Mis. Bridges Rites Concerted Kunr:a! r,t. ft 'll- Millde Bril Bridges. Ml, i>l Mount I*l« a* ant. Kings Mountain native and daughter of Mi • .lunc M H« 11 oi Kings M iiin iia . id tin* lile M■ Bell, were held Sundn> at 3 i»n. from .Mount Pleasants lloly Trinity Luth ran .hutvh. Interment was in the Luthe ran Churl'll remetrry. Mm. Bridges died Krid i> mm n in>> in the Coneerri hospital fol lowing serious illne .s of five weeks six- was a member of the M unt Pleasant Baptist church Surviving besides her mother hire ii>- f'.ir daughters, Mrs. <; .in* ifat!ler. Mrs. Shirley Mil tell. Mis Betty RhinehariU. all of Mount Pleasant. Mrs. Faye Stallings of Fayetteville: one son, Bobby Bridges, of Mount Pleasant ami eight grandchil dren Also surviving are four sis ters Mis. Carl Kldriilge of liar rislNIlg. Pa.. Mrs Charles White of Kings Creek. S. C., Mrs. Odell lienton of Kings Mountain anil Mrs. Waller Lamar of Pari*. Tennessee. Heyboys8throngh 13... be a winner! It’s Fun! It’s Free Enter ow punt, pass & kick competition now! WINAr ollicia! NFI. team warm-up jacket! A place-kicker outfit! A foot ball autographed by top NFL stars. You can even win a trip to an NFL game to compote (mom and dad go, too)! Top winners will go on a "Tour of Champions (v/ith both parents) to Washington, D. C., and to the NFL Runner-Up Championship bowl game in Miami, Florida! It's fun! It's free! You compete only with boys your own age. There's nothing to buy. YOURS FREE when you sign up you get a PP&K competition tips book written by four top NFL experts. You also get a safety reflector for your bike, and a PP&K cap. At the event, you'll get FREE an attractive patch for your jacket. You must be accompanied by a par ent or legal guardian to register. Reg istration closes October 9. Bring Your Dad. Get Full Details Today At: Southwell Motor Company 4-H'er Wing Prise For 250-Pound Pig Mike Greene, Dixon communi ty I Il'rr and -ion of Mr. and Mrs Oscar Greene of Kings Mount Jin, exhibited a print pig at the Cleveland County Fair. Young Greene*, a soph ..rore at Kings Mountain It git school, re reived a lilucrib 01 and $}♦ prize money. The pig. which he raised, weighs 250 pounds Lutherans Set Bally Day Sunday will hi- Rally Day at St. Matthew's Lutheran <-hurrh. Promotion, awarding of at tendance pins and installation of the Sunday School staff at tlu* II o'clock service will he featured. Rev. Charles W\ Kasley. pastor, will i-onduot the installation ser vile. His sermon topic will be “More Than David." William M. Herndon, chairman of the parish education commit tee. has announced the following staff: Mrs Floyd Queen. Mrs, David Nlauney, Mrs. J. E. Herndon, Jr.. Mrs Wayne Forsyth. Mrs. L. Ar nold Kiser. Mrs Jacob M Coop er. Mis. Charles W. Kasley. Mrs John Henry Moss. Mrs. Ben Bridges. Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Jr, Mis Glee Bridges, Mrs. J. E. Herndon. Mrs. Dan Finger. Mrs. Garland Still. Mrs. Carl Finger. Mrs. W. L. Mauney. Mrs. W. M. Herndon, George Houser, James Horrid >n. Jr. George II. Mauney. Otis Falls, Jr., Jacob Cooper, Ben Bridges, James Lvbrand. A. S. Kiser. Charles Mauney, Au brey Mauney and Carl F Maun CV Dr. Peter F. Collins will be installed as secretary treasurer. Sunday afternoon from 3:30 until 5 pm. the congregation of St Matthew's will honor Pastor and Mrs. Kasley at a reception in the fellowship hall of tlu* church. Mis. Canoll's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs Minnie lz*c Carroll. 85. widow of John W Carroll, were held Friday at 1 I p.m. from IVnley’s Chapel Methodist church, interment fol • lowing in tlu* Patterson Grove cemetery. Mrs. Carroll died Thursday morning following illness of sev eral years. She was a native of Cleveland County, daughter of the late John Kelly and Kathe rine Hayes Goforth. Surviving arc five sons. Henry’ Carroll. James Carroll. J. C. Car roll. Sam Carroll and George Carroll, all of Kings Mountain: five daughters. Mrs. S. S. Bridges. Mrs. Wilbur Perkins, Mrs. Mag gie I-oe Hamrick, all of Kings Mountain; Mrs. George Hancock of Matthews and Mrs. Sidney Mason of Ware Shoals. S. C.; a brother, Grady Goforth of Grov er; and tw< sisters. Mrs. Kodncy Burton of Kings Mountain and Mrs. S.im Ballard of I.incolnton; ij grandchildren: H5 great grandchildren and eight great great-grandchildren. Rev W. L. Iluflstetler. assisted by Rev. Kelly Dixon, officiated at the final rites. tor. iMMd Aultotatiar. law Sunday School at 10 o'cix* a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a ciork a to. MethodUt Youth F'llowaMp at • a a <s,nlni Service «t T • m Church M til* Father Tsuoas P. Father ,*n Walt. PatlMr Donald Stalk. U:» a. I 6:00 | •1AST COLO ITIUT WlSu. . *N METHODIST CHUICH BEV rusk I. GOOOSOM MIHISTEB Sl.-,n.» v Hi Lin. Sunday School Supl. Sun.I .> School . 10:00 a. m rmtiiint . 11 00 A m vv i 6 00 d. m Jr' X Y »r.d T. M. W. B each flr« and third Sunday at . 0:00 p. m Ekealng Worship . ” 00 p. hi. Pray*.- Meeting . 7:00 p. m. Boy Scout. meet at the Sadie Mill club nouse each Monday nithl at 7:00 A BL 'art Barnett Scoutmaster. TEMPLE BAPTIST Cfl Be*. Lewi* McColm, jimmy ChUdan. Miadoy B Billy ChUdara. BTU dtras* Sunday School at B:4B A Morning Worship at U I BTU at 6:30 p. *A Midweek Pray* I 1.30 p. HL - -■— Worship SB James Mann, pastor 1:1 10b M. Webb Gaston*. H. j.,_ Be*. A. E. Gayer. Pastor. PA OH MW Meeting Nights: 7 p A taiOSP. W#d aesday. Friday. u a Mt. Zion leptist Church Rev. ft L (lui-vin. Minister lo a.m Sunday Schoul. Supt. John Rom It a m Mamins Worship :> p in Baptist naming union «» p m. Evening Worship 7:.»l Prayer Meeting Wednesday night riBST CHUBCH OP THE hasabehe Rev H. «. Clayton. Pastor J.tmi-s Self. Supt. Sunday School t> inday School at 9:43 a. m. Limning Worship at 11 a. m. MYPS at •:."*> ?. to- Sundays Junior Society at 8:30 p. m Sundays livening Service on Sunday at 7 p. m Mid-Week Prayer Service at 7 p. tn Wednesdays. Adams Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church Rev A T> Senate supply minister Supt bmnif Whunant 10: A M. Sunday Srhuol 11 A M. \Vor*hJi» Services 7..«»Pra>«T meet mu Wednesday eevnin Mountain Chapel A.M.C. Zion Chuvch R.*\ Alexander Naitcaner). Ministe !•» A.M <unda> S«h«***l U A M. Wuntlup services 2nd and 4th Sunday Good Hope Presby tenon Chuvch !Uv P. 1 R.nw Minister 10 a m Sunday SUluml 1 p m. \\*»>rsh:p Services Bynum Chapel A.M.C. Zion Church Rev W J Campbell. Minister Supr. W. N. Orr 10 a.m. Sunday Schcw4 11 sum. Womhiu Services 7 .*» pm. Prayer Meeting \V«lnM day l.veninic 7 .«> p m. Choir rehearsal Tucsda: Gvcstag. MOUNTAIN VIEW BAPTIST CHUBCH Rt*\ Charlie Karri*. Pastor James Hridces. Supt Waller Cau*l»y. Clerk Cruwdcr s Mountain Suntl.i> : Iii;00 Sunday Sc*h«*»! 11:019 Momlnx service 7 .‘j» Evening Service W»ln<’«da) 7:.u* Prayer Meeting titu^iuu ibrnN W ■» *,'•!*» — 8:4A Manias Worship 11:00 A SA Kins. Music Director. Evening Worship 7 JO A- SA din MB •rack Prayer Sendee. ■Me Study at T JO A m. CBHTBAL METHODIST CHUBCH Rev. fim\a:d Jordan i» p m. —Senior M^liudist Youth Fellow *inp Midweek f•rayer Seixice remains at 7 f m Wednesday exoninjv If we ilorT’t have the model and make you want (late model, old model or in-between), we’ll get it for you. • Lowest Prices • Low-cost bank financing • Up to 3f months to pay Hamrick Used Cars 739-4717 Phones 739-3709 SHELBY ROAD raiwmr episcopal church Pmfrr K«4J \r*r Atmmy Rrv Rohj-rt IU4* r I*-*.in -Charur THfpiHiOi SUNDAY !«•;«■» A X Sriviee of Wutship ■Vfl Aun.tay* H.dy Communion Sundn)*! M.n uax Pnt> *r T p.m. Monday V>wth Croup 7 :;IU p.m Wednesday Inquirers Class MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHUNCM » 43- Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship <• p.m. Baptist Training Union 1 p m. Evening Wonhip Wednesday: tir.TD Officers and Teachers meeting 6 30- Junior Choir Practice 7.(M> Bible study and Prayer service ? u>- Junior CA's 7:45 Adult Choir practice. Vestibule A.M.E. Ziea Church Rev A. P Seoyle Supply Minister Supt W. M n.ililer* 1<| a m. Sunday School 11 a m. Morning Worship Ihepel SJU. *l— D Seacl _ Sunday School Mornin” Worship Supply Minister EL BETHEL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Bruce Nomood. Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. Evening Service on Sundae at 7 g, | Choir Practice on Sunday at 7.3U CHURCH OP COD Hot. P. M. Vaughn. Pastae Saturday 7 p. m. Youth Service Sunday: 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship 7 p m. Evening service Wednesday: 7 p. m. Prayer Servlco intVM CHAPEL A.M.K. HOH CiUKI •n W I raitpieMl. Minister Supt William Oft 10 A M. Sur.lay School Paul L Auk;, n. D„ Sunday l:4i hindtr School. IK S coffee Hour. 11:00 Moraine W Te-School QUIOren. I • :J0 - 3 JO CM Scour*. Tuesday: 7.30 Soy Seoul*. Wednesday—— 7 JO Mid-Work Senrlcs. 8 00 Chancel Choir. Thursday_ 3:00 Orawnlo Scours. 4 :13 Cherub Choir. Friday: 0:00 AA Meeting. COOT THE KING CATHOLIC emnes Pother Scotty. Foster Father Robert Lawson. Assistant Saturday Confessions: 4:00 • 3:00 p. Sunday Mass: 11 00 a. HL \ Shady Groce Baptist Church R J lillyuri-. Minister Hi A.M. Shndav Sehoal tt n m. W.tviip Sere lees LTid and 411 Sunday • p m. Rapiist Training I'nlon 7:.SU Prayer moetinc Wednesday retmint Hr\ Rk-hant Plylrr \l L William*. Supi of Sumlay School Director. Training R«t»-ri Mullmdcr rnwo undi) School Morning Wur*tiip Vroper Service* 9 45 AM 11:00 A M i..io r.R. Rev. J. M. McClain. Minister Supt O. V. DIN 10:1.% a m Churcli School n a m. Morning Worship -T<i and Pi 7 hi p.m. rr»>er Meeting Ea»-h Wed IX on tag OAU1XC METHODIST CHURCH Rev. R. H- Mrlh.well Mlrleler 6upt Lutlier Jeinervm ill a m (liur n Seliooi nan* Worship Serxlrop i> p in lAontng Wot ship Pra>rr Meeting Wedneoday MISSIONARY METHODIST CHURCH Rc\ Frank K Self. Pastor Sunday School at S 10 am Preaching at II a m Sunday Sight Service at 7 p m. ROTARY CLUB Bob Munson, who will enter the Peace Corps next month, will address Kings Mountain Rotarians at their Thursday meeting at 12:15 at the Coun try Club. Mr. Munson Is son of Rotary President Jerry Munson and Mrs. Munson. TO RE INDUCTED Bob Lowe and Srarr Morri son will be inducted into mem bership by the Kings Mountain Rotary club at their Thursday noon meeting at the Country Club. ' KIWANIS CLUB Rev. George T. Moore, pastor of Resurrection Lutheran churrh. will show slides of "Liberia. Land of No Wheels" at Thursday's Kiwanis club meeting at 6:45 p.m. at the Woman's club. Before becom ing pastor of the local church In 1959. Mr. Moore was a mis sionary-builder to Liberia. CUR SCOUTS Cub Seouts in Pack 90 will hold an organizational meet ing at First Presbyterian church scout hut Thursday. October 1st, from 6 until 7 p. m. Prospective Cubs should be ages 8-11. Paul Falls is Cub master and Den Mothers are Mrs. Marvin Blanton and Mrs. P. D Floyd. SUDES Rev. B. L. Raines, pastor of First Baptist church, will con tinue a series of Sunday night programs, featuring slides of Palestine. Sunday at 8 p.m. Sunday slides will emphasize Jcrusateum and October 4th Sunday night's program will show the new nation of Israel. AT LACELAHD Charles D. Holland. M<*i Pur man E. Holland, of 7M Athena Place. Bessemer City. H. C, hn completed the Unt phono ot hi* Ate Force basic military training at Lackland APE. Ton. Atrawm Holland bra* boon se lected for technical training as an administrative specialist at the Air Training Cental and (ATC) school at Amarillo APB. Tea. Miss Becky KcnnWyydaughtttJ of Mr. and Mrs. Hcpfy Vrtln<*,> 1 Jr., has been chosen “Mis* Moun taineer" by members of fhe sen ior class of King* Mountaih high school. 1 \ As “Miss Mountaineer", iMiss Kennedy. a high school senior, will participate in “Mountaineer Days" next month ahsl will ride :n the Mountaineer Days parade Saturday, October Will, at £ p.m. Ojher senior 'nominees <i»r the honor were Margaret Bryant. Becky (Jordon. Marjie Ifuffstot ler. Susan -Mercier, Susan Plonk. Shirley Sprouse and V/vlan Wil son. METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the week ending Wednesday totaled $21G.S>, ineluding $139.10 from onstreet meters. $tin is over parking fines, and $f7.75 from off-street meters. .ROSS REUNION The annual Boss family re union will be held Sunday ut Boss Groce Baptist church. Pic nic dinner will be served at 1 I* in followed -by the showing of slides bv (JAtrtdfTWehb col lege president Fugepe Pqston of his trip to tlie Holy Land. COLD WEATHER'S COMING! < Gas Heating Customers : < ORDER YOUR FALL NATURAL GAS CUT-ON DURING SEPTEMBER Cut - on Fee Just $1 * I Regular Fee After September 30 Is $3 Save yourself inconvenience and possible illness... When cold weather hits, it won't be possible for us to nuke all cnt-ons at me tine. WNV •••• SAVE MONET, SAVE GETTING COLD! CALL TODAY

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