8ETHWARE OAK GROVE NEWS Bp JnJp Bolton Oat ta Telephone 7J9-S«4$ BETHWARE - The Rev Ector Hamrick of Columbus. Ind. brought the message at the Eve ning Worship (lour at Oak Grove Sunday. The iiamm-ks visit.il with friends and relist iv«*s in the community last week. Keith Cabiness of Leesburg. Va. spent Friday an<i Saturday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Gaston Grigg and family. A group of boys from the Beth ware area spent last week at the FFA camp at White Lake. Tin boys were Toy D«vis, I^arry Ik-1 linger, Norman Blanton and Coyt Herndon. The Kings Moun tain Chapter won the Banner in sports activities. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Fisher have 'hi their daughter. Nelda Christina, home from Kings Mountain Hospital where she has been'since birt hnn April 22. The baby, is getting along fine, hut is not Allowed any visitors at the prfesdnt time. Me. and Mrs. Ray Jnsli.-e, Di anne and Wanda camped out for several days in the Great Smoky Mountains. On Friday, the Jus tices and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. I>a vis went to llenders.m wh*-re they spent the night wilh Th«- Rev. anil Mrs. Dean Coffey and Lavena. Sunday, they visited Mr. amt Mrs Gene MeEntyre in Charlotte. Hie Kate Ellen Circle of Oak Grove sponsored a cook out Thurs GARDEN III n.e gardner {i c state college Departing again fr >m the *'**1 al. I want t«» share with yuu some »( the beauty ad seienlty «»f tin*, quiet and lovely place; a resort in the extreme northwestern se tion of tile rr •anl.iin.i where we are spending lo ilays »»f our va hay night at Maple Springs for memlxT* •! the circle ami the.i families. Mr. ami Mr- Kdvvard Davis anal Bobhy sp nt Sunday in Hie mountains wheie they visit«-d Frontlerlaml, Cherok«-e. anil Fon tana Dam. The Adult Training I'nion Class of David's held a social at Maple Springs with twelve present. The Kev. ami Mrs. Ai Butters an dMike of Jacksonville spent some time last week with Mi and Mrs. I* If. M.-Swain. Mrs. Walter MrSwain of Boger City sjteni last Sunday with the McSwains. Mrs. Mamie <iibhons and Mrs. Minerva PhillMs k were honored at a birthday dinner Sunday with all their children and grandchild ren present. Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Allen and family are spending this week at Windy Mill Beach. Mr and Mrs. Max Bohn ami family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Omit and Family, and Bobby Bolin spent last week al Ocean Drive I teach. i ation. We arc sdt.ng on the porch of a <omfort able < ttage after a bountiful and delii .ous evening meal. s.-rved family style, by (Nirteous and attentive high school girls. Th -re is a three acre lake atmut ’no > ird' fiom tne dtagestock ill with bream and c ass. The :rim tie eie.ik.ng jnd sending Ut end.es sr pples as they feast on bugs A bass just rout'd in the head of the like. |>er!iaps .basing a minnow. 1 stepped inside the cottage an dturaed on the radio to get the , news. It was hail. Riding in Harlem for the second night. I tinned it off ,ind returned to the porch. Two kingfishers were circling and diving for minnows. Four or five swallows were gliding gram fnll> over the surface of the lake and sk.mining low for a drink of water. i it. >ked to the West toward the setting sun. The mountains roll- , cd away in saggered peaks to the horizon. I t u ned on the radio again | hoping the news would be better.: It was still had. -The rrime rate in the l\ S. has increased five faster than the imputation in- | ■lease since ISW." I turned it off and was reminded that approxi- i CMOKS or TWO SUM MUL WIGHTS BEAUTIFUL it the word for our i ALLIGATOR-LIZARD perfectly matched for grain, for color V ' Stop wishing — now you con own perfectly-matched handbag and shoe coordinates in the most giemouroas leather ever: genuine alligator-Dzard. See the beautiful markings, the high luster that’s j in perfect taste for most every gathering this i social season. Leather-lined pump are cushioned f bool to toe for comfort. Combination last for t gap-free fit. Sizes 5-10, AAAA-B widths. \ Top handle handbags to match in choice ol four . aery new shapes. Belter come in soon! COORDINATES LOOK YOUNG... ti YOUNG...SHOP ULK'S mately M.000 babies art* horn ev ery day in America. I looked again to the West. The sun was sinking below the hori ozn In a blaze of glory- and paint ing fluffy clouds high above and far to the northeast. Angus cattle grazed peacefully in a lush mountain pasture across i the valley and a bullfrog an nounced his nlans for the evening from the rim of the lake shore A shipmunk scampered, tail high, along a rail fence. As the shadows lengthened, a whip-o-will broke into his famil iar song in the mountain back of the cottage. A lady t-il>d and said she had been trvin ; to grow a "smoke tn-e" in he'- <-.•(! with tut so -cess She had plan a1 a second tree and it was not t» -v. ing as it should. From wha* he told me. I as sumed that sb.» had don* a good job of planting I then asked her about the lo. .lion of the tree and whether or mi it was -onpetmg with larger i..rs for sunlight. mo.stun- and rutiionts. She sa d that u> was i.xl that could be the trouole. I *u-.:,'c stcd that the tree he moM'd to t,r. open location and she said that this could he done. The smok‘.»ier grows best In a sunny location. This is a woody spreading, '•a .>er dense shrub which may a height of 15 feet. The attractive, feathery fruiting paru-lcr give almost the effect of d**rse smoke end thus the name. Aimilier very attract.ve feature of this plant is the bril liant leaf col;lion in the au tumn. \nother VI <cme about young leaves curli.ii; on Chinese pho tinia iserrilat.-.'. I had already noticed this condition and identi fied it as irdd.-w. This was con firmed by oi i lant Disease Clin ie. This is a iiu.gus disease and can la- control1' d with Captain or sulphur. Keep chrvs.'nthemums growing by fo'-din" > icm about every three weeks. Water as needed. Arnicas, "ift llias ami hydran g.-as may V* propagated from cuttings. IV a mixture of equal parts* **>>• vo«u;te) of coarse sand and peat rr« .->v A frame is best for this and >i.ould he located In a shaded lo-« ion. Keep moist at all times but > ot too wet. Crapemyrtlc plants will remain In bloom lorvet if the faded blossoms arc removed as soon as they wilt. Give rose* a short rest period at this sea-ten D*> not fertilize and water for ■ while out protect the foliage ftvm attacks by insect and disease feats by regular spraying or ilu.-tkig. The tongii- of a g'raffe is sometimes •>. much as a foot and a half long, according to the Book of Know edge. American tobacco growers in liksl spent an estimated $N mil lion for plant bed cloth and $2.5 million for twine. Bynnn Chapel Seb Homecoming Bynum Chap**! A ME Zion church will observe llonsivmm)! Day at special services August 16th Picnic lunch will re spread at 1 p.m. and Rev. Mr. Alexander, pas tor of Mt. Olive and Shoals Creek Baptist churrtiea, will deliver t homecoming sermon at 2 p.m The Homecoming Day activities w.ll begin revival servicos at By num's <'hapel with services each evening throughout the week. "We invite tne community to worship with us and invite all members, former member* and friends of the church to the an nual homecoming", a spokesman fur the church said. SOUTHWELL SALES FOR LESS Sterchi’s is known the South over for lower prices in nationally known brand name furniture, bedding and appliances. Sterchi's immense 48 stores buying power brings prices ’way, ’way down. Free delivery! Your complete satisfaction is piiratinodL intiil ~ ualized credit terms and up to 36 months to pay on apptiMMfc Head for Sterchi’s tomorrow... you'll be gM yon dkfl The Bedroom Style You Need...at a Price You Can Afford! More Style! More Size! More Value! Cofttempo/toAy OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 73S-S451 • KINGS MOUNTAIN Phone Ton Friendly Steidri Salesmen—Henderson Herndon or Bob Coach V

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