Items this week from Davit1. Bertie. Cue;!**, land, Onslow, lie doll and Buncombe Counties. WINS LOCAL SEWIN': CONTEST Mr*. Arm .ind Smith e Homo rat !oj Club member from Davie ( ounty, !.as been busy at her sewing machine, Mrs. Smith made a child's ensemble for the local Grange con lest. She won i.rst place at the lo.-aJ and slat.* contests anil the ensemble will '>ow be sent to the national contest. Mrs. Ostine West, hove econo nomics agent, soys Mrs. Smith not only erects in sewing but al io works part time on the county bookmobile am' is active in civ ic and church activities. HOME tour Some 70 worsen in Bertie Coun :y recently went on a lour of tomes. Mrs. Lennre Walston, tome economics ageot. says the women observed the window treatments, room arrangements ind other construction inatures lat had been vseuaaed at month demonstrct.ons this year. Mrs. Walston reports they in luded several different types of on the tour sueh as the nmall compact oca* story home, lie split level and the two storv. USE OF SURPLUS FOODS The Wade Home Di‘monstra tion Club began the educational ►rogram for recipients of surplus ’oods In Cumberland County, rhey reached 39 families the first Accordin f la Mrs. Era Robin home e-rnomics agent, the ib members prepare now ilishes ind show different ways of pro file forals so the families in team to r rve well balanced ils. The foods leaders in fn*sh prepared s-Maples of the foods day. 4-’I LEADERS The and pipers I-H Club in Ons ovv County nnv has a sponsor, fits Sara Ashcll, homo oconom ?s agent, say* the Morris Loud »g Home Demonstration Club •s assumed the sponsorship of lie dub. Linda MirC.i. a junior leader hd Pam Thomas, president of he dub cont.nncd to meet tvith Stay* Mountain Herald A newivaper. publt\ha.l weekly o Ttuindays by Martin L. llarmon. Jr BOA Herald Publishing llmne Knrcrnl •a nreond cta*« matt.:- at the post <>t ftr at Ktnc* Mountain. N r . '.■saeui under Act at Coeirrw at Mar. h .1. lbT.'l. svascRimoN hati-s By Mall Anywhere: One year s.i >) Six month* *'_•<»» Three month* Sl.’jr. Stacie copy pore .1 the* young l-l ers until they got a sponsor. Mi* As..ell says mem bors of the sponsoring e!ub take turns meeting with the J.|* mem bers anti he.tdng them with their project wor HOUSE FURNISHINGS -»■ ■.:! a at Carped an ano than last year. And look for *ots of locally pro- i duced summei- vegetables, espec- ! ially tomatoes sweet corn, green rteans anti lettuce. the State I *ej artmcnt of Public Instruction ai Raleigh as “out standing insructora." Th?y an* being paid to • oview all v isual aid materials cam ntly made avail able for span- science instruction by NASA. In addition, they are developing theii own materials and producing a videotape re cording for use on educational television in September. The re cording wi'l demonstrate the uses of audiovisual materials in the science classroom. Among me materials being se lect«*d. eva'uaied. and produced for use in public junior high schools are tfimm «*dueational films, slides, transparencies, and a variety of graphic media. Eventually. asserts Director McIntyre the National Aeronau tics and Spuce Administration will publish and make available for national distribution an an notated hibtog:*aphy of all spatv science ma*e* uls available for instruction Based on those media compiled at tiie UNC summer workshop, this bibliography may says Mdntvre ‘ serve as a na tional model for junior high school space science programs throughout the I ’niter! States." The work* ho*. which runs from June H-26, is financed b> a S2.V 000 NASA grant awarded the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil! lust September. North Oro.ina junior high school teachers participating in the progtv m are Mrs. Sarah Blake. Jacksonville: Mrs. Oene vieve Boucher. Rutherfoi-dton: Mrs. Wilhelm.ra Garrison. Salis bury: Mr. Coleman A. Gentry. Jr.. Greensboro; Mr. Joiin Lutz, Kings Mountain; .V!.s. Peg ,y Muse. Charlotte; Mrs. Jerolene Nall. Graham: and Mr. Da> »d E. Sit ton. Hendei -oi:\ ille. Colored News On July Itii there will bo a cook-<>ut at tlii homo of Warren Bell. Jr. frotr 10 a.m. until 10 p. m. at their home on route 1. Gro ver. The interested public is in vited. Edgerton Rites ! Funeral rile* for Mrs. Mary Willie Edgerton, who died follow ing a short i.iness. were held Wednesday at ! p.m. from By num Chapel A.ME Zion church. Mrs. EdgcrK.n was a life-long resident of Kings Mountain, daughter of the late Noah and Maggie Met Jill Sdgerton. She was born N’ovemU-. 2.1, 1S99. Survivin® ...c one daughter. Mrs. IIa/el-no Pressley, of the home; two «is i;- word or deed but may the Ruler of Heaven shine upon each o» ther.-. in God's own way who is eUe and will reward each of the.r.. Mrs. Ha/eline Pressley The Gd-crton Family Jhe 'IJafiduiah Distress Signal A "flag” in your elm tree could be a distress signal. In the yard book of plant disease men, a "flag” is a branch with brown leaves among green branches. If you see such a flag in your elm, you can be fairly certain that Dutch elm disease is creeping in. Strip the bark from the dying branch. Large brown streaks just beneath tell you the tree has the disease Dutch elm disease is caused by the elm bark beetle, which carries the disease from a sick tree to a well tree in the late spring. A number of chemicals are on the market, but science has not come up with a chemical or treatment that can guarantee absolute suc cess in beating the disease. If you sec the flag distress signal in your elm, contact a tree expert in your area to determine wheather it's worth a try to rid the disease. I or to remove the tree be 1 fore it becomes an incubator for future elm bark beetles. To The People Of, Cleveland Comity I On behalf of Bobr Scott, I want to ex press deep appre ciation to all Cleve landers who work ed and voted for him for Lieutenant Governor last Sat urday. I solicit your continued support | for the November j general election. ) Sincerely* BUI Plonk, chairman. Cleveland Committee for Robert Scott FRAGRANCE FESTIVAL | BOURJOIS only $]00 ON THE WIND ... airily light, gay and sparkling SPICE 'N ICE ... tangy, crisp and shimmering FHOTfY MIST ... refreshing, floral and glacially cool Three fantastic fragrances—at one fantastic price—to make this the most refreshing time of your life! Matching talc and luxury bath powder in a deluxe setting each 1,00. After Shower Spray Oil for dry skin in matching fragrances. 1.00. And you’ll love the newly designed, larger size Spray Cologne that sprays at the lightest touch of your finger, 1.00. I m* wuvm FREE DELIVERY SERVICE $UL to 9 pjn. Monday thra Saturday rKINGS MOUNTAIN B ^ 5 'ORE EEi Phone DRUG COMPANY TMt Cl tvs modern stor Dividend Announcement We Take Pleasure In Announcing ANOTHER RECORD SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND PAYMENT OF $77,601.70 f To Savings Shareholders At The Bate Of 4*A% PCfi ANNUM If Yon Are Not A Member Of Onr Large Savings Family. Open An ; • ; ' ; • Account Today! Kings Mountain Savings & Loan Assn. Btn H. Bridges. Secretory-Treasurer