r , KINGS MOUNTAIN j ! Hospital Log VISITING HOURS Daily 10:30 to llUfta.m. , J to i p.mi. amt 7 t<> S p.M. • Pnfic-Nf list at Koitjs Moun tain llosj/ital at XooH U I'tlm » Jap. Hugh AdMV Mrs. Elhe) Bowen Mrs. Alt'’*1 Butter (Mrs. Jerry Crenshaw Mrs. Thomas I)arhy Coley Freeman Donald Mice Mrs. Chalmer M< lniosh Mrs. E. VV. Powell Mrs. Dolly Ramsey Mrs. Lewis Sellccs •Mrs. Mary Delia Short Hughlon Stroupi Mrs. Sarah Thomhs Columbus Ilssery Mrs Essie Wale Mrs. Macon Williams ADMITTED THURSDAY Ira Moore. Kl. 1. Box 261, Dro ver. N. C. William Suggs, 11.1 M<-Diihiis St., City ADMITTED FRIDAY Mrs. Korney Boheler. Kl. 3, Clo ver, S. C. Robert Luther Crank. Jr.. K< 2. Box 2.">s. Bessemer City. N. Mrs. Janies Barney. Kl. 2. Box 273. City Mrs Firry (I llulfstellei, Kl. I. Lincolnion. N. C. Mrs. David Merck, Kl 2. City Mrs. John Murray, at si F Penn Aw., B<-ssemer City. .V C. ADMITTED SATURDAY Johnnie Parker. Kl 1. Box 7*> City ADMITTED SUNDAY Mrs. Dorothy Doll. Kl 2, Box 243. Bessemer City, .V C. •Miss Linda (jail Huffman. Kl. 1, Grover, .V C. Dr. V\ K. McGill, HU Bethel St., Clover. S. C. Mrs. George Owensby, 1.11 \l< Ginnis St., City Jane e Ami Plonk, Itt. 1. Ciiy Mrs. Richard Whitesides. Kt. 1. Cherryv die. N. C. Mrs Russell Wray. III. I. Kc •' Creek, S. C. ADMITTED MONDAY William Alien. _i*» Oriental Ave., City Mrs. Charlie Benton. Hi. 1. Grover, \. C Mrs. Jimmy Birehfield. I’ll Box !I3, Bessemer City. N C. Mrs. Miles Camp. Grace St.. City Mis Andy Champion. III. 1. Maiden, N. C. Hilliard Davis. IU Watterson St., City Adam Deveny. Ki cuy Mrs. Horace Dover, lit. 1, Gi 1 ver, N. C. Haul hey, sm Mill Si . City Mrs. Paul Lovelace, Box 113. Grover, V C. Airs. Ihll Moses, Jr.. Box 115. Bessemer City. V C. Mrs. William Roark. Box L’-l. Grover, N. C. Mitchell Terrill. 507 Atlantic Ave., Shelby. .\. C. Mrs. Kehecca Neal Wilson, I'•*» Kdj>emont Dr„ City ADMITTED TUESDAY Mrs. Robert Goodsoii, III. 1. Waco lid., Cilv Mrs. Howard Welch. 105 Bakei St.. City Mrs. Charles LovolaA'. lit. 3. Box 260B, Cilv Mrs. A. I*. War lick. NIT W Mountain St.. City Mrs. Kenneth .McCain, Hi. 3. City Mrs. David Crank, Hi. Be»e mer City. N. C. Mrs Robert Fleming. 1 a11 Sliel by Hd, City Mrs. I' il. Ilousor. 3*is \. Pud mold Ave.. City Hi*nry Smith. 3lo Waco ltd . City Sumpter Rattei ree. Ill \\ Mountain. City ADMITTED WEDNESDAY Mrs. Jack Lail. Hi Cilv f ! Report Suggests |y as possible. the rcjiort rerom mend' abandonment of the fixe I room section of the Bethware buildtii" built in 1925. ol the six 1 room '«•> lion with auditorium at (Irover built in ol the -ev en riK»m frarnr structure .11 Com pm t, and eventitaliy of the Initi ally built portions of West and hast plants. Pressly Resigns I tary n.‘ tin* Kings Mountain Minister al asso< ration, eltair man ol the American Red Cross ehaple:, •'■airman of the Jacob S. Man lie Library board, and as i an nlfieer ol the Kings Moun tain ki wart is elub. The deg.-ve ot are* was con! erred on him by Ktsk.itt i ' ll. in 1951. Mis. t’resdj is the former Ka/abeih Cowan, also ot States, villi*, daughter ol thi* lati* Mr. and Mrs. B A. Cowan. Shi* was edueated at CNC Cnensboro. I’ennsy Ivania Stale university, the I’niversity of Colorado, and was i voire student of James Woorlsidi*. of New York. Now president of the ARC Woman's Syuodieal union. Mrs. Cresslj is also a trustee of Era kiiu* collide. Sin* is a former re cent of Col. Frederick llambright •ti ipter. Daughters of iIk* Ameri can Revolution, presi lent of the ARP l*'ii t Pi esiiytei ini. the I lume Arts club, and the Boyce Memo rial Woman’s society. Addition . 111 v she has served as choir so li list and nursery riepartmml teacher. The Presslys have a son. James Allen Pres.lv, now returning to l nive-sity of North Carolina me li ■! - bool at Chapel Hill, after a summer’s work at Char < !• it. Mem lal hospital, lit* Is a t graduate of Davidson college. County Extends close a -<»|»\ of llic 1!H>I lax bill. The ce.itiH extension decision, which Mr (Sidney describes as a “tcmfMirary emergency measure”, was made alter Shelby City Man a:er I’ll in Horton canvassed members if the Shelby council and Auditor Max Hamrick can va-sod memliers of the count) commission. Distribution of tax information u little later than usual is cited as tile major reason for the dis . ait extension Mr. (Sidney said a few notices are vet to is* mailed hut that all tax hills have Itecn mailed hi No. I and No. ti Town ships. All mailin'* is to be com pleted this week, he said. Chambers « ■••• ihex v >\\ I'hamhers walk in .’ round in the building. They >.iiil they called for Chambers to mne out of the store but that In refused. The store manager xv - sumirn "isl to unl(M-k th<‘ door, they re|»orted. and Cham bers w.o loeated hiding in a storage room. The officers said $31 > in cash xxa- found atop some nearby ... whi e it apparently had been tossed. Ch. mhers i< charged on three (ounts o| h-v.iking and entering and larceny and one count of breaking and entering. I’oliiv s ii l Chambers entered tile luiilding each time through a door h\ inserting a pocket knife in the doorfacing and • isniing the lock. Th* store manager re|H>rted that about .Sa7<( in casli had be(*n ((ported missing over Hie |H-rioil of one month. SPECIAL SINGING Youth choir singers will lead a - |>t ..at song service at Pen ley's Chapel Methodist church Sundax night starting at 7 o'clock Visiting s i n g i n g • >ups are invited to part id pate. Rev Leonard Huftstotler anmxiui cd. NO SMOKE • NO SOOT • NO ODOR MONOGRAM OIL HEATERS featuring: MAGIC MIXER BURNER * youRS \ FOR AS LITTLE AS ^ $3.00 | PlK WEEK Actually turns fuel oil into gas ’ "!'*• * . miv rlul tilllinmo A Ihiarevoluttonarv burner makes t 111 beating o-unmny! And Ih* re a no more uorrv about * nokr.anut ami odor when \.>u turn \.«ir h> rung over lo Nlun ohT.iin Don't - tt J»- lor Una (ban tb. \tr\ Unt ... atv (>ur e«im> pl- te Ini. ot Monogram heaters before you buy! COOPER S. INC. LOW DOWN PAYMENT — EASY TERMS ALWAYS! Lutherans Set Installation New of filers ami teachers of iio Sunday School of Resurrec .mi Luheiau chuii'h will lx- in ■tailed at Sunday Services. Rev. (icorge Moore, pastor, said lie congregation liegins a new hutch year at Sunday services. iund.iv S. ri ml will lie resumed at 1:45 j.m., customary in the fall, ind morning worship serviie at Sunday School officers and '•a hers for l!N>l-65 are: Hal S. *l<» ik. gi lie: ul superintendent; >atu:a Sanders, assistant super nteiidcnt; II iward Smith, a see < 1 ary-tie isurer; and Jack lluff tetler. assistant secretary treas 11 er. File Pie Sciiorus Bennett. Miss Anita Huff Jetler. Miss Mary Ann Foster ind Mrs. George 'Moore as class cachets fm grades one through line. T!ie Young People's department or grades Jo through senior high -rhoul age is under direction of drs. Ed Coter. Mrs. George Monk. Rev. Mr. Moore and Stowe Vvcnnev Ed Goter and John B. Monk are teachers of the young named < ouple's class. Miss Essie darie Foster teaches the adult 1 im for ladies and Devere Smith caches the adult class for men. AUXILIARY MEETING The Ladies Auxiliary of Vet ••runs of Foreign Wars will hold regular minding Tuesday at 3 pm. at the home of Mrs. Glee A. Bridges, 413 West Gold strei-r. BENEFIT Kings Mountain high school cheerleaders will sell hot dogs Saturday beginning at 5 p.m. in Grain* Methodist church fel lowship hall. Call 739-3909 or 73:* 2302 to place orders. Pro coeds will be used to purchase new uniforms. HOSPITALIZED Jack Kennedy is a patient in Veterans Hospital at Oteen where hi* is being treated for asthma. His address: Veterans Administration Building. Ward K 2. Room 211. Oteen. N. C. TO RALEIGH Miss D ittie Gibbons. Kings Mountain senior at Gaston Me morial Hospital School of Nurs ing. is receiving special training in p*\ hiatric work at Rex hos pital for three months. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VV. IJ. (lihbons. This <16.95 BOOSTER FAN For Only ONE CENT f a If You Buy Any Circulutur Model of During Our Early Season Sale Oiler Ends September 2Bth Come in now and buy any cir curator model of WARM MORN ING Coal Heater... and re ceive a certificate entitling you to a WARM MORNING Booster Fan (Model F-8 that regularly sell* lor $16.95) for lust ONE CENT! Simply mail the certificate and one penny to the manufacturer and Without delay your Booster Fan will be sent to you. post age prepaid. __ Model 419. WARM MORN ING'S budget pr red. mcd-um sue circulator, li'elimc poice Ititi finish. Holds 60 lbs of cool... heats up to 4 rooms Only S139.SO Model 400. America's finest cir culator coal heater. Lifetime porcelain fm>sh. built-in auto matic thermostat. Holds 100 lbs. of coal... heats up to • rooms. Model 900. A real bargain in O full sice, quality circulator! Lifetime porceiam finish. Holds 80 lbs. of coal... heats up to Only $148.50 ■AST HOMS to Suit Tour OudfOtl Cooper's. Inc. "Low Down Payment — Easy Terms Always" Hies To Speak To Kiwanians Jim- Rios, native of Iowa City. Iowa and member of the staff of Kings Mountain National Mili tary Park, will speak and show slides on mountain climbing at Thursday's Kiwanis club meeting at 6:45 p.m. at the Woman's club. While a student at the Univer sity of !<>wa. Mr. Ries was active in a group called -"The Iowa .Mountain<>ors'’ who practiced the fundamentals of rock climbing. He joined the club on their 1953 expedition to the Bugaboo Range of British Columbia but his climbing was curtailed by an ankle injury. While working in I>enver. Colorado for the pood and Drug Administration in the fall of 1962 he joined the Colora do Mountain club and climbed with them. Since joining the National Park Service, he has retained his mem bership in the Colorado club, took :i leave of absence from the Park to accompany the dub on a seven week's Kuropean summer expe dition that covered much of the Kuropean Alps, including some of their most spertacular mountains. rresoyienan i roop Held Little Coart Troop 90 of First Presbyterian church held Little Court of Honor Tuesday night Applications for advani'rment included: astronomy, Andy Neis ler; pigeon raising, Danny Sell ers; first aid; Andy Noisier; Billy Miller and Steve (Hadden. Following Little Court of Hon or, swimming was enjoyed at l.ake Montonia. Mrs. Cent* (Had den, Harry Hughes and Robert Whisnant provided transportation Henry McKelvie is Troop 90 scout master. ASC Balloting Is Beginning No. 4 Township farmers will ballot for ASC community com mitteemen for 1964-6?> and elec tion results will be determined by mail September 11. D. B. Blalock. Cleveland Coun ty ASC chairman, invited all far mers to mark their ballots before September 11th. Farmers from 11 communities will choose for each committee three regular members an dtwo alternates from a list of Cobb To nil Lutheran Pulpit Rev. James K. Cobb, pastor o( Emmanuel Lutheran church of I R ianoki-. Va.. will fill the pulpit at 11 a.m. services Sunday at St. Matthew's Lutheran church. Rev. Mr. Cobb’s father was a Lutheran minister in Cherryville for a number of years ami the Cobbs are well known in Kings Mountain. nominees. The chairman, vice chairman and regular member of the com mittee will serve as delegate, al ternate delegate and second al ternate delegate, respectively, to the county convention where the ASC county committee will he chosen September ISth. No. -I Township farmers will choose from this slate of nomi nees: Tom Hamrick. NevMtc Hughes, Edwin Moore, Alex Owens. Eugene Patterson and Stough Wright. No. 5 Township farmers will choose from this group: A. A. Barrett, Horace Eaker. Charles Goforth. Clifford Hamrick. T. Z. Hord. Kenneth Wright and Wil liam A. Wright. Next Sunday. September 13. Rev. Charles W. Easley will de liver his first sermon as minister of St. Matthew's. Former pastor of Center Grove Lutheran church at Kannapolis. Mr. Easley has moved his family to Kings Moun tain and they are living in the parsonage at 200 North Piedmont Avenue. Littlejohn b Charged Roosevelt Littlejohn. Negro. Route 5, Shelby, was charged with following too closely fol lowing an accident on West King street Sunday. Littlejohn, driv ing a 1957 Oldsmobile. was traveling west on Highway 71 and struck the back of a ‘02 Ford driven by Willie Mosteller. also of Shelby, polite said. Damage to the Littlejohn car was estimated at $50. Damage to the Ford was estimated at $100. Officers Jackie Dean Bar rett and William Roper invo>ti gated the accident. Dettman Bites Held Monday 4 Funeral rite* for William C. IVMmarr, K7. former King* Mountain resident, were hold Monday at 3:30 p.m. from Temple Baptist church of f^astonia, of which he was a member. Rev. Guy Walker officiated at i the final rite* and interment was in Mountain Rest cemetery. 'Mr. Dettmarr died Saturday in Broughton Memorial hospital at : Morganton following illness of j several months. He was a native of Cumberland County and a for mer employee of Kings Mountain ; Manufacturing Company. H i s j wife, the former Corrie Hedrick, died in 19B0. Surviving are a son. Clyde Dett- ' marr of Gastonia; three daugh- '■ tern. Mrs. H. Davis of Shelby. | Mrs. Floyd Bridges of Gastonia : and Miss Bertha Dettmarr of Gas- ] tonia; a brother. Henry' Dettmarr ; of Danville. Va.. 22 grandchildren and 54 great • grandchildren. A . son. Lanie Dettmarr. and a daughter. Mrs. Hobart M. ‘Met calfe. Sr., both of Kinga Mountain., died last August. Plonk’s Back -to-School! SPECIALS ALL MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE Sport Shirts VALUES TO 5.00 S1.00 MEN'S 2-FLY 100'. SHETLAND WOOL Sweaters Cardigan Style. Nary-Tan-OUre $7.99 Compare With Those At 10.9S MEN'S REG. SXOO LONG SLEEVE PajaHias Strip** A Pattern* 2 i»s. S5.00 ALL MEN'S SUMMER WEIGHT Dies Pants Wt*» Up To 11 At $5.00 pr. BOYS’ WASHABLE CORDUROY Pants SUM S To IS OUvo-Bloo-Tui S2J9 THUHS.-FRI.-SAT. BOYS 1st QUALITY Dungarees • Double Knees • Sanforised With No Rip Seams. Sizes 4 To 12 $1.39 pr. REGULAR 2.00 VALUES MEN'S & BOYS1 MISMATCHED Pajamas Broadcloths A Flannels Tops os Bottoms 50c ea. LAST 3 DAYS Thursday - Friday - Saturday OUR BIG KNITTING TARN SALE ALL KNITTING YARNS DRASTICALLY REDUCED! MEN'S & BOYS' QUILTED LINED IACKETS BOMBER TYPE. MACHINE WASHABLE. IN ASSORTED COLORS Boys'_$199 Men's_$6.99 Extra Special! THURS.-FRI.-SAT. Only . 100 To Sell Nylon & Acrylic Blankets Whites & Colors With Wide Satin Binding. A Regular $S Value For $3 Sorry, No Layaways At This Special Price. FULL SIZE — THICK SOFT Wash Cloths AiMfted Colon 8 For $1.00 42" WASHABLE Covdmoy 8 Colon To Choooo From He yd. ONLY 50 LADIES’ SUMMER DRESSES VALUES TO S25 $5 GIRLS' SCHOOL LOAFERS Goldra Tan Grain — Navy. Rad. Brown. Black Smooth Leather. Sites 4 to 10. AA to B Widths. SUS&SU9 Men's New Fall Long Sleeve Sport Shirts e Solid Color. Plata Collar, e Dacrons & Cottons e AU Cotton. Button Collar. Striped. Tapered Ivy Styles. REGULAR S3 2 for $5 Men'* "Fatah" Corduroy Pants Expertly Tailored Fit. Tan and Grey. SIZES 28 6 29 $598 SIZE8 30 TO 40 $6.98 75 SINGLE BED Tailored Spreads Solid Color Osnaberg 4 Woven Stylos SIM GIRLS’ “CINDERELLA’ Dresses 6 lumpers Dark Cottons S Corduroy* SUM T To 14 S199 to S&99 LADIES* TEXTURED Nylon How $1.00 paii LADIES' COTTON TAILORED BELTED Slacks AU Colon Maos It To IS 1199 PLONK’S 2Pb.$I