TKHNi HEALTH Health and Safety Tipe from The American Medical Antnoiotion • ancer is a frightening word ■'irnung American* today. It's a frightening disease. Millions at American families have had ex INTivnoe with cancer. Millions of words have been written about cancer in the public press. Must of us know something about can cer. But how man\ of us really know what cancer is? During the process of cell di- j ' islon the basis ol normal body growth and repair -cells become diifeientiated into the specific kinds nced«*d for each organ or liody function, says a new pam phlet of the American Medical Association. Kach kind of cell divides into its own kind, equipfted to do the i«»b it was designed to do Under certain ronditions not yet com IHletely understood, some cells do not differentiate in this way. 'I'hey multiply in irregular and disorderly fashion and compete with normal cells for nutrition and space. These cell masses are callel tumors. Tuinor> tliat remain localized ate benign and may not I** trou blesome unl<*ss they mechanical ^^interfere with some body func W Tumor* tfiat grow rapidly and spread or destroy tissue are known as malignant tumors. Collectively, these are called cancers. Unrestrained growth of can cer cells will infiltrate vital or gans and destroy the individual if not checked Slow growing cancers may take months to THOMSON & McKinnon Members New York and American Stock Exchanges and other leading Ex changes 110 Baugh Building Charlotte, N. C. IN KINGS MOUNTAIN Dial 739-2631 ! for information on any stock that interests you. (No toll charge) MARK KANE, Manager Athlene G. Smith Registered Representative ltSMta. I Ersldne Fmd Campaign Set DUE WEST. S. C. The Kings Mountain and Gastonia. N. C Chapters of the Erskine College Alumni Association will open their general solicitation for the 1961 6*. Erskine Living Endowment Campaign Tuesday, September 29. at 1 p.m. in Hon ey’s Restaurant in Gastonia. Chapter general solicitation '•hairnten are Everette Carson. Gastonia, and Mrs. Jake Kay, Kings Mountain. Speaker at the dinner meeting will be J. W. C. McKay. College Park, Ga.. chair man of the entire 1961-65 Living Endowment. Jim Parkinson. Charlotte, is North Carolina state chairman. Kings Mountain Chapter town spread beyond control More ma lignant types spread so rapidly that they become incurable in a few weeks. Surgical removal of the can ad: and Mrs. Kenneth Lut/. Pisgah Church Kd. For the 1964-65 Fixing Kndoxx ■ mem, each of Krskine's tl alum nt chapters has hern challenged to earn Hi* per cent participation, and oa< h an earn Its |»art of a $10,000 challenge gift by so do ing For >oth the Kings Mountain and (iaitonia Chapters, the chal lenge i' only to sustain the ex cel i* tit support of last year, when h th were among the 12 Ktskine alumni chapters to ex cis'd 90 jicr cent participation. In the IHti't til campaign Gastonia had an ama/ing W per cent par ticipation and Kings Mountain an outstanding H2 |>er cent parti cipation In the Gastonia chap ter. 141 ot 1 I t alumm made con trihut ions, ond in tho King Mountain Chapter. Ifi of *4 sup ported th(» campaign. Theso figures show up pai ti well when compared to the national average >f 22 per rent alumni .uppmi Ki 'kiin-s Living Endowment. which provides cur rent operating fund- lot South Carolina's oldest four year do nominalional college. has won i four straight national awards ami last year received fi9 pet f Kin/> Mountain. N. C. has registered for his first year at the I’nivcrsitj of North Caro lina School of Pharmacy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Therman C, Beatty of Route 2. Box li:.. Kings Mountain. Beatty is a graduate of Kings Mountain High School and re ceived his pre-pharma. college education at Cniversity t*f North Carolina. The I NC School .f Pharmacx rxvupMM n now builds,g. complet ed in containing complete facilities for pharmaceutical cdu cation and research at the under graduate and graduate levels. Students for the Bachelor of Sci ence in Pharmacy degrtv arc re gistered m the UN’C General Col lege or in other colleges for tin* first year of study «pre-pharma ovl, followed by four years in the professional curriculum hc,». A stroke might tie described as a ‘ heart attack in the brain.” says tin* North Carolina Heart Association. now? the beautiful shapes for ’<85 Cheanlet Impala Sport Snlun Chevrolet Impale fc? Il'« longer, lower, wider—with interior comforts that'll have man> an expensive ear wondering why it didn't think of them first. More shoulder room, more leg room up fronu Curved side windows, rirh new faLrica and an in.-truiuent panel iIkii'* a cum cr^tinn piece all by itself (in (be Im/adat it ha* thr look of li.ind-ruhhcd walnut). In fact. ju*t about every tiling's new ri«hl down t« the road. And even that'll •rent newer because t lie Jet-Miiootb ride is smoother than ever. XS Qwlf Maliha Super Sport Coupe ChereUe MatUni K3 iVow s(\ le. now ride—and plenty of VS rtiifT. Here's sill that made (Ju-vrUr Vmeriea's nm-t popular new-sucd car— plus some surprises (hat promise tu make it come on e\cn stronger. Like (hose cleaner, bolder lines. Like the silky way its now ride skim- mcr the choppiest roads. I.iko V8 power that'll make you think we stole some of Conrtte'a stuff—which we All told, five engines are available from a quieter six to a V# that cornea on 300 hordes strong VS Clay II Nam 1-Door Sedan ChevuEM jibew'GZ ll may very well he Hie ex|»en'ive-e8t looking thrift ear you've laid eyes on. lint thrifty it is. The big differenee being that Cfcerv //*» marvelous mechanical efficiency now wears a deUinair new liMtk. \nd offers a new range of engines. including a new 300-lip VO. If >ou go by all lUr fine new features, you could get the idea that saving you money wa» about the last thing we had in mind. And in a wav it was. Right up until we pasted on the price sticker. JVae top-of-tho-linc (mi air Cur mi Sport Coupe Cormir llo* * llit- for HKiri uiili an international flair? The longer, wider design sixes all closed model-. a hardtop roof, accented by framrless curved side windows. It also allows more shoulder an00 series. Alao a flatter ridiug hub|Hmk-nt suspension -\>iem. bigger self-adjust in* brakes, uion- e steering and a whirr road stance. See S beanHM nha/tee fur H5-4Serralet. 1 Servile. I'hery 0. t'orrmir Ik