Herei Foil Text Of Comity-Wide Garbage Ordinance Now In Effect Upon action of the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners, the following ordinance waaunan imously adopted, effective July I. AN ORDINANCE TO PRO MUUIATE RULES and REGU LATIONS PERTAINING TO THE COLLECTION O F GARBAGE and TRASH IN CLEVELAND COUNTY. THE ISSUANCE of PERMITS and LICENSES for THE COLLECTION THEREOF, and THE IMPOSITION OF PEN ALTIES and FINES for VIOLA TION PERMITS -Section ia»: The collection and disposal of trash and garbage within the ateas of Cleveland County without the incorporated municipalities therein shall be ef fe.-ted by private contract collect ors who shall be licensed upon ap plication by the issuing of per mits by the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners. Section »bl: These permits shall be renewed annually, effective July 1st jf each year, and a charge of one dollar shall he made for the issuance thereof. Evidence of the permit and the permit number must be appropri ately displayed on each vehicle used by licensed collectors in the collection and disposal of garb age. Section (c): No additional per ^nits shall be issued unless the F ><*artl of Cojnty Commissioners, upon proper investigation, shall find an additional garbage col lector or collectors needed; at which time, agreement must be reached with the existing collect or from whose territory the new area is created. Section : No person shall be a Howl'd to operate as a collector of garbage without a permit from the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners. EQUIPMENT TO BE USED Section : Garbage pails shall be provided by the customer in a capacity not to exceed 32 gallons and an- to be further equipped with a lid sufficiently close tu prevent the entrance of insects or rain. Section ic»: Ail trucks and oth er equipment and methods of dumping shall conform with the North Carolina State Health De partment. Bulletin No. -179. and by the Cleveland County Board of Health and shall, at all times, be subject to inspection by a repre sentative of the health depart ment. A failure to comply with such regulations shall be suffici ent cause* for revocation of the permit and license granted to the private collector. COLLECTION ROUTES Section ia»: Collection territor ies within which the private col lectors shall he under an obliga tion to serve all customers shall be assigned to each collector up on issuance of a license by the Cleveland County Board of" Com missioners. In those instates where there is an overlapping of routes there may be an inter change of customers, provided that there is no change in the a mount of fee collected whether ! the <-ustomer making the change is residential or commercial. FEES Secion «a •: The minimum gar bage collection fee shall be $2.00 per month. A uniform collection fee for pickup at the curb shall be at the rate of $2.00 per month which will provide for -ance-a week pickup. Special arrange ments for which f«*es may he col lected to include additional week ly collections. spe<-ial trash haul ing contracts or other special a greements may be made by .he , THIS CURIOUS WORLD ASHONFUkC/ : No garbage shall tie stored in any garbage contain er other than a container equip ped with a lid sufficiently closed to prevent entrance of insects or ram and then only for a period n >t to exceed one week. Section (hi: No person shall | dispose of garbage other than at an approved sanitary* landfill ap proved by the County Health De partment provided, however, that this section is not construed to prevent any person from the dis posal of garbage from his own resident or business establish ment by burying it in a safe and sanitary manner on his own pre mises. MISCELLANEOUS Section ( Bo\ 623 Cherry villt, charged with following to«( closely; and for David M Sneed. 21. of .V»S S. Aim Sired Cherry ville. rhargerl with violating the prohibition laws. John C.inn, 68. of ]U06 Second Street. was found not guilty ol violating the prohibition laws Virgil 11. Campbell tic. of 832 First Street, was sentenced to !ki days, suspended upon the pay ment of a $25 fine and tin- coats of court after being found guilty of violating the prohibition law* He was placed on good bchav ior. not to violate any liquor laws in the state of North Carolina for a period of 90 days. A nol pros was issued in the east' of James O. Sellers, 26. of 22 Walker Street, charged with assault on a female. Sellers wile, the prosecuting witness in the case, was charged with ma licious prosecution and was sen fenced to 30 days, suspended up on the payment of the costs of eouri. James W. Oates. 45. of II I Bel vedere Circle, was found guilty of operating a motor vehicle without displaying a proper tag and was sentenced to 30 days, suspended upon the payment of the costs of court T h c ease involving James Moore. 46. of (.eneral Delivery charged with driving while in toxicated. was continued until August 3. Robert Owens. 26. of 315 Kile Street, pled guilty to charges of assault on a female and war sentenced to 30 days, suspended upon the payment of the ivists of court. Jessie E Reynolds. 21. of Route 1 2. pled guilty to charges of reck less driving and was sentenced to 30 days, suspended upon the payment of a $5 fine and the costs of court. A nol pros was issued in the case of Andrew Smart. 34. charg ed with no operator's license Two outstanding cases involv ing Smarr in a stop light viola tion and driving on tin- wrong side of the road were reviewed and Smari was sentenced to 3Q days, suspended upon the pay ment of the costs of court in each case. The sentences were handed down on June 8. and Smarr was sentenced to pay the outstanding fines or the senten ces would he put into effect. The case involving Samuel Falls. 25. of 109 Childers Street, charged with Larceny by trick, was continued until August 3. Three case* of public drunken ness were docketed Two capias' were issued and one was contin ued Submissions included cases in volving the following defendant*: Mack Lefevers. 39. 315 Broad Street, assault on female. 30 days, and costs of court, not violate any laws in X. C. for 4 months. Cheryl S. Foster. 19. 1(M K King Street. improper muffler, half costs. Joney W Hobbs. 29. It! 2 For est City, speeding 30 in 35 / >ne. half costs. I -a rry W Leftovers. 21. 5 Men nett Drive, improper muffler, half costs. Kenneth K Hardin. 44. 901 Meadow brook ltd . failure to yield right of way, half costs J B Marlow . 19. 3»XM K ozzels Fetrv ltd.. Charlotte, issuing worthless check, paid checks and i-osts of court. Robert S. Palmer. 23. 1407 Pine tiurst St.. Sanford. N. C stop light violation, half costs Walter L. Hall. 91 Rt 2. Clo ver. S. C.. failure to yield right of wav. half costs. William D Butler. 22. 110 Wa co Road. improper muffler, halt costs. William K. M<<‘luney, 19. Rt 1 Box 1 |s. exceeding safe s|«sh1. half c ists. William .1 Hahrick. 20. su7 Church Street speeding rti in 35 zone, half costs Marvin R Carrigan. 17. so| Catherine Ave . improper mufflei half costs Donald R. Bradley. 22 112 N Bovd Street. Gastonia imprnpci m.iffler. half posts. Guy F. Abernathy. 23. tinj N Styers Street Gastonia impr >|*-i muffler, half costs Alice I.. Drum. 19. M7 Church Street, speeding tin in 35 /one. i-osts of court Wayne C. Wright. 24. 2513 Park Ave.. Charlotte, violating prohibi tion laws, $5 and c-ists of court. s Public Drunkenness, costs of < ourt Witnesses Set Annul Meeting The (Gastonia Congregation of Jehoxah’s Witnesses will be rep resented by a delegation of local people at a religious convention in Greenville, South Carolina, Au. gust 6-9. The announcement by Herbert W. Liam, piesiding min ister. stated the convention will tie line of 37 to (a* held in the United States this summer. An es timated s.irm delegates ate ex pected for the Greenville gather ing. According to Liam tile purpose of the religious meet is to “aid those- ,n attendance to improve their personal ministry The theme of the assembly, “Fruitage of the Spirit" will be developed by sermons and panel discussions to aid the delegates to gain the Scriptural knowledge necessary to increase fruitages of the spir it.” The convention is sponsored by the Watehtower Bible Smiety, an international publishing corpora tion which distributes Rihles and Bible study aids around the earth in some 160 languages. Elam ex plained. "most people in this country have a Bible, but it is evident from the increased de linquency. immorality and rising crime rate that there exists a need for better application of Scriptural principles to daily live*. Our convention's are designed to aid in accomplishing this “ The Orecnville convention is for at least is states. The highlight of the four-day meet will be he pu lie address Sunday. August 9th at 3 P.M Controls on tobacco production date hack as early as 1639 when the Virginia Assembly decreed that the t ihaeco crop should he reduced by 1.5 million pounds with production held at that level for the next two years. mm| ig$ HARRIS ^Junaxd fflome KINGS VQUNTAIN. NCOtH CAROLINA m Dear friends, We think the custom of expressing sympathy bv sending flowers is a beautiful one. There is comfort in these floral expressions. Those who say, "I prefer to give my flowers to the living rather than to the dead" should remember that flowers at a funeral are a great comfort to the living as well as a respect ful tribute to the deceased. Respectfully, »*«»••*• •« OM © NATIONAL SEIFCItD MORTICIANS Come take the wheel... ...and see how sweet and smooth a tough truck can be -wnen us a new Com* try the wonderful riding ease of Ford s ‘ new, long 128-inch wheelbase pickup. Sample the luxury of a '64 cab that's smart as a station wagon—and as comfortable. Then test the toughness. Ford's new Styleside double-wall box is so strong the tailgate alone can support a ton! See all the Ford surprises today! Fbrdm TRY HOW COMFORTABLE A TOUGHTRUCK CAN BE... ~2£F0RDUAI£RS 910 SHELBY RD. SOUTHWELL MOTOR CO. PHONE 739*4743