Grover Erects New Caution Signs On Highway 226; Teachers Named !»\ MRS. cr.ttr TOH',r-R OROVKR NcdIwI caution and s«'Iiih i signs wr.c i.WiM on Highway 226 at tlrover. The can lion signs ure o-n tin* curbs ol the First Baptist church. Mrs. J. I »i Cullough and Jim of Greenville spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ilaltie Alien and Mrs. Hilly A. Wilson and family. College students for this week at First Baptist church are Miss Sandra Spangler, 253 K. Hall. ASTO. Boone and Mike Royster tif Box Tlog Reynold,-! Station. Wake Forest college, Winston Salem. Mr. and Mi James A. Harry announce the i .rtli ol a son. Sun day, September 27, Cleveland Memorial hospital. Shelby Bethany Baptist church has called as pastor the Rev. James CALLING ALL HOME MAKERS By GENE TIMMS WHEN IS A "SALE" A SALE? With so many furniture sales tx-iiij.; run so frequently hy so many stores, customers nft-'n \vnn#|er whether these sales are l«-j;iti male -iiul who th« r i he alleg «• <1 •'mark downs" an* , real. I 'I liorc arc ■ /- W nanv reason uwi»io why reputable stores run sales Very often a merchant has tile opportunity to buy i rpianlily of discun tinned from ;i maiiul.nlurcr at a great dis count and is able t<» offer these ■hmIs to tile pulilie at a great savings. Then, ton every business a< tpiin s an in- ‘umulation of odd p i e t e s. slightly shopworn goods, slow selling items, dis continued numbers, etc., whi It they would rather mark down at ost so they can re place them wild last selling goods. However, the lies! way to tell vvlie i r i sale is legiti mate is by tlie reputation ami integrity <>f the ;idvertiser. The pulilit knows i|uite well which are the “prestige-’ stores in their community, and whieli are not. While it is always a great temptation to piek no a bar gain. it must tie remembered that it is only a bargain if you like il and can use it. Everyone has an aceuittula tion of things in the attics 01 closets of their homes which were purchased -imply lie cause they were liar aims. Hut if you ire able* In pick up a marked down item on sale at a reputable store, and it is something you re dly love and will use in your home, then you have really saved money . -.indt-r«. of K.ngs. Mr. Sander* «va> orda.ned at David Baptist church Sunday at 2 p.m. T. II Harry, is h >me from the West Pacific on leave visiting Mrs B. A. Many. Mr. and Mrs H. K. Brower of Philadelphia. Pa. will be guest* of Mrs. Ralph S, Brower, Sr. and other relatives for several weeks, Mr. anti Mrs. Prank Royster anil Miss Vivian Wilson of Kings Mountain spent Sunday with Mike and Steve Royster, fresh men at Wake purest college. Dr. and Mrs. Hoyle n| Co lumliia, S. C. came on Saturday for Mrs. Maude Hamiick. mothei of Mrs. iu*e, who will spend some time in the I**e h >me. W. S. Hicks. Jr. and son, Mic key. flew to Washington. D. C. Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Roy ifaga and sons in Annan dale, Va. and attended three baseball games between the Washington Senators and New York Yankees. They returned home Sunday night Attending the Ross Reunion Sunday wre Mr. and Mrs. (.ra lly Ross. Beona and Denise; Mrs. Doris Cooke and Rene; Mr anil Mrs. Pinkney Cooke anil Louis, home from N. C. State for the weekend; Mr. anil Mrs. Edward Bell. Steve and Eddie, of Blacks burg. S C and Tyson Dobbins of West Chester. Pa., who is visit ng the Gradv Rosses. Mrs. Assie Lou Allen o f Georgia s|M-nt the wtrk of Sep trnlier 20th with Mr. and Mrs William Waddell. Mrs. Allen is mother of Mrs. Waddell. Attending the funeral on Mon day of Mr Lemphil! at Clover Hill Methodist church nearCasnr were Mrs. Hattie Allen. Mrs. Darwin Allen anil Mrs. .1. Bert vVeslmorelanil. Mrs W P Sellers of Charlotte. Mis. W. R. McCracken and Mrs S. P. Anih >nv of High Point spent Tb irsilay with their sister. Mrs Will Moss and Mis. Mildred Holli field. Horace Westmoreland of King net. Term. 10011? to Charlotte Friday 0.1 business and spent r'rid.iv night with his sister. Mrs. H. L. Beam, returning home on Saturday. P.-G-tt P. .alk of Rockville, Mil ..pent Thursdav through Sunday with Mrs. Nina Westmoreland and other relative* here. Mr. and Mrs. Dav id Bookout and family ol Charlotte and At thin Botikotit of Shelby attended the funeral of Al llernilon of Grover Sunday afternoon. Mr and Vlts .1. R. Wilson of Great Palls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis and Andy. The Rev. and Mrs. Karl V Smith and Robert hail word Sun day of the death of Gordon lmubell. hrothcr-in law of Mr. Smith, who made his home in Gainesville. Ga. The Smith familv left for Georgia Sunday afterno >11. The Kings Mountain Baptist \ss«. national WMU leadership conferemv was held Tuesday night at Bethel Baptist church Mrs John Gold had charge of responsive reading and as prayer chairman for this association. A 1C Kenneth Byars of Hunt er APB. Ga. spent the weekend Ti your knnwlcdpc of I'. S Vice I’ amt m nns from Compton's I’let lire 1. What has been tin- most pop ular surname for U. S. vice presidents? 2. What unsiieeps.-ful vice presidential aspirant became president of the Confederate States of America? 8. What vice-president was in dicted for murder? 4. What vice-presidents held office under two presidents? &. What state can i>oast of be ing the birthplace of the youngest and oldest vice presidents.-' <5. What vice-president was part A merit an Indian stin k? T. W hat U. S. president was ikV"\ served t»y tnree dmereiu vice presidents r 8. W ■ ill vice pnsident resigned from office over a political till with his president? f*. Wi it vieo-p i sidents wen not cleiti .1 in a general election? 10. How many times hn- th 1 . S. i n without a vice-president? A\>\tlK!» ‘A’misiq jno u: ao'i i|i'.i| ii|i |i.o) i!im ' i.M.ipis.ud oqi oj uosuqop }| uop -ua j jo uoj^sa.i ms p iii Xp iuu «>| ni.inisn,| jo uojjButssnssn aqj, "oj lilts I J'> u.ujjap* i'i;sA|iio.i ,*qj hi «.i.i|)t|u.>|.>s »-rw i m<| norny pun i|;;jjt jo tioti.Mpi .•ip u, .i|«u^ s l >i|» Xu no- :p> >i:w uosuqop 4Uluo|y pjBq.u.u.»j|ip n jojjb unoqptj uqop ■$ ( untumx S .\.*soo;| ut|'piei,q 'l •opis pt i i.,;itm s|ij no uittpuj pi nil snw 'J ‘AOI‘U |.1.><.| l.t| { . lop., ,| Jl .pl Uli OOI.V •SIJJIl J W|jnq3 -0 "(ip,;| ui uuum.M ju.ipis.uj l|i;.« poju.innnBii t • ; a *.,i1“a oqj.. s« uwnuq .<|.ii»:ua;j -. opn Xo|sin}| • \\ i (v p.iM .i«ui:qjti|| ui.ipis.u.j jipun juop -!>j.ld-A)IA p.ijj l: • j ax :»>; >M u.Xpt.luiq > mj| _) uqop \\yin juo\| ‘fl •uosqaBp w.i.ipuy puB stiutpy X.uiinf) uqop uoj i.. .p.... ii joiA s«* utvu||n,> j uqop pun ‘uos ~!P,:IV pUB UO‘1 'U 'f HI- i lo. ili'l|'|..i|(|-MIA It.K UOlUIIJUtUMl) -J •.mu ia ,->m jo; i.iaou sba\ eq ‘JMMtoq 'pmp h t.‘ •X.insBiix *'qi jo X iii-Viokj's ' 1 l»nj •uoj|iutt:jj japuvxo|y popunow X|[u|.ioiu »q j.iijb jop utu uoj p.ij.upui *nw uny uo.iny -j •J“\\ 1«A«3 ■•Mt ?iitinp .XoRi ip.ijuo ) aqi jo jaoqjo oaivioaxo j»iq.> atuBoaq iaiB| T.Sl >1' XJU-ipisMui-MlA •}? -.1 oqj uoj pais Jjip -si\U(| uosjajlop -jj •s|p>*l •>ll> »B p-’inaj -an ajau pun * <|»A|ywd> a *1| iausihiji uopooqj, pun sn|iino,[ . | i. ijj i.ipun s.i.iiu iiou («!iu.ipi- uii-jaiA aim uosuqof ’.'A 'll puB iio-o jop \\ joq.> - i.*|i ' no- iijop JAijio o«| aqx •Xpo.t - i v| i.ij uooun Mosuqop *(| uopnX’l *U|OJur| ju »pisai,j j.-p oi • . o ,• w.upuy 'iiaiiiji u«.\ l'i‘pi>u,| uupun ‘uosnqop joiu ijy pj.; ,0 i| ,1“ ,iijt JOI v.opii.Miio.) .10 •juapisajd *>n '» '.'I uoj.( aau | uosuqop potuitu unu pj|B|ajun a.vtj -uosuqop 4j White Hears Light Docket A light (liK'kt • was heard in Monday's R» order's court by Judg« jai-k White. Tin- following raws were hoar I: Otis G. Sain. oH. Vale, no op erator's IP-en-e. nol pros. Dennis J. ilord. 22. 101 Kim Street, assault with a deadly weapon. 12 months suspended upon the payment of $50 and costs of court. to he of good be havior for .1 pi*riod of three years, and to do no bodily harm to the prosecuting witness in the fu lure. Ilord appi-aleil the ease. His bond was set at .$300. Ervin la-roy James. Charlotte, bastardy, continued until Mon day. October 5. John F. Owens, If), 2nd East King Street. leaving th< scene of an accident. 3u days susp-nird n|M>n the payment of a $15 fine and the costs of court. Jackie R flushes. 24. Ill ( hil , ders Street, carrying a eontealed weapon. 30 days suspended up on the payment of a $50 fine and court cost. Jackie R Hushes. 24. Ill Chll ders Street, assault with a dead ly weapon, six months suspend with Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore By ars. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Turner. ! Vickie and Johnny. Mr. and Mrs. j John Gold. Richard and Sharon. Mrs. VV S. Hicks. Jr. and Todd, j of Charlotte, laid a birthday din ner Sunday for Mrs W. S. Hicks. Sr. at the Micks h >me in Grover. Rev. Karl V’. Smith conducted services at Allen Memorial church Sunday morning in the - absence of Rev Bill Shytle, in .1 , revival at West over at Shelby. Dinner guests Monday of Mr and Mrs. B. L. Westmoreland in Blacksburg was Mrs. Lola Beam. The church school teachers for Shiloh this year are: Kindergar ten. Mrs. Kd-th Morgan: (ire school, Mrs. Neva Barnes, Mrs. Kay Maddox: Primary, 1-3. Miss Elaine Pruett and Miss Virginia Rollins; Juniors. I-ft. Mrs. Louise Harry: Pioneers. ~!i. Mrs. Glenn Rountree: Seniors. 10-12. Mrs. Inez Davis and Jim Harry. cd upon the payment of a $23 fine and the court costs, and to he of pood behavior for a period of 12 months. L-u y Mae Young. 21, Tracy Street, viola'ion of prohibition laws, not guilty. Lonnie D. Staley. 29. 916 First Street, improper vehicle rc*gi*trn , ion. no insurance, failure to transfer title*. 90 days suspended upon the* payment of a $2o fine and the costs of court. Betty J. Woods. 24, Gastonia, no •peiator’s license. 30 days suspended upon the payment ot a $3" fine and the costs of court; not to violate any state motor vehicle laws for a period of 90 days. Cynthia S. Wright, 18. Forest City, no operator's lic-ense, nol pcUS. Four public drunkenness, costs of court. David R. Carroll. 19. 824 Four th St reel, exceeding safe speed, half costs. Bobby D. Leadford. 18. Grover, stop light violation, half costs. Holland K. Gantt, 17. 800 Park dale. improper muffler, half costs. Catherine C. Rideout, 19. Wins ton Salem, failure to yield right of way, half c-osts. Joyce E. Sellers. 20. Cherryville. following too closely, half costs. Billy G. Haywood. 26. 528 Bel vederc Circle, exceeding safe sliced, half costs. Frank W. Mitchell. 64. I.owcll. stop light violation, half costs. Leon E. Carroll, 19. Gastonia, stop light violation, half costs. Joseph E. Porter. 32. Concord, speeding 45 in 35 zone, half costs. Billy R. Collins. 25, 913 Second Street, following too closely, half costs. James E. Tcscniar. 18. 515 Phe nix St reel, following too closely, half costs. James E. Tcscniar, 18. 515 Phe- i nix Street, worthless check, costs of court. Richard W llarrelson, 18. Route* 2. exceeding safe speed, half costs. Coyt F. Herndon. 19. Route* 2. exceeding safe* speed, half c-osts. Four public drunkenness, costs of court. School Of Arts Takes Applicanb WINSTON-SAiAM Dr. Vit torio Giannini. pro*.dent of the North Carolina School of the Art*, is now assembling a facul ty f »r this new school which w.ll open here in September, 1965. Applications from prospivtive students have been loming in since Dr. arrived here in June. A group of approx.mately -100 talented students in music, dra ma and the dan -e will he seleet ed from the applications. Admission to the school will be by auditions which will be en trance examinations given be fore a jury of faculty members who have the responsibility of selecting their students from the applicants. Auditions will be held in April and June at Winston - Salem; however, in order to save appli cants the expense of traveling unreasonably long distances. Dr. Giannini is considering other central locations according to applications received. Students who wish to apply should write for application blanks to: The North Carolina School of the Arts James G. Hanes Community Center, or Box J657 Winston-Salem, North Carolina Dr. Giannini. a composer and musician of international repu tat ion. was chosen president of the school by unanimous approv al of a hoard of trustees appoint ed by Governor Terry Sanford. Before becomm* president, he was on the faculty of the Juilli artl School of Music and the Manhattan Sthoo! of Music at New York. Governor Sanford. Dr. Gian nini and the Board of Trustees will meet with the school's Ad visory Boaril on November 14 at New York to discuss and ap prove faculty appointments the exciting new OIL HOME HEATER AUTOMATIC CONTROLS! Just DIAL your comfort! Push a button to start or stop tho FLOORSWEEP! now gives you amazing iiflEPiiG floor HEAT The golden louvers in the floor heat outlet are motor driven to rotate back and forth—sweeping the heat over the floor All new in performance, styling and exciting colors, this new SIEGLER gives you a new dimension in heating comfort. See it soon! FURNITURE COMPANY PHONE 739-4706 309 S. BATTLEGROUND Money Is Only Half Of It .... We Deal In Futures Too Or should we say OUR DIVIDENDS can be half of it? Our shareholders number hundreds, from juveniles to senior citizens, all benefit ting from semi-annual payments of our high rate dividend. Youngsters save for bikes and ponies. Parents save for autos, homes and their chil dren's educations, and. when those impor tant responsibilities are handled history, for supplements to their income after they retire from active work. Yes, we deal in futures. When you o p e n a savings account at HOME SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION you have the added satisfaction of knowing that each account is insured up to $10,000. You have a gilt-edged safe investment and share in earnings through liberal dividends. (Smart savers add to their accounts regular ly.) loin our growing family of savers today. Home S. & L ASSOCIATION Plenty of Fioo Pocking # Drhro-In Window Sorvico Dr. J. E. Anthony. Pres. — Thomas A. Tate, Sec.-Treas.