Stretching Your Dollar By Philip J. Goldberg Institute for Financial Planning. Inc. You may not U- surprised to learn that yon ran borrow up to hall your yearly Hilary in mei ehandise t>y stretching payments out for a number of years. Hut how ran these payments he ,'uii i anteed - The answer is through al re sponsibility for the n-payment of loans, should you die. Without a guarantee of repay nuns. your les arc al ways Ill-Id liable Im a* unpaid balan. e if you .ike .1 loan to finun.e a i-ar or a television sol. thi*so items . an In* repossessed. Ol imui so. in the rase i>l a mort gage. they must leave tin- house. Hera use of inability to repay a bank loan, or oilier un ured loan. !ney ran In’ sued a id for ed I . pay the mrstanding hal anee PH'S inlet 1 1 A.M» court (•ONls Derreas n . t- I.I.* n*ur in ■■■ is not e\pe'|s.\i- 1: x u <• -Cl years md. of ax - -rage health atid hold a steady ji\ a 2."> y.M year dee leasing term polity on year period, the balance will immediately he paid up. CHEERFULLY REFRESHING DELICIOUS! • M' leaving y >ur wife and children With the house, free and deir. If you bought a rtr with a SJ.tcto, ii can be cove.ed r>y tii .1 / :erm life insurance ' >r .1 ini fc>.i 11 a yen-, in some st it* s the law required certain t\[H‘s of loans t i hie itHjrnl. The cost may oi n.ay ttot l>e in :u yout payments, ot may be* pa.d in advance in other states. the purchase *>f such in «>uan v is opt, >nal Krgardle*) of the loan m financed project you have in mind. ALWAYS ASK IK Tin: .(JAN IS INSl KKI»’ If ii is. ask foi a copy of the poli cy and have y >ur agent look it ovei. It would ! i- highly unusual for an insurance company to give you a do reusing term isilny for ■ pound of a l. w yeats. M >sl likely, your agent will suitj^d a heap term policy f< i a period ■ uch as lit years. If you die is* toie the loan is paid off. n *t only will your tMTiefieiaries have en ough to pay off the balance, hut some* left over. After the loan is paid oil. you retain tile option to cancel the eoveiage. Always make- sure that your loans are completely insures! with dec.easing term life insur ance. for the- protection of your Imcsl ones who depend on you now. and who will survive you. Lovelace Member Of "Ocean Tug" rsx MAHOPAC iFUTNC, Ronald W. Lovelace, qua rtermas ter second class. t 'S.N, son of Mr. and Mi s. K. (I. Lovelace of Route 3. K.nus Mountain, N. C.. is a crewmember of the Ocean Tug, USS Mahopac, which recently re turned to Yokosuka, Japan. 'Hie Mahopac* completed a two month cruise in Seventh Fleet waters in the Western Pacific and re ndered training and tow ing services to Seventh Fleet unit' operating out of Sasebo, Japan and Subic Bay, Philip pines. In adition rest and recreation \isits were made to Manila, Hong Kong, and Minamata, Japan. More than l.r> million World War II veterans on the Veterans Administration rolls at the close of Fiscal Year 196-1, averaged 15 years of age. News items tills week from Hyde, Columtius. Jackson. Rock tnghani. Martin and Oaston Counties. PKACK TREE CEREMONY A peace tr«* ceremony was held on the courthouse lawn in Hyde County sponsored by the Home Demonstration Council and international project lender. re ports Mrs. Iberia Tunnell, home 1 economics agent. Mis. la-on Ballanie made a report on the United Nations •ours and announced that Miss Mildred Spencer, who is secre tary for the Exten sion Service staff, would he the delegate this year. As a special surprise, they pn-sented Miss I Spencer a miniature dove on an : olive branch sprig ta symbol of peart?, with a check rolled a round its feet, in appreciation for her service to local residents. INVENTORY CONTROL PLAN “I was so proud last week when I visited Mi'S Woodrow Walters and found she had a freezer invvntory control plan." reported Mrs. Conley He nice, food conservation leader in Co lumbus County. Mrs. Elaine Blake, home eco nomics agent, says Mrs. Hardee has encouraged the homemakers in the Union Valley club to keep an inventory and arrange the food in the freezer according to a certain pattern. "This will keep you from rearranging all your packages every time you want a oertaian food,” added Mrs. Har dee ROADSIDE IMPROVEMENT CONGEST Norton Community Develop mem Club will represent Jackson County in the area roadside im provement contest this month. Miss Mary Hensley, home eco nomics agent, says some of the main projects have included can' of two cemeteries. general road clean-up. and additional signs for all roads including the names of all the families. EXTENSION HOUSE PLAN USED Extension house plan no. 67 i with variations was used t>y the Stanley Cottrell family in Rook- ! ingham County. Miss Isabelle Buckley, home economics agent, says the house has more corncn ient storage space than any house built in the county. Miss Buckley says that George Parker. Reidsville, the oa linet maker who struggled through the blue prints, is now sending new home builders to view the : cabinets to get ideas for their cabinet storage features. WOOL SUITS TAILORED Window displays in Martin County have featured wool suits made by local homemakers. Miss Edith Mallard, assistant home 1 economics agent, says the dis plays have given local people an opportunity to see the work ac complished at the tailoring work sites. The display has not only fea tured completed suits but some of the equipment used in the tailoring workshops. Miss Mal lard says other classes in tailor ing are being planned. ACHIEVEMENT DISPLAYS Exhibits, covering many areas of home economics such as home furnishing, clothing, foods, crafts , and home beautification, were on display at the annual achieve ment day of Home Demonstra tion Clubs in Gaston County. Miss Jane Gladden, assistant home economics agent, says fea tured attractions were the mar belized tables and reupholstered chairs. The total veteran population of the United States was 22.013.000 on June 30. 1964 It dropped from 22.166.000 on June 30. 1963. the Veterans Administration report ed. JWne? *65 Chevrolet \ ’65 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe-witk new Sweep-line roof. if what you see mows you. trait'll you take the wheel (Ml's irirh —t,llHNR!—mp to i*0 hp) One look at those longer, wide r line s t 11s you it s t kind of car you just couldn't buy before without getting :i to the higher price brackets. But one drive will tell you a lot more. You’ve got 70ur kind of engine go ng tor you. I h< r s an • von half dozen available this year anything you name Voir, a '.meter 6 to a YH with the authority of I no lip. Jet-smooth ride even smoother and more stable. On top of that, you've got the kind of space and comfort you’d expect to pay a lot more than a Chevrolet price for. And the kind of elegance, too. Like the look of fine walnut on the Impala’s new instrument panel. The tailored wall panels under the frame less curved windows. And Body by Fisher craftsmanship. Ami tlio road focl-s liko satin l»«.ait'‘ our en:::n ■ *'< « into up with a now Full Foil suspension s\ u m. t< .’.mod it with a Wide-Stance design, and made our famous Ik-ginning to feel like its your kind of ear: There II 1h* iio doubt about it when you drive the real thing at your Chevrolet dealer's. ft- ~ ’ ' ftnliful MhupvH for ‘6M-( hrrrolrt. 1 hrrrlfn. 1 firry ##. forvmir & forrrttr VICTORY CHEVROLET COMPANY MA\l FACT' Itm ■; LK'tN'K 110 132 RAILROAD AVE. KINGS M OUNTAIN. N. C. mf §mmr drmirr'* PHONE 739-5471 Automotive Club: Is Planned By 4-H’ers More young drivers are silting behind the wheel today than ever before, and they have been piling up an accident and death rate nearly double the average for the entire U. S. population, according to statistics supplied by the National Safety Council. It is this grim picture that 4-H automotive clubs are trying to change. Even though hoys and girls may not he old enough to drive, they can enroll in the -l-H automotive program Thus they start early to learn fundamentals of car maintenance anti to devel op acceptable driving attitudes. In an all out attempt to edu cate club members in safe and sane driving habits, interested groups are pooling knowledge and resources. The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company sponsors the program nationally. Others lend ing support are the National Safety Council, the Automotive Safety Foundation and the Na tional Service Committee. W. M. Garmon, assistant state 4-H leader, says the automotive i project has proven to be a popu lar one in North Carolina. Three million young people reach driv ing age annually, and by 1970 I the number will probably exceed four million. In thesame period, the total number of drivers and motor vehicles on the road is ex pc- ted to increase nearly 50 per cent. More drive's, more cars and improved highways will p u t school and 4-H automotive edu cational programs to the lest as they work for "responsible dti /enship in a nation on wheels." Among the scores of individual and clu'r projects under way are highway and vehicle safety sur veys; community courtesy cam paigns for pedestrians anil driv ers; displays and demonstrations; and distribution of automotive safety literature. Local club leaders urge mem bers to complete automotive pro Jr t* t.* the uat of their ability. Not only will they be better driv er*. but thev can compete for a A trip to National I If Chn Con ^ grros in Chicago. Six $.V)0 college scholarships will lie {-resented to the nation's highest ranking members during the con gloss. Eleven grants totaling nearly Si!2.trXl have been awarded b> the Southern Forest Disease and In sect Research Council to a group of universities in the South to aid in a 19&I «5 program of stu dies aimed at developing new and better methods for combat ting enemies of the forest. The Council is supp >rted by pulp and paper companies and related woods industries Brymer Insurance Agency 119 E. VA. AVE. — DIAL MA 3-3502 BESSEMER CITY. N. C. INSURANCE FOR YOUR EVERY NEED LIFE - HEALTH - AUTO - FIRE ASSIGNED RISK — FAST FS-1 — WE FINANCE SIX MONTHS TO PAY AGENT FOR N. C. STATE MOTOR CLUB 8:20 tfn a * ftexall *JZSl Sfs I ORIGINAL I THUiS.Oa.IS thru SAT. Oa. 24 UXAU rubbing alcohol dryness Pin* Ae*. 7ft 2 hr BO' BO tfTATI 4” • 4 yds _ 25c TABLETS. ENVELOPES flit* linen . . __ '.MOICALCIUM PHOSPHATE ~ 6 TABLETS tcu'i 100 s 2 for 1.40 2 pair 4.90 - 2 for .99 - 2 for .99 -2 for 2.70 2 for 3.90 2 for .26 . 2 for .60 . 2 for .54 Me RlCR-Rt* RURR'NG «tW#l ;;; eu«R* suRf«'Tw,i$ iirrk iwnt. p*«*" mon*cu 2 f0r 1 -20 SSeVilw pm»?r««mi *'*•**' _ 2 for .54 &&&&&*• 2 for 2.01 rjwweRiRMtt. ^ _ 2 for 2.51 --HM> 2 for 1.76 2 for .66 2 for .50 2 for 1 70 rt<* HR. Ur,M ANTKCPT'C mouth washes ?7s'rSt»«™£» _ iiS.^SWS^ Mc RORY NASSAGE LOTION. Reaall. ... am medicated. > ll. or. * “ Me (TUO IVE LOTION, Retail t II 0/ 2 for 99 Me RIR RCFRCSNCR. Retail, lot aerosol 2 fOI .99 SRC Gil RUORINC ALCOHOL . , Reaall III. or . _ 2 fot.70 IRC 0UIK SWABS. Retail . . .. 100 single tip •> 44 doable-tip_ 2 for.40 l.M MM BRUSHES. Nylon. , . ... Pmt. blue, dear ..._ * 'Or I NI JSe MIR NITS _ . „ Sob and regular. Pact ol 3. _ 2 packs .29 T.10 MIN OIL, lor i* Boufluet or Seouoia Pine, t II. or. 2 for 1.20 IRC MIL POLISH RtMOVtR. Reran a II. or 2 for 40 Itc GPTiR-SMVt LOTION, lanender or Redi-Shave 4 II. or.. . 2 for .10 ISO WATER BOTTLE „ , ... Victoria red O' nhite 2 for 3 SO IN TRNNTAIN STRING!. Victoria . , , „ red or amite. guaranteed Z >01 3.99 J.IS CNENARLE VITANIN C. fruit llaiored Reaall 100 mg. 240 s .... 2 for 3 20 l.M CRROS. Bridge. Poter or Pinochle 2 for 1.01 2Sc RIFT WRAP, Cascade Oelute. 4 sheets. 20” a 20" each 2 for .26 Mi-31 Am net 1 io*s9. Rr« KUNZO RuOY-ieif. •_ . spier 1'P-JI; Pina Re* Tf< .1 ...... MILK OF MAGNESIA Plain or mmt flavored. 12 II #* *'• **' BLUE ORAL Cool, refresh ing last*. |R«. 2* ,*a». 70cl Retell mite set HAIR SPRAY HeRuU* or tof Maid to Hold ha»» 2 for 70c I so 2hr 151 xall DEODORANTS ro-iau Pk» n«'s . i«l refit on* dfc '©i-.COOL BLUE S*!** WOOORANT 2 fur 70c Z-'r RI0I ej SWAY airosoi * man's deed '"an! 24 hour I i_. Protection V^> »»* RA, Me ROM BANOS TTT.Vsn , 0,ortr pla*n or ifpfCufo. firoTif * 33c SCR Mill 620. 1?; 1 0C fMYIl MIRROR 120 si/ei *** M,«* vaPOAI»*.T„i tire " •TtPROOIA GLOVE,. Be ,on, U? ~ OOsTelt1. -2 for M -2 rolls .54 2 for 1.01 2 for 9 96 2 pairs .90 »a* aerosol mirtniolate 2 for.70 .~»~?csarviL?.'r.9 f LAZY SUZAN 14“ 4winter. spins an Mt«. lovtl* *w Ctl AIM «ltk. with tmbostcd dentil.. r'wttl Tf§ BABY DOLL It" till. tOlt vinyl doll Hoot'd twr. ileopmf efts. lop. I 91 2f«1*9 CASCADE CHRISTMAS CARDS ?j boirt caidi and nn»»iop*> Men «w"v a" i 6 ' l.v I 00 *fcr|W **« O' ENVELOPES Socn) w bimncis site P**1" inmtil or return jddr*is SDRI’H/SE BUYS SITTING POODLE Ply' h with 4f| whit* Mtm (j'limnc (|»» 6-TRANSISTOR RADIO •utmu us osaniM usnttP __ 2J4 TPM PICOPMP, 4 transistor ... 13.95 MTM1N STStlUT. 115 HWfli. 55 Nillmi 1 59 fUTMS CUSS. 100*: Plastic. Smile <«ct I N UMtfKI I MINTON STS IMS. Ml 3 98. colon 2.59 MtSINtCI Mllttt. 5' plain t ">a|nilyln| 99 SM8ST CUttU MU. almost 3 It. tall oil in 3.99 HI MIST tntCMS. Men'! and ladifi' I II nm ti PotcN. ii«o sm. MtMite. plus*_ 2.99 MIT MU. 70" Ml. . „ empfoitfenO pfcis. (itt boats _ 3.99 TUMIStM MtttPT, 9'volt Ro( 39c ... 29 ruiu mints. ke.aii «oos tout colors 3 boses .71 MIMM. tits 'round the nock ._ .39 MIIINC IOWIS. (olors .. . Set Of 3 .97 WUU IIN or MHTtO, quart sir«_1.99 Mil Dim. Dominion. Portable _... 9.91 KITCMN HNlvll. 7 p.tce. stainless steel ._... . 1.99 CMM MOM HIM. Re. g mm 25 tt. . 1.99 C0100 SUM. Her 35 mm 20 eiposore 1.77 SPMf Ot tcte. K.n*s»er IS or aerosol..jj UlCTIIC auUMIT. Or. (U,. 72" • w_ ig n MUSICAL Kartl 101. Black lacquer. mother of pear l mia» .__ } |) I mi Muvntr FREE DELIVERY 9 a.m. to 9 pan. Monday thru Saturday 4 KING5 MOUNTAIN Tuf ¥ Phone SfuKt RUG COMPANY THE city s modern store