-— TKKSfi HKAI.TH Health and Safety Tips from The American Mrdkat Annonatinn i Setting .ire. ..side for whole ■one rnr ii>>. is beriming in creasingly inu'wrtrnt in loading : health ml md productive life. For most people, ih" dry’srwi tir.e no longer imiudw vigorous physitx'.l acllv .y or provides e nough variety rthcrwioe to breal the monotony rf doily living. Th* natural result of modem eonven ienoes nnd me.cased nutomatioi Is a seder t irv « \i ten ■»-. Modern ««>• ct> has become what : «>m • >i«' I .is cnll'<d "flip, flopped." fit c.’ecutivo now works Ion,; h< -is instead of tin laltorcr. Ye*. like everyone else physiciar s, "m itithrs, and oilier professional j.« epic no.’ll the re fresh mm I *.hrl enj< yabte rerrea tion offers. Leisure time cai. I»e rise*! to re gain .: Is’fl'hi l a In nee of suita ble physical :«• tivity and relaxa lion. Wheth *r Urn ugh a trip l< the opera or hour or two ol quiet fishiti ’. tile ( bility to "losh oneself" in -some diversional rec re.ition provun - personal fulfill ment and t *t>f from life’s ten sions. Recreation i* person- !; to be satisfying, lh hoi t.jcs aral nthcr activities elms. i. should !*• mean ingful to the individual. VV'hat may Ir* enjoyable to one [»erson may he l»orin to .mother. Fortu nately. a v/Mr variety of oppor tunities is a\ olanle and every jierson sho-tld lie able to find some that bri’g satisfaction, In (cresting fam. at tiviti.-s, anoth er import ltd but often missing part of mole r life, can evolve from personal ieereation inter esls. ’■fTiatever a jcrsi.n may choose as hobbies. . e t hvsi.-.il recrea tion should e in Inded daily. The health her: <it< L-o.-r. re.jular suit able physical .activity such .as weight control. iclief from stress anti a sens0 • i we I -beiii.: are now well estabi in •!. On the other hand, the |>oti • tial ill-effects of prolonged tivity. such as ob esity. met ib.'l disorders. |.is> of movement rapacity. cannot be ctinsidercd helplul for enjoyable living. The broad f.« refits attributed to recreation ere not automatic outcomes. Tavei;- activity carries some risk, wheihei from the na tr-i' of the ae; vity itseif t>r fron the demands i»*i the participant One nation >1 m:i vey shout'd 1S. (XV) disable? ; ■ - If injuries in 19f>2. Most of these vvi re ici vins struck by golf ball; ’ iovvover. heat pros tration am unlrd for to per cent and overe-d! on annth.T 7 per cent of the tow I. These statistics should not cause a rush to the gulf cart. wiiMi produc'd 7 per rent of th • asueltle*. Rather, gnifoi-s shu.il i respect the safe guards that Judgment and on [ ditioning will effer. ! To capitalize on recreational 1 oportunitlev tit learn your fa llibilities ar:J I-mitations ihrougt periodic nus1'< al examination* ' amt plan youi activities e<<-ord in • l>. <2i Practice habits ol healthful living faithfully in or *ler to have ti e ability to do ef fectively th*- t tings you must and ; want to do. i.*.» I’ndcr.it and thi > risks invo'v al in your activities of choice, nr.I the preventive i measures to b. followed. About 20 yr;.rs ago the aver age Amcri m could cx-x-ct to die when he r.nd r-i the r-tirement a_;e of i»5. Today se.oi/rcn an I a half niillioii Atr**r»-.an* an* over fin, anil the generation that can ex pect to lix ■ : u average of 100 years may 'veil tx- the •. i-n-i ation no*.v being o<*i i*. But Jut* 1 . ing longer isn't enough F!‘.tra > ears rr'xin little unless thoy're healthy. active years. You c-ir enjoy all the add iil years modern med'cir.e has given you you <*a«t keep young in spirit, bedv and rr:nd by practicing a little modr-ation and following th ee seven rimplc* ■steps: 1. See vonr family physician regularly iur •* physical checkup. Today he eon diagnose and tn*at successfully almost any diabase or nv*nt, if he finds it early enough. He c..n also prevent many of t!:? illnesses tlir.t may otlx-n> ise eon.c ycur way. 2. Watch '-our diet. As the yt*nri pass > ou usually need lo*s f-Kxl, and the-c is some shift in nutritional requirements. You will need more pre*ein, vitamins and fluids, hut fewer fats and oalo ries. No one can feel young and peppy wli-'o It. 's carrying extra w«*ight. It’s not only thing, it’s a threat to your health. If you ms-d lo lose we-.-ht, see your physici an. He car. c ahlish a proper diet by which you'll lose weight without mi ;-:|ng out on important nutrients. 3. (Sot ad Xji'.tlp rest. Toth mind and body peed |x*aco ami quiet to recoup fro n 'he rigoof the day. Know voui limitations and avoid over i *,ti*tion and strain. I«>*h physicitt> and mentally. Ex cessive emot'onai tension can wear you down too. so take each job as it .oras; not everything at otiii*. Plenty of rhst can help you sc** things their proper per s|x*etivo, and ■ sense of humor is your best antidote for t<*nsion. t. Pursu** physical exercise. The mark of an "• Id” person is creak ing joints, aching hacks .and a myriad of complaints. Keep all your body inns in good working A i‘ vnu»USTA — S/Sft Gor don E. Lutz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Furman W. Lutz of route 1. has arrived for duty wifi Service unit at Moody AF>, Go. S«t Lutz, a communica tions contor technician, pre viously served at Robins AFB. Go. order by us.rg them. Frequen and planned • xercise — mowing the lawn, a husk walk to work, a round of !f, a refreshing swim, or even ^ game of croque — will give >(*u a zestful enjoy mem of life. 1. Fill your days with produo tivity. The quickest way to “old age" i3 throu<;.i boredom. So keep up your intcre-t in your work and your .•••urroi: idmgs. By doing a good Job and ’.iking pride in your work, your enthusiasm for living will belle your years. 6. Participate in com .lenity af fairs. Some ,ie. pie pursue the lux ury of fussi.-n* and fretting about themselves at home alone But. If you want to be among the hap piest people - the doers share your time and talents with such things as rais.ng funds for chari tv. getting nut the vote and par ticipating !n programs for civic improvement. 7. Prepar- for your future. An other shortcut to “old age" is wor ry — and woriy, besides putting you in an unpleasant frame of mind, ean so netimes Kid to ill ness. Many .retries about tomor row can be avoided if you plan today and budget for your future financial need" with such things as insurance : nd savings pro- | grams. . In the fi^ I of radio, the Bell Laboratories r; conducting design studies with a view of improving antenna systems, said Br.van Houck. local telephone manager. The Veterans Comer Hon* are a-'horitativc answers >y the Vet"'. -»s Administration o questions : ;m former service non and th“ic iamilies: Q I \vn vnlly hospitalized n a VA f fr-sjjii *1 for Ti days for reatr>-ent <>t a service: onneeted Usability. Alt •. Is day :, was re eased for j.cvi r. days leave, then •eturned fo- five more days. Am C entitled to t« t.porary 100 per ■ent ratine mi my se: ■.ice-eon iccted disah.’Mty during the per od of hosjiit ih.ation? A Mo. T i meet requirements for temperj-A inn percent rating. I >"»u must he. received -.-ontinu , ! ous treatm uv -or a period of 21 (lays. Leave -.r passes of more than four days, within the first 21 days wi’l la- considered as ir. terrupl ln-» tlv- continuity of treat-! ment. ,i.Wm Q Tor the purpose of qualify-j ins for S1G00 toward the pur Chase of an automobile or other authorised c* ivryance. does the| *erm “World War II" Include any > period of co.i>inuou:: swvic* per j formed hy the \eteran after De- . •ember 31. r>»'., and bmore July . 26. 1017. if :hat period began he-1 fore January 1. 1017? A Yes. Q I recently retired froir ?ivil Service employment and an filing claim for non-service con nected pension, from the VA. Will -ny retirement |>ay !>e considered income for pension purposes? A Retiren«'-r.t benefits based on a tktima- Vs own emoloymen ire not cons'dered income until •he amount rf 'he claimant's per sonai eontriVvt on has been re - J -eivod. Aft*1r he has received an. amount eqc'l to his personal con tribution alt payments will be considered i'ccme tfere are nuthorltativ-* answer by the Vet -rai * Administration to quertion: frem former service men and th 'ir families: Q Is education or training a-j v?'la bio to j on retime veterans? A Only f ’lev have service incurred dl*an»llfics. A definit vocational handicap must also exist if the se \ice-conneetod dis j ability is n***d at less tl-an 3• i percent. Q If a veteran dies while re celving pentinr. under the ol< pension law. may 'he widow am mhior children Ik- paid under th< old low? A if -<h*» ve'eran diej on o after Julv 1, 7960. any pension r—COOL SAVINGS— 2-SPEED ESKIMO BISEZE BOX Porto bio — It** rosy to mm on floor, tobls or window. Cuorontood ooo yooaw Unheard*of Savings — Only of Room's ROSE'S Cool Pries Only \ FAN-TASTIC SAVINGS 13M While Supply Lasts! payable to » -e widow a>.d minor children niw !*> paid under the ne.v pension law. Q I :«.m eiv»n« dividends on my present N ilion(<l Service Life Insurance t. . -rt policy. Will I contkiiM' to ipclvt dlvidendr if II convert to o.it of th<‘ (xvi.ianent plans’’ , A Yes. d'v nds paid on permanent iff insurance pc Ikies j as well. to handlin: ;.n nmnn call difference* In time have t<> he considered there is »e\ -n hours difference in time between Chi e«<»o and Pans, said Bryan Houck local feleph ne miiWKiv. Alflumch ‘b** giraffe ha* the lonRpst neck of any pvist'nj; mam ■pal. it ha* »n.y seven ne- k honor According to il.p IJook 'f Know • lodge. Ihi* is Iht saiw numtMT found in the • iv or the mouse. CUSTOM-GROUND—MU> * MtUOW DGKT O’CLOCK i (toffee Sate! ☆ PRICES IN THIS AO EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 10H» Save 6< 1-LB. BAG 67* Save 14' "SUPER-RIGHT** 4 TO 8-LB. SMOKED PICNICS Lb. 29c FRESH FROZIN CCLLO WRAFFED FLOUNDER FILLET 5 *°* *1.59 HCAOLESS t DRESSED WHITING 5 79c "SUPER-RIGHT” HEAVY CORK-FED 25 to 30-LB. WHOLE BEEF FAC RIBS W RIB ROAST V 63c ™ *T53c BEEF SHORT RIBS - 29c + Boneless Rib AAC STEAKS «• 89 1 "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY AU MEAT FRANKS i ■*» 45c **» 89® MF PM-niCID UBIl-FUM INSTANT COFFEE -^$1.27 ONI-CINT SALE ON OUR OWN TEA BAGS.64 trfc?49c ART BRAND—OUR OWN INSTANT TEA *^35c 59c AAMI PARKER LABS* ’? ANGEL FOOD CAKE 39c mm pabkik __ PEACH PIE_39C ANN PACI tPASNITTI OR MACARONI — puprct mm CHUM SALMON 1-lk. 37c 49c SULTANA BRAND Salad Dressing TOP NOTCH BRAND _ Party Pies 3 QT. JAR 10-CT. PKG. 35c si .00 Vim Detergent 2»/i LB. C7» PACKAGE Q|6 MARCAL PAPER NAPKINS—80-Ct. Pkg. 10c NAPKINS-40-Ct. Pkg. 1S« NAPKINS 360-Ct. Pkgs. 25c HANKIES .1 ioo^:». Pkg2Sc FREEZER WRAP » 49c KITCHEN CHARM20c WNITC TOUIT TISSUE_4-Roll Pkg. 37c A&P LIMAS OR BROCCOLI SPEARS ’?£• 15c • ARP FRENCH FRIES • COTTAGE FRIES or A&P POTATO MORSELS 2 st 39c NEW STAINLESS CENTURY Razor Blades 10 & WATERMELONS ^ 69c Salad Fresh Cncumbars 2 lbs. 19c n—«■ % fe, 89* ■as. 39c BALL FRUIT JARS > ’SS- $1.35 viOrf?* 'cf' $1 *57 PINT SIZE JARS Itg. Top 12 &S1.19 WMe Top 12&S1 J9 QUAtn LEVER PRODUCTS LAUWiHT NTMKNT Wisk Liquid ... & 73c Fluffy all. Silver Dust-tlfc Swan Liquid ... & 9 S' if Lux Liquid 'g* 37c •& 63c I ill WHY WTIHBMI Active oil.,^..79c Cold Water all * 79c 85c UUNHV MTIIGINT Breeze ... 3-Lb. • com OFF LABEL Ofnu ON RINSO BLUE w 29c 71c

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