Mr*. Rrpnnt Touch Well« Miss Martha Lou Ware, Toney Wells Wed Saturday In Formal Church Rites Mi*s .Martha Lou Wain* becaim the bride of Bryant Toney Wells Saturday in a formal wedding at eight o'cloek in First Baptist church. Rev. George Julian, minister <»f Second Baptist ehutX'h. heard the exchange of pledges using the double-ring service. Mrs. Richard Stewart of Gas tonia, former college classmate of the bride, was at the organ for the program of nuptial music. Harold Ellis, vocal soloist, sang ■'O Perfect Love" by Barn by be fore tlte ceremony and "Wedding Prayer" as the benediction. The choir loft of the church was lightisl by numerous spiral candelabra with greenery, white glads and mums providing back ground decoration. Sidney Howard Ware os -orted his daughter to the altar and gave her in marriage. The formal wedding gown was designed of silk fieau de sole and imported Alencon lace, fashioned with cm pirc lace bodice and featuring a scalloped portrait neckline Bias folds of siilk pcau underscored the hustlinc and caught to the back of a double pouf bustle. The bell-shaped skirt caught to the waistline in deep f .Ids which fell to the hack to a chapel-length train. A pearl tiara held her \ waist-length bouffant veil of French illusion, and she carried a white orchid surrounded by lace Ion fluffs atop a white lace cover errd Bible. Miss Andrea flail Kill >U of Chari otte, former colicroom man* of the bride. was maul of honor and Mr" Ronnie Kineaid of Bessemer <'ii>. sister -f the bride was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mis., Cynthia Wright of <;rover, former college roommate of the b--d • drs. Don Smith. Miss Diane Roberts. Miss Brenda Thornburg. Miss Betty Wells, sister of the gr >o:n. all of Kings Mountain, and Mis. Har vey Holshouser of Charlotte, sis ter of the bridegroom. The eight attendants wore for mat-length gowns of a/aUvi silk organta over taffeta The contour bodices were styled with bateau necklines ind elbow sleeves Wat teaa panels caught to the neck lines at the back and fell to the hemlines of their tx*11 skirts. Their cascade bouquets were of carna tions and mums tinted in shades of dark and light pink to match their dresses. Junior bride and groom were the bride's niece and nephew. Marti Ann and Kim Kimniell, children of Mr. and Mrs. James Kimmcl! of Saluda, S. C. Kent and Brent Kincaid, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Kincaid of Bessemer Citv. nephews >f the hride cat t ied the rings Bo1 by Neil Weils of Charlotte was his h’■other's Ijcsi man. Pete Ware brother of the bride, sen <*1 as junior grooms man ami the list of ushers in cluded Mike and Tony Ware, hr-liters of the bride: Fi nest Weds of Clreensbo’o and Bov e Wells of Kin's Mountain, broth er* of the bridegroom and Keitl and Carson Gore of Kin-** Moun tain, nenhews of the bridegroom Participatin': in the wedding as honorary attendants were Diane Wells. Joy Wells and Paula Wells all niece* of the bridegroom, and Sara Beth Simuson and D'-vio Spearman, cousins of the br'dc For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Ware was gowned in Robin egg blue silk shantung Th** floor, length gown was accented bv » d'-aoe from the left should*” forming a lie*”* folded rdeat. She wore a ’retrhin" hat and a (Kir p|«> thr '•>te<| orchid corsage. Tiie be deg room's mother chose a formal-length gown of mint green which had a bateau neck line and elbow* sleeves. She wore a matching hat and a purple throated orchid corsage. Mrs. James Kimmril at Sfplu* ilfi, S. C., sister of the bride, and Mrs. Bobby Wells of Charlotte, sister-in-law of the bridegroom, kepi a guest register in the vesti bule of the ehurcti where the ' bridal party greeted wedding guests after the ceremony. For a trip to the beaches of North and South Carolina, the new Mrs. Wells chose a printed silk shift dress with three-quar ter sleeves anti a sleeveless pink coal. Site lim'd the orchid from her bouquet. BRIDE ASD BRIDEGROOM Mr. and Mrs. S. Howard Ware of Kings Mountain are parents of the new 'Mrs. Wells. A graduate of Kings Mountain high school, she received her B. S. degree in elementary education this spring 1 from Appalachian Sate Teacher’s college. She will teach first grade at Warlick school tn Ranlo this fall. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mike Wells of , Kings Mountain. A graduate of i Clover. S. C. high school, he is employed bv Kings Mountain Mi ca Company. Kings Mountain will be home for the newlyweds. Guests from out-of-town In cluded the following: Mis- Linda Kcsperman and Lemont Cl tlfel ler. Mooresville; Mr. and Mrs. II. |\ Ilolshouser. David and Itryon, Mrs. Nellie W. Godfrey. Michael Godfrey. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Klllott and Kicky. Gerald Turn er. Mrs. But id v P. Smith, all of Chari site; Mr. anil Mrs. Richard Stewart. Mrs. Flame Sparks and Mrs Ktl Fraley, Gastonia: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kimmell of Sa luda. S. C.. Mr. anti Mrs. Don Gladden of Greenville. S. C.. Mr. an Wells, and his fiancee. Miss Martha Lou Ware. 'I'll" cou ples wedding was an event ot Saturday The affair for members of the wedding party and friends of the two families was held in the .■hurch parlors of First Baptist church. A col >r note of green and yel low »a> predominant in decora tions Overlaid with floor length cloth, the bride’s table held a four-tiered cake in green and yel low as decorative highlight. A candelabrum of yellow candles and flowers was at one end of the table and punch was served from a crystal bowl at the other end The ike was cut and serv od with the punch, mints and nuts. Mrs Harley Gore. Mrs. Boyce Wells. Miss Virginia Faye ('ole Miss Kay Gore and Mrs Bob Wells assist'-d the hosts in enter taining. The bride-elect wore a party ' dress of orchid silk with flower at the waistline. Miss Ware and Mr. Wells took the occasion to present their gifts to ttateir attendants. SOCIAL CALENDAR Th it ratlin/: 8:00 Mi** Janie Trammell is entertaining at her h‘i Baptist church. 8:30 Mr. ami Mrs. David R. Hamrick and Miss Brenda flail Harm irk ore entertaining at their home on Rottford road at an af ter-reliearsa| party honoring Miss 1 Dianna Neal and Larry Allen. 8:30 Mrs. Oscar Evans, Mrs. John Roberts and Mrs. 1-Tank Whitaker are entertaining in the First Baptist church parlor at a cake rutting honoring Miss Beth Roberts and Dmigl is Eubanks. j Hut unlay: 5:00 The wedding of Miss ; Barbara Dianna Neal and Larry Floyd Allen in First Presbyterian j church. 5:00 The wedding of Miss Eli zabeth Iz-e Roberts and Douglas D. Eubanks in First Baptist | church. 7:30 Margrace Woman's club at the home of Mrs. Carl Gantt. 1 Monday: 3:00 Circles 1 anti 2 of Kings Mountain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. Bryan Hord. 6:30 Circles 3 and 1 of Kings Mountain Baptist church at the home of Miss Annie Roberts. Covered dish supper. 7:f¥l The Frances Hamilton and Frances Garrison Circles of Boyce Memorial ARP church w ill have a covered-dish supper at the home of Mrs. Lindaay Mc.Maekin. 7:30 Circle 5 of Kings Moun tain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. Ken Roberts. 7:30 - Circle 1 of Central Meth odist church at the home of Mrs. Paul Walker. 7:30 Circl,. 5 of Central Meth odist church. Mrs. O. T. Hayes and Mrs. Charles Bridges, co hostesses. 7:30 Circle 6 of Cent ral Meth odist church. 'Mrs. W. G. McDan iel and Miss Mary Alice McDan iel, co-hostesses. 7:30 Circle 7 of Central Moth odist church. Mrs. Raymond Holmes, hostess. T nr mil i y: 9:30 a m.- Circle 6 at Kings Mountain Baptist church. Wtilncsiliiy: 10:00 a m. Circle 3 at Central Methodist church. Miss Wvte Weds Gerald McDaniel Marring vows between Miss Elizabeth Pearl Wvte and Gor aid Wra> McDaniel were ex changed Sunday following the morning worship service at El Bethel Methodist church. Wedding music was presented h\ Wavnc !., Ware, oreanlst. and Mrs. Jack Eaker. vocal soloist. Tlic couple entered the church together The bride wore a semi-forma! dress of blue silk overlaid with whip lace Her matching shoul der-length veil of white iHu-ion fell from a crown of pearls, and ' she carried a white Bible topped * with carnations and streamers. Mrs. McDaniel is a graduate of Kings Mountain high school and is employed at BJ-R Food St> re. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wyte. Mr. and Mrs. J. D McDaniel of Kings Mountain an* parents of the bridegroom. A graduate of Kings Mountain high school, he was formerly employed by Caro lina Throwing Company but will begin new duties at Patterson Oil Company this week. The couple will In* at home on South Roxford road after a honeymoon in the mountains of North Carolina. Kitchen Shower Honors Miss Neal Miss Dianna Neal, bride-elect of Saturday, was guest-of-honor Saturday at a luncheon given b> Miss Carole Plonk and Miss Joyce Plonk at the former’s home in Crescent Hill. The two hostesses will Ik* attendants in her wedding. The 20 guests gave the bride to-be kitchen gifts anti the pan try theme was .allied out in dee orativc details. Small tables on the patio of the Plonk home were covered with red-check cloths and held centerpieces of kitchen utensils filled with flowers and later pre sented to Miss Neal. Tin* hostesses pinned a vege able corsage on the bride-to-he and gave her- a frilly apron. The gift* were plaied in a clothes pas ket and the container was also given to the bride-to-be. Mrs. George Plonk and Mrs. Hal Plonk, mothers of the host esses. assisted their daughters in serving and entertaining. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. anil Mm. J. Han,hi Herndon of Of’tvrr anmniner the engagemmt rtf their danghtri.1 1 Main Anar, to Charles Hurl man, nun nf Mr. anti Mrs. Paul Hartman of Cumberland, Maryland. Ruth the bridtalret an il iiron}irrtivi bi ater/rmiiH tra< h in tin Maryland nrkrn'1*. M:xs Hernib m is a if rail• ! note <•/ Wake Forest Callegr . The in osjn etier bridegroom is a grad ' natr of Frost hurt/ Torn-hrr's rollcge. Tin wedding i rill be an r i nit of i Oetober. Miss Bobbie Helms, Jackie Thomasson Wed In Parsonaae Rites At Concord In a ceremony performed Sat urday, June 27, in the parsonage of Brookdale Baptist church at Concord. Miss Bobbie Violet Helms became the bride of Jackie Rhea Thomasson of Kings Moun tain. Rev. Don Jordan, pastor of the ehurrh, offieiated at the -1:30 p.m. double-ring ceremony. Bridal greenery and a white flower arrangement decorated the living room mantel before which the bridal couple stood to pledge their vows. White flower arrangements were used at other focal points in the room. The bride wore a two - piece dress of white Irish linen with white accessories. She carried a white lace-coven*d Bible topped with red roses. Miss Brenda Sue Helms was her sister's only attendant, wear ing a white sheath and pink ae ci-saories. She carried a single long-stemmed rod rose. Gerald Thomasson of Kings Mountain was best man for his brother. For her daughter's wedding Mr«. Helms chose a beige linen dress, brown accessories and a corsage of white cat nations. The bridegroom’s mother chose navy blii" silk with white accessories and a corsage of white earns'ions The bride's parents entertained at a re*-eption in the chui T. so cial hsll following the -eremony Overlaid with white lace, the bride's table h<»ld a tic»ed wed din ; . ske as hi'h:.ghi of decora ti'in. A crystal candelabrum of white candles and flowers i enter ed til- table and oun-'h ser\' ed from one end. Mrs. J. H. Helms sister-in-law of the brain, cut and serx-nl the cake, and as sistine in serving party sand wiches. nuts, mints and ounch were Mrs. Guv Tiiman anil Mrs L. W. Rudasill. sisters of the bride. Tlie newlyweds took a trip to Myrtle Beach. S. C. and are now at home at 3206-A The Plaza. Charlotte. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM Mr. and Mrs. Sam Helms of Concord are parents of the bride., A graduate of Winecoff high school. she is employed as secit* tary at Matthews and Fuller Heating & Air Conditioning Com pany in Charlotte. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Thomasson. Sr. of Kings Mountain. A grad ) u»te of Kings Mountain high school, he served in the V. S. Navy and is now employee as a clerk by Bowman Transportation Company in Charlotte. Wedding guests included these from out-of-Concord: Miss Linda Almond of Stanfield; Mr. and j Mrs. Gerald Wright and Wanda.! Florence. S. C.; Mr. and Airs. J W. Thomasson. Sr.. Johnny Tho : masson. Miss Susan Ford. Ml and Mrs. Gerald Thomasson and Danny Thomasson. Kings Moun tain: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Titman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yandle. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Helms and daughter. Gail; Mrs L. W Rudasdl. Walter Rudasill. Jay King: Robert Grif fith. M;ss Bettv Yarbrough and Miss Linda Davis, ail of Char lotte. Miss Cooper Home From New York Trip Miss Ann Cooper returned home Wednesday after a two weeks visit in Youngstown. New York and Pottstown. Pa. A student at Ij'noir Rhyne <->l lege. Miss Coouer visited friends in Youngstown and went on to Pennsylvania for a visit with he uncle. Rex. Edgar Cooper. Rev. Mr. Cooper accompanied heri home on Wednesday for a vaca ! tion anti visit with his mother.! Mrs. E. C. Cooper, and his brother ami famil.v. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Co >per. Miss Neal’s Plans Given Mis* Barbara Dianna Kcal. daughter n[ Mr. an<1 Mrs. (-'red Ray Neal of Kings Mount tin. has com pit-11 si plans lor her marriage to l.srry Lloyd Alien, sun of Mr.1 awl Mrs. Lloyd Allen of Shelby, and announce* them this week. The wedding Mill lake place Sat ut day at .> p m. in Lirsl Pic*, bytenan church. Dr. Paul K Aus Jey will officiate at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Darrell Austin will he at the organ for the program of nuptial music and Mrs. Juanita M. Logan will be vocal soloist. Fred R. Neal Mill give his daughter in marriage. Wade Al len of Farmington. III., brother of the |>n»spo< the bridegroom. Mill lie best man. 'Mis* Carole Plonk will attend the bride-elei t a* maid of honor. The list of bridesmaids will in- i elude Mrs. Wade Allen, of Farm ington. III., sister-in-law of the bridegroom-to-be. Miss Willie An-; thony. i-ousin of the bride-elect. Mrs. Michael McKee and Miss Joyce Pionk. all «>f Kings Moun tain. Charlotte Anne Sctsm. daughter1 of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Seism. , will lx* flower girl. Jonathan Dale' Poston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul1 David Poston of Rook Hill. S. C.. cousin of the bride-elwt, will be, ringhearer. Tile list of ushers will include Dan Neal, brother of the bride-to ts-. James Barker of Lansing. Garvin HI rod. Jr. of Boone and Michael Ward of Shelby. Participating in the wedding as honorary attendants will he three cousins of the bride-to-be: Miss Mary Christine Gault of Kings Mountain. Miss Ramona Rein hardt and Miss Rhonda Rein hardt, both of Atlanta. Ga. Miss Brenda Gail Hamrick, cousin of the bride-to-be. Mill keep a guest register in the vesti bule of the church M'here the bridal pair will gn-et wedding guests after the ceremony. n * • • Friday evening after their wed ding rehearsal Miss Neal and Mr. Allen Mill be honored at a cake cutting to he given by the bride elect's aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hamrick, at their home on Roxford Road. Miss Roberts Reveals Plans IMiss Elizabeth Lee Roberts. ' (laughter of Mr. arul Mrs. Joseph Lee Roberts, has completed plans for her marriage to Douglas Del ano Eubanks, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson Eubanks, and announces them today. The wedding will take place Saturday afternoon at 5 p.m. in First Baptist church. No formal wedding invitations have been is sued but ail friends and relatives of the couple are invited to at tend. Rev. George Julian, pastor of | Second Baptist church, will offi ciate at the double-ring ceremony in the absence of Rev. B. L. Raines, on tour of Far East and Europe. Th »mas W. Samonds of Char lotte will he organist and vocalist for the program of wedding mu sic. Joseph Donald Roberts of Shel by will give his sister in marri-1 age. Ned Yarhro will serve as best man for Mr. Eubanks. Miss Mary Childers will attend the bride-elect as maid of honor and Mrs. Hugh Waters, of Blacksburg, S. C., cousin of the bride-elect will be matron of hon or. J. E. Rhea, Jr., brother-in-law of the prospective bridegroom. ; and Billy Joe Sipes, both of Kings Mountain, will serve as ushers. Miss Carolyn Andrews of Gro ver will keep a guest register in the church vestibule where the Mr*. John Anthony Bishop Miss Dorothy Neal, John Anthony Bishop Wed In Home Rites At Travelers Rest Miss Dorothy Lena Neal an«l John Anthony Bishop, both of Travelers Rest, S. C.. were wed Sunday in a 4 p.m. ceremony at the home of the bride. Tlie bride is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and .Mrs. F. G. Neal of Kings Mountain. She is the daughter of Mrs. John R. Neal of Travelers Rest and the late John R. Neal. Rev. Ryan Eklund heard the exchange of pledges, using the double-ring service. James Smith Lockhart of Gaff ney. S. C. and Atlanta. Ga. gave his niece in marriage. Best man for the bridegroom was hit* fath er. Miss Rena Louise Alford of Dil lon. S. C. and Charleston, S. C. was the bride's only attendant. The bride and bridegroom cut their wedding cake at a reception following the ceremony. BRIDE AS D BRIDEGROOM The new Mrs. Bishop is a grad uate of Travelers Rest high school and the University of South Carolina. She is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha social sorority and taught during the 1963-i\on road. The bride is the former Miss Reeky Westbrook of Gastonia. Bride's bingo featured the eve ning entertainment, and the host esses, assisted by Mrs. Thomas Humphries, served eake squares ami homemade ice cream. Mrs. Humphries was given a shoulder corsage of while carnu lions from the hostesses and gifts of miscellaneous household gif:< from the 30 guests who attended. Club Luau Gala Affair Kings Mountain Country Club mem tiers and their guests dint'd and danced Saturday at a gala Hawaiian luau, a Club Night pat ty. Tlie Hawaiian motif was car ried out. not only in decorative details but in the supper menu of tropical foods and in costumes worn by the so guests. 4 Guests entered the dull by the light of flambeau torches which had been set up at the entrance. Totem poles decorated the en tranceway and leis were distribut ed in the lounge by the host cou ples Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Frank lin and Mr. and Mrs. Jack While. The dining room was elabor ately decorated in Hawaiian style. The tabic was a canoe filled with roast pig. barbecue spare ribs, baked mackarel. rice and chick en with chestnuts, various fruits in clam shells, sherbet rolled n green, orange and white cocoa nut for dessert, and other foods. Bill McIntyre’s Orchestra pro vided music for dancing until 12 oVIo-'k. Cook-Out Fetes Engaged Pair .Mr. and Mrs. James B. Simp son. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Kin caid and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kim* mell entertained together Friday at a rook out before the wedding rehearsal of Miss Martha Lou Ware and Toney Wells. Grilled hamburgers were serv ed with acreMories and water melon at Lake Montonia to fit) members of the wedding part-A friends and relatives. ^ The Simpsons are aunt and uncle of the bride-to-be. and Mrs. Kincaid and Mr*. Kimmell are both sisters of Miss Ware. 4