alien will be com mentator ‘or fie fashion show-. Charles Cain < ss will talk about dairy' products. Mrs. Jane Mauncy will be at the piano. Mrs. J. L. Suttlo. Jr. is women’s chairman t ...• the county-wide event with .‘lr.-. Dw ight Hord and .Mrs. A. A. Lackey. Jr. as co chairmen. Mrs Lackey is former ly- of Kings Mountain. Other committees for the June Dairy Month piomotion are: Refreshments: Mrs. James Cornwell ar.d .Mrs. Coleman Go lorth. Decorations: Mrs. Charles Ream. Mrs. Neill Wilson and Mrs. Dick Palm; :\ Publicity: Howard Clapp, coun ty agent, chairman: Martin Har mon. Jim Jolley and Hugh Dover. Fashion FI:fW Publicity: Mrs. William Jack. Jerry Jei'rcy is Cleveland County chairman of June Dairy Month with Earl Propst as his co-chairman. Miss Rebecca Mack, Steve Ross Lynch Pledge Vows In Double-Ring Ceremony Gastonia's Li lay Baptist churcl provided th* sitting Sunday at 3 pm. for th • wedding of Miss Re he va Francis Mark of Gastonia and Steve 5fo-> Lynch of Bosse | rner City. The Rev. Vales Campbell offi i ciatcd at the oouble-ring cere mony. i Miss Helen r'pencer was urban ist and Andrew Champion was vocalist for t v program of nup tial music. Baskets ol white flowers and palms were um d o nthe altar with I numerous itnelabra hold i n g lighted laftr-i a. The bride was in marri age b> her tet’ier. She wore a dress of silk .ryanra and Alencon la. e over ttffcia. The contour I; bodice was styled with portrait neckline an-' controlled bell skirt was highlighted by a flat oanel at the out and in the haeli a double oi>i an bustle falling into a chape' t:am. Her houffan veil fell f:mn a double crown of -turora cry si d,. and she carried a J cascade booqucl of orchids and . roses. Miss Alice K tylor was maul of lionor and inrU'sr.iaids w»re Miss .Sandra Sch'agcnhauf. Miss Holla ' Tilson. Mrs. '>.in Lynch .inti Miss i N’ancy Clemnioi. All tho al-vidants wore fcouf fant gowns .«; blush pink pear* d'ange with « laiv ia-koi anti silk cabbage :.ise rolled hat.They ! carried colonial bouquets of while I carnations and pink rosebuds. Cinger S’l-ii ionson and Kathy Wehhof Ch.i 'anooga Tonn. wore flower girls. Michael Mack, tho bride s hro»h- r. was ringbearer. Tho >m's fathor was best man. Tho list of ushers in cluded Dan Lynch of Bessemer City an;’ Dr. a n l ynch ol Kings I Mountain, mothers of the bride groom. Fo’vsi Dover and Junior Kins'. both of Bessemer City. Mrs. Lyr h s the daughter of Mr. and Mis Raymond K. Mack I oi Uastuma. Site is a graduate of Ashley high -*hool and is cm ployed by Ft*estone Stores of Gastonia. Mr. and Mis. rianKS. Lynch, ,.f Bessemer City are patents of the brides re i... A graduate of Bessemer t’itv hish sonool and Winston Salem Barber collese. he is employed by I Ie/io's Barbel Shop. Following •* Trip to thovoast the newlyweds v. ill bo at home at 313 S. Broad st* *o in Gastonia. Party Honors Linda Moore Mrs. Lee M* Daniel and Miss Di atte Hix >n entertained together I Friday night at a drop-in showe at the MoPar* el home on Beth lehem road. Guests who ealled from 7 until !t sheveted Mis* Linda Moore. btide-elcct. with miscel laneous gift.- Miss Moore and Itonald Dixon will be married Sunday aft*in>on in r.ittorson Grove Baptist church. A color n«.*c o( pink and white w;s carried oul in decorative de tails. Overla.d with white eut work doth ovi-c pink, the refresh ment table N'td „ center artange metit of pink ?i;.ris and white dai sies. Pink punch was served from a -rvsti.1 bawl at one end of the tabic with pink end white cake squares, pink and white mint.- and salted nuts. Miss Moore, her stepmother. Mrs. J'rani: Moore, her grand mother. M«*s. J. M. Moon*, and her prospe live mother-in-law. Mrs. II. K P.-.on, received infor mall> >n t’*e living room. Mrs. w. ' M .-Daniil greeted arriving callers. Mrs. James Reynolds. Mrs. Boyd Howell, Miss Nancy Rey nolds and Mis*'Teresa Howell as *i«ted in ?e--*".tig. Mrs. Douglas McDaniel and Miss Jov.-e Dixon received in the gift ro-nn and Mrs. Dixie -McDxiiU said £Oudb>fcs. • Yolanda Cobb Has Third Birthday Yoland i Cobh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs „>ackie Cohh. cole brated her ’.hud birthday Satur day afternoon at a paity for 24 children at <>« home. The pink birthday ca!;e was cut ard served with drinks. sand wiches an.I ic-- cream. Yolanda is granddaughter of Mr. and Mr.; ''red Sanders and Mr. an Mrs. Dewitt Cobb, all of Kings Mourt. in. Her great • grandparents ue Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sanders of Kings Mountain. Miss Moore Gives Plans Miss Lindt ,’nne Moo.v, daugh ter of Mr. and Ma Frank Moore, hat completer? (.Ians for her mar riage to Do wM Keith Diron, son o* Mr. and M“s. II. K. Dixon, and aitnounces th* r.t this week. The wedi'.ni! will take place Sunday at 5 p m. In Patterson Grove Baptist church. Rev. Rich ard Plyler will officiate at the double-ring c-'tetnony. Lester C x of Shelby, cou sin of the bride-elect, will be or ganist for the program of nuptial music and B. .*>. Peeler. Jr. will be vocal soloist. The brido-tc-la* will he given in marriage by her father. Mr. Dix on will hav" his father as beat man. Miss Linde Slooop of Asheville, college roo"i*rate of the bride elect, will be maid of honor. Miss Carolyn Mooic, half-sister of the bride-elect. Miss Diane Dixon, sister of the prospective bride groom. Mrs. Jessie Putnam, cou sin of the bride-elect, ind Mrs. Ray Herndon, cousin of the bride elect. will he bridesmaids. Sandra Moore, half-sister of the bride to-be. will he flower girl. rhc list of ushers wi:l include Jessie Putnam. Ray Herndon, Hugh Lanc’sJei, all of Kings Mountain. arx’ Ray Robinson of Grover. Miss Moore, cousin of the bridc et-ve will keep a guest register in the vestibule of the church. II. K. Dixon wid honor his sot and men of the wedding party at a bachelor otpper Thursday (to night* at Kelly's Steak House ii Blackshur" *>. ('. •Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Moore. Mr and Mrs. Ray Herndon and Mr. and Mrs. Tesslt? Putnam will en tertain on Saturday at a 10 a.m wedding hrenMast to he given a Honey's Restaurant in Gastonia. Following .iioir wedding re hearsal Satin lay night. Miss Moore and Vl. Dixon will bt honore11. Hi- attended the Kings Mountain schools and works for Hi.'wlite, Inc. of Gas tonia. Kings Momuain is home for the newlyweds. Miss Jackson Wins Honor STAUNTON, Vii..—Miss Marg aret Jackson, of Kings Moun tain. is one of .10 students at taining academic honors for the 1863 64 session at Man- Baldwin College. 10C» North Jotorth St.. Miss Jack son and the late Mr. Jackson. 106 North Goforh St., Miss aefc son has been active in West minster Fellowship and her dormitory council. She Is a ris ing senior at the Virginia liberal art college for women.. presents BERRIES 'n' CREAM ... an exciting group of dresses in Fortrel polyester and Avril rayon poplin. Wonderful Fortrel keeps them fresh and wrinkle resistant. •. machine washable and easy to iron. The right look in a coat dress. Colors: Black plum, navy and bottle green. Sizes 12 to 20 and 12% to 22*4. The All American l ook in a shirt dress. Colors: Black plum, navy and bottle green. Sizes 10 to IS. Sophisticated look in the spot leva sauor. uoiors: ravy, dikr plum and bottle green. Sizes 8 to 18. IMS ra«TMt* M • TMM MMK «