by Muidi-cd Morris DEEDS Items this w refinish it hy meth ods recommended hy the house furnishings specialists for the Agricultural Extension Service. SELECTION OF WOOD FURNITURE I low do you select wood fumi |r deliciMS aMs CHEER to faarilyfaa! in i \i.n IHIIIKIM ture? Mrs. Carolyn Alligood, home c<-onomic* agent in Beau fort County, says Home Demon stration Club members have been i.ged t i read labels and learn terms us«fl in furniture manufue .uring. The homemakers examined fur 'liture at local club meetings so they can better understand the i methods of construction. Since I the purchase of furniture is a ma jor investment, Mrs. Alligo *1 is I anvltAPER Y CONSTRl’tTION of the Wbitehouse Com munity in Rutherford County are making draj*erios for their com- ! munity building. Miss Eugenia Ware, home ei-onomics agent, uscsl the session as a training period. 'rhe women worked together in selecting the fabric and lorn'n" construction techniques. Miss Ware thinks an actual experience is a good way to tea< h homemak- 1 era how to select, construct, and hang draperies. FAMILY LI VINO ACCOUNTS j “Record keeping o f family s[»ending is one of thp steps to j>etter planning." says Mrs. Klor once Sherrill, home eeonomics a gent in Macon County. “We try to emphasize that ‘the lower the in come. the greater need for sound planning-." she added. Some 40 families a ski'd for help with family living accounts last year. She hopes that many more will understand the need of planning their spending and sav ing this ypar. MONEY SAVING RECIPES The home management leaders in Pender County presented the monthly demonstrations in their local clubs on management in the home. In one club, the leader asked each club member to submit her 1 favorite money-saving main dish or meal. Mrs. Peggy Casey, home economics agent, says the club members were so enthused over 'he recipes, that they are consid-; •ring making up a cookbook of The Indiana Appellate Court uled recently that continuous uarreling and bickering over noney matters constitutes "cruel and inhuman treatment” and justified a divorce. ! If youle the kind of buyer who looks out for NQI (that’s you) look for the man with the NQI deals-now! (that's your Chevrolet dealer) Chevrolet Iwpala Sport Coupe < 'At y U Xota J-Door Stdan Cha t lie Malibu Sport Coupe t orcair Club Cuujte Don t wait any longer for a Kival deal on a sharp now '♦>-! Chevrolet, Chovelle, Chew II or ( orvair! because right now it’s “No. \ Buy Time” ai vour Chevroka dealer a. He’s got to move oui every ’64 he has left. Ml im HAH tt'VM IMf *• 1 lit! Mu/ MM CHEVROLET DEALER So hurry in for a Xo. 1 Buy on America's Xo. 1 cars. And it you think you're the only one concerned about looking out for Xo. 1, you're wrong. Your Chevrolet dealer is there to look out for you, too. Come, in and see for yourself. krmr ikny/I f <««,>««,/ f«nW«r W(« Wl„/*r*. W//}«*• fr> huu-Sown! MurdaArt' ..-- - .... -ua- i, ii»_ » J”"' "*'*■** * • 32-4331 VICTORY CHEVROLET CO. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. ■A2LKOAO AVENUE . Mix- M* no PHONE 710-MI 1 I BETHWARE ; OAK GROVE NEWS I By July Bolton Davit Telephone 7J9-S8+9 BETHWARE The Rev. C. O Greene brought the message Sun clay morning at Oak Grove Bringing the message Sunday night was the Rev. George Dixoi of Fort Worth, Texas. The; preached in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. James Holder who was a patient in Cleveland Memorial Hospital. Rev. Holdei was dismissed Monday. ■Mrs. Elva Mc-Swain. with Mr and Mrs. Horace McSwam, Patri eta and Dianne spent last Wed nesday in Later Lure and Chim ney Rock. Wednesday visitors of Mt*. Ed ward Da\is and Bobby were Mel vin and Margaret (in en of Shel by and Barry Green of i.angley Air Force Base. Virginia. The Rev. and Mrs. Dean Coffey and Lavena of Henderson spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Davis. On Friday, they visited Mrs. Franklin Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ross and 1 Rhonda, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conner, Ronnie and Rickey ' Broome visiter) Mrs. Polly Stew art in Glenville Saturday. They also visited Cherokee and Fron ' j tier la ml. j Mrs. Kugene Wright and Linda Ross spent Saturday in Charlotte with Edith Smith. Kathy. Joy. and Steve Calhoun >f Rutherford ton spent last week slth Mr. and Mr». Zay Moore and Miss Ova Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Putnam and Family of Blacksburg visited with the Sam Lovelaces Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Gibbons and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adair in Gastonia Sunday afternoon. The Golden Circle of David's held its annual family picnic Tuesday night at Maple Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Davis and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Davis visited the Lee Costners in Cher ryville Saturday night. Judy Blanton spent last week in Rutherfordton with the John Calhouns. They brought her home Monday afternoon. A Derby. England, storekeeper who has sold 170 topless dresses says they have a very practical use for women who are too shy to writ thorn In public. "Some of my customer*. *he :rports “trU me they like to wear the^ to do the housework." Brymer lasarance Agency 119 E. VA. AVE. — DIAL MA 9-3502 • BESSEMER CITY. N. C. INSURANCE FOR TOUR EVERT NEED LITE • HEALTH . AUTO - FIRE ASSIGNED RISK — FAST FS-1 — WE FINANCE SIX MONTHS TO PAY AGENT FOR N. C. STATE MOTOR CLUB 8:20 tfn AT OUR DRUG STORt Notebook mien 500 SHEETS 91c SPECIAL VALUE METAL Study Desk WITH LAMP S1LSS WEBSTER'S New SCHOOL 6 OFFICE Dictionary SMS BELMONT SCHOOL PAK • BALLPOINT PEN • SHARPENER • S CRAYON PENCILS • 6-IN. RULER • PLASTIC PENCIL CASE • 2 PENCILS • 1 RED — 1 BLUE PENCIL ERASABLE Typewriter Paper 59c DRAFTING SET • T-SQUARE • TRIANGLE • DRAWING PENCIL • COMPASS • ERASER . 98c JUST PACK OF 30 Sc Pencils $1.50 VALUE FOR PLASTIC Clipboard Folders 91c TWIN-CUTTER MOUNTABLE PENCIL Sharpeneis $2 3-RING CANVAS-BACK Clip Knden Sk Reinforced Blueback Canvas Binder $L19 SCHAEFFER Cartridge Pen with Scrip cartridges. $1.49 Talae $1 BEUCOMT Pencu uayens Plastic Back Ovanfee 3-Sing Binder World Globes ONLT S3L98 REXALL ALL-IN-ONE Combination binder, filler, index 91c Staplers With Staples SfctoSLtt Schaeffer and Parker Pm & Penal Sets All Prices! BIG ASSORTMENT SCHOOL SATCHELS $2.98 to $3.59 Ballpoint Pom Scripto. Bit. Porker. 1-Ball. Schaeffer. ^__^PaperMate___ Clipboards 50c & 75c STENOGRAPHER'S Notebooks 15c-25c-39c SPIRAL-BOUND Composition Books 15c-25c-49c-Kc SUNSET Pencil Crayons with sharpener, contain* er. 48 different colors. 9k BIG VALUE! IN Envelopes 31c Compare 6 Protractor Combination Slide Roles Accurate 10-inch Standard $129 Many, Many More Back-To-School Tools— Too Numerm To Mention Them All — See Them On Onr Counters. Boy At Special Low Prices! PLASTIC Cany-All for pm and pencils, for 5 or 3-bote binders 25c WHEN YOU SHOI YOU SAVE AT THE HEXALL STONE THE STORE Phone 739-2571 DRUG COMPANY THE CITYS MODERN STORE