♦ I I Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 I®» Cfottrr Kia^i Me jit*otn ti 4oatv«4 from L . ***? *,B9* City dliK'ory ctutui Tho «8ty umki% fisJt* to Horn the United Staten census el 19*0. Pages Today Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, September 24, 1964 PRICE TEN CENT* VOL. 75 No. 39 Seventy-Fifth Year SCENE FROM MOUNTAINEER DATS — Mis. J Brown and young Ray Clemmer who an all out wear during Kings Mountain's celebration Octa with needle and thread this week se*|ing cos trade promotion and celebration commemorat War Battle oi Kings Mountain. (Herald Photo b im Yaftoro offers (*lmhmtnti to young Cindy fitted in Mountoinoor Days costumes they will her 4-10. Kings Mountain womenfolk were bury tames for the Merchants Association-sponsored ing the 114th anniversary of the Revolutionary y Raul Lenunoas). Mountaineer Days Plans Forwarded "joins PEACE CORPS — Robert Munson will deport for Ven ezuela on October 3 for duty with the United States Peace Corps. Robert Mnnson To Venezuela KoUTt Neil • M >b| Munson.' m>u nt Mr. and Mrs (lorald A. Munson •>> Kin :s Mountain, will depart /or Venezuela on October for duly with the United States IVa.e Corps. Mi- Muns >n. now vacationing at home, is a Juno graduate ol St. Olaf college. Northfiiid. Mm cesota. Ilo holds a bachelor of arts decree. __ In Venezuela Pea re Corps vol unteers will prom do formation ol cooperatives and engage in rural lonimunily development. T:k> will supplement the efforts ol approximately 130 Volunteer* already working in Venezuela in liman anil rural eommunity de xil pnic-nt. physical education and i eei eat ion. and university 1 and si-, onilary education. llie new Vo. unleers will or ganize civic aeiion councils of Us .il inhabitants Tin y will en mm age them in cm ablisliing eo ^^ratives. home improvements. Pat.on. school and road eon struct ion. recreation centers, lo cal industries and conservation tVMfutucd Ua tuuv o • % North Carolina Beauty Queen Will Attend Kings Mountain's preparation for Mountaineer Days October 4-10 were well underway this w<s*k. Jonas Bridges, president of the Merchants Association, which is sponsoring the trade promo tion and battle anniversary cele bration. said that committees were at work and that indica tions are the festivities, culmi nating with a Saturday after noon tOctober 10) parade at 2 p m., will he "bigger and better" than ever. Miss North Carolina Sharon Kay Finch, of Thomasville. will appear at the Thursday night ■ October sth, talent show to be staged at the National Guard Armory. Miss Finch's visit will he co sponsored by the retailers and the Kings Mountain Javcees. Because of previous engage ments, the reigning beauty queen won't be able to participate in Friday and Saturday events. Mr. Bridges said those inter cstcd in taking part in the talent competition should contact him CoMfaNMtd On Payc e Kings Mountain Goldwater At Cl By DAVE WEATHERS A standing room only throng parked the Charlotte Coliseum Monday night to hear Sen. Barry M. Goldwater. Republican presi dential candidate, lash out vig oursly at his Democratic opposi lion. Four bus loads of Cleveland County supporters of the senator made the trip to Charlotte and joined in the five-minute stand ing ovation accorded Goldwater as he made his entrance to the Coliseum. One bus was transport for 28 Kings Mountain supporters. Oth ers went to Charlotte in their own vehicles. Goldwater challenged Presi dent Lyudon Jotuuuu to debate MISS MOUNTAINEER — Becky Kennedy, high school senior, will reign over the Mountain eer Days festivities in Kings Mountain in October and will ride in the October 10 Moun taineer Days parade. Six-Day Week Fm Some Stores Several K.ngs Mountain retail firms have annount-ed this week they will suspend mid week Wednesday afternoon closings, effective October 7. Tlie firms, dry good* and va riety stores. Include 1*1 >nk l»ro rIters & Company. Ilelk's Depart ment Store. Cato's. Rose's, Ra gle's, and Fulton's Department Stoie. Paul McGinnis, of McGinnis Department Store, said bis firm would continue t.• observe the mid-week half-holiday Delegation Hears larlotte Monday him saving "Can my opponent talk? "What does my opponent have to say? “I challenge my opponent, the interim President Ly ndon Baine* Johnson, to face the issues. I dare him to fate me la-tore the world. "I ask of him — debate!" The candidate departed from Ills prepared text by changing the word demand to ask in "I demand of him — debate!" The Senator lashed out at the present administration by as sorting: “Responsibility has shifted from the family to the bureau crat, from the neighborhood to C'uNiiiiuuf U* Pujt, u Davidson Addition Discussed School Boaid Will Consult With Architects Kings Mountain distrv t hoard of education Monday reiteiatod its supfton of id • November 3 stale school construction bond election and concurrently agree*! informally to consult with archi tects concerning a major addi tion t i Davidson v. hool Chai.man Jares K. Herndon. Jr., noted mat K.n.'s Mountain district's share of the $' m.'KXMWt sch ol b.hiding .ends, tf approv ed. w;ll bt* $374.5". lie pointed out that this a m -unt would s<»|\.- Kings Moun tain's immediate s .tool building tv d». v. i <1 spit'd the priority Davidson project, a: I, in con trast to lo< al < onsirti. tion tond monies, wihiIiI cost the taxpayers no additional tax. Other members < oneurnni. The ment sdin.l survey re !*ort by a Hoard of Public In truction team pointed to the need for abandoning tin* old Da vidson plant and « xpanding the six classroom Davidson plant. In a busy but comparatively routine session, the board also: 1| Formally elected Warren II. But goss. ;is a teacher of high s. hool Kiigh.sli, Mrs Carolyn Me Whirtcr. as a teacher ol high soil kiI history, and Mrs. Kthel M. Crook, as a Bethware elementary teacher, and an opted the resig n at ion of Mrs. Joan Starrctt, who is ill. 2, Authorized employment of Joe Le»‘ Woodward to replaee Attendance Counselor T. C. *Red, McKee, who has resigned at a salary of $300 per month, plut travel. 31 Adopted the now state tra vei pay scale of ci.ht-’ints pe mile, formerly seven rents. 11 Approved attendance of Mis K. S Lennon Hid M:s Wil son <Iriffin at ;i weekend librar ian's c <nfe e ;ce. 5, Authorized Chairman He n ion lo negeti.it. with Lambeth Roj>e Corpora*: n and the City of Kings Mountain for installa tion of a six ncil water line to serve tile new Phifer Road high sch-. 4. t!| Authorized the superintend ent to put chase s tenet* lal.ora tm y equ pn nt 1 new high school veil ie equipment e .fi ratio 'S deter r.ine ■. .s. water and other sc: v e cimneeti ins. 7, AuthOl ./ed attendance of M;s. Wan/a Davis at a forthcom ing conference on teacher retire ment and serial security lunds. Di. Bill Amos Opens Offices Dr. William K Amos. M >untain native and son of Mi ami Mrs. M C. A .mis. has open rtl olliu's for the practice of der matology m Phoenix. Arizona. The Amos offi t is located in Suite .'tilt. Park Ccntial, North Medical Building, lot West I Vita lina Drive. I>r Amos was edu.ated ill !hc ] Kills. Mountain >• iiools, at Wake 1 Forest college and Dowman Gray School of Medicine. He completed Ins internship, his residency and his study of dermatology at Wal ter Heed hospital m Washington. D. C. For three years ho was at taihed to the Station hospital in I lleidclhutg. Germany Mrs. Am.«. is the former Ruth Troutman of Pine Bluff. The ■ Amoses are parents of two chil dren: Laura, age s.\; and Au drey. ago two Dr Amos is bro ther of James K Amos of Kings M unt.tin Seventh Grader Says Be What You Is" Miss Fanny Carpenter, sub slituting lor Mrs. J. K. Willis as seventh sraile leather at Bi thware school, invited the pupils to write a short state mem of what they wished to bciurru in life O n e unidentified pupil wrote: Be what you is And not what you ain't. 'Cause if you ain’t what you i*. Yuu is what >«»u ain't! < SEMI-FINALISTS FOR MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS—The six Kings Mountain high school seniors pic tured above with Principal Harry E. Jaynes are among semi finalists in the Nctional Merit schol arship program From lelt are Louis Stewart. Peter Hauser. John Caveny. Jan Williams. Lyn Cheshire, and Spencer Moore. Six KMHS Seniors Named Merit Scholar Candidates Wins ui-Orit-E — Hooeit Go forth. former Kings Mountain citizen, has earned the degree of Master of Arts at the Uni versity of North Carolina. Goforth Wins Master’s Degree Robert Goforth, of Charlotte, son of Mrs. 1. Be*i Goforth and the late Mr. Goforth of Kings Mountain, recently won the di gress of Master of Arts at the University of North Carolina <Chapel Hilll. Mr. Goforth is principal of the Midwood Elementary s.-hool in the Charlotte Mecklenburg school system. Mr. Goforth was graduated from Kings Mountain high school in 19>2 and from Appal.i chiun Stall" Teachers college in 1957 with a Bachelor of Si lence degree. Ills wife was Mary Elizabeth Goins, a burner teacher in the Charlotte schools Scott To Visit Fail Thursday Robert W. iBobl S* ill. Demo era tie candidate for lieutenant governor, will \isit the Cleveland County fair Thursday. Mr. Scott will b»- at the Dem ocratic lair booth from I to ti p.m.. then will talk with county party leaders, before addressing the Shelby Kiwanis club at 7 p.m. I’rior to visiting ihe fair. Mr. S< oil will make an address Thursday morning al Monroe, dedicating a new industrial plant. Local Qualiiieis Umong 14.080 in United States S\ K.r.ys Mountain li i y h - 'Ii >| seniors an* s.-:ni-lip Mists .11 th*‘ National Merit Scholarship competition. it was announced yesterday t»v Prmci |*al Harry Jaynes. The six are John C. Cavcny, son of John (\ Caveii. and the late Mrs. Cavrny. Joan A Cbe shov. III. - in of Mr. anti Mis. John Cheshire. Sr.. Ivter J Ilaust i. .-.in ol Mr. anti Mrs. Jaek ll.iu.-ii. William S. M> are. son ol Rev. anti Mrs tleoiyc T. Moore, lewis K. Stewart, son of Mr awl Mrs C, K Stewart, anti Jan K. Williams, daughter of II. O. Wiliams awl the late Mrs Williams. The s x are amom I'll semi f.nalisis nl n.itsii North Caro linians who .underwent the com petitivo tests last spring. William Kay. high scho >1 yuid ante dire. tor. noted that the six represent 6.f* portvnt «f the fto Kiny*. Mountain students who entered the eomp* • i«i• • •.. three times the percentage of the state's Jits] per.-e:it rea. limy the semi finals The six are amony 11 .‘inn see. iocs tin .uyhout the eountry who attained Semi finalist status The S«*mi finalist yroup is co:i.|*nsed of the highest scoring students in oaeh state and in I'nited States territories. K'aeh semi finalist now moves a step closer to win niny a f »ur year Merit Scholar ship to the colleye of hi- choice. Semi-finalists must substantiate their qualifying test |*ei (.o mance ('■tiitimuil on putic <• LIBRARY ASSISTANT — Mrs. E. W. Neal has joined the staff of Jacob S. Mauney Memorial library as assistant to Mrs. Charles Dilliny. librarian. Mis. Neal Joins Library Staff ' \Ii K W XimI lia> jo.nod the stud nf J.uob S Mauney Me morial li raiy. ;•> assisiant i" Mrs Charles Ihlling. librarian l’on< urrently. the library board anni.uileed i new and expanded si tu dull' of library hours to be (iiim efleelivo Oetobor 5. The new sehedulo follows Mondays, noon to ‘ p.m. and 7 to fl p.m.; Tuesdays. 9:'MI am.1 to 5 p in.: Wednesday - .'In a m to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m : Thurs days. and Fridays. ;i:3n a m. to a p.m.; and Saturdays. !( .'Mi a m t< noon. 41st Annual Cleveland County Fail Opened Tuesday To Record Throngs Then.- somethin}: about .1 fair, arid record crowds arc flocking; through the turnstiles lor the list annual Cleveland County sp«vta< lc this week. With th,«N' m *ie days remain inji, fair officials were predicting the Indian Summer weather would continue. Fairgoers were blessed with perfect weather opening day anil Wednesday. Kings Mountain school chil dren and (’Icveland County I ll'ers will l>c admitted to the grounds on free passes Friday Tuesday was school day for , ounty school children. Opening night was press night at the lair wit ■ representatives of the press and radio staffs ot lire area umuxl lui a sicak sup I*»r at Cle\eland Country club, ewnplimenis of the fair aasoeia tni, ami Tuesday's grandstand show Deggeller Shows has brought ■>2 l iilrs and side sh .w s to Shel In tins year, ineluding two clou bli> «k\ wheels, a sky liner, bub ble bouaee. and tile world's larg est pm'ible roller eoaster. Also with the IV pellet Shows is the Kaynell girl revue and 11 addi tional top shows The liurriiane llell Driver* u,ll perform in thrill shows Fri day afternoon and night and Saturday night m front of tlie grandstand. An ,eIdod feature for fairgoers with « flair lor neetllework is ' UuiituiucU Cot I'ujt, o 30-Day Delay Is Decision Of Committee By MARTIN HARMON Serious efforts to obtain Kings Mountain area secession fri>tn Cleveland <*>unty won? delayed to days, on decision of a group of Kings Mountain business and • i\i. officials mooting at bohost of Mayor Glw A Bridges. Tin- group named a three-man committee. including Jonas Badges, president of the Mer chants Association, llarry Jay ties. president of the Lions club, and Mayor Bridges, as a team to make further efforts to return a county welfare board branch offio to Kings Mountain. Jonas Bridges, named commit ice chairman, did not delail Wednesday what specific efforts will ho made. Among those attending the Tuesday inornin. session were Mayor Bridges. Jonas Bridges, llarry Jaynes, Gerald A. Mun son. YV f> i Doc i Byers, Bob Man «r. Grady How ird. (leorge YV. Mauney. Carl Finger. Ollie Har ris. R. S. Lennon and John YY'ar lick. Meantime, the question of se cession continued a major con vernation pie e among citi/ens and a continuing foj»i«- of news paper copy. Items Tin- fias'onia Gazette quoted Gaston county commissioners as non-cominital on an annexation of the Kings Mountain area. One -aid he would wel timr Kings Mountain, while the majority said they would withhold com ment until Kings Mountain made an official approach. Some Grover citi/ens were quoted as ha\ ing no Interest in swapping Cleveland residence tor Gaston, though Mayor Frank lin Harry used the occasion to condemn the county's in-again, out-again water line policy. Senate Nominee Jack YY'hile. Democrat. House Candidate Boh Matter. Republican, and County ' ommisston t analdatc Jo*- A. Noisier. Ji.. Republican. all of King- Mountain, won- quoted by tin* Siielbv Star ;h being upset about the welfare board decision, iiut not to tlx* point <>t secession. Mrs. i!cnc Turner, drover cor respondent for the Herald, ques tioned whether drover citizens interviewed represented a suffi cient sampling and also called attention to th< statement of Ro land Tate, retired druggist, that Kin s Mountain “took drover’s schools" Mrs. Turner noted that King' Mountain citizens had no vote on the question of area school consolidation. h N. Karnes, superintendent of schools, said secession of the whol> Kings Mountain school di'trii t would pose no school ad ministrative problems, whereas seces- on ol a part of the district would. Rov Thomp >n. veteran report er fot the Winston Salem Journ al. was m Kings Mountain Wed nesdav checking on the si*ces sion movement. The tfastonia tia/ette editor! ilized Mondav suggesting that the d.iston i-ountv commission should examine the facts, should King- Mountain make its inten tions formal. Several Shelby citizens had approached King- Mountain citi zens on an individual basis con cerning |H>-sible compromising of the welfare agency dispute, but nothing concrete was offered on behalf of the welfare hoard which voted 3 to 1 to close the King- Mountain branch, then re iterated its dtx'ision h> I to J Th»- branch closed ten days ago. GOP Candidate Speaks To Lions Mali Young. Republican candidate for the I'nited States House of Representative*, flayed f e d e r a 1 government economic and social programs Tuesday night in an address before the Kin ■* Mountain Lions club. The Averj counts citizen com part’d the United States today with ancient Kgypt as he noted the United States iieu has gov ernment granaries, government power, and government loans, lie asked. "What comes next, our homes, our s hoots and our churches?’’ Speaking ot the topic "Liberal or Conservative". Candidate Young described Literalism as tree handedness, and conserva tism as eonserv iiiott or livings. "A man can be liberal if uslnj CuhIiumM On fuyc a

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