KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VIBITINO HOURS Doily 10:30 to 11:30 3 to t p.m. and 7 to 8 pm. Patient List at King• Mi tun ain Hospital at Noon Wcdnt Mrs. Lawienoe Adams Gerald Beattie Mrs Carrie Black John Henry Black Thomas Bridges Mrs. Ethel Bryant Donnie Ray Bumgardner John Turner Carroll. Jr. ' Miss Diane Carter Mrs. Fred Davis Mrs. Floyd Dover Rev. Marion Du Bose Mrs. La Marr Gordon Samuel HombriRht Mrs. James Love Mrs. Clyde McDaniel J. P. Panther Mrs. Minnie Quinn Mrs. Jack Robertson Willie Seawright Mrs. Sarah Thombs ADMITTED THURSDAY Mrs. John Philbeck. 210 Dilling WL, City Joe Peterson, .Vtt Broad St., City Mrs. James Tate. Rt. 1. City ADMITTED FRIDAY Mrs. Grady Hopper. 10SO Flam Rd., City Mrs. Jack Moss. 3000 Midpines. City ADMITTED SATURDAY Guy Byars, 4CM W. Caroline St., Blacksburg. S. C. Mrs. E. S. Go*ey. I0S S. Cans |er St., City Mrs. Edward Humphries. Rt. 2. Box 123, Bessemer City. N. C. Sammy Jimmerson. KM N Oansler St., City Mrs. William Lewis. 203 S. Wel don Ave., Gastonia. N. C. Rebetva Elaine Oliver. 403 K Ridge St.. City Mrs. Andrew Roberts, KH> Bel Vederc Circle, City Sherry Kay Wilson. Rt. 2. City ADMITTED SUNDAY ' Frank Day, 105 E. Indiana Ave- Bessemer City. N. C. • Margaret Dixon. Rt. 3. City Grady Eugene Dixon. Rt. 3, City Mrs. P. D. Hambright. Rt. 2. Box 276. City Mrs. Floyd Huffstctlcr. Rt. 4. Lincoln ton, N. C. Miss Lila Jackson. 301 Knox St.. Clover, s. C. • »Mrs. Roy Gem* Moss, PO Box 401. Grover. N. C. Clarence Tate. Rt. 1, Box 292- A, City Mrs. Ulysses Thurman. Rt. 1. Box 283. Shelby. N. C. . Joey Steven Wyte. 10 Oak St.. City Mrs. Raymond Clark. Rt. 1. Grover, N. C. a Mrs. John Childers, Rt. 1, York Rd.. City ADMITTED MONDAY . Mrs. William Green. Rt. I, Box 37-A, Blacksburg. S. C. . Katheryn Hill. 40N Springs St., Cherryville. N. C. Iris Louise Hill. 40S Springs St. Cherryville. N. C. Beverly Jenkins. Rt. I, Kings peek. S. C. Mrs. Homer Jones. 919 Sharon Dr.. City Sara Nell Moss, 1U0 S. Gaston St.. City • Dwayne AlcMurray. 708 Mead owbrook Rd., City Mrs. Myette Oates. Rt. 3. Box 284. City Mrs. Odie Phillips. Rt. 2. Besst* mer City. N. C. Jeannie Lynn Thompson, Bowl ing Green. S. C. James Blanton, 211 Park St., Shelby, N. C. Randy Cart hen, 106 Childers St.. City Ray Cash, 7200 Margrace Rd.. City ADMITTED TUESDAY Mrs. Fred Arrowood. 701 S. •Maple St.. Cherryville. N. C. Mrs. Paul Glenn, 107 Lackey St.. City William Fletcher. 811 second St., City John Cook, Gen. Del.. City Mrs. William Jackson. Rt. 1. Grover. N. C.. Leroy Blake. Jr.. lOI S. Tracy St.. City Mrs. Shell Ellis. 320 N. Walter son. City , Mr*. Richard Hale, looi Second aft.. City Mrs. Carlisle Curry . Rt. 1, City C. B. Vickers. 30S Parker St.. City Mrs. (Miles Wilson. Rt. 2. City Richard Barnette, 1050 Barnett prive. City Regina Gail BamCtte. 3»ts N Watterson, City Rebecca Gallinger, 210 Sims. ADMITTED WEDNESDAY . Max HarUoe, 121 Charlotte St.. York. S. C. * Mrs. Harold Hipps, 3500 Park dale Circle. City Slate Travel Map b Now Available A North Carolina map three tpry listing more than so differ- 1 ent maps and the sources from which thty can be obtained has been published by the Travel In I formation Division, Department Cbnservation and Development, j Raleigh, for free distribution. The directory. Information Bul letin No. 149. contains in forma Oon on highway and general •tale maps; county, regional and recreation area maps; fishing.1 hunting and navigation maps; hike maps; and special purpose qpapa (geologic, soil, literary, his torical. etc.l. Prices of maps for which there is a charge are in cluded. i GUEST MINISTER—Rev. Fred Atman. Bob Jones faculty member, will deliver morning and evening sermon . Sunday at Carson Memorial > INJfcfeJ fill If lev. Paul J. Unnlog, rutor leho«i. 1C a. a*. o«*ranip .ervke «i a m Lectin* Service T:l5 a ia 'taytr *»«rvir« war/ nmiVay at t > Pathf^ Thomas P. Clements. Pastor Father ^*iiin Wall. Assistant Father Dona'4 Stalb. Assistant tl:JO a m. ft:00 a. m. ^AST COLD STREI7 W«.S»kt%N METHODIST CHURCH ■EV CLYDE R. GOODSOH MIN1STEB StemiHi rtiddtx. Sun«tay Sch a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a. at. BTU at «»30 p. bl Midweek Prayer Service Wednesdays a ».:** p. m. Evening Worship oa Sundays HI T:l A BL Rev. James Mann. Castor 10X0 A M - Morning Worship - Sunday iehanl 10b N. Webb SL. Gastonia. N. C lev A. E. Guyer. Pastor. Ph »nf Is: 7 pi. ml Sunday. Wad Sunday School Sis. Preaching 11 • sa. HYPS or Youth meeting Friday High* Boy. T. B. Poole. Boy. I. T. Btoarav* Mt. Zion Eaptiat Chuich R«v. R. I. Garvin Minister to a m Sunday School. Supt. John R">» 11 a m .Morning Worship .» p.m bupMxit training union 6 pm Evening \\«-isl.ip 7:.s) I*raycr Meeting Wednesday nigh’ FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZRHEME Rev. II. G Clayton. Pastor James Self. Supt. Sunday School Sind../ School at 9:45 a. in. Morning Worship s' 11 n m. MYPS at ti:*ai p it.. Sundays Junior Society at 6:.TO i* m. Sunday* Evening Sera ice on Sunday at 7 p. m Mid-Week Prayet Service at 7 p. ir Wednesdays. Adams Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church K« \ A I* Si i le > ipply minister Supt l«**nni«* Whisnant tO A M Sunday > 4 II A M. Wi vices 7::m Pray er meeting W ednesday eevnin This *16.95 BOOSTER FAN For Oniy ONE CENT If Ym Buy Any Circulator Model of During Out Eatly Season Sale Oftet Ends September 28th Come in hom and buy any cir culator model ol WARM MORN ING Coal Healer ... and re ceive a certilicate entitling you to a WARM MORNING Booster Fan (Model F-8 that regularly sells lor SI6.95) lor just ONE CENT! Simply mail the certificate and one penny to the manufacturer and without delay your Booster Fan will bo sent to you. post ace propaid. Medel 4 tO. WARM MORN INC't budget - priced, medium sue circulator. Lifetime porce lain I i n i s h . Holds 60 lbs ol coal_heats up to 4 rooms. Only S13S.50 Model 400. America's finest cir culator coat neater. Lifetime porcelain finish. ouilt-m auto nutic thermostat. Holds 100 •ns of coal... heats up to 6 rooms. Model S00. A real bargain in a full sire, quality circulator! Lifetime porcelain finish. Holds SO lbs. of coal... heats up to 5 rooms. Only S148.S0 CAST TIPMS to Ml Tour Myll Coopei's, Inc. “Low Down Payment — Easv Terms Always" Monn ain Chcp«l A.M.E. Zion CbuKh «. % « \ ».%a« r Montfunev) Miniate i »: AM. Mind»> Srhonl A I ;p »mim 3M and 4th .Sunday 7 i»» r* V Sanua) a religious film wit1 Im* ihuwn. Coed Hope Prexbyericn Church K» v p. L k«*»- Minuter l»i ^m. >'unday Kchooi I pm U«>:» ip Services lyna.n Chapel A.M.C. Zioa Church R* v \V 2. ('ait pWi. Minuter W N err lo a in. .suii'My Scttonl . i- >i.» ei Mre.esg UrdnU (U> t.V « lllfltf • ;«neai*al la vd* fc.vtii.ntf. MUU.tfA.* rim MKlfl ha.* IfU'Vb u^..4*k raa’o. camp. Supt. ueiHcia <. t.MMiiaaiLr I 4*dO>. 40 « * Sunday acmaai i. w Me* «uif Seme* UUy Cuyua. fuui tu'vlap drhiei -U * cm. ..n* Srrvira-11 a. at N:*nt ServW— 7 l» p.m. ^ I unlay Hsnrar hahm -7:11m no*g». to *MirKh*A" ’ *> avrapttf MTttOf • «t tw»«*An» Poitora Mom In* Worship 11 .*00 - Morning Worship W intermadlate Methodist foutft F# ♦» p nr —Senior Methodist Youth Fdlow 'hip Mi !s\*ek Prayer c. r\ice remains at 7 | m. Y\ ednes.iny evenings. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH i I: i.| Near Armory Rev RoiM-tt tladen lh*amn-in-(*harKo Telephone ?^M.ZU St \f> \Y lO *1 A V. S*TVk e of Worship: *Ud Sunday* Holy Communion Other Sunday* M« •; nine Pru>er 7pm Monday Y»»uth Croup 7. *• pm. Wiilih«ia> Inquirer* Class io *ju Sunday Scfem. * 2 00 M.«n*ng Worship r.oo Baptist Trunlnc Uaha cruns chore A edneeday: ' U0 Mid-MM MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHUBCV Rev. Wayne Asha. Pastor Douglas Led lord. Music Director Robert Champion. Sunday School Supt Sunday: i ♦ ir> -Sunday School l :0O Morning Worship » p nv ILtpti** Training Union * p m. Evening Worship Wednesday: »» Offu-cr* and Teachers meeting * «* choir iTacticc ' *• Kible study and Prayer service .<*» Junior GA's •lo Adult Cliotr practice. fi. Me York -The End of Tool A Friendly 9.45 a. bl Sunday school 11:00 a. RL Morning Worahd 6:00 p. UL Baptist Tracing 7:00 p. m. resiling Worship Wednesday: 7:00 p. bl Mid-Week Prayer • 00 s RL Chair Beheoraol cALling all HOME MAKERS By GENE TIMMS DECORATING IDEAS CHANGE i TIMMS 1 nor e is a groat change taking place in the thinking of both home makers and decorators a bout w hat were oner con stde*red tattoos Here arc just a fe*vv of the m a n y decorating fallacies which have "gone* with the wind": "Symmetry is required in arranging furniture”. For many years most homes had the same* end tahlc*s and lamps on each side of the sofa. Now it is considered smart to use no lamps or ta ble's on the ends, or a differ e*nt table* and lamp on e*ach end l*i Hires used to be* ar ranges! symmetrically and are now being arranged irregular ly. Chairs were used in pairs, hut now the tendency is to use* two different chairs. “Ne*\ e*r mix different pe*ri oils". While many people stay with one perieid or style throughout their home, the trend is not only to have dif ferent periods in each room but to mix several periods in one room. As an example, modern, traditional and Ori ental use I together in a liv ing room can be both attrac tive and dramatic. “Never mix wood finishes". Some* homemakers still insist that all woods in a room be matched perlixdly. Colors of fabric's, walls, drapes and floor coverings must all blend beautifully but you can use walnut, mahogany, ebony, white or maple* in the* same re.nm and re*al!y give the* room that "decorator toue*h“. The mc»st common fallacy in decorating was that you had to follow a set of rules. We advise you to follow your ingenuity, and se*e* us for fre*e decorator advice and guid ance. Tune in the* Gene Timms Ihidio Show every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morn ings and get in on the "Name the Tune Cor.te*st" which en titles you to free gifts at Timms Furniture Com[»any. Show lime is 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. Vn Rev Sup' ... ... 10 i t. Sunday School D '<■*#!*. Supply Minister W M numir. 11 am M'irniitr .Vorshlp Adorn C ho pel A..-I.E. tio* Church Ri-v A D Srutflr. Supply Minister 10 a m. Sunday School 11 a m. Mnrnlnr Worship CL ICTKEL METHODIST CHURCH Rev Hrucr Norwood. Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Momma Worship at 11 o dock. Ivcnlnr Srryter on S-inds* »' 7 p. t Choir rraettre on Sunday at 7.30. STNUM CHAPEL A.M.E. ZION CHURCH Ki-v. w J Can phrii. Minuter Supt. W nliam on 10 A M. .Sunday Sc hool 11 A M W orithlp .Suivlres Player m-alint: Wnlnniliy caonin 7 .» Thursday famine Choir rchc.irsa m Youth Service m. F. Saturday: I F Sunday: in a. m. Sunday Sehod II a. m. Mnrmn* Worahtp 7pm Iwnitii arrvke Wedr««day T p. m Prayer Service rmsr racsarmriAH cuuacn Paul L Audey. Ik. O.. SkSla Sunday_ 9 4.1 Sunday School 10:30 Cotter Hour. 11:00 Mornms Wonfelp (Muraery fa Te-School Children. 1 •:30 Pioneer and Senior Sick sedan •hip. Monday- 3 .10 Ctrl Scouta. Tuetday: 7:30 Buy Scouta. K’HneaiU)_ 7:30 Mid-Week Service. 8 00 Chancel Choir. Thursday 3:00 Brownie Scouta. 4 13 Cherub Choir. Friday: S 00 AA Meeting. •U eeon a a _at 11 o'clock a Youth Fellowahl* at d i V> ■ * Supt. I T« VC StTond Street Hrv Jerry (irm Sumlay Srrou* Ralph Chitwood - *10 a.a K. McDowell, sundav ft-botf Wnralup vrtK m :t>d and 111 Maptlat Tratnio* In inn nrrlmi w>dn«*0a> imln Late Classified WANTED — While lady to care for two-year-old girl from 8:00 until 5:30 p.m. at 313 West fluid St Call 739 3392 alter 5:30. 8:13 Notebook Fillers 500 SHEETS 9k SPECIAL VALUE METAL Study Desk WITH LAMP $1L» World Globes ONLY S3JI BELMONT SCHOOL PAK • BALLPOINT PEN • 5 CRAYON PENCILS • PLASTIC PENCIL CASE • 2 PENCILS • I RED — 1 BLUE PENCIL • SHARPENER • 6-IN. RULER ERASABLE Typewriter Paper DRAFTING SET • T-SQUARE • TRIANGLE • DRAWING PENCIL • COMPASS • ERASER . 98c JUST PACK OF 30 5c Pencils S1.50 VALUE FOR PLASTIC Clipboard Folders 99c TWIN-CUTTER MOUNTABLE PENCIL Sharpeners S2 3-RING CANVAS-BACK Clip Binders 98c Reinforced Blueback Canvas Binder SU9 SCHAEFFER Cartridge Pen with Scrip cartridges. SI .49 value SI BELMONT Pencil Ciayons Sharpener free. 24 Pencils ac Plastic Back Ovmin 3-Ring Binder WEBSTER'S New SCHOOL & OFFICE Dictionary S1J5 REXALL ALL-IN-ONE Coinbinatioii binder, filler, index Staplen With Staples 98c to SLU Schaefier and Parker Pen & Pencil Sets All Prices! BIG ASSORTMENT SCHOOL SATCHELS $2.98 to $3.59 Ballpoint Pens Scripto. Bic. Parker. T-Ball. Schaeffer. Paper Mate Clipboards 50c & 75c STENOGRAPHER'S Notebooks 15c-25c-39c SPIRAL-BOUND Composition Boob 15c-25c-49c-98c SUNSET Pencil Crayons with sharpener, contain er. 48 different colors. 91c BIG VALUE! IN Eavelopes 39c Compass ft Protractor Slide Roles Accurate 10-inch Standard SL29 Many, Many More Back-To-School Tools— Too Nnmerons To Mention llwni All — See Them On Oni Counters. Bny At Special Low Pikes! PLASTIC Carry-All for pen and pencils, for 5 or 3-bole binders 25c WHEN YOU SHOf YOU SAVE THE REXALL STORE THE KING5 MOUNTAIN DRUG COMPANY Phone 739-2571 THE CITY'S MODERN STORE