r -- People In The News A surprise birthday dinner honoring Jimmie A. Culbert son, former Kings Mountain resident, on his 80th birthday was held at the High Shoals clubhouse Sunday. Four generations, along with all seven children of Mr. Culbertson, were present for rhe occasion. The children are Mrs. Ira Falls and Mrs. C. M. Lankford of Kings Mountain; Vernon Culbertson of Gas tonia; Mrs. Burgin Sisk and Donnie Culbertson of High Shoals. Also present were 14 of 29 grandchildren and 14 of 25 ^.ca.-^anutmiaren. rammes and invited guests totaled 63. The three-tier birthday cake was decorated in pink,' white and blue. Dinner was spread buffet-style. Comings And Goings Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. McClure will return home this weekend after an extensive trip through the Western United States and the Canadian Rockies. The McClure's daughter Nancy, a June graduate of; UNC-G moved Monday to Charlotte where she will teach mathematics in the Mecklenburg schools. She and another Kings Mountain girl, Freida McGinnis, will share an apart ment. The McClure s daughter Joan, who will be a freshman at UNC-G this fall, is living with the Gene Timms family this week while Mr. and Mrs. Timms are vacationing in New Or leans. La. ♦ ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hutchinson and daughters, Diana and Carla, of Beaufort, S. C„ spent the weekend with the former s sister, Mrs. H. L. Campbell and Mr. Campbell. * * * • Mr. and Mrs. C .W. Eskew of Bastrop. Texas, their daughter, Mrs. Roy Frusha and son, Mark, of Manor, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. James Watterson and little son. of Kingsport. Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard Watterson and son,1 Robert, of Apple Grove. West Va.. attended the Watterson Clan reunion Sunday as guests of W. L. Watterson, Secre tary-treasurer of the clan. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McDaniel, Jr.. Miss Rita Kay Bell, Del Ryan, and Mrs. H. H. Yarbro, all of Kings Mountain, have returned home after visiting Silver Springs, Florida. They began their trip August I and came home August 9th after touring other places of interest in Florida. * * ♦ * About This N' That Students in the beginners, intermediate and advanced swimming classes at Kings Mountain Country Club will be treated to a family patio party and swimming exhibition Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. at the club. Supper will be served at 6:30. Plates will be $1.25 for adults and $1 for children. Reservations are asked by Tues day noon. * * * * Mrs. Gustavo Hegewisch, recent bride, was guest-of honor Sunday at a tea given by Mrs. Wayne Forsyth at her home. Guests called from two until four o'clock. Sharing hostess duties with Mrs. Forsyth was Miss Joyce Biser. Mrs. Walter Morrison, Mrs. Shirley Hudson and Miss Colleen Forsyth assisted in serving and entertaining. Mr. and Mrs. Hegewisch are newcomers to Kings Moun tain and reside in the Neill apartments at 603 W. Gold street. Mrs. Hegewisch, who taught four and five-year-olds in a private kindergarten in Mexico City, Mexico, may be in structing the same age groups in Spanish in Kings Mountain! this year. She and her husband were married two months ago1 in Mexico City. The Hegewisches plan to spend at least a year here! while Mr. Hegewisch. an industrial engineer, is in training with Craftspun Yarns, Inc. as a textile engineer. * * * « Descendants of the late John W. Watterson and relat ed families gathered for a reunion Sunday at the Grover Rescue Squad building. Over 150 relatives from North Carolina, South Caro lina, Virginia. Florida. Tennessee, West Virginia and Texas attended. All officers were re-elected. Miss Lynda Watterson. Kings Mountain, opened the business meeting by reading the minutes. Bobby Watterson. Grover, led the invocation and Marshall Watterson, Dana, N. C., welcomed quests. The principal address was made by Holland Dixon of Shelby. Butler P. Dixon. Shelby, historian, reported the new births, deaths and marriaqes for the past year. The younaest member of the clan present was two-and-a-half month-old Richard Allan Watterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wat terson of Grover. The family traveling the qreatest distance to attend was the family of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Eskew, Bas-' trop, Texas. Their dauqhter, Mrs. Roy Frusha. and son. Mark, came from Manor, Texas for the family gathering. Jjf /< ( (( ft/ **-1 eJti— oniOfTn vTiwflrT| co r» oc i Phone 7394441 SOCIAL CALENDAR Tlmnuinu: 7:.■*)• 9:.TO Miss Libby Modlln ami Mrs Hill Mavis an- entertain in;; «• Kim's Mountain Baptist church fellowship hall at a drop in miscellaneous shower honoring Miss Beverley Yarbrough, bride elect. ait h'ntlaj/: .7.00 Senior Citizens club will meet for a covered dish supper at I.akc Montonia with Mrs. Paul Hendricks. Monthly: 7:00 Circles 1 and 2 of Second Baptist church covered dish sup per on the church lawn. T ncnthiy: 6:.T0 Swimming exhibition ant1 family patio paity for all stu dents enrolled in summer swim ming classes at Kings Mountain Country Club. Abshers Wed In Church Rites Miss Mary Ann Witherspoon and Robert Lee Absher. Jr. were wed Sunday in a 4 p.m. ceremony in Chbrryville's Shady Grove Baptist church. Rev. H. O. Huss officiated, and wedding music was provided by 'Mrs. Carl Beam, organist, and Robert Miller, vocal soloist. Palms, white gladioli and ca thedral tapers banked the alta: of the church. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gevn of pearl tone Italian silk peau do, soie and Alencon lace. 'Hie lace’ trimmed bodice was fashioned with sabrina neckline and long sleeve*. The full skirt swept into a cathedral train. Her veil of silk illusion was caught by a dou ble pearl crown, and she carried a prayer book with roses and an orchid. Miss Linda Witherspoon was her sister's maid of honor, and' bridesmaids were Miss Kay Ab sher. sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Mary Charles Wallace.. The three attendants wore brocade gowns with matching bandeaux dropped with circular veils and matching slipers. The maid's gown was of pink brocade and the two bridesmaids wore blue. They carried bouquets of pink and white roses. Best man for the bridegroom was his father, and the list ot ushers included John Wither spoon. brother of the bride, and Darrell Guffey. The bride’s parents entertained, following the ceremony at a re ception in the church social hall. The bride's table was highlight of decoration. After a trip to the mountains of North Carolina, the couple will live on Bessemer City, route two. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM The new Mrs. Absher is the daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Phillip Witherspoon of the Tryon community. She is a rising senior at Tryon high school. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Ah sher of Kings Mountain are par ents of the bridegroom. A grad uate of Tryon high school, he is employed in Cherryville by Pat terson Oil Company. Couple Honored After Rehearsal Min Judy Smith and Winford Gordon wtere honored after their wedding rehearsal Saturday night at a cake cutting held in the fel lowship hall of Bethel Baptist church of EUenboro. The bride-elect's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey < Bud1 . Smith, were hosts to the affair attended by members of the two families and the wedding party. Overlaid with white net over green, the bride's table held the three-tier grcer. and white cake as focal point of decoration. An arrangement of white mums and four white candles centered the table The cake was cut from one end and green punch was served from a crystal punch bowl at the other end Green and white bows were used at the table comers aod connected the two end pieces with the center arrangement. Miss Judy (Morris of EUenboro presided at the bride's book. As sisting the hosts in serving and entertaining were Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mrs- Wilbur Wright. Mrs. Charles Hamrick and Miss Nova Hamrick. The bride-elect and prospective bridegroom took the occasion to present their gifts to their wed- , ding attendants. Ydrbrau^jMJtfejohn Invitations Issued Invitations reading as follows have been issued in Kings Moun-1 tain: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Columbia Yarbrough request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Beverly Anne to Mr. Jamee A. T.uttlejahn on Sunday, the thirtieth of August Nineteen hundred end sixty-four at It oVtodk noon Kings Mountain Baptist Church Kings JTsuataia, North Carolina Af/•*. Wiff'rril hunt Gordon Miss Judy Smith, Winford Ivan Gordon Pledge Vows In Ellenboro Church Rites EUenboro's Bethel Baptist church provided the setting Sun day for a 3 p.m. exchange of vows uniting Miss Judy Carolyn Smith and VVinford Ivan Cordon of Caroleen. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey Smith, former Kings Mountain residents, now of Ellcnboro. She is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Baxter R. Smith of Kings Moun tain. Rev. Harold Brown officiated, using the double-ring ceremony. I An arch of greenery and lighted candles was flanked by baskets of white flowers and centered by a prayer bench where the couple knelt for the benediction. Mrs. Thomas Tsdale. III. of El lenboro. was organist for the uro gram of nuptial music and Mrs. Robert Withrow of Ellenboro and W. B. Wilson. Jr. of Forest City were vocalists. Mr. Wilson sane \ "O Perfect Love” before the cere mony and Mrs. Withrow sane "Because" and the benedictions! "Wedding Praver". The bride was given in marri age bv her father. Her wedding "own was a formal design of M-ror M:st taffeta which fea tured a lace bodice designed with Sabrina ne -kl ne -*nd long point ed sleeves. The bell skirt was ac cented bv a bow in the hack and a detach «hte t»-ain with annlinued tace dowers. Her fin-s tfoward Kennedy of Caroleen sister of the hriftcerrnom Tilt* three attendants wore roeVtai|-len«th diwii’s of tur nito'sc brocade taffeta «• i t h matching handhaux and sl»an Ksfen ef Caro- I leen Charles Smith, brother of J •he hr’rte, terry ffard'n of Forest Ci*v .and Randy Lowe of Gas ton»a. For her daughter's weddm" 1 Mrs. Smith chose a li"ht h!"*" • dress of dacron and cotton with j matching accessories and a cor «ai>p of nink noshbuds. Tile bridegroom's mother was covned in beige brocade taffeta with matching accessories and a | corsage of white rosebuds. Mrs. Baxter Smith, paternal grandmother of the bride, wore navy with navy accessories and a white shoulder corsage. Participating in the wedding a honorary attendants were Miss Betsy Withrow, Miss Judv Morris Miss Linda Jones, all of Ellenbo-1 ro. and Miss Martha Daniels of Forest Citv. Miss Morris kept a guest register in the vestibule of the church. For a trip to Gattinburg Ten- \ ncssee. the new Mrs. Gordon chose a dress of pale blue cotton batiste with white accessories and the rosebuds from her bridal bou- j quet. Caroleen will he home for the newlvweds. PPWF AXD BRmFr.ROOM The bride is a graduate of K»«t Rutherford hi eh school of Ellen, i ho»x> and <> emnloved in the of fice* of Sears Roebuck Co. in Forest C'*v. Her husband '« the i son of Mrs I G Gordon of C*ro-' leen and th« late Mr. Gordon. ITe wu eradiated from Clia«e hi**1 school and works in the Caroleen Plan* of Burlington Industries. Wedding guests from out-of Ellenboro included: Mrs. R. L.! Carter of Elberton. Ga.. Mrs. B. R. Smith. Mrs. P. R. Smith. Bob by Smith and Debbie Moore. Kings Mountain; Miss Sandra Big gers and Mike Biggcrs. Gastonia; Mr. and Mrs. James White and Jimmy of Gaffney. S. C.. and MrJ and Mrs. Ronnie Mitchum and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamrick of Charlotte. Mrs. Madge Arrowood spt*nt the1 weekend at Glenwood /.-res in • Greenville. S. C.. visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Clinkscales. Mrs. George Morrow spent the ] weekend with her daughter. Mrs.! Wayne Love and Mr. Love, at i Ocean Drive, N. C. Miss Hornbeck Gives Plans .Miss Judith Elaine Hornbeck of Richmond. Va. and Hugh Wayne Mayhuc of Kingt Moun tain haw completed plans for their wedding and announce them this week. The ceremony wil Itake place Saturday, August 239th, at 4 p.m in River Road Presbyterian church of Richmond. Dr. Sam Newell will perform the double ring ceremony. Miss Hornbeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Edney. will be given in marriage by her stepfa ther. Mr. Mayhuc. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mayhuc of Kings Mountain, will have his father as best man. >Miss Ann Cosby will be at the organ for the program of nuptial music and Mias Barbara Lane Perry will be vocalist Miss Connie Burroughs of Port Washington. New York will at-| tend Miss Hornbeck as maid of honor. Miss Frances Perry of Richmond will be bridesmaid. The list of ushers will indude Elliott Keith Hornbeck of Rich mond, brother of the bride-eleot; George William Bates and Dadd Hefei finger, both of Chapel Hill, and Ernest Gail Barker of Ra leigh. The bride-elect's parents will honor the engaged pair at a cake cutting to be held at their home. 191 Woodhall Drive, after the re hearsal on Friday evening. East Side WMU Held Cookout Mrs. Frank Adams and Mrs. Ozelle Brooks were hostesses Monday night at the former’s home to members of the Women’s Missionary ocirty of East Side Baptist church. Members enjoyed a cook-out at the beginning of the meeting. Grilled hamburgers and hot dogs were served with accessories, in cluding homemade cake and cof fee. Mrs. Frances Godfrey offered the invocation and the program was introduced by Mrs. Brooks. Others participating on the pro- ; gram were Mrs. Adams, Mrs.; Harry Stewart, Mrs. Darrell Co-' ble. and Mrs. Connie Putnam. They used the theme. “English, Language In Churches Overseas.” j Mrs. Bertie Stewart presided over a business session. Other members present were Mrs. Charles Ramsey. Mrs. Helen Rus sell and Mrs. Willie Myers. BOWLING FASHIONS — Tteehc million ladies htjrt prr the bowling law* this month, and with thi* in mind, trading American and British designers recently previewed the newent •*ittit* created especially /or holding at “Pirns Week” in N(‘w York hint month .Magic Triangle** fashions, designed in England by Ihgby Horton,' are the first Biitish clothes designed s/nrifii ally for botcling. In America, the ".Vagit Triangle" fashions are l>g McG regar-Doniger for their Pro Shop collection, and bp Derby S/nirtswiar. All fcutnir stretch, style and versatility for Fall '<■{. At left, a Sport \ clour sleeveless shell in brilliant twowdlor combination over solid Flanne Spand stretch pants. Shell, about 99. Pauls, about $tr,. Shoes and Tote, about tt.1. At right, a pure woo/ flannel sleeveless shift, abtar. $35. Ghillie bowling shoes, about $11. Hombeclc-Mayhue Invitations Issued Invitations reading as follows have been issued in Kings Moun tain: Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Edncy request the honor of pour presence at the marriage of her daughter Judith Elaine Hornbeek on Saturday, the ticenty-ninth of August Nineteen hundred and sixty-four at four tteloek River Road Presbyterian Church Richmond, Virginia Weirs Visi* Here For Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Weir and son. Bill, have returned to Jack sonville. Fla. after visiting Mrs. Weir’s mother. Mrs. T. P. McGill, coming especially for the McGill family reunion. The Weirs also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ned McGill and family in Gastonia and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McGill and family of Blacksburg. S. C. Mrs. Weir and son came for a week and Mr. Weir joined them for another week's vacation with relatives. They all returned home Saturday. .f. * EAGLE'S .1 i < i ■ P M SUMMEB SALE AUGUST B-21-22 SWEATERS Irregulars of Nos. To 6.96 Some Padded — Sizes 32 to 38 2fwSl PLASTIC HJUS ROLLERS 48 Brush Rollers With Pins and Net—Reg. 1.10 Value He CHILDREN'S SUPS Sanforized Cotton — Ruffle Bottom — Sizes 2-14 2 foe $1 ROTS' IRREGULAR CREW SOX~~ Sizes 7-10'/L 3 Pain lie MEN S SPORT SHIRTS Long Sleeve SU9 each or 2 fei $3 LADIES* TRICOT PANTIES Sizes 5-6-7—White ft Colors 22c Pair BOYS' WESTERN fEANS Coarse Weave. 13:l/i-Oz. Denim LB MISSES' SWIRL CREW SOX Sizes 81/1. thru 11 2 Pain 27c onus' SCHOOL DRESSES & JUMPERS Solids, Dark Plaids — Sizes fi-14 LB to XK NYLON HOSE Seamless Mesh 2 Pain 27c CLUTCH BAG Madras, Denim, Leather a CANVAS BINDER — 1>A~ RING 1.49 Value LU Em ORLON ACRYUN SOX Black, Navy, Olive, Burgundy 2 Pate S7c Sm Our Wife Se lection of Bock - To - School Supplies And Bags, and Other Fall STORES COMPANY f-TSIHEl