Hardin Wins Sean Promotion, Pamela Cldlden On Dean's Lis! Miss Pam -'a Kay Chihlers. stu dent at Appalachian State Teach* era College v;.* amoo^ -•». ... dents n.im' i iu the Dean's List for the sprint? quarter. She is daughter of \ r. and Mrs. Carl J. Childers of H mgs Mountain and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tu:n‘'. oi Grover. Marvin L. ilardin. son of Mrs. Melvin Hardir and the late Ml. Hardin, who has been advertising display managei tor t.ie ena... Roebuck Store, Shelby, has bi-en promoteil to !locator, Alabama where he will assist in opening up a new Sears Store and v.ill head its Appliance Division. The liar dins movifl from Shelby Tuesday. June 23. Mrs. Hardin is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Byers of Grover. Vickie Jem* Turner, w is in the June Dairy Vir- th Fashion Show June 30 a* S p.m. at Graham school, Sh-lby. Mr. J. H. Smith. Jr. had surg ery on Thursoay morning at the Baptist hospilal in Winston Sa lem. Mrs. Smith, is with her hus band. while in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Boss. Beo tia and Denise spent the weekend with Mr. ano .its. Scott Wright ami family in Kalcigh. Suzanne, came home \«i:h them and will visit Mr. ami Mrs. Slough Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wtigot end the Rosses. t!'is link. Mr. and Mr.- B. M. Gild l.-fi on Friday to visit (he Rev. and Mrs. Don Cnhin>*ss and little* Pale* who live in New Orleans, i.a. Mrs. Cahin'ess anti T»al«* will return home with tlr* Molds for a visit. The wedding of Miss Srra Mae Goforth and Kenneth Eugene Cash, both ot Kin^s Mountain, will take tda.-e Saturday. July -ttli at 2 p.m. in K-t.gs Mountain El Bethel Methodist ehureh. The brlde-eleet is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Moforth of Grover. Mr. and Mis. Jerome Spangler, Janet. Abigail. Samira Spanglet and Harold F its have been to Myrtle Bea-h tot several days. Millet te M;,h. and Cleveland Produet Co. employees were giv en this wet**, -or sumn'.er vaca tion. Mr. ami Mr**. Jimmy Forten berry of Cnariotte announee the birth of a st.n. June* 2s;,i at the Presbyterian hospital. Charlotte Mrs. / Iva Bridges is visiting the Fortenberry's this week. The Mid-'Vet*k eottage prayer serviee of sp;|oh Presbyterian ehureh met with Mrs. *Y. L. Or mand. Dieks Dixon »rorrt Harrisburg, grandson of Vt. and Mis. Jack Pinkleton is visiting this week with his gram-parents. Mrs. T. L. Putnam. Connie and Roger will ne in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will am Hardin and David this vve< k in Lincolnton. Mr. Jollv Duncan and Carole o Morganton vote Sunday and Monday visitois of Mr. end Mrs. R. C. Tat-*. Mi. Dun an is a Chapel Hill s i-denl taking a six week cours'* Mrs. Addie Beam is visiting relatives in Ludin. Mrs. Lo<» D’lfenderfer is a pa tient in the Spartanburg General hospital ami on Thursday will have surgery. Mr. and Mis. I^rwis Hamrick and family fioni Ilollyv.ood, Ma ryland an* veitin^ Mrs. Maude Hamrick. Mrs. Ruth Hambrij'ht, Miss Pi ggy Bolin >i>«: Miss Hail Robin son will attorn1 tho assemoly-wide Music Coniei nee at .Montreal July 23-29th. Mr. and Mis. Eugene Connor and family have moved into their no*v homo off Highway 2f». Mrs. J. R. Norm in. moved on Tuesday in tho homo tie Conners had no-, cupied. Mr. and Mi Lee Meharg and family of Ma. on. Go. returned homo on Sunday alter a week's visit with Mi'. P. K llambright.j Mr. ami Mrs. Kain Ilambright and tho Boh I'ambrights. On Saturday tho Nunnery family of Charlotte came to visit the Me hargs. Mr. and Mr- Lev is Kvans. Bob by and Rii j from Roanoke Rapids are vs ting Mr. .:nd Mrs. .?. R. Evans .'.id Mr. and Mrs. Grady Ross >i d family, until Thursdav. The Rev. I . < <1 Crisp o« First Baptist t'hnrih had charge of the early mom'nv Worship Service Sunday at Nc-\v Hope in absence t»f their paster, the Rev. Don Goff. Rev. Ciisp had eleven o'clock scrv ic. s at his church. First Kaptist, GiOver. Miss Jud. k <y Panther an«l Thomas Franklin Boiln were married Sunday. June 21. at 3 p. m. at Bethel Baptist church. The bridegroom is a sen of Mr. anti Mrs. James I- Tin of Grover. Miss Lisa I cuer of Gastonia spent Sunil i\ right with Carol liambright. Mr. anil Mr Kenneth Tesscner. Kim anil Bryan have Iren to the muontains several days going es oc.-ially to take the children to Tweet sie. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Muhin iv annoiHiiv thi*! irth of a daughter. Kara Denise Thursday Jo -c ?■? a* Memorial hospsal. Charlotte. Mrs. Mullinax anil *!;e new baby came home on Munc’ay. Mr mil Mi* Alton Cheek and family from Georgia are visiting Mr. and Mrs. t, liambright and other friends for several days. Mrs. Emil *'•. rke and d“U"b»Ar Betsy from Llano. TVxas are vis ding Mr. arti Mrs. Clyde Mulli nax and fa*1 •!.■ Miss Janie McMurry is in ( o lu'nbus. Miss visiting her siste» Mrs. A. (5. Cat roll. Mr. Carroll ami family this week. Mr. and Mr. Willis Greene and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ra> Tessener refer.ied home Tuesday after several riavs vacation in the North Carolina mountains. Rev. and Airs. Karl v'. Smith are visiting the Gordon Camp hells in G'linsville. Ga. Word was received that .lie Rev. Mr. Smith is in the hosj ital there. Mr and Mrs. G S. lilac1.burn and family a.e visiting Mis. Km lie McCraw hi Mi. Airy this week. (for a limited time) 11' Vast M. .Jfc i Jar JCHtOM HANDMADE ) Milk Glass Nice to have around because it's mce to be around. Fenton milk glass pro vides a matching accessory for all colors. For a thoughtful gift, buy now while specially priced and give later when specially needed. Fid. CakepUt* *5. s1 With each purchase over $1 A Gift Free Wee antern 128 West Mountain St. Kings Mountain, N. C. Light Docket Aired Monday In City Court The following actions wore taken during a light docket of cases in City Recorder* t «»urt hetore Judge Jack While Mon day. Ora Grayson Brown. 37. of Al iendaie. S.C., was sentenced to nine months. suspended upon the payment of S2<> weekly for the support of his two minor children, anti was assessed the costs of court after pleading guilty to abandonment and non support. The ease was continued for one week pending the transfer of a divd to the Brown house, which was awarded Brown's wife. A compliance bod of S2tit) was ordered pul up by Brown, who is a South Carolina resident. Jack H. Cobh. 23. of Route Box 331. appealed to higher court the case charging h i m with exceeding a sale speed. He was found guilty in City Re corder's Court and made his ap peal after receiving a 30 day suspended sentence and assess ed half the costs of court. The appeal bond was set at $50. Capa is' were issued for Rob ert J. Smith. 23. of 104 N. Wat terson Street, charged with non sup|M>rt. ami for Herman Bar reft. -lit. charged with public drunkenness and violating the prohibition laws. Jeremy John Ryan Bell. 23. of 243 Country Club Road. Shelhv. was found not guilty of a stop light violation following exten ded testimony hy the aeeussed. Bell, an Knglish engineer cm ployed at Fiber Industries, Ino.. acted in his own defense and produced evidence which creat ed a reasonable doubt as to his guilt irodini; through a i«•<! light at tlii- corner ot Cleveland Avenue anti East King Sit *ct. A nol pros \va> issued in the ease involving Arthur Sprouse, 17. of Route 2 Parkdale Road, charged with no operator's li eense. The ease involving Paul Brovvn. AS. of C’ansler Street, charged with non support of an illegitimate child, was eon tinned tint I July *5. A nol pros was issued in the ease of Dessit S. Cunningham. 19. of Box iSI Lin wood ltd.. ehargetl with no operator's li eense A continued prayer for judge ment was handed down in the ease involving .Vlaek Lefevers. 39, of 515 Broad Street, who pled guiyty to assant on a female' an<l contempt of court. The con tinued prayer was set for July 13. pending Lefevers procure ment of employment and good behavior toward his wife. Six eases of public drunken ness were docketed with two ca pais’ being issued, three were continued until August 3. and one pled guilty and was sen tenced to 3*» days, suspended upon the payment of the costs of court. The* following defendants sub mit ted: John D. Best. 21. 402 K. King St., stop light violation, half costs. Billy G. Jackson. 27. Rf. 1. issuing worthless check, paid cheek and costs of court. Michael D. Cattsby, 18. Rt. 1, improper muffler, half costs. Paul I). Caushy. 30. Rt. 2. no operator's license*. S25 and costs. Suzanne A McAulav, 30. Bes semer City, speeding 50 in 35 zone, half costs. Johnny \Y Welch, 21. Rt. 3. exceeding safe* s|H-€*d. half costs. Aundria C. Small, 22. 205 S. Bessemer City Rings Mountain DRIVE-IN THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:45 SHOW STARTS 8:00 ALWAYS SI.00 A CAR LOAD WED.-THURS. . 4 Honor Hit*! NO 1 "Haunted Palace" NO. 2 “Premature Burial" NO. 3 "Circus of Horrors" NO. 4 “Tales of Terror" FR.-SAT. - ALL NIGHT SHOW! NO I Alan Ladd “THE BIG LAND" NO. 2 Alfred Hitchcock “THE BIRDS" NO. 3 Robert Mitchum "THUNDER ROAD" NO. 4 Joync Mansfield “GIRL CAN’T HELP IT" NO. 5 Gordon Scott “Tarzau’s Great Adventure" SUN.-MONTUES.WEO. 3 HITS! NO. 1 Annette Funicello “Muscle Beach Party" NO. 2 Tony Curtis “40 Pounds ot Trouble" NO 3 Yul Brynner “MAGNIFICEN 7" On the Last Nitas of Each Change of Attractions Movies Shown in Bcuiw Oulu Piedmont Ave., no operator's 11 cvn.se, no insurance, $35 and costs. Claude V. Harmon. 51, Rt. 2, failure to yield, half cost. Margie (lantt. 38. Broad St., violating prohibition laws, $25 and costs. w Muntainecr. 18. Rt. 1, Bessemer City, Improper muffler, half cost. Thomas Roddy. 37. 2813 Hit derbrand St.. Charlotte, stop light violation, half <osts. John H Ray. 30, Rt. 4, Lincoln - ton. improper passing, half costs. Lewis D. Melton, 30. 404 Cha:man Ave., (laftney. S. C., I exceeding safe speed, half costs. Joe Billy Towery. 20, Rt. 1. Cherryville. exceeding safe speed, half costs. Clarence E. Dover. 23. Rt. 1, Maiden, improper brakes, half costs. Bruce T. Seism, 20. Rt. 1. speed ing 50 in 35 zone, half costs. Reggie S. fJuffey. 20, Besse mer City, improper muffler, half costs. John C. Parker. 43. Rt. 1. park Royster Retires From Air Force BILOXI. Miss. — Technical Sergeant John A. Royster, son of Mrs. Pearl May Royster of 109 E. Maryland Ave., Bessemer City. X. C., has retired from the U. S. Air Force at Keesler AFB. Miss., after more than 20 years military duty. Sergeant Royster, a radio op erator instructor with an Air Training Command unit at Kees ler prior to his retirement, serv ed in the European Theater of Operations during World War II. He holds among his awards and decorations the Purple Heart, the European • African • Middle East Campaign Medal with two arrowheads and six battle stars. The sergeant is a graduate of Bessemer City High School. ing meter violation, paid tickets, and half costs. James Crosby, 44. Rt. 1. speed* ing 50 in 35 /one. half costs. mihlit drunkenness, costs of court. THURS. - FRI. - SAT. ran of the all-itai cast of "Country Music On »ioo-tway oneaing Thursday ot Ioy Theatre. «>n out with a eon* in one of the color motion picture t teener- From left are Hank WtlUame. Ir.. Merle Kilgore. Ircy Witliami. Hank Snow, lill Anderson. George lone] a of W"e<*. George Biddle. Au stin. - MON. • TUES. mmmwmnammmm a Distant Trumpet TUBS. - WED. Carolina's Premiere Showing! 2 DAYS ONLY — Two Special Showings EACH DAY AT 11:00 A.M. & 1:00 P.M. BOX OFFICE OPENS 10:4S A.M. ALL SEATS SOc - Child or Adult The MOST EXCITING__ ^ adventures A BOY EVER HAD In the tradition of ~ Mark Twain comes a heartwarming story of SUSPENSE DANSERand EXCITEMENT WATCH FOR (1) "The Moon Spinners'* (2) "Viva Las Vegas" Seventy Attend Church School Seventy youngsters attended Vacation Chur h School at St. Matthew’s Lutheran church June 15 20 «..iliam *ir ndor.. chairman of the committe" on Council Parish Education. w:.s tn charge of or gankzation and arrantfrments. vfrs. Dan Finder served as direc tor. Mrs. Richaid Meflinni* directed the music progiam f<»r the school and Mrs. Ck-orge Houser headed the commit t-s* on refreshments. Faculty m<*ti.hers were Mrs. S. R. Sutler. Jr.. Mrs. Carl Finger. Mrs. Ben ;i Bridges. Mrs. Charles Msuivy, Mrs. Tom L. Trott. and Misses Mary Ramsey. Vary Leigh Maurey and Kaye Y.auney. Theme of the week's school was "Old Testar*e.u Heroes." Certifi cates v.-ere swarded in dosing ex ereies Saturday. We Will Be Open Saturday. Inly 4th, and Monday. hUy 8th Special for our FRIGIDAIRE Sales Drive! FRIGIDAIRE ICE EJECTOR £ SERVER if you Y«t. new is ths time ti buy this new Frigidaire refrigerater. The price tells yeu It s e denl-miss-it value. AND, yeull get this Frigidaire Flip-Quick Ice Ejecter as a ben us! Budget Buy! Frigklairu Feature Packed “10”! • Big 56-lb. freezer chest. • Sliding Chill Drawer for fresh meats. • Roomy storage door holds eggs, even Vi gallon milk cartons. • Full-width fruit and vegetable Hydrator! 225 Weekly Motel D-12-M 11.M cu. It. 4 colors or whito Space-Saving Frigidaire Refrigerator! 63-lb. freezer chest, giant > vegetable Hy drator, deep shelf ddor! I - F0S-13T-2 13.24 eu. ft. 4 calm *r while Thriftiest Frigidaire 2-Door! • Big 100-lb. top x freezer, auto matic defrost ing refrigera tor section, twin vegetable Hydrators. 135 Weekly Model HO 39-64 30" Electric 4 colon or white JL Lowest-Priced Pull ’N Clean Oven Range! • Exclusive Pull ’N Clean oven. Cook-Master > automatic oven control, Speed-Heat unit and more! 125 Weekly UMM2-S4 IMS c«. ft. fmmmm Budget-Saver Frigidaire Food Freezer! • Spacious 404 lb. zero zone freezer, Porce lain Enamel cabinet liner, 4 full-width shelves. m Weekly Frigidaire Dish mobile with maple chopping Mock top! • No installation, no plumbing. It's port able. Exclusive Swirl ing Water Action can sanitize dishes. Matfcl OW-OMH 4 calan Use your old refrigerator as a down payment. First payment due Octo ber 1st. McGinnis Furniture Co. ttt 8. BATTLEGBOUND AVE. PHONE 739-4706 &

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