*l|ric«ltir« it Aelita The wholo '“vinomy of North Carolina will r offer if tobacco pioduns aro iihrM "dangerous lo health,” no*et B. C Mangum. president of *be N. c. Farm IJu n-au Federation in a statement prepared for liw current hearings in Congress on cigerotte labeling proposals. ‘Tlie tobatvo farmer himself may b« for»:*ci out of business if • he govemme.il orders ".skull an crossbones" labels put on cigar ette prekasaid Mangum. "When you realize that nearly llMMJOl) farm families n North Carolina depan on tobacco grow ing for most of their iir-otne. you h*‘gin to understand the impact1 cigarette lalvdng would have on' them and tin- |joopl<. who sell the goods of Ilf - ir- them." Mangum said lhal ruining the tobacco fartr.pr vvou'd he •*•»«* ■ punching i f jur • billion - dollar hole in the «• .momy of North Carolina. To vreo brings th* North Carolina iarmer nearly 600 million dol'ais a year, and the farmer’s dnliai turns over at least seven lit -c* in the economy of the stat" ‘Take th.- dollar away from the farmer and you take it away from seven '•titer |>enple whom he trades with." North CV-i liim farmers paid out at least "• million dollars for hired labor i . ii.e production and curing of tobacco last year, said Mangum. TVio.icco means mil lion dollars a year to the fertiliz er industry in North Carolina. 10 million to tl> ■ petroleum industry, transportation and warehouse charges, he aided. “But thi* is just a beginning." he said. “A g cat many more in dustries am* businesses have a big economic stake in the pro d act ion and marketing of tobac co. Banks and other financial in FRI.-SAT.-SUN.-MON.-TUES. ELVIS PRESLEYS. ANN-MARGRET "~l:n t z 1 • L_ h**« e. »t 4 IN t't> e* rt . r.v 45 £s '»»•= vi -a i/ > v£G'3 ► PAMAvin.QN R Mirmocotoa Am WED.-THT7RS.-FRL ASCNMCXMCN tHttlruK th#w I UNITE0ARTISTS WATCH FOB: (1) “THE PINK PANTHER" (2) “ZULU" (3) “THE PATSY" (4) “ENSIGN PULVER” ^dilutions do a w hoping hunnou each v-ar In .'ifianrln? tot.aero prod ui-t ion.-' North Ca»olir.a tohnceo manu facturers rrp)v)«d iuuk1 32.100 people. at va(P‘ totaling mon1 than 123 mlnh n dollars, in 19fil. said Mansur ■ Mangum t’rgrd to withhold an) action which would hurt the to bacco farmer md the tooacco in d us try bad!;., when tobacco hasn’t evtm been pi men quil'y of -»n dangering nealth. "Give theta a chance to prove I her selves innocent by conduct - ini» the rest arch hat is so badly needed mto ‘he tobacco-health re lationship," ht- said. F'LPXIOlJC FENCES? We like a guy who’s willing to be a bit fh*v:.!e. For insfr'iv. Chief Justice Earl 'Va»Ten tell., us now that legis lators rep tve-ent people, and not res or acres. And he says that legislators are elected oy voters, and not fame, or cities or econo mic interest.". He’s the fc'low who just last month ripple I his robe-shrouded muscles and. with one iudidal Jerk, pulled the States-rights mg out from und *r us with a sweep ing ruling on apportionment of legislatures. (Well, he's not due nil the credi . Five other Justices helped. Three didn't.) The ruling would oblig? every Slat** to ap portion hot a legislative houses solely on a population basis. Chief Justi'c Warren's current attitude on this matter, indeed, represents the very zeni»h of flex ibiliy. Espec.nliy in view of the way he felt on the same sohWt when was governor of California. Here's what he said on October 29. 19IS, \vh< r his State was con sidering a proposal to apportion the State sena'c by population: “Many Ci!ift rnia counties are far more important in the life of the State that, their population bears on the entire population of the State. It is for this reason that I have n -ver been in favor of restricting t'ie representation in the senate to a strictly popula tion basis. ”It is the •■ine that the Found ing Fathers nf our country gave balanced r.‘presentation to the Statin; of th-* Union -equal rep resentation in one house and pro portionate representation based on population in the otlier. "Moves have been made to up DRIVE-m THSATOS Box Ottes Opens «:4S—Shew Starts At StOO ALWAYS SU» A CABLOAD I Thura.-F|l. 1st AU "ROAD ROHMER REVUE” Rook Hurson-Doris Day — COLOR — "BILLOW TALK" Big John Wayne — COLOR — “NORTH TO ALASKA" Carv Grant Tony Curtis — COLOR — "OPERATION PETTICOAT" SUN.-MON-TUES.-WED. 3 BIO HITS! 4—COLOR CARTOONS—4 Buddy Epson — Color "MAIL ORDER BRIDE' Shirley Jones-Gig Young — COLOR — "TICKLISH AFFAIR” Wad. Moris* Shewn la Order WRESTLING KINGS MOUNTAIN ABMOBY Friday Night 8: IS p.m. TWO PIELIMINABT BOUTS MAIN EVENT-TAG TEAM MATCH FEATURING The Kentuckians BIG BOY BBOWN & TINT ANDEBSON BBUTE BEBNABD & SKUU MUBPHY Cases Continued In Monday's City Cent Session IA s"ni¥ o: cnt.nua. on* high lighted Mon lav nflornev n's Cii\ Recorder's t-.uit session befor* Judge Jack \V;i to. Curs wV-h wore continued in cluded: Joe L. Sh-. r>, 26, of Lit eohuon. charged wltl. reckless driving Garland A. Re#!., 23. of Houle 5, Box 410 Vtv olnton. Heckles. C. Carpenter. 26. *J2.CHy Stmx t. violating the pro hibition laws; Donald Henderson. 26. of 707 X P'cdraont Ave., As sault on a f male, and assault with adead’y weapon; Carl Ltv Bagwell. 40. of Kings Mountain Bessemer City High way. molest |ng a minor female; and one case involving Lwtfi J. Mauiiby, 28, >f 301 Pearl s *■-**, Belton. Texas was nol pressed Actions taken ineludd nP*Ty £ 'VaM'* n* Route 2. Cherr>vtlle. was sentenced in three soparitr asfs aft-T plead _*"! driving without a li CWOP, nckl.-u driving, and using pnoane language. Wafts pled not guilty i, failure to step for a P?!1/? *‘n-n and violating the prohibition laws. He i/as ,'oard guilty cn all counts and was sentenced to 4 months, susp, ndrd upon the eon (lition., that he not operate* a mo tor vehicle in *he state of North — - •* (#1 AW Carolina V a period of months and was assess >d *a $r fine* and th-* certs of court in the «se o,’ no ope-, a tor’s license and luckless driving. He was sentene* ed to GO days suspended and as se.ised ? $3 and the costs of oourl in the* case of using profane Ian guage ad fii’ure to stop for a po Uc* si:vn. A 60 day suspended *et the balance u representation it our State, rv n though it servee us Well and i. strictly in aeeord with Americiii tradition and the I pattern of car National Govern i raent." j ,1VVel1* hes sum no fenee-strad ! Uler. Lets you know right where : he stands. Th.it, of course, bring' I up the subject rf flexible fences. sentence* handed down and Watu was »<*nic need In lit clays suspended » ,*« n the payment of a $3 fine and •*!«• rusts of court in the ease of x t.ti.ig th** pmhik-i tic n laws lint my \V. Stewart. JO. of 1 is Onto*- Sired. eras found _!i:ilr> of speeding 7o *n a .53 mile /one r.nd reekless dri* .* g a.id »at sentenc ed to i mentr.» suspended u|ioit the pax mem r>t a $23 line and th<- .vist* oi court, and .pon the further con'*i.. n that hi- not vio late any meet- vehicle laws in the state o' 'o'rth Carolina tor a pericHl of si\ e onths. Stewart aVi rc reived a fit) day suspended urdence and \> as as sessed a St ) .inc and costs of court S*ft**r beirg found guilty of failutc to s*o;> for a poik-c siren and op-*ratI a motor vehicle without proper lights. Accordin': to police testimony. St‘*\vart yttc e‘t»ed to e\ »>!e persu ing offievrs iv turning off his car Jignls and pr treed mg several hlcx-ks before lieing overtaken by City police. Andrew c. So.air, 18. of Route 2. ple*d guilty to charges of car l-yin*; a eonreated weapon, and was semen * si to 30 days, sus pended upon tee payment of a $30 fine and the rc sts of court, and was placed *>n good behavior for a period of tour months. The weapon, a f- ur inch blade pocket knife, wag nr lined disposed of ac cording to I iw. Three case; ef public drunken ness were hoard with one defend ant sentenced in 30 days, suspend ed upon the payment of the costs of c-ourt, or.e rase coninued. and one ease pen hng after informa-1 tion revealed that the party in-1 volved was r. esentlv in eustody at the Coun*v jail awaiting com milment to R*-oughton hospital. James T CoV , 26. 819 Floyd Street. Darrv;e to city property, paid $3 in damages and costs. Lawrence ti. Murphy, *16. 412 E. Oraham Street Sheli- i. stop light violation. half costs. Peggy O. Jackson. 22. 309 Ka therine Sire.-., failure to see movement < ouid made in safety, half costs. Kenn-th Jaynes. 20. *29 West; Main Ave., Mastonia. improper' muffler; iir.t roper tag, costs. Steven L. Queen. 21. Rt. 2. stop hgnt violatict- >ialf nai«. Charles ||. Crump. 33, 201 Well in*ford Rd.. Charlotte. .dnp light violation. h*«lr coats. Jimrov ’V. S.nvart. 2d. |1vr«i tor Street. spec ling 40 in 33 zon<% half <-nst< Robert f> I! nil ut. IS. 707 v Hold St root. « x 'coding safe speed, half costs. Hal L Rogers. .73. Rt. 17. Char lotto, stop II :ht violation, half cost*. Norman C.« amp. Ifi. 112 Walk or Street, imprnpm muffler, half costs. Isaac .1 Re II. 21. Rt. 1 impro per muffler hah costs. Alan I.. Jones, lfi. 2d0 Fulton S’r^ot. o\ -ce.' ng safe speed, half costs. Thurman Peterson. 24, Box 103 Grover, stun '^ht violation. hal costs. Three public drunkenness. costs The C. S. rxn? I. ties is power ed hv a st-Mir-turbo electric pro pulsion svsfr-, with two screws, said Bryan ."touch, local tele phone marvjjr THOMSON & McKinnon Members New York and American Stock Exchanges and other leading Ex changes 110 Liberty Life Building Charlotte, N. C. IN KINGS MOUNTAIN Dial 739-2631 for information on any stock that interests you. (No toll charge) MARK KANE, Manager Athlene G. Smith Registered Representative l:2Mfn. [Phillips' ! Rites Conducted Funeral i *»-s for Poorly B. Phillip*, tin. .• tro holt! Monday at 4 |>.m. fr.ti i Second Baptist hint'll, ini'* "iont following in M •unt.-’in Rc<t cemetery. Mr. Phillip: died at 10 p.m. Fri ; '*y in Kin'.-s ') nntaln hospital following a ir*. H attack. A native ct Rohbinsville, ho vas a forme- employee of Itui■■ 'ington Mill: r.d a monthor .»f 1 Chestnut Iti-i ’ Rap tint church. Survivin r .-,t • his with. Mrs. Ar rie fit'll Sho.t f hillip<; four sons, Carl Phillips of California. Alfred “hillius. Roy Phillips an<l Coy Phillips, all of Kings Mountain; | two daughter* Mis. Ralnh Drllin I *er of Kin"; Mountain and .<rs I Andrew r>'U ' .M'r >f Clierryville; two brother.. Wesley Phillips of Maryville, T and Dallas Phil* Ups of Bessvn.-i City; s|\ sisters, Nils. Ilmry Clifford and Mrs. Walter And.- son, both ol Kint'S Mountain, ,\ rj Clu Plumley of Hast .nia an I its. John Anderson, Mrs Mae Artie; son. and Mrs. Lo In Millsapr. all of Rohbinsvillc, anti three «j*\ ndchiltlren. Rev. Georn- Julian, assisted by R “V. W. If. !’.■ dt.iond and Rev. Dale thorn'ii’'', officiated, and interment w »«. jn Mountain Rest cemetery. The kiwi v >•,, of N«nv Zealand are the on**- known living birds that have a r .illy well developed sense of sn -11. accord in;* to the Hook of Kne.o letl^e. Tlielr nos trils :ue pi a -d at the end of theli lono bills I:*..'. : d of at the base, the usual p’- e HARRIS funeral 9&me K'NGS MOUNTAIN. NOrM CASOt'NA Dear friends. A local citizen recently said, "I just can't make a personal call of sympathy when ay friends are bereaved...1 never know what te say." We have observed that it isn't necessary to say anything. Tour presence speaks for itself. Friends assn acre to s family, in tine of bereavement, than anything else. The ac^ of sharing their grief is deeply comforting. Respectfully, ' m* i»vit»tio» 0 NATIONAL SFLFCTFD MORTICIANS Save some of today for your tomorrows This family’s vacation actually began a year ago. That’s when they started putting some of each paycheck in a First Union savings account With regular deposits, their money grew quickly. When vacation time came, they were ready to go, free of financial worry. If vacations have become too expensive for goer paycheck, why not try it their way. Start your First Union savings account today and begin plan ning a worry-free vacation now! ...a moat prograaaive bank ;oa esscavr avers** •

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