BETHWARE OAK GROVE NEWS By July Bolton Daria Tcli phone BETIIWARK The Befhwar PTA met Thursday night at the school. The new teachers were honored at a special reception and get-acquainted session. The annual Thomas Lovelace Reunion was held Sunday at Oak Grove Baptist Church. L. II. Lovt* lace of Bethany, So.ith Carolina spoke to the group of approxi mately 2»m. Olfims were electetl for tile coming year. They are: President: Mrs. Sam Lovelace; Vice President: Mrs. Krskine Ware; Secretary: Miss latuisc Grigg; ami Treasurer: .Mrs. Gar* mon Davis. Horace Uowen and latuis Claw fortl were ordained as deacons Sunday night at David Baptist church. Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Champion and Mrs. T A. Champion were Mr. anti Mrs. Ben Lovelace, Mrs. Annie Dawson, and Mi's. Nellie frank lin of Tampa, Florida; Mr. and Mrs. Camden Knight of Lake Junaluska; anti Mrs. Anna* Bame anti Beverly Hamrick id Grover. Mrs. Zay Moore spent several days last week with the Hilly Murrays in Rutherfoidton. On Wednesday, Mrs. Moore .•u-eom panied Mrs. Gladys Murray to Charlotte, where they saw Miss Joyce Murray off for Alabama, where she will be stationed with the Army. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Newell Thornburg were Mrs. Henry' Kiser, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence l.edford of Cherry \ille; and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Steel and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Wray TTiornburg attended the Dixon Reunion in Charlotte Sunday. The Friendship Class of Oak Grove met for an all-day social with Mrs. C. G. Davis Tuesday Teacher of the class is Mrs. Gcr trade Champion. The Fannie Meek Circle also met with Mrs Davis Tuesday afternoon. The Kate Ellen Circle met with Mrs. Bill Phillips Tuesday night. Mrs. Walter McSwnin and Jer ry of Roger City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. I*. II. M. Sw.un Mrs. Nelson Dixon, Mrs. Ar leno Isler, Kent and Chris of Blacksburg «.|ient Thursday with Mrs. Franklin Davis. The Veterans 1 EDITOR'S NOTE: Below arc authoritative answers by the Vet erans Administration to some of the many current questions from former servicemen and then families. Further information "ii veterans benefits may be obtain cd at any VA office. Q I was retired by the Air Force for disabilities incurred in an airc-raft accident in 19^s. I was told then that no training was available untler VA pro grams. Ooultl that In* true? A It could have lieen true then, as Vocational Rehabilita tion benefits were formerly pro vided only for wartime disabili tie*. Training is now available if needed to overcome your peace time disabilities. You sh »uld ask your VA Regional Office to de termine your eligibility. Q In reviewin': my govern ment life insurance- policy, I find no record of who is supposed to get tile insurance- should I die. flow do 1 find out who is named a* tin- beneficiary. A Your original designation of beneficiary is on file in tin office where vour insurance pro miums are paid. You can bring your hbnefieiary designation up to date by executing a new desig nation form. The form can be picked up at any VA of five. Q I have lost my original dis charge and was told by a friend I must have the original for VA home loan guaranty purposses Is this true? A VA would like to have th< original. Rut if it has been lost, they will accept a certified copy THOMSON & McKinnon M c m b e r s New York and American Stoek Exchanges and other leading Ex changes 110 Baugh Building Charlotte, N. C. IN KINGS MOl’NTAIN Dial 739-2631 for information on any stock that interests you. (No toll charge) MARK KANE, Manager Athlene G. Smith Registered Representative Moore Pledges More Progress In Education CHARLOTTE Iti'mu mi (Ju hematuria! Nominee Dan Mourr chose the «>i 1'i .n uf his appcu an tin-' a spit >i on education “lather than a |k>i; tical jH-p talk." Moore merit. med polities only once crediting Democratic leadership u ih N th Carolina's progiess n .•>t-i dim to date, and warning of the threat to education that > Rcpuh lican administration in Raleigh would p'c.,. dunn • the next Uw years. The Dem>K i atic nominee reit erated his endorsement of the United Kones for Education Pro gram. which has as a primary goal the reduction of the teacher load. Me called for an .ill ltd effort to solve the drop out problem and for an expanded school lunch program to “banish hunger fmm our classrooms." Moore said that his travels over Ihc State had revealed "con siderable concern on the part «»f our |M-ople for the child who docs not fit into the normal edut a tional pattern.” Specifically, he mentioned the emotionally dis turbed child, the mentally retard er! child and the exceptionally talented child. In the field of higher educa tion, Moore railed for continued expansion of publicly - supported colleges and universities, enenu Stretching You Dollar By Philip J. Goldberg Institute for Financial Planning. Inc. Insurant*' ha- existed aim >st .is long as man. It developed spontaneously when people rea Ii/ed thi* value of sharing risks. Pei haps the oldest example of an insurance plan is the biblical >i*uy about Joseph and tne fam ine in Egypt. The Bible states that I’ha i >ah hail a dream of -eve i (at cows (icing eat**n by -even thin tows. Joseph inter pic kI the dream as meaning that there vvo.dd lx* seven years of plenij. followed by seven years of famine. Using the prin ciple "f spreading the risk. Jo , h tn p d hi- people t * store lip • migh food to take care of the lean years. < >ne of the first examples of group lit*’ insurance occurred when a cargo if Chinese iabor eis was to tie transported from China to Panama. Since the 700 ct 'leys were vaied at $12lUXl each, th*- ship owners took out a group insurance policy with an American company for SN-f.if.iO. * • • • If a man want'd to take out a life insurance policy in the 1x70s. hi- found that there were a sur prisingly large number of things that the company would not pay for, such as death or injury caus-, itl by Indians; or a fatality due to dueling, fighting, lifting or over - exertion. One insurance ragemoni for private institutions, and far reaching action to devel op the potential of the State's Community colleges . . . companv require! an extra pre mium if a traveler planned to nuke a voyage around the Capo of Hateras. • • • • Dr. Edmond Halley, famous for his discovery of a comet, was the first man to take the guess work out of life insurance. A mathematician as well as an as tronomer. Dr Halley prepared a mortality table showing the pro bable duration of life at each age, based on the death and birth records of his native Breslau, England. Although introduced in the lGtKts, the format of his mor tality table is still in use t slay. Strangely enough, the word "policy" comes directly from the Italian word, “Poligza" meaning a promise or understanding. In fact, the first Knglish policies were actually written in Italian. Even when the English got a round to translating the policy into their own language, it still retained an Italian flavor, par ticularly in the preamble. The re tention of the Italian influeru-e was quite understandable, sints and agencies but al*o from the viewpoint of the learn er him*elf.” Course material* in the Curri culum include hard-bound read er* and teacher guide*, work books, and audio-visual materials designed for the courses. 1963-G4 production of these items has reached a total of 1.250.000 hooks representing an investment of $1»« million. Original art work commissioned by the Board has cost over $100,000. In addition, over one and onr half million books are scheduled for publica tion during the next year. More than 73 million Ameri cans live in counties which have iron and or steel plants. Rest Assured ... Drive Insured!! You are prepared for any eventuality when you’re adequately covered by accident and liability insur ance! Call soon. Be sure . . . 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