MISS JACQUELINE HOYLE is a daughter Of Mrs. Arthur Da rid Count II and Ihr lair Grover Lee Houle Her mother announces her engtSgt meut to Nolan Trai n Seism, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Paul Seism. Roth families ate <<f Kotos Mountain. The wed ding trill In- an event of November I. Mrs. Jerri/ Kriil W'ifnun Miss Katherine Green, Jerry R. Wilson Are Wed In Ceremony In Yalova, Turkey Th<‘ wedding of Miss Katherine Ludla Green of New Castle. Pa. and Jerry Reid Wilson of Kings Mountain were married Saturday, August 15th. in Turkey. A civil ceremony preceded the church rites at the I'nited States Air Force Base Chapel in Valova. The bride, daughter of Air. and Mrs. Walter K. Green of New Castle. Pennsylvania, was grad uated from New Castle high school and the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to her mar riage. she was employed hy the State Department in Lahore, Pak-j istan. Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Wilson of. Kings Moun tain are parents of the bridegroom. A graduate of Kings Mountain high school, he attended North Carolina State college and Clemson college. He Is now stationed with the I'SAF in Yalova. Turkey, for a two-year assignment. Yalova. Turkey is home for the newlyweds until thebridegroom completes his service duty. FHA Chapter j Beqins Work Nbw officers of the Kings Mountain chapter of the Future Homemakers of America held their initial meeting of the year August 19th. The ten offieers and ♦he two advisors, Mrs. Band and Mrs. John Gamble, met in the Home Economics Department tarty Wednesday morning to be gin their work for the coming year. Chairmen were appointed for the coming events of the year: the lirst of which is the installation Of the new officers. Following the ceremony will he the Big-sister. Little-sister Banquet. The F1IA expects to enroll many new members this coming school year. The only requirement Is that a student has taken one year of home economics. All girls Interested In joining may contact her home economics teacher or a member of the club. Howells Announce Birth Of Baby Daughter A 3c and Mr*. Ernest P. Howell announce the arrival of a daugh ter. Heidi Christine, on Thursday. August 13. in the Kings Mountain hospital. Kings Mountain grandparents art' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Howell and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Caveny. Mrs. Howell is the former Ca rolyn Caveny. It's A Bov For Charles Blantons Mr. and Mrs. Charles Donald Blanton. Jr. announce the arriv al of their third child, a son. Charles Whitney Blanton, Mon day, August 17th. The new member of the Blan ton family is grandson of Mrs. C. D. Blanton. Kings Mountain The Blantons are also parents of two daughters. Becky and Donna Blanton. SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday: 7:30 Rehearsal for the Yar brough - Littlejohn wedding in Kings Mountain Baptist church. S:30 Mrs. James E. Littlejohn is entertaining at her home at a cake cutting honoring Miss Bev crlev Yarbrough and Jimmy Ut tleiohn. Sunday: 12:00 The wedding of Miss Beverley Anne Yarbrough and James A. Littlejohn in Kings Mountain Baptist ehureh. Wednesday: 9:30 a m. -Circle 2 of Central Methodist church at the home of Mrs. Y. F. Thronehurg. 10 a m Circle 3 of First Pres hvterian church at the home of Mrs Henry Noisier, 403 Noisier j Dr:ve. 10 a m.- -Circle 6 of First Pres I bvterian ehureh at the home of Me, Paul Noisier, Sr.. 405 Noisier UMve. Canan Wins 50-Year Pin,Couple Sets Ta TV edding Date I Philip Ward Broom, son of Captain and Mrs, Philip Broom of Edwards. California, celebrated his first birthday August 17th. Young Broom is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Dean of Kings Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Broom of Monroe. His mother is the former Phyllis Dean of Kings Mountain. A cowboy-decorated birth day cake was cut at a family party at the Ward Broom home in Monroe the weekend of young Broom's birthday. The Kings Mountain Deans went to Monroe for the weekend reunion with the»r daughter and family and for the birthday party for young Philip Broom. About This N' That Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ferguson of Gastonia an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Anne, to David Jake Baity, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Baity, Sr., of Kings Mountain. The wedding will take place September 27th in Gas tonia's West Avenue Presbyteriar church. Miss Ferguson is a graduate of Sacred Heart Academy and is employed as social recreation director for the City ox Gastonia recreation department. Mr. Baity, a member of the news staff of The Gastonia Gaeztte, is a former Kings Mountain Herald staif membei and before joining The Gazette was editor the Mount Holly News and Stanley News. He is a oraduate of Kings Mountain high school. * * * * Mrs. and Mrs. Buck Dillinq of Atlanta. Ga. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Booth W. Gillespie and other relatives. ♦ * * * Mrs. Pauline F. Weaver. Park Grace teacher, returned home Snndav after attendinq the final summer session at Aooalaehian State Teacher’s colleoe in Boone. Mrs. Weaver also visited Mr. and Mrs. Jones Fortune in Kingsport. Tennes see. Mr. Fortune is brother of Mrs. Weaver._ Miss Judith Hornbeck, Wayne Mayhue Wed Saturday In Double-Ring Ceremony Richmond. Virginia's River Road Presbyterian church provid ed the setting Saturday for a l p.m. wedding uniting Miss Judith Elaint* Hornbeck and Hugh Wayne Mayhue of Kings Moun tain. Dr. Sam Newell officiated at the double-ring ceremony. The church altar was arranged with Cibotum green* ferns and white glads lighted by cathedra! tapers in silver candelabrum. Miss Ann Cosby was organist' for the program of nuptial music and Miss Barbara Lane Perry of High Point was vocalist. Miss Perry sang "Eternal Love" by Tesco. Fred R- Edney. stepfather of the bride, gave her in marriage. Her formal wedding gown was designed of Ivors silk peau de soie with a chapel length train that was matched to the shoulder of the gown. She wore a Brussels lace mantilla and carried a bou quet of cymbidium orchids and stephanotis. Miss Connie Burroughs of Port Washington. New York attended the bride as maid of honor and Miss France* Perry of Richmond was bridesmaid The two attendants wore floor- 1 length gold brocade gowns fea turing high bodices and carried cascades of bronze spider mums. Best man for the bridegroom was his father. Tlte list of ushers included the bride's brother. Elli ott Keith Hornbeck of Richmond. Va.. George William Bates and David Hefelflnger, both of Cha pel Hill, and Ernest Gail Barker of Raleigh. The bride’s mother chose a green print silk dress with match ing slippers and a shoulder cor j sage of bronze spider mums. Mrs. Mayhue. mother of the bridegroom, wore a gold silk dress with matching slippers and a corsage of bronze spider mums. ■ The reception, at which the bride's parents were hosts, car ried out the theme of the wed ding. The bridal pair cut their wedding cake. Miss Barbara Lane Perry of High Point and Mrs. G. William Bates of Chapel Hill assisted in details of entertaining. For a trip to Sba Island, Ga.. the new Mrs. Mayhue wore a suit \ of green herring bone tweed with bone accessories and the orchids lifted from her bouquet. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Fred R. Edney of Richmond. | Va. She is a June graduate of the i University o f North Carolina ; School of Nursing and a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mayhue of Kings Mountain are parents of1 the bridegroom. A graduate of I the University of North Carolina, he Is a senior In UNC Medical School at Chapel Hill. He is a member of Sigma Nu Fraternity. Chaoel Hill will be home for the newlyweds. They will be at home in Colony Apartments. Green-Wilson Announcement Issued Invitations reading as follows have boon issued in Kings Moun tain: Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Gree n havi the honor of unnounring the marriage of their daughter Katherine Luella to Mr. Jerry Reid Wilson on Saturday, the fifteenth of August Sinetren hundred and sixty-four YaJova, Turkey Miss Yarbrough Gives Plans Miss Beverley Anne Yarbrough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Yarbrough, has completed plans for her marriage to James A. Littlejohn, son of Mrs. James E. Littlejohn and the late Mrs. Lit tlejohn. and announces them this week. The wedding will take place Sunday at 12 noon in Kings Moun tain Baptist church. Rev. Law rence Roberts of Shelby will hear the exchange of pledges, using the double-ring service. Mrs. J. C. Bridges will be at the organ for the program of tra ditional music and B. S. Peeler will be vocal soloist. The bride-elect and bridegroom to-be will come to the altar to gether. Serving as ushers will he De Wayne Yarbrough, brother of the bride • elect. Tommy Clay, of Greensboro, cousin of the pros pective bridegroom. David Rob erts. Paul Fulton. Gary Blanton and Gene Gibson, all of Kings Mountain. Miss Elizabeth Medlin will keep a guest register in the vestibule of the church where the bridal couple will greet wedding guests after the ceremony. • • • • Following their wedding re hearsal on Saturday evening. Mis* Yarbrough and Mr. Littlejohn will be entertained by Mr. Little john's mother at a cake cutting at her home. Members of the two families, the wedding party and close friends will attend. Debs Choose Chief Marshals Debutantes who will be pre sented to society at North Caro lina's 3Sth Debutante Ball in Ra leigh September 10-12 have se lected their chief marshals for the event. Two Kings Mountain girls are among the 194 to make their de buts. Miss Beth Roberts will have her father. George Henry Houser, as chief marshal. Miss Sue Hunni cutt will have her father. Harold Richard Hunnicutt. Sr., as chief marshal. Many of the girl* have chosen their fathers as chief es corts. Comings And Goings Postmaster Charles L. Alexander, Mrs. Alexander and their son and daughter. Reggie and Cindy, flew to New York this week for the Postmaster s Convention. They will visit the World's Fair before returning home. ♦ * * * Mrs. Ellen Petrosino has received word she is a winner in the Charge-lt-To-Domino Sugar Sweepstakes which was conducted in local food stores by American Sugar Com pany. The Kings Mountain woman obtained an entry blank from Winn-Dixie Stores. Her letter from the president of American Sugar Com pany confirmed she had won a paid-up $25 charge account from Macy's Department Store and a three-months sub scription to the New York Times. She was informed she can make her purchases via mail or visits to any Macy's store. Mrs. Petrosino is receptionist at Massachusetts Mohair Plush Company’s Neisler plant. * * ♦ * Miss Beverley Yarbrough, bride-elect of Sunday, was honor guest Thursday evening when Miss Libby Medlin and Miss Kay Davis entertained at a drop-in party in the fellow shlp hall of Kings Mountain Baptist church. The 50 guests showered the bride-to-be with miscellan eous household gifts. Miss Yarbrough received a corsage of white carnations which the hostesses pinned to her party dress. Overlaid with net over white, the table was decorated in pink and green. Green punch was served from one end by Miss Davis, assisted by Miss Susan Littlejohn. Mrs. C. D. Ware assisted in serving party cakes which carried out the color theme. * * * * Mrs. Vernon P. Crosby and son. Steve, are home after soendinq the summer in Lona Island. New York with Mrs. Crosby's sister. Mrs. Ernest Mauney. Glenn and Jeanne. The Mauneys accomoanied the Crosbvs home for a visit with her narents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn White, and her parents-in law, the W. K. Maunevs. The Maunevs and Crosbvs visited the World’s Fair and the Catskills during their summer vacation. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. J. BUrk of Kinos Mountain announce *h»» enoeoemont of their dauohter. Rrend* Cxrnlvn, to Ken r>A*U nwioh* Towery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Towery i of Cherrwille. A Sentember wedding is planned. Elizabeth Stewart, Editor Phono 739-5441 Miss Dianne Woods, Thomas G. Wright Pledge Vows In Sunday Wedding At Earl The wedding of Miss Brenda Dianne Woods of Grover and Thomas Graham Wright of Shel by took place at New Hope Bap tist church at Earl Sunday at 3 I p.m. Rev. J. E. McGinnis, uncle of tlie bride, heard the couple ex change vows of the double-ring | ceremony. Miss Brenda Wyatt of ' Ahoskie was pianist for the pro 1 gram of nuptial music; Mrs. ■ Lloyd Williams was vocalist and Mrs. J. L. Hardin was at the or gan. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a formal gown of peau de soie and Alencon lace. The contour bodice had a lace plastron traced with seed pearls and the bell skirt was trimmed i with Jeweled Alencon lace sprays. A detachable Watteau train, caught at the back of the bodice, flowed to chapel length. Her headdress was a plateau of lace to match her gown with a silk illusion veil attached. She carried a cascade of white roses and tuberoses with royal orchids at the center. Miss Patsy Woods was her all > ter's maid of honor and Misses Brenda Beam. Gaye Mayhew, Ra chel Blanton and Barbara Bill i ings of Joneavllle were brides* maids. Trudy and Vickie Woods, also sisters of the bride, and Gaye and Brenda Lall of Green ville. S. C. were junior brides maids and Vickie Laii was flower girl. Gaye, Brenda and Vickie Lail are cousins of the bride groom. The adult attendants wore dresses of pink bridal satin with matching bow headdresses and circular tulle veils and carried bouquets o f sweetheart roses, pink carnations and pink Gana mums. The junior attendants’ dresses were of pink embroidered organdy. They wore matching bow headpieces and their bou quets were miniatures of those carried by the adult attendants. The wedding reception, with the bride's parents as hosts, was held in the social hall of the church. Petite fours, mints, nuts and pink punch wot* served. Daughter oaf Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woods of Grover, the bride is a graduate of No. 3 high school, at tended UNC-G for a year and holds a secretarial position at Shelby's First National Bhnk. She made her debut at the Sub-Debu tante Ball in Shelby in 1963. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wright of Shelby are the bridegroom's parents. A graduate of Shelby high school, he was graduated in j .Tune this year from the Univer [ sity of North Carolina at Chapel I Hill. He will begin work as a 1 c^ch ajtf teacher at But Ruth erford high school at Forest City this fall. After a wedding trip to Flori da, the newlyweds will be at home in the Osborne Apartments on East Marion street in Shelby. j _ Presslys Are Home From Vacation Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Pressly have returned from vacation. The Pressleys attended confer- j ence in Bon darken. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Assembly grounds at Hendersonville. Later they spent a week in New York and Washington. i Last week. Dr. and Mrs. Press ly visited members of their fami lies ih Statesville and Charlotte, j spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Grantham at their mountain home near West Jef ferson. Fifty years an Eastern Star. That's the record established by Mrs. C ara Canan, honored Friday evening when the Worthy Grand Matron and the Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of North Carolina OES paid their official visit to Kings Moun tain Chapter 123. Mrs. Canan was presented a 50-year membership pin by Mrs. Elizabeth Moody West. Worthy Grand Matron at right in accompanying photograph. In addition to Mrs. West, others present were Charles Clifton Andrews, Worthy Grand Patron: Mrs. Helen Rinn mer, Past Grand Matron; Arnold W. Kincaid, Past Grand Patron; Mrs. Laura Smith. Grand Marshal; Mrs. Helen Leon ard, Grand Organist; Mrs. Jewel Measamer, Grand Martha; Mrs. Virginia Best, Grand Warder; Mrs. Bertie Dover. Mrs. Lillie McClure and Mrs. Janie Kincaid, Grand Representa tives: Mrs. Betty L. Kelly, District Deputy Grand Matron; Colus W. Williams. District Deputy Grand Patron: officers, members and numerous visitors of the Kings Mountain chap ter as well as Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gofer, daughter and son-in law of the recipient, and Mrs.Aubrey Mauney. Mrs. Canan joined Crookston Chapter 137 in Minneso ta in 1913 and transferred her membership to the Kings Mountain Chapter in I960. She is a Past Matron of the Crookston chapter and is currently serving ar organist of the Kings Mountain chapter. Miss Brenda Hord, Tommy Joe Haynes Wed Sunday In Cherryville Church Rites Chfcrryville’s Shady Grove Bap tist church provided the setting Sunday for a 3 p.m. exchange of vows uniting Miss Brenda Lyn ette Hol'd and Tommy Joe Haynes The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hol'd of Kings Mountain. The bridegroom's par ents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy I.ee Haynes of Cherryville. Rev. Marvin H. Willis officiated at the double-ring ceremony. Harold Murphy was organist for the program of nuptial music and Miss Merlyn Sellers was vo cal soloist. The altar was banked by palms, seven • branched candelabra set with cathedral tapers and white gladioli. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride wore a formal gown of Chantilly lace with fitted tad ice and neckline outlined with cut-lace scallops. The bouffant skirt was of tiers of lace and ex tended to a chapel train. Her pearl crown was held by a shoul der-length veil of French illusion and she carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid. The pearl necklace she wore was a gift from the bridegroom. Miss Martha Hord attended her sister as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Mrs. Jack Seism, Miss Karen Bess and Miss Myra Hord. The four attendants wore gowns of pink crystalette with bandeaux dropped with circular veils. They carried nosegays of pink crysanihemums and tube roses. Nina Sisk was flower girl and Chester Haynes was ring hearer. The bridegroom'* father was best man and the list of ushers include! Charles Haynes. Jack Seism. Allan Blaek and Richard Horn. The new Mrs. Haynes was graduated from Tryon high school ami King's Business college. She is employed by Threads. Ine. of Gastonia. Mr. Haynes is a graduate of Cherryville high school anti is em ployed by Burris Manufacturing Company of Lineolnton. Following a trip to the coast of South Carolina, the newlyweds will be at home on route 1. Cher ryville. Blacks Celebrate 45*h Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Blaek celebrated their 15th wed ding anniversary Sunday. The Rlack>. held a famllv din ner with relatives calling during the afternoon. SEMI-ANNUAL EVENT SALE Knitting KNITTING WORSTEDS MOULAKLY TO S1JS .. Yarns . sus .M% OFF ONE WEEK OMIT—Monday. Aog. 31 this SopL 5 PLONK’S

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