P'wtaretl ate tour of the five generation* preant o> the re union hehl June 1*1 nt the Srnt'h Mountain Rai>ti*t Camp of the fa in ilii of IV. R. Cau*hy of M • or ganton, father of Mi *. C. C. Sum mitt of King* Mountain. Shorn with Mr. Caunhii are Mr*. Sum mitt, her non, L ff. Sum mitt and hi* daughter, three • week* - old Rabun I.unrtte, ttoungent member of the targe family. Five Generations Attend Reunion A reunion nt the family of W. R. Causby of More ant on was hehl at the South Mountain Baptist Camp near MorRanton June 1st. About 12*> members, represent inp five generations, were pivs ent. includinR Mr. Caushy's ten livin'* children and their families J*hey included Mr. and Mrs. ^wton Causby, Mr. and Mrs nHPndon Causby. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Causby, Mr. and Mrs Fred Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duckworth of Monranton: Ernest Causby of Casar. Mrs. Lovzar La nier of Double Shoals. <Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Tallent of Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Causby of Win ston-Salem and Mr. and 'Mrs. C. C. Sumnvt* of Kint;s 'Mountain A picnic dinner was served and entertainment was presented by the Kinus Mountain Home Town ers, a strinj: hand. Mrs. Harmon Hostess A* Bridqe-Luncheon Mrs. Martin Harmon entertain ed at a bridRe-luneheon at her home Friday at noon. Guest* included Mrs Harmon's mother. Mrs. H. K. James, of Woodruff, S. C., her sister. Mrs. E. M. Leopard, of Greer, S. C.. Mrs. Walter Swink. Mrs. Hill Eastwood of Woodruff. Mrs. Ern est Pool of Enoree. S. C. anti Mrs. Wilson Crawford, Mrs. W. K Maunev. Jr.. Mrs. Jacob Coooer Mrs Phillip PadRett. Mrs. W. L. Plonk. Mrs. George Houser and Mrs. Annie N'eisler of Kiiirs Mountain. Following lunch, six propres sions of hridRe were played. Mrs. .Mauney received the high score prize, Mrs. Houser, second high and Mrs. Pool was presented the ^■isolation prize. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mr*. Roy Gmr Moss. FO Box 404, Grover. N. C.. an nounoe the birth of a won. Sun | day. August 9. Kino* Mountain hospital 'Mr. ami Mrs. Ordrtfy Hanson Ernst. m(»I Third St., announce the I birth of a daughter. Saturday. | i August 8. Kings Mountain hospi !«•' Mr. and Mrs .William Gordon, 11‘» MeGiU Farm Rd., announce, the birth of a son. Saturday, Au gust 8, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jones. 919 , Sharon I>r.. annoume the birth of ! a son. Tuesday. August 11. Kings! Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hlpps. 3.700 Parkdale Circle, announce the birth of a daughter. Wed nos ! day. August 12. Kings Mountain hospital. WMS Held August Meeting The Women's Missionary Sooie-I , ty of Second Baptist church heard! ; a pr >gratr on “English Language < I and Church' s Overseas” at Mon-1 l day night's regular August meet-’ ing. Mrs. S. O. Kirby opened the , meeting with prayer. Others hav- | 1 ng part on the program were , Mrs. Pearl Kiser, Mrs. Iva Lang | 'ord. and Airs. Ruth King. Mrs. Katie Pruitt presided and 1 Mrs. John (Hadden read the mi- j I lutes of the last meeting. Mrs. Tuitt dismissed the meeting with j prayer. I i Twelve members attended. \4rs. Gan** Entertains Margrace Women s Club The Margrace Women's club met Saturday evening at 7:30 at : he home of Mrs. Carl Gantt. Mrs. Paul Mauney, president, presided, and the devotional was riven by Mrs. Grace Blanton. Following the program the hostess served cake and sand ,vi'-h<*s with iced drinks to the members. Guests of Mrs. Charles Ramosy M >nday and Tuesday were her ; daughter end son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boheler. of Kinston, j :md their children. Judy, Chucky j anti Stevie Boheler. Cathy Boheler. who has spent j the summer with her grandmo ther, accompanied her family i home to Kinston. Walter D. Harmon, Jr. Honored A* Party Walter D. (Chip* Harmon. Jr., son of Mr. mil Mrs. W. D. Har mon. Sr., celebrated his third birthday. Monday. August 3, at a party at his home on Phifer road. I <’hip's birthday cake was top ped with a ranch scene with cow boys and Indians. The cake was cut and served with ice cream and each child received a favor. Guests included neighborhood friends and out-of-town cousins. Palmer Huffstetler, Jr.. Johnny Simmons, ami Sandra Betts. Chip's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Beam, both of Kings Mountain. Edith Stertz Circle Met Tuesday Night Mrs. Madge Arrowood was hostess Tuesday night to the Kdith Stertz Circle of the Bethle hem Baptist church. 'Mrs. Clarence Ledford, pro gram chairman, was assisted by Mesdames Calvin Wright, James Ledford. Paul Lancaster and the hostess. Following the program Mrs. Arrowood served a dessert plate of home • made ice • cream, cup cakes and potato chips with iced tea. Eight members were present. Senior Citizens Group To Have Picnic Aug. 21 The Senior Citizens will have a picnic on Friday. August 21. at Lake Montonla. according to an announcement by Mrs Paul Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen spent the week-end at Crescent Beach visiting their daughter Mrs. Walter Drury and Mr. Dru ry. Mrs. Godfrey Feted By WMU The East Side Baptist church WMU honored Mr*. II. R. find lin at a dlmur at Honey'* Res taurant in < la* ton l a Saturday night. Mr*, Godfrey and her (laugh ter* will leave soon to join her husband. Chief l»etty Officer II R. Godfrey. in Portsmouth, Va.. where he I* assigned as an In structor in ihe Compteaaed Gas '(■hool at Norfolk Navy Yard Guests included Mr*. Charles P.amsey. Mr*. Ijiwrence Putnam, .Mr*. Dane! I Coble, Mrs. Orel I Brooks. Mrs. Wink Russell. Mis Mexie TVrbolo and Mrs. Harry Stewart. The honoree was presented a corsage of red carnations, and following the three course dinner, the |>arty returned to the homo of Mrs. Putnam for light refresh ments, at which Mrs. Godfrey re ceived gifts from the group Out-Of-Town Guests Attend Nuptials Out-of-town guests attending the wedding of Miss Barbara Dianna Neal and Larry Floyd Al len at the First Presbyterian church Saturday evening includ ed Miss J. D. Walker. Miss Shelia Parker. 'Mrs. Paul G. Poston. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tate. Mrs. Foy Hill. Mrs. Mabel Tessiner, Mrs Harold Ivedford Mrs. A. W. Led ford, Mrs. Jerry Sneed. Rev. and Mrs. D. W. Digit. Miss June nigh. ; Miss Annette Parker, Miss Rita j Hoppes. Mrs. James Crocker, Mrs. James Ward, and Miss Linda McSwain of Shelby; Mr. and Mrs. , Hampton Homesley, Mrs. Yatrs 1 Homesley, Mrs. Howard Ford, Mrs. Luke Jenkins, Mrs. Archie ] Carpenter. Mrs. N. A. Wright. Jr.. 1 and Mrs. R. I). Homesley of Cher , ryville; Miss Mary Allgood. Mrs. ' David Rigsby, Mr. and Mrs. Got • vin Klrod. Jr., of Boone: and i Mrs. Thelma R. Gri-ndle of Gas tonia. Also. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dick son and Mrs. Mary Lou Collins of Grover: Mr and Mrs. Paul D Poston and David Poston of Rock ] Hill, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles ( E. Reinhardt of Atlanta. Ga., and ' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hunstein. Miss Barbara Hunstein. Mis* j Phyllis Hunstein and A. W. Hun ! stein, Jr., of New York. N. Y. Attending from Spartanburg. IS. C.. were Mrs. D. C. Allen. Mr. land Mrs. Mo/el Cash. Mr. anti 1 Mrs G. R. Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Preston Morrow, Mrs. Ava Lou Warlick and Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Allen; from Miami. Fla.. Mrs. Catherine Ware; from Farming ton. III.. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Alien i and Brad Allen: and from Ashe ' ville, N. C.. '.Miss Diane Ricker. m SPECIALS TENNIS SHOES Extra special! Broken sixes In our famous P. F. Brand, regular values to $4.99 2.99 ONE TABLE ARCHDALE A LAZY BONES OXFORDS & LOAFERS Most sixes 9Vs to 3. regular values to $8.50. now 3.99 ONE TABLE CHILDREN'S SHOES Straps and oxfords, regular values to $4.99. now 2.99 .• si BOYS' SHORT-SLEEVED KNIT SHIRTS sizes 8 to 18 — regular S2.29 value ONE GROUP BOYS' SHORT-SLEEVED SPORT SHIRTS values to S2.99. now ALL REMAINING 2nd FLOOR CHILDREN'S WEAR i Price And Less Haro are bargains you e Insurance Women Hold Cook-Out TIh- Gastonia Association of Insurance Women wen? enter tained at a rook-out at the home of Mrs William Anthony at 7l>G Henry St. here Tuesday night The tegular monthly mo ting <:f the dub was highlighted by a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs. II. Kdward Thompson, recent bride Following the supper, which featured hamburger- and home mad« ke cream. Mrs. Merrill, president, presided o\er a short business session Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay MoMack in, .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dilling, and Mts. .toe Crimes were Sunda> visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Richard K MeMaekin. and son Mike, who ria\o recently ocfltpicd their new home at 2119 Ludlow Lane. Win ston Salem. 4-H'ers Begin Electric Project Tar H<*cl 4 H'crs with out standing records in the 4-H electrk projwl will mi-ct in Asheville at the Battery Park Hotel. Aug. IT 19 tor their an nual meeting. Dr. Carlton Blalock, assistant director of the Agricultural In tension Service in charge of 1 H Club work, announces that nearly 2IK) boys and girls will he honored during the week The highlight of the annual program will he the presentation of territorial and state awards at the annual recognition ban quet on Tuc«da\ night. Scholar ships of SIi>0 each will go to eight first place territorial win ners. Kight second-place terri torial winner- will receive gold watches The state winner will receive an expense paid trip to National 4-H Club Congress m Chicago. The presentation of awards will be made by members ol the host electric power companies: Carolina Power and Light Com pnnj. D. E Stewart, \irv prrsi ■liMii; Ihikr [’nw'cr Compiiry. I* \V. Rooth. assicip.i \ ire |»r«i de-nt: Nantahalu I’iMci and Lijhl Company. John M. Archer. Jr., president; Virginia Electric and Power Company. A. L. Jameson. \ ice president. On M >no«> evening. the dele gates will attend a buffet supper foi the formal • A \ oic t> show will follow later i: the evening. Following breakfast on Tli s day morning, there will be- a I II Club members forum. 4-II demonstrations and project re |K»rts. Rev. Armin C. Draege-rt. president id -be \sho- ii'r> combe Ministerial Assoe i ition. will address the- group at a luncheon se-ssion. In the afternoon, delegates will tour the- new Asheville Steam niectrk- (lenerating Plant and the Oerbe-r Product* Com puny plant. The de-le-gate-s will l*e- enler tained during t he- week by special -1 11 talent numbers Par ticipating on the programs will Ire-: Rrii'v Weav.l. tap dance-. You've seen it on TV, in magazines, on radio! i mJfTACTION Thrifty! 2-speed FRIGMIRE Washer with Soak cycle! Model WCDA-6S 4 colors Of White NEW Jr] PATENTED Asm*** • Gentle agitation, spin for Wash & Wears. • Patented Deep Action agitator creates jet currents to tu'lp remove heaviest soil! • Automatic Soak cycle ideal for diapers! • Jet-Away rinsing "jets" away lint and scum. Spins clothes wonderfully dry. • SudsWater Saver Model WCOAR-65 at extra cost. Mew! FRICmiRE Soak cycle Washer at a budget price! Modal WDA-65 4 colors or while Kf.»V P' PATENTED k ptfpAcr/o# m Acwro*f • Automatic Soak cycle ice.il for diapers, jeans. • Patented Deep Action if tator creates jet currents to help remove heavit- oil! • Jet-Away rinsing j away lint and «■ clothes extra dr>. • 4 water tempera* choices for co : a washing. • Jet-Simple rr.^chano.. Pors\ Ih County: Debbie Hurley and Dfhb|<' Humjjamit, Charl**s ton. Ashe County: Joan and Jan et McKinney and Joan Bailey, iii' Madison County: Rhonda Webb. tap dance. iJavis County: Walter Allen, reading. Cabarrus County; and Lorraine Bivens. pi ,m< -nlo. I'nion County. \lesilamos 11. R. Tat**. J. II Car i oil and T K. Ware it tended tlte Rid ri -• A ■ mb!> Friday and Saturday Meiula ues K. It- Cook. Joe I’. C vnp < .1 a< *‘ White and Corbet Ni h< l.-.-n are attending the week ion- m srion th**te which began las' Thursday.

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