FINAL CLEARANCE MENS SUITS Group No. 1 Dacron & Rayons Longs & Regs. 29.95 Values Group No. 2 Dacron & Wools Dacron & Cottons Values To 39.95 $2? Group No. 3 Griflon Dacron & Wools 65.00 Values MEN'S SPORT COATS Seersucker Stripes & Poplins 20.00 Values NOW 25.00 Values NOW $12.99 SEVERAL HUNDRED PAIRS OF LADIES' AND CHIL DREN'S SHOES BOYS* WASHABLE DIESS PANTS and COTTON TWILL PANTS VALUES TO 4.00 $2 24 Boys' Sport COATS Regs.-Slims-Huskies Sizes Up To 18 VALUES TO 12.99 $5 AU Men's SPORT SHIRTS VALUES TO 5.00 NOW $2 PRIZE CATCHC — S/Sgt. Tat** Pennington. *on of Mr. and Mr*. Frank Pennington. U pic tured above with the prize catch he made at the opening cf Rod & Cun Club Lake in Braccone, France. The Kings Mountain serviceman is heme from France after three yean service duty. A veteran of 11 yean in the Army, he and his wife and four children expect to visit here and with mla fives in Spartanburg. S. C He reports for duty in Aberdeen. Md. Mis. Cuny's Brothei Passes / Funeral rites for J. W- Shep- ] herd of Lincolnton. brother of Mrs. Inez Curry of Kings Moun tain. will be held Thursday at 3:3!) p.m. from Long Shoals Bap tist church in Lincoln county with I burial in Crouse Baptist church i cemetery. Mr. Shepherd died at 6 a.m. Tuesday in Charlotte Mercy hos pital. Other survivors include his wife; his mother; two brothers and four other sisters. Pre-Season Band Drills Start Monday The Kings Mountain high school hand begins pre-season drills for the full marching sea son on Monday at 6 p.m. in the band room of the high school. Director Joe C. Hodden says the early drills are necessary to train new members in the fun damentals of drilling, to learn new music, issue uniforms and begin training for the first football showing. Mr. lieddrn asks that all members he present and to no tify their fellow bandsmen. BAKER IMPROVING Dr. L. P Baker. Kings Moun tain dentist, hospitalized for a kidney ailment last week. Wednesday was reported im proving by members of his family. A Guide to the Point of Sole Our local stores are the display rooms ami ware houses for the world’s finest products. Efficient banking, insurance, real estate and other business sen ices .ire also available to the people in our community. The readers of this newspaper find our advertising columns a «k*i>endable guide to the point of sale—a useful source for up-to-date news and information about these goods and services. In order that advertising expenditures may be made with us on the basis of known values, as required for any sound business investment. Ibis newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Every advertiser should know about A B C. The Bureau is a cooperative, non-profit asso ciation of 3.450 publishers, advertisers and ad vertising agencies. Working together, these buy ers and sellers of advertising establish standards for paid circulation, rules and methods for audit ins and renting the circulations of newspapers and periodicals. At regular intervals one ol the Bureau s large staff of experienced circulation auditors visits us to make a thorough audit of our circulation records. The FACTS established by his audit are published by the Bureau in A.B.C. reports which are availabie to you, our advertisers. These re |x»rts tell you how much circulation we have^ where it goes, how it is sold and other FACTS essential to the profitable use of newspaper adver tismg. Ask us for a copy of our A.B.C, report. — MORE ABOUT — Tax Appvaisals Continued From /'■<r * „lth M i Mn ot declining health, several >ea • include his Other survivor. m