sixteenth Annual oladiolus Shew Set ^Gaffney, S. C. Thursday Afternoon i.iaomius hi «>rmi is rn« themr of the lfitli annual Glad iolus Show sponsored by the Cherokee Gladiolus Society to In field at Limestone college in <',aflne>. Thursday July 2nd. The doors will hi- open 10 vis itor.- between the hours of .1 to ft p.m, and everyone interested in flowers will enjoy both the horticulture and arrangement division, for it has been said by Mrs. Russell Wood. general chairman of the show and J. <\ Howling, Jr., advisory chairman, that the outlook for beautiful glads seems most promising and we fi-el this year that because of the unique title for the show. ' Gladiolus In Orbit" we should have many unusual and inter esting arrangements." Mrs. Zeb Whelehel is in charge of the following Open Classes — "Stairway To The Stars". — an arrangement using a candlea lira or candleholder; "The Mis sile" — a vertical arrangement; "As Modern as Tomorrow”, com bination of wood forms with plant material; “The Courage to lie New" — A Modern Free Form Design, combining fresh cut and dried materials; “Ra«s* to the Moon" — a modified crescent which is a class for those who Jaac never won a blue ribbon. s Rav Ktrby is publicity orairman for the show and chairman of tnhles which will Im- placed in the Arcade of thr ee I lege. Four tables with one place setting and appropriate arrangements suggesting "A Night Watch" — Informal Sup per Table! •‘Count Down at Dawn" — Breakfast Table; ‘Be yond the Blue llori/on" luncheon table featuring blur* in the set ling; ami "The Family Cele brates the Astronaut's Return Home ” Then* will also be* eight nich es in the show and serving as chairman of these will be J. C. Dowling. Jr. Interpretive design in the Niches are as follows; The Capsule". "The Astronaut". The Launch Pad", "The Blast Off. "The Velvety Black Skv”. Aurora Bareells", “Re-Entry" and "The Big Splas". The section for Juniors entitl ed "The Mystery of Space" prom ises to be most exciting as the following will be interpreted in arrangements. "Space In My Book", "Spare Covered by Phone" Space For Mv Pet" and "The Science of Spare". Mrs. Douglas Scruggs and Mrs. Russell Wood are in charge of the Juniors. Mias Mary Ellen Thompson Is chairman of the Men's Division. "The Rocket’’ will include ar rangements featuring metal. Arrangements of miniature gladiolus that have been enter ed in the show for judging will he placed on occasional ‘iblc*. in the parlors of the college, and serving as chairman in this sec tion i»- Mrs. Sam Wolfe. In the beautiful front halls of Limestone College will hr* i«m mercial exhibits. Here will be .wn Gladiolus In Flight North, South. East and West. Churchps of the community havr been invited to enter an ar rangement suitable for a wor ship service, Mrs. C. W.> and Mrs. Raymond Phillips are in charge of this particular sec tion. Featured in the show will he two educational exhibits, an lletncrocallis Exhibit by Mes dames W. D. Cooksey, Sam Lee/ er and George Stephenson and one of Birds staged by Martin Freeman. A section has been reserv«*d for gladiolus specimins and these must be grown by the ex hihitor. There will also be a sec tion for the newcomers, any per son who has never exhibited be fore*, and a section for Juniors, here too, the specimin must be grown by the exhibitor, any junior through 15 years of age may enter their glads. Mrs. Wilma Wood and Mrs. Zeb Whelchel are in charge of the awards and in addition to the blue, red and white ribbons. The New England Gladiolus So ciety Rosette, the Silver Medal tlie If. G. Hastings award and the Silver Bowl donated by mer chants and Planters National Bank will be given to the ex hibitor of the Grand Champion Spike. The J. C. Dowling Silver Bowl will be* given to the ex hibitor of the best arrangement, scoring 95 or over in Div. 11, - Sec. Ill, Classes 1. 2. 3. 4 and ti. ■end the other silver bowl which is a rotating bowl and given in memory of the late Mrs. Cathe rine P. Hamrick is awarded an Party Honors Bride-Elect Mi** N'adlni' Bridge*. Ml** Di ane Bridgr*. M:*s Joyce Peal and Miss I.ois Bull entertained to gel hoi KrWiy night at the Bridg os h*no at a l-ridal party honor ing Mib* CIiimi tte Stroupe, whose wedding to r>o-.nis Pattis look plate Saturday evening. Guest* show. ictl the hilde-eleet with sifts or ’’ugeiie. Mi*s Simop • her mother, her grandmottv-r and her prospective mother-in-law, Mrs. I)ar\in Par ri*. received together in the liv ing itxim. Gifts were opened and displavt d. Pinl: punch vas served with a* sorted "',"t«. nsrty « and refreshments carrying out a n -»k •’nd whit, color note. .Misses Patsy Stroupe and Mias Diane Bridges abort sted at the punch bowl. Dixon Hot* Thursday At Bachelot Supper Donald Diroii. whose wedding to Mi*s Linda Moore was an event of Sunday afternoon, was honor guest Teursday night at a bachelor dinner given by his fa-' ther. II. K. Dixon. A steal: su| |x i with accessorit** was served to ? 1 men of the wed ding party at Kelly's Steak House, in Blacksburg. S. C nuolly to tin* exhibitor of the best romiiosition scoring f»-> ot over in Div. II, Sec. 1. Classes 3 and 4. It’s nicer to do business with people you know When you do business with a bank, you should be more than just an account number—and the bank should be more than just a building to you. When you bank at First Union, you’ll find, however, that we use names as well as account numbers, because that’s the most efficient way. But we never forget it’s people we’re seizing. And we never let efficiency stop us from helping you. First Union is a modern bank, all right, with the latest machines and systems. But we're still old-fashioned about our friendly person-to-person banking. It makes us feel’ll like it better, too...doing business with people you know. ...a most progressive bank MFMBFft rtOOWl BFSfBVr WSTHI • jrj First Baptists Honor Raines Family At Reception On Fifth Anniversary The congregi lion of First Hap li*it church honored Rev. and .Mr*. B. L. Haines .it a reception Sun day on the K i ns' fifth anniver sary at the Kin?;# Mountain church. Rev. and \!*r. Raines came to Kings Moiin1 a irom Kdentoi. lie had prevto-'.sly served Baptist • hut ches in tv-Hi North end South Carolina. Spe. ial guo is were member* of the Kin*;* Mountain Minister ial Association. Letters of appre ciation wer<* *.rcd and a gift was presented to the minister and his wife. Mrs. R*i . es also received a corsage. Jam*** White, chairman of the hoard of ie.urns. Mrs. White. Rev. and Mrs Haines and their son and daughter, Karen and Henry. n*Hv< 1 after the evening worship servm*. Others assisting in receiving wi-ie Mr. and Mrs. fj. W. Whisrtant. Mr. and Mrs. .Mur phy Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lee* Ro berts, Mrs. M. C. Pruitt. Mrs. Charles B'niook, Mrs. L“e Dixon. Mrs. France* Hord petty. Mrs Fred Dixon. Mis. I. A. " MeC.ill Mrs. W. A. Karp, Mrs. B. T. Wright, Mrs. ’I. N. Bttnes. amj Mis*»*s Bren,a Thornburg. Don na Hardes, Mj■ y Ethel Dixon, Kdith Jane Kmeeid and Mary Ann McCurdv Mrs. A mod Kin caid was of the commit tee on decora*'ons and refreah m.*nis. The refreshment table was overlaid with white linen clot1’ and held a lour-tiered p.nk and wiiite ink ro.e-s were used in a silver howl al one end of the tah’e. Pink punch was served from a silver bowl at the other end. A large .lumber of friends of the Baptist couple and members >f the oonwregntion railed after the evening \\ 'ship service. Mrs. C. A. BuHerwor+S Hostess To C'rcl* No 2 Mrs. C. A Butterworth was hostess ai '*<•1 home Wednesday mrtrniig l« Ci.ilr 2 of Cmtral Methodist "hutch. Ton members attended. The host i »s served refresh ments on a»r:\ al of members. Mrs. J R. Davits led ;h< devo tions and Mi.- Baxter Payseur ga\c the pro^-am. "Renewal at Mary Eli/mteth Inn”. Mrs. Yates Thnonebur.". rin !e chairman, pre sided. Plans were made to serve lunch >oxt Wedtiev’.ty to Primary chil dren in Day ( .« :.r> r.t Lane Craw ford -tponil midwi-i t; prayer services during the summer. MR. >* . Griffin said the >H..t.w|ictio't The Auei. I emclc meeting will !>e held v. itii Mrs. Griffin as hostess. Captain and Mrs. W. F. Brew er and daughters. Andra and Paula, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mu. Harold Hunnicutt. Mrs. Brewer *.nno esneolsllv to visit her mother, M's. C. F. Nois ier. and to take Peula to Camp Grevstone wh; re she will stav •wo months. . amain Brewer Hew Hack to Norfolk Monday evening. C. L WARUCK INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance noiecnon Dial 739-3111 111 W. Moonlain St 4:Z3 tte Girls' S*«te Delegates Spealt To Auxiliary Girls' dclcgat.-s Jurt\ Morris and C'tmlyt. Heartier gave the pro rran at Thursday night's regular me x. „ of th.* American Legion Au«i!i:.ry of Post l.V>. Mks Morns :.nd Miss Ileavner. rising high s i-w»| seniors, attend cd a recent (inis' State assembly >n the eami n< of the University •*f North f*ir<-lina nt Greensboro. Mrs. Pa't1 Mauney, hostess at hct of July 2*>th. \.as guest-ot-honor 1 at a showei piven by Mrs. Hamp ton F. Ott. Jr. at her home on Wakefield Drive in Charlotte. Gardenias were used to deco rate the put.. It bowl and white tapers were used at the opposite end of the r» f>» shment table. TTie green and v.h te bridal theme was carrieo <>rt in the refresh ments. The bride's plate was marked by -i spring of green and valley litlie. Guests show* red Miss McCar ter with gi'o ot lingerie. Mrs. Gamble Hostess To Mar-grace Club Mrs. Walter Gamble was hostess at her home last Satur day night to the regular meet ing of the Margtace Woman’s flub. Miss Grace Blanton conducted the opening devotions and Mrs. Paul Mauney. club president, presided. -n'rcriimcnt dme Mrs. Gamble was assisted in serving a dessert coutse with cheese straws and punch. CALLING ALL HOME MAKERS By GENE TIMMS WHAT'S NEW IN LAMPS? /• « change ta*. tavn place 11 the type of anp' during the last few years. I Tin re are now so n.Tiv types ■»f lanv* availa* oli*. both decora live ana tin • ti >nai. vvmcn are constantly .'"ini *4 in popular i ty. This < >p. addition to the conveniioj-aJ tal le and floor lamps. instance, there's the pole mp. the tiee lamp and the < h en lamp. These n lamps, v hich an1 made in «very style ft >m Pro vincial to (’-nteinpoi.ily. have icli no other lamp possesses I; also has the ad vantage of often containing two. thre- or more separate lights witieii gives Wetter and ■note flex hie lighting. The Ipv lamp has all of the same ad. images but is a free standing tamp and may lie placed at y where in the room. Very trfa r» home makers want a lamp dtopped over a particular -riot, such as over a dining 11)1 n table or over a chair or s.»ia but they do not want lh« trouble or <‘xpnul' >>f electrical i trtallation and that is where ti.-e chain lamp fdls the bill. We invUe you to come in and see ou.- complete selection of lam|ks. and remember, for gracious living where discount is King, visit Us at Timms Furniture oil the Grover Rd.. here in Kr>gj. Mountain. For dav-to-day specials, tun* in the Gene Timms radio shew on V’KMT from 7:30 to 8:00 A. M. TIMMS nT.NTTFRF COM PANY GOME OF Qt’ALrn I'URNITl’rvK FOR GRACIOr> LIVING W MERE DISCOUNT IS KINO ■ ■ CJMtrvint and hoi dogs! o C he e rif i c Birth Announcements Mr. an«l \»«> Hetman Kay Bolin. 70.i I'jirwur Si. announce the nirth of ,1 *«>n. Knda\. June 10. King* \'no tain hospital. Mi and 'I * Paul Charuhera, Jr.. Rt 2. vii ounce llv* t ilth if a son Sanrday, Juno 20. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mr< Cornelius Young. Rt. 2. announce the hirth of a daughter. ‘■'i mrday. June. 20. Kings Mourt “ n hospital. Mr. and Mr Julian Kills. Rt 1, Grover. \. ".. announce the hirth of a son. Sunday. Juno 21. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr and Mt Kai l Waffle Wor costor. .117 Ch»'-lnut St., announce the hirth of a son. Sunday. Juno 21. Kings Moti itain hosuital Mr. and Mrs Robert Caripo. R1 6. Shelby. ,\'. C.. announce tho birth of a son. Tuesday June 23, Kings Mountain hospital Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Kiser. Rt. I. Linrolnton. N. C.. announce the hirth o* a ‘"n. Tuesday. June 23. Kings Mountain hospital Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas Iutil. 113 Dellinger Road. Shelby.' N. C„ annovntv the birth of a son. Wednesday, June 21, Kings Mountain hospital Mr. and Vv. Rube.’t Lewis Boyd. 3010 Miupines. .itinoumv the birth o' r. daughter V'pdtiw l| ol a s m, Wed nesday. July ’. Kings Mountain hospital. Mrs RoVr: Wilson was a bridesmaid Sa.unlay in tlte 7:30 p.m. weddin: ' I Miss Jane Dale White and ‘•jKvatd Boyd Stokes, which took pla- e in Shelby Pres byterian church. Mrs. Wilson, the former Judy t oopot. is a eous n of the brit,’\ Mi. and Mrs. Jae I: C