r TEENSi HEALTH Health ami Safety Tipt from The American Mr'Oral Aisxiation Moat and cold usually exem plified by heating pads and i*<* parks play a big role In first aid and in therapy for all sorts of physical ills. In many oases application of cold helps t>» minimize swelling, inhibit bleeding, i educe excess!vc. 1y high body temperature and relieve pain, says Today’s Health, the magazine of the American Medical Association. ('old applications, especially ire. have an anesthetic effect They may bo helpful in rase of nosebleeds, bleeding from minor cuts such as razor blade nicks, Sprains, bites and stings of in sects. minor burns and heat pros t ration. When and how can you use 1 (Old in first aid" Cold applications tend to inlu bit bluffing by constricting the small blood vessel* in nose Weed* and persistently oo/ing minor cuts. Applications of ice water alle viate discomfort from insert sting* and bites, and mav delay the chemical action and circula tion of injected poison Immediate application ol wa ter ifwnpresses to spiains les sens swelling. Such applicati >ns should he continued for at lea#* half an hour before the spit^u ed limb is taped or oUnwise supported. In case of high h**V tempera ture associated wdh heat pros tration, the eniit* body should tic sponged fi eeto with tool water until tem(«#une returns to tol erable |ctA Irmirf'liote immmion into Ice wit*? of a body (tart that has sustain**! a minor burn controls pnui and possibly diminishes tis sue damage. TRAINED TO SPOT ** YOUR NEBS FAST! ONE-STOP FALL FEATURED SERVICE | HEADLIGHT AIM id LAND IHSFICTIOH Only S1.50* SAFIt MGHTTMfMHVWG • MOM UGHT.. UMB) WGHT VICTORY CHEVROLET COMPANY ) 132 RAIUIOAD AVENUE I ■--- ‘--- ^ | WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE fortmC Creature HO^tONTAL Mt>cr> ' n >>m , M oleic acid salt [ J5 D< fore J6 btjeit river in t rance 17 Unit of weight IV Approach 21 L (ht brown 23 Toward 24 While 2.S Encourage 27 Cease 30 rootlike part 31 Myself 32 On time (ab.) 33 Important 37 Drunkarda 33 Symbol far silver 30 Hour (ab.) 40 Nevada dtp 43 Ocean 43 Cod of! 40 Help SI Compaat poin< 93 Its underside and the — •f Its Ml are white M Swagpsr 80 Pestered S3 Glutted ▼kbticai. 3 Song bird S At this place 9 Tormr nations «N 8 9 Symbol for tellurium S Lamprey . 6 Ripped 7 M.>lt drink > Id est (ab.> 9 Ntwf t 10 Short jacket 11 Indentation 13 Witticism 17 Medical sufKi Decay Short-napped fabric ftootlem animal 2* Creek letter 29 Leave out 29 Indites : 33 V'i»l»>it stream 35 Genus of shrubs 36 Self esteem 37 Her 40 I. of float 41 Ireland 42 Ran 43 Epistle (ab.) 44 High mountain 44 One time 4? Sow 49 Era 50 Bitter vetch 53 Nova Scotia tab » SS houfh lava Chnichmen Heat Rev. Ttunipseed Rev. Lonnie Turnipseed. mis- ' sionary to Chinese refugees ir Hong Kong, addressed the Gas- | tonia District Mission Rally it First Methodist church in Gas tonia Tuesday. Turnipseed has been a mission- i ary to Hong Kong for five years and for the last fifteen months has been on furlough studying at Union 'rheological Seminary in New York City and working with the restructuring of the Board of Missions in its mission to is countries of the world. For three years, he was assign, ed to the Ward Memorial church in Hong Kong as associate to the late Rev. Chester Yang. Metho dists in the Western North Caro lina Conference helped provide funds for the building of this church. Later. Turnipseed was assign- ' ed to Aabury Village, a Met ho-, dist resettlement village of find l people in which there is a full program of social, educational iind religi >us work. In addition to this he has horn assignee! ta work with the refugee* in reset tlement ltouses built by the gov ernment. These large apartment buildings house as many as 3.000 refugees. On the roofs of these buildings, churches and other agencies are permitted to pro vide programs of social, educa tional and religious work. Tur nipseed his worker! with Rooftop X in this work as well as other areas of the city. Hong Kong, hard up against Communist China, is the center of hundreds of thousands of re fugees escaping communist Chi na. It is a British crown colony and a major shipping and coot mcrc.al r enter of Southeast Asia If is in this setting that the mis sion of the Mehodist Church is . arried on by Turnipseed and a number of other missionaries and Chinese workers. Leaders of Methodist churches in Cleveland. Lincoln, anti Gas ton counties attended. D0(7oU BOA/VS OFFER! H Get this eutom«tlc| FABRIC softener oishhsb Makes diaper* softer, towels Huffier, ironing easier! when you buy tni* FRIGIDMRE MArto* WASHER! I 2 Soak Cycle, too! • New Deep Action current* give all your “Deep Action” cleaning. • Clothes come «v#n apron strings seldom *"«iu • Jet Away lint removal. • Jet simple ileaign tor top « t any of these BI66EII THAN LIFE-SIZE TOY ANIMALS CUTE. CUDDLY. COLORFUL' UP TO 39' TALL! Vhen you buy this FM6IMIRE ORVFRi Pampers your clothes with gentle Flowing Heat! * ttS "* scr~" • Smooth rust resistant Pore*. lim Enamel drum. *?We»«fWay dr*'nS'°rWash * Wears saves ironing time! $139.95 J McGinnis Furniture Company Phone 739-4716 399 S. Battleground This Is The Law DOUBLE JEOPARDY Henry Collins was suspected of having committed robbery. TTie Solicitor drafted and sent to the grand jury a bill of indictment charging Henry Collins with rob bery. Numerous witnesses testi fied before the grand jury. The grand jury found "Not a true bill." Two years later the Solici tor drafted and sent to the grand jury a .second bill of indictment charging Henry Collins with the same robbery. This time the grand jury, composed of a differ <-nt group of jurors, returned a True Bill." When the case came up for trial in the Superior Court, ColUns plead as a defense "dou ble Jeopardy " Is this a valid de fense? No. The presentment of a bill of Indictment to a grand jury does not subject the defendant to Jeopardy. Collins may be tried and convicted of robbery. The grand Judy is not a trial court, but an Investigatory body, and no question of double jeo pardy is presented when it re peatedly makes investigations under bills presented to it. It is fundamental and sacred principle of the common law that no person can be twice put in Jeopardy of his life and limb for the >uime iWrn«*. It is also incorporated into the Constitu tions of the United States and | North Carolina. • • * • At what point in o criminal proceeding is a person put in jeopardy? The Supreme Court of North CaroUna has said: "Jeopardy at | laches when a defendant in a criminal prosecution is placed on trial: ill On a valid indictment j or information. t2) before a court of competent Jurisdiction. (3) after arraignment <4» after plea, and <5( when a competent jury has been impaneled and sworn to make a true deliver ance of the case.” A defendant cannot he consid ered as put in jeopardy by a court that has no jurisdiction. because any judgment that might ho rondo red against him would bo void. Hence, an acquittal by ^ a c un not having Jurisdiction i745.192.56 $ 75,919.73 Expenses: General Fund . $578,540X3 $554,282.56 $ 24.258.27 Capital Outlay . 236.040.25 118.987.26 117,052.99 Debt Service . 45,322.86 46,128.66 ( 805.80) Cemetery Perpetual Care . 1,043.77 1,043.77 Recreation Fund._.7,068.95_ 6,280.29 788.66 Total Expenses. SMK016w66 $725.678.77 S142.337.89~ Revenue Over Under) Expenses. (S 46.904.37) $ 19.513.79 (S 66,418.16) FINANCIAL ASSETS Current Operating: Cash . Securities... Accounts and street assessments receivable — net. Taxes receivable — net. Total Current Operating .. Cemetery Peroetuol Ceres Cash . Securities . Told Cemetery Perpetual Gore .. Capital: Physical properties. General Bonded Debt: Amount to be provided for payment of bonds in future years. Total Assets . LIABILITIES Current Operating: Due to Recreation Commission. Consumer deposits. Accounts payable. Total Current Operating. General Bended Debt: Bonds payable . Total I jnldHtles. Surplus and Investment in Capital Assets Total Liabilities. Surplus and investment m capital Assets. 6-30-64 $ 39,707.53 35,000.00 53,135.59 13,406.50 S 141,249X2 6-30-63 $ 91,673.20 33,500.00 51,174.61 15,175.23 S 191.523X4 Increase (Decrease) (S 51,965.67) 1,500.00 1.960.98 ( 1,768.73) (S 50X73.42) 5 2,683.88 39,000.00 $ s 1,748.39 35,000.00 36.748X9 S 935.49 4,000.00 S 4.935.49 S2.745.821.43 $2,516,015.16 $229,806.27 $ 490.000.00 63X18.754X3 S 520,000.00 <$ 30.000.00) 6154X68X4 $ 441.26 33,095.50 88.43 6 33X25.19 $ 491.25 31,416.50 151.00 S 32X58.75 ($ 49.99) 1,679.00 ( 62.57) 6 1.566X4 490,000.00 S 523X25.19 2X66X29.74 520,000.00 S 552X58.75 2.712X27X4 ( 30,000.00) JS 26X33X6) 182X01X0 S3X1S.7S4X3 6154X68X4 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS at JUNE 36. 1964 Designation Date Bate Maturity of Issue Fold Water and sewer.10-1*23 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Water and sewer . 4-1-50 18,000.00 18,000.00 Recreation facilities. 5-1-54 5-% %$10,000.00 5-1-65 60,000.00 50,000.00 Recreation facilities. 5-1-54 2-%% 10,000.00 5-1-66 to 1968 30,000.00 Recreation facilities. 5-1-54 2-V&% 10,000.00 5-1-69 to 1974 55,000.00 Recreation facilities. 5-1-54 2% 5,000.00 5-1-74 5,000.00 Water and sewer. 5-1-54 5-%% 10,000.00 5-1-65 90,000.00 80.000.00 Water and sewer. 5-1-54 2-Vi % 10,000.00 5-1-66 to 1968 50,000.00 Water and sewer. 5-1-54 2-^% 20,000.00 5-1-69 to 1974 190.000.Q0 Water and sewer. 5-1-54 2% 90,000X10 5-1-75 to 1984 190,000.00 Water. 6-1-28 4—10,000.00 6-1-65 to 1966 250,000Jb0 230,00000 tMtflOOJIO 147&00QJ0 Balance 6-30-64 $ 10,000.00 30.000. 00 55.000. 00 5.000.00 10.000. 00 50,000.00 120,000.00 190.000.00 20,00000 JM8QBOOLOO (Exh. "A")