ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. nml Mrs. Willi" m Dttriil , 7hnrringdnn of XuslimJle, N. ('. nnnunini tin engagement of llnir daughter, Iam» Christine, to Dr. I.rninel Ding hi H are, sun of Mr. | and Mrs. Lemuel L. Ware "f Kings Mountain. 't’hi brtden lei I at hnileil Kusl Carulinn mlh i/e mnl is u stcieartless fur Eastern Air- < lints. Dr. ll'i/iv mis gruiliiajleil I rum Wesltrn Cite- linn eulh >;> nml enrnril Ins D.D.S. from Emery Ihiiversilg Seho- •! of Dentistry. lb \ practices dentistry in Nurrruss, tin. Tie icetUhng trill take pbu« I September «. in St. James Mi thuihst eh It re It nn Peach!rei-Dunn suit Jtuml in Atlnntn. On, 11 People In The News ( I ( « 1 Mrs. M-irtha Wilson, widow of John Henry Wilson, cele brated her 74th bi'thday Sunday, July 5th, al a family dinner attended by 58 rela tives and friends. Mrs. Wilson’s birthday also marked a family reunion, the first in 20 years. Dinner was served picnic * style at the Wilson home on route two. The eight children of Mrs. i Wilson present with their families we e: Mrs. Thomas Wylie. Mrs. Lucy Chaney and M's. Magdalene Huffman, all of Kings Mountain: Robert Wilson ot Kings C.reek, S. C.: Monroe and Mrs. Mamie Moore of Grover- Ira Wilson of McDill AFB. Tampa, Fla;1 and Mrs. Lilian ET ^ of New Hampshire. Ira Wilson and farri y returned horr.e Monday after visiting His mother for several days. Mrs. Elkins and family plan to leave Thursday. Carla Jill Bridges, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Bridges, celebrated her sec ond birthday Friday. July I Oth, at a ■.-nail family party at the Bridges home on Cleve land avenue. Carla is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F Fleming and Mr. ard Mrs. S. S. Bridg es. ail of Kings Mountain. Carla s decorated birthday cake was topped by *wo can dles. The cake was cut and served with ice cream and other party tefreshments. * * Bride-Elect Honored Miss Kay McCarter, whose wedding to Thomas Marshall! Carlisle will be an event of July 26th, was nonored at a linen shower given Friday night by Mrs. Wi.bur G. Smith and Miss Loezelle Smith at their home. A greer and white color ' ote carried out in refresh ments and decorations. Gifts were placed boneath an umbre a on a tab'e ovenaid with cutworlc over green. Bride-and-groom cake squares were served with nuts, mints and lime sherbet punch. The bride e'ect wore a navy crepe dress and was given a white carnation cordage from the hosiers. • * * * Comings And Goings Mr. and Mrs. Jack’e Barrett and chi dren, Cherry and David, are visitinq Mrs. Barrett s father and other relatives in Indiana. Mr. Barrett e»oects to be away a week and Mrs. Barrett and chi dre~ expect to visit te'atives in Ohio before returning home in two weeks. * * ♦ * Mrs. P. G. Padgett «*id hei fatner, Cnarles May. f ew to Gulvestou, Texas last Thursday for a visit with relative* • ‘ 4 " SOCIAL CALENDAR Thu raduy: *>:.'#> Ar’crii in Legion Auxili ary covered .1 >h supper at the home of Mr/ (.harleu A. Gdorth, Sr Fi iduy: ll:u) 1 i• • -» Mrs. Cnarles Er> vin Warlie*: is er.tort lining at Kings Mour.i jin Country Club honoring Mi;; !Vggy Wr.-n Craig, bridr-plptl. Hot unlay: 10: A> 12<n Mrs. Fred W. Plonk is ent"’turning at her home at ‘itn> Cresi<r>: Circle honoring her daughto: -m-law. Mrs. David Torrence Plena. 7:.'lo M i g rice Woman's club at the hom" of Mr*. C\ \V r ails. T mutiny: 7:.'ltl Sti’ilv club at the home of Mrs. W. T. ■ i., Grover road. Mr*. W. K. C.ik k. program chair man. i New Wedding Service To Be Available Mrs. Eug«*n • I’a tier so i has an noiiru is! pkir ; to operate a wed ding service 'n m her home. The now w »i. o will im hide wedding iHiilj for the bride-to be. includin ■ oiitvtion of the wislding. chunl. de< orations, and (lowers for bonijupts, cake cut ting, ami pr rt'< s. Mrs. Pat*e»son lias o-en asso ! ciated with He:.y Jo Florists in Shelby the part three years and previously u .i ked for Carolina Florist in Sbeihy. vVMS Names Vlrs. Lankford vlrs. Ivey ’..ir.kford was elected •ha rr»an of ri < Women's Mis lionary So.-iv of Second Baptist huich for *'5. <nii Mrs. ’1 tyd -Villi;.ns and Mrs. Billy law kins were welcomed as new nembers at it..* regular Monday light meeting The 15 rr.err.'.crs heard a pro 'ram, “A It ;<i.st Heritage’* with 1 drs. Gortruke Ware leading the liscussion. ■** ted by Mrs. Pearl siser. Mrs. 1,'atie Pruitt, Mrs. Jeorgc Julian, Mrs Eth-l White md Mrs. John W. Gladden. The veiling prove.-; were offered by -Irs. K. I». .‘.lerike and Mrs. Ju ian. Mrs. Prinil who presided over he busine;.: meeting, -inn •tinci*d hat Circle 1 'ill meet July 27th , vith Mrs. Gc* trade Ware as lost ess and -nr Circle & will ga her the save evening at the lome of Mi ;. Howard Allen. -’ar+y Honors 3ride-F(ect Miss Martha Lou Ware, bride -loct of Aegust 1, was honor guest Tuesday night at a drop in shower given by Miss Brenda Thornburg and Mrs. Don Smith at the former’s home on Goforth street. Miss Chanty Goforth welcom ed arriving cabers and tfio two hostesses, the honoree ami the bride-elect’s mother, Mrs. S. Howard Ware, received together in the living room. Mrs. Ken Cook presided at the punch service. The refreshment table was overlaid with a white doth and decorated in traditional green and white. Green punch was served from one end of the table with decorated cakes and salted nuts. A candelabrum of candles and English ivy was used at one end of the table and ivy trailed the length of the cloth connect- ! mg the candelabrum with tin punch bowl. Miss Ware wore a green sheath dress with a usage of white carnations, gift irom the hestesses. The 30 friends who called from 7:.’WI until 9:30 showered the bride-to-be with lingerie gifts. Guests from out-of-town in cluded Mrs. Wilbur Kiser and Becky, of Shelby, Mrs. Ronnie Kincaid and daughter. Rhonda Kay, of Bessemer City, and Mrs. Ken Baity, cf v'tiai'lcston, S. C. Angola Bumgardner Has Fourth Birthday Angela Dawn Bumgardner. daughter of 1st Sgt. and Mrs Ira Bumgardner. ws honored on her fourth hirthdav Saturd.i' with a party at her feme on Jackson street. Her pin!: old white hirthdav cake was to-.j-ru with a ballerina doll Punch, ar.d ioe cream cones were served along with her birth day cake. The follow irg children were guests of the honoree; Elizabeth and Laura MiCinnis. Sammy Wolfe. Mim \ie.ver. l-isa Tig nor. Allen Whitesides. Keith Hawkins. M<’<o and Ki n Bum gardner. C.ir i* and Cindy Sal mon. and Glenn J >nas. Mrs. P. A Hawkins of Kings Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Bumgardn ■ • of Shelby tre grand parents of 'ii*. Bumgardner. Mr. and '••* Clarence J. King and ohddrvi. chip. Patrice and Mnryanne. have returned home to Sarasota, '•'in. alter visiting in Bristol. Rho t - Island with Mr. King’s far-o'y and a sister. Mrs. Horace Mor-iess in Mam beater. Conn, and Mr* King’s si«ter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bourque in Lynn. Mass. Returning t ■ Saraso'a. they stopped m Kings Mountain to visit M 's. Ki.ig’s mother. Mts. A. J. Gallant, '.i,.. is - patient in the local bospit.r1 The Kings also visited Mrs. E.ng’s sister, Airs. W.l O. AlorriSOO -lU family. Mrs. Charles Karl Oxford, Jr. Miss Rebecca Gibson, Charles Oxford Wed In Church Rites At Clove'*, S. C. C I o v e r Associate Reformed ?resbyteriai. church provided tin* lotting Jun- r<th for a double - ring exchanji1 of vows uniting Miss Rebec i Arlene Hibson of Clover. S. C a..d Charles Earl Dxford. Jr. ot Kings Mountain. Dr. J. Calvin Smith was the ifficiatiog m-’iister. Miss Bettv i.ou Wells was or ganist for the program of nup ial music- and Larry r. McEl wen was vr.-al soloist. Tit** bride wos given *n marri age by her grandfather. Haskel young Quinn ll*-r formal gown >f crystal organ/a was designed by her aunt. Mrs. Jam**s O. Williams, and featured a fitted *->d!ee with o„t* au neckline ap-' *li<iue*l with ce and se-xl pearls, l'he skirt, highlighted by un- i pressed plea*, t at the .sides, swept nto a chapel t ain. Her fingertip veil of illusion was held hy a •rmvn of se-*d pearls and she ,-arried a Bible presented to the bridegroom's t ither at his ordina tion as a Bao'ist minister. The Bible was topped with an orchid and valley lilies. Mrs. William Franklin Dulin, aunt of the bride, of Springfield. Ohio, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Judy Gaultney. Mrs. Larry T. McEl veen. both of Gastonia, and Mrs. Jam*- Rhyne of Kings Mountain, s' - or ol the bride groom. The four r.ltcndants wore full length gowns f pcau de soie with matching headdresses and slippers. Th-* matron's gown was of green p*>- i de soie and she cat ried a nosc.c.y of yellow roses. Th<* bridesmans were gowned in yellow and earned single long stemmed yellow roses. Kerri Mraz of Morganton. niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Donald B i n ardner was best man for th * n- degroom. The list of ushe<s ine'i'ded Jim-ny Quinn of Gastonia. Captain William Dulin. Wayne Timms and Fred Waldt. The* bnil * I , Mr formed a re ceiving line in the church vesti bule to greet u<*dding gu*-sts af tc-r the ceremony. iih'mt: A> n bridegroom Th** bride i; the daughter of Mrs. William -eslic Wray of Clo ver. South Carolina. She is a graduate of Ch.ver high school. Mr. Oxford is the son of Mrs. C. Earl Oxf. *1 of Kings Moun tain and the 'ate Rev. Mr. Oxford. A graduate of Kings Mountain high si hoot, he is employed by Homclite of Gastonia. The newlvvvods have returned from a weddHt.*, trip to tin* moun tains and a v c.t home at 102 Knox street «n Clover. Mr. and Mr.;. Jpc* Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. I i-.-'v Lynn and child n*n. Sandy. Ruddy. Ginny, and David, and Jackie Rhea ol Grov er spent th-* weekend at Garden City Rcaeh. S C. Mr. and Mrs. Camp'-ell spent Sunday afternoon visitin" In Conway. S. C. \v ith Mr. Campbell's , i*.t. Mrs. J. II. Dan ner and D-. Danner. Mrs. lien T. Jackson and child ren are h'*re from Richmond. Va for a visit v ih Mrs. Jackson's parents. Mr. and Mis. J. R. Davis. Dr. and Mrs. Jackson a.id family expect to r** -v«* the latter part of August from Richmond to Bos ton. MassaehiiM tts. Mrs. Jackson is the forme- Jean Davis. —o Mrs. Franc r; Pethel ;.nd sons. Rlair and II.inter, w'!l arrive Satindav fru.-** Greensla.ro for a visit with Mrs. Pethel's parents. Mr. and Mr;. W. Gillespie. The Pethels c\p.* ! to U* here for a v\«ek before -.’oing to N«*w York City to visit M . Pethel, who is in summer s*-h.<: at the school of Sarrod Music al Union Thcolop cal Sauuiuuy. McDanisIs To Visit In Frankfurt, Germany Mr. and Mr; David McDanie left S.iturd »\ morning by plane ! for New Yoi k City. From Now : York, they Pjw Saturday oftor- I noon to Frink*.urt, Germany for a visit with tl.eir son. Koger Me j Daniel, his v.iit and children. The Kings '.fountain McDaniels expect to be away a mo ith. Numerous friend.-, and relatives of the McDaniels accompanied them to Chat-e-fte nirp et Satur day morning foi their S:30 take off. The .McDaniel? also visit«*d the World's Fair before going on to Germany. Tin it son is stationed with the A:r Force at Frankfurt. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mr*. Frank C:*on, route 1. B’unrr City, cnnouncr the birth o! a ron. Wnlnesdiy, Ji’•> k. Kin ;; Mountain hospital. Mr. and AVs. James Palmer Ilenlev. root-* *. Cherry ville, an nounce the tl. of a son. Thurs day. July Kings Mountain hos pital. Mr. and M.s. Willie m J Wright, 119 Mwens street, an nounc-* the Svi'.i of a son. Satur day. Julv 11. Kings Mountain h*»s pital. Mr. and Mr.:. William Norman Clark. Jr., Grc'.er, ann nwoe the birth of a for. Sunday. July 12. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and V:r. L. (1. Summit!, 101 McGill ft .e<i. announce the birth of a '-.-’lighter, Tuesday. July 1-1. Kin- < Mountain hospital. Mr. r.nd »lrs. Dennis Kugene Sigmon. 301 S. Mulhe’-cy street. Clierryville, ani ounce the birth of a daughter. Tuesday, July 11. Kings Mount- ::-, hospit il. McCarter-Carlisie Invitations Issued Invitations leading as follows have been Ur: id in Kings Moun tain: Mr. and .V *. Kelly M> Carter request the honour of your pretence ut the inarri m of their daughter Kiiii l'u run ne to Mr. Thomas Marshall Carlisle on Sunday, trie tieemy-sceenth of July at foil: thirty o’elmk Central M'-ihodint Church Kings Mountain. Xnrth Carolina Wara-Wells Invitations Issued Invitations sending as follows have been issued in Kings Moun tain: Mr. a ml Mr.' Sidney Howard Ware request the hr nor of your l-n scare at the marriao.- of their daughter Mi>i tha Lou to Mr. Bryan• Toney Wells on Saturday, the first of August Xinctien hundied and sixty-four at right o'r' ek in the riming First Bi'litist Churrh Kings Moun 'an, S'orth Carolina Miss Anit-» McGinnis and her roommate. , f Atlanta. Ga.. spent last weclt'-r:' with Miss McGin nis' oarenis. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGinnis. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. ana Mm. B. 8. Stinnett of da .stoma an new me* the engagement of her daughter, Linda Jeanne, to John Alvin Yarbrough, non of Mr. and Mm. T. B. Yar brough of Kings Mountain, fdn date has hern si i for the u rdding. The bride-to-be, a graduate of Bessemer Citg logli sehtsd, is ni|* idoyid by Southern Bell Telephone Chanpany in Gastonui. The pros pective bridegroom attended the Kings Mounta.n sehoots and is sta honed with the Nuional Guard “on duty at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. until September I. Foothills League Plans Golf Tourney The Foothill.- 1-oanue Golf As sociation In:: ivlinlulrd a tourna ment at Le-.oir Country ('luh July ,23. Any member ol the Kilims i Mountain Country Club who plan to attend slt.ijld contact Mrs. Harlan Stotetau not luior than Friday. Julc 17'h. Mrs. Stoterau’s telephone nui.d ri is 739-1296. Mrs. Slot -vau is president of the local Wown’t Golf Associa tion. <Jary Bouton, son of Mr. and Mrs. iklell Benton, is spending this week at North Carolina Orange Youth Camp in Bara ardsvillo. Mr. and .Mrs. Odell Minton and sun. Oary. spent last weekend at Maggie Valley and Cherokee. Mr. and Mi's. Warren C. Par rish and Mv r. Mrs. Cone Orif fith of Ro«*!; Hilt, s. C. spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hughes. Mr; Parrish. Mrs. Orlf fith and Mr;. Hughes ar«* sisters. Hems from TJ’s Junction... Saddle Denim & Crossroad Plaids , by Thermo-Jac Plaid Shirt $7.95 Shirt Skirt $7.95 1 Bermuda Dress $1295 one-piece * Tapers—with the | fabulous TJ fit; 5^93 Just arrived at TJ s Junelion! Saddle Denims of 100'; cotton in Wheat and Bright Navy. Crossroad Plaids of 65' < Dacron* 35'» cotton in four exclusive TJ patterns. All Items machine washable. All In True Junior sizes 5 through 15. Come on in and join the crowd . . . try on these newest Thermo-Jac items ... and find out how you may be a TJ model in Seventeen: Fulton's Department Store

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