Physical Examinations Foi All |potball Candidates Angus! 13 Physical examinations for ail high si'liimi loot hall canrii dates will Im> held Thursday. An Jjucst 13 at the high school gym iiasium The examinations. whi< h arc innmJa:nr> lor all candidates. Mill begin ai 1:3ll pm. and will he given by l>r. I*. Mitchell. ttflieial practice drills will get underway at City Stadium on Friday m rnlng Mith two a da\ c -c practices srhoduh 'I for tli<* two w«k stimmet |nacticr. “It is very imporlai I for nil prospective players t« have a physi -al examination because wo will not be able to allow tin in to oa»-tit tpato without med i< ai permission." ('oacli Bates said. Some sixty-odd players have jlistered to paMieipato in foot ■ill llti* season. Roy Reeve To Voice 1964 Duke FcotHoil Hay Reeve, veteran sports di motor of WRAL-TV and radio ..f Hai«Rh. will ho the "voire” of the Duke Athletic Director K M Cameron. Ri*eve, generally referred to as the "clean" of sportse-asters in this area, will do the play b\ play ol the ten Duke* grid Kamos this fall and will he* assisted by Ed IllKnlns. program and sports director of Radio Station WDNC, Durham, who will be the "color” man. Reeve Is a native of New York state*, received his college educa tion at Dartmouth, and was in business in that state until 1990 when lie* joined Radio Station in Honolulu where he* eel for foui years. He* then spent a year at Radio Station KJBF in San Francisco. I'or four years he cud news pape r work in New York City and Washington and joined the s,;cff of WRAL radio in 1999 where he* has covered numerous major sports events in this ar a " •ten Vt UAL rv went oil the* air in 19.Si. Reeve* was named sports director of the* TV station as weM ns the radio station. In 1955 he was named "s|Mirt8 caste*r of the yeat” in North Carolina. Ware Rites To Be Thursday Funeral rites for William Gra ham Wan*. (jt». of Winston Salem, Cleveland County native, were held Thursday afternoon from Vogler's Funeral Home in Wins ton Salem, interment following in Alamatne Memorial Park in Burlington. Mr. \N are. retired chemist for Dan Mills of Danville. Va., died Sunday afternoon in Johnson Count) hoipuai in Warrenhurg. Missouri, following illne.-s of sev oral years. Mr. Ware had hdm visiting his daughter. Mrs. Jofin Kntwhistlc. .Ir. in Knobbnastcr. Mo. A > n of th** lau* Mr. a:vl Mis. W. O. il. Ware of Kings Moun tain. lie was a graduate untain: a fos ter sister. V!rs. I.eo lieatlie ol Warn and three grandehtldrcn. He was a brother of the late Jimm.x Ware of Kings Mountain First Union Bank Upping Dividend R. S. Ijennon. vice-president Firm Union National Hank. King* Mountain, announced today ilk- Board of Din-ctom have in c t casi-d ih-- regular quailerly di vidend from ?n- io 22' rc |n-i share to stockhohlers of record on August 21s’. to hr payable on September 14th. Trinity Schedules Week Bible School Trinity Church will hold I lady Vacation Itii-le srho I the vver-k of August 10-11. Classes will begin it 0:00 a m. and end at 11:30 Th-- school is designed for children four years old and above. ••The pur|n»se -)f the school is to help i lie young p*-opie see. un dei stand and respond to tiod Father, Son and Ilolv Spirit in their lives. This will hi* done through re< ivati .n. classes, woi sh.p, and crafts." Re.. Robert lla den, Trinity rei-tor. said. To register, tall The Rev. Mr. I laden at 739-2213. Miss Stionpe's Rites Conducted Funeral rites f .r Miss Vernie Jane Stmupe. 76. were held Wed nesday at I p.m. from Seeond Raptist ehureh of whieh she was a member. Miss Stroupe ti'.vQ 'Tuesday mornin.. at 1:30 a.m. in the Kin^s Mountain hospital after several month's illness. She is survived b> her sister. Mrs. W. YV. Gladden. of Kinsr« Mountain, and hv a number >f nieces and nephews. Rev. George J.dian offieiat *d at the f.nal rites and interment was made in Shady Grove Rap tist church eeme'erv near Cherry ville. WW-lSt'710 “SM. Mir,0"1 [Plus many other features in M/sTHRIFTY SOAK-CYCLE WASHER! • Soaks automatically, washes automatically. • Dispenses bleach, detergent, even dye—under water. • 4 water temperature combine tions for just-right washing. • Jet-simple mechanism—no gears, no pulleys, no belts to cause potential service problems! $239.95 McGinnis Furniture Co. PImm 739-4718 • 399 S. Battleground ; ’"kings mountain Hospital Log visitiko novns Jhii'n in. “ f > II- •> o m In i ;< m. i'hiI T In s ;< m. n i‘irHt l ist il' tin‘I* K' >««• hiiH lli's^ilul ul \in>ti It 'tins hi v. Mrs. Littimv Adums Mrs. (leorge Barbel Mrs Pauline IJar.'-M Mis. Kirma Bowen Usury Bridges Mrs. Kelly Jur Cunp Larry than Carpeniei Liiul.i Kraii Carroll Mrs. James Clinton Mrs. Kred Davis Mrs. A. .1. Gallant Mrs. Walter Greene Mrs. Janet (Jus’s; June Harris Charles Hull-teller Walter Lewis Theodore Lockriilg'' Myra Jane Moore .1. I*. I MlitIter Mrs. Graee Philheck Mrs. Cole lJilt:nan Mrs. Min us' (.Juinn Mrs. Willie eawright Mis. Jndsay K*e\enson Edwin Sis wart KiehaiM Sutherland Mrs. Sarah Thumbs Nancy Klalne Timms James Warl ck Mrs. Leroy Webster Mrs. Herman Wright ADMITTED THURSDAY John Turner Carroll. Jr.. PO Box 3(*2. Mrs. Lamar (Jordon, route 1. Cherry ville. Avery !>can Hayes. 1310 Sec ond street. Mrs. .lames Edward Norman, route 1. Kind's Creek. S. C. Mis. James Self, route 2. Cher ry ville. ADMITTED FRIDAY Dr. L. P. Baker, tins X Pied mailt Av< nue. Broadus Barber, Grace St. L nnio n-n|e> route 2. Gei., i i \ln* Davidson. 322 N. Piedmoni Street Exien c. Arthur I luff.'•teller, route 3. ADMITTFD SATURDAY Miss Jessie Louise Brown, '?nt> Carpenter stree'. Riehard Oliver. Jr 103 Kidge street. Mrs. Paul Pressley. 103 Hart ford si w Bes .ernes- (' ■' . Mr- Harold ' ee Williams, 720*' M*d nines. Curtis Youtvr. 211 ' !'i > stree-. ADMITTED SUNTAY Mr-, Connie Allis >n. r ■ u • 1 Bon Itift Mrs. Bobby Collins. Pol N Gantt street Mi sGoni-Hairis IKK! Martrrn Mrs. S. H. Houston. 2*'l lv-ai Sll'O't. Mrs H •*,! >.■ Kersev, ll‘>"> Essex Avenue. G-sto- i ! Thomas '■ luy Lai k-y. Jr. route l. Chen rill1'. 1 Mrs. James Love. ittte 1. K tys Creek. s. C ADMITTED MONDAY Mrs. Arnold Biltoliffe. 1**3 N. ' Goforth treet. Join ilenrv Bla*-k. route 1. B.»\ 287. Grover Jam*'' Marshall Bowen 1*0 , Bo\ "1. B*-sserner City. S-»mU‘‘l Trrt! Chilrio; s. route 2 Dix >n road. Charles Falls. Box S3. Mrs. Herbert Herndon. 21*2 S D vision street. Buffalo \'< -,v York. Mrs. Jack Hope. 106 North 0:11 inR street. Ervin Mellen. Cilx stive Mrs. Millard Metcalf. tin S Citv street. Mrs. Jack Robertson, sir, s. N**al stre*-t. Gastonia. Mrs. James Wilson 132** Peace . Valley road Mrs. James Gibson. 70*1 Jack . son street. ADMITTED TUESDAY Mrs. Ethel Brvant. route 1. Thomas Bi idtjes. 115 Spruce St. Mrs. Nathan Hudson, route 1. : Grover. Gerald Beattie, route 3. Box i 147. Donnie Kay Bum^ardner. route ! 1. Box 397 Mrs. RU-hard Bell, route 3. Mi s. Klovd Dover. 415 Cherokee I street. Donald Forrest Burton, route ! 1. Grover. Mrs. David Sipes, General De ; livery. ADMITTED WEDNESDAY I John Deveny. r*»ute 3. Rev. Marion DuBose. 1**7 Haw ' thorn*- Road. r*r. Pole Wreck S200 In Damages Mrs. Prudence Bradl«*y llugl'fs IT. of Houle 2. B<>\ |o7 Hesse net icily, was charged with reckless driving following an accident at ] thi1 Intersection of Oriental Vve nut* and King Street Monday afternoon at 6:35 p m. Investigating officers reported that the Hughes car. a 1930 mod el Che\Tolet, struck a Southern Bell telephone pole at tin* inter section and dam:ie«*s were i *ti mated at $100 to the ca: and the same amount for the damaged pole. Reports indicate thal the Hughes car struck the |H>le. left the scene of tlte aorident. and was found some distance awa> parked on tlte side of the road. . Investigations did not reveal in whi -h dirertion the car v\ - j headed at the time of the atri dent, but was headed east at the time of the inquiry by local police. No injuries were reported as t a result of the mishap. THIS CURIOUS WORLD * n Berlin , G£ r v/>ny » CJK '«£ 7nl fooo i> ORTA Jt op M v.jft.p v.** rvr-j, a 2 i * 7PH4.Nl U*T Z' APpft'itH of N^PCi-EONS1 J.AWSE0 rfEtJ OtLWff M &y ••■OMMti CJ«NRO*«R CMlHS. N LAfeA TSARS, MEM •■ MB OF THESE CHllDGBH BTOtME W.LHEiM I, . HZ POOCUMSITUZ - CMffJPVFK TrtB ^FWf? acmm r CHIMNP/ Ssnms AXE UKAC'iE 70 ON TtoitiS ANO voltes ASoTHtu ewos Po. Xiedrncni School Reunion Scheduled I mu students of Piedmont hi,'h .school at Lawndale arp in 'ii< i to attend a reunion at the school on the afternoon of Aug 1> IJ. |>. K it terns', of Mountain, chairman of the ,vel coming committee, s day. kupp«T will !«• smml .it tJ p.m. it $1.2.”) tw»i person. Turnei Cabiness is president of the Piedrr in ahiin u eioup. EUlfS CATTLE W.liiain 11. Wells kinds' .\.»un ;.i i h 1'iitlv pur> iiasuHl an A mt di‘i n Anvils bull iiiid oiu- regisii i f‘d Angus sow f..»m Howard T ant! .Mai) .1. So aitoi:. fJrover. George Mauney's Auitl Passes Funcr •] nU’> fo, Mis Minnie F Mauney. si. o| S|i !U>. .turn <*f i St-orgn XV. Muiiiify o[ Kir^s Mourn in. wi r> held XX edne: l*y •1 |> in i in Now l’ i vp, i Bap list eliureh of vvliu-h slie was ;< mem he.*. Mrs Marne;, died V< ..l.i\ at p.n at tier hontr alter an illness ill four yearn l"he daurh ter of the lute J).i\nt ti Maiim > and Carrie Kli/ahelh Ledfni l Mauney. she had made her home with Mi. and Mis list,-!] Bettis. Jr. I.'ev Billy Washburn. Ro\. ■Iimn-y Siiles and He\ J. I. iJi'h op offieiatcul ai the final rites ml interment was m.i le in the ehun-h ■ emelery Tilt lauiily has re<]Uested that ill lieu n| flowers memorials he tlesitjnnled to the huildiny fund ■ f New I’tospivt Baptist ehnn >1 Mr. and Mrs. Ifohett IVik’i and ehilriron of LoUhart. S. C and Mr and Mrs \eel> Broom and ehildren of Bulkn-k' Creek. S C \isited Sunday with Mr.oral Mis Conrad Hifthos Mis. Parkin' and Mrs. Broom aie nicees of Mrs. Hie.rhes. Watterson Dies Aftex Illness Heorge Andm Watterson. 53. nf limn r. died Wednisdiy at 5:1»i (• n at his l» >nv after sev eral month’s illness. Kiim'ul |>1 ins. which ai<* incom plrtc. wilt i'i» announced t>\ Har ris 1’uirral Home Funeral rites will timhahly be Friday. A c. line of Cleveland County. Mi Watterson was the son of the late J D Watterson and Mrs. Boss;p (irig > Watterson. wh-su. vives. In addition to his mother, oth er *tir\l\oi*. include his wife. Mrs. Ka\ • Hohele, Watteison: one von. Konnie Watteis n: three da i^nteis. Ml* Paul Kite. Mrs. !>. .in SjM-ais. noth of Kings Moun tain. and Mn .ari> Wells of tlmvei, thicc him hers. A. V. Watte*-on of Ai lingt #•». Va.. Hood Watterson of Croxer and William Watterson of Shelby; n t twai sisters. .Mrs Bill Black . f Chari tte and Mi> Charles Martin of Burlington. Four d.hildren also survive. Mi. Watterson was a member of Bethlehem Baptist church. SOUTHWELL T H O I I II C rORD SALES FUK LfcSS Retirement Age? No siree1 Ask some of your neighbors (retired or otherwise) who find their incomes much better because of their prudent, safe shareholdings in HOME SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Evpiy account is insured up to $10,000 and we're paying a most liberal dividend of 4V« percent per year — better still it's paid semi-annually. Open your account today! DEPOSITS MADE BY AUGUST 10 EARN DIVIDENDS FROM AUGUST 1 CURRENT DIVIDEND PER ANNUM Home Savings & Loan Assn. Use Our Drive-In Window — Plenty Of FREE Parking Space Dr. ). E. Anthony, President Thomas A. Tate. Sec.-Treas.