Bride-Elect Honored Miss Jackie Hoyle, bride-e:ect of November, was hon ored Monday night at a surprise bridal shower qiven by the BWC Circle of Temple Baptist church of which she is a member. The gifts were presented Miss Hoyle following the regular meeting and program at the home of Mrs. Jack Bridges. Mrs. T. B. Yarbrough had charge of the program. Mrs. Bridges served refreshments. * * * * Area Meredith College alumnae kicked off the annual visitation for the college development program Tuesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. W. Yancy Ellis in Shelby. Mrs. Thomas B. Austell of Earl was co-hostess. Mrs. John Edwards of Raleigh, president of the association, and Mrs. Margaret Craig Morris, executive secretary of the Meredith Alumnae Association, were pres ent to organize a Cleveland County chapter. Mrs. Austell was named the new president and Mrs. Ruth P. Webb of j Shelby was named secretary. Meredith school colors decorated the refreshment ta- i ble which was covered with a wine cloth and centered with white flowers. Mrs. Thomas P. Baker is chairman of visitation in the Kings Mountain area. Other local alumnae are Mrs. George W. Moss and Mrs. Norman F. McGill. Jr. Bridge-Luncheon Set For Wednesday, Oct. 28 Regular monthly bridge lunch <■00 at Kings Mountain ('nuntry Hub will be held Wednesday, October 2N The bridge luncheon was origi nally scheduled for Wednesday. October 21. iuil has been resrhe (luled so it will not conflict with th** Woman's club community festival lieing held that day. Owens' Visit Daughters, Take Hospital Tour Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owens, their son. Pete, ami Miss Eliza beth Stewart s|>ent Sunday in Hendersonville with Mr and Mrs Joe Spearman and ehildren. Joey and Cindy. They attended o|mmi house at the new wing of Margaret R. Pard«*e Memorial hospital where the Owens' daughter, Pat. is a memlier of the staff of operat ing room nurses Other guests of the Spearmans were Mr Spearman's parents, Mr. and Mis. (' A. Spearman, who sj»ent from Sunday until Tuesday with them, and Miss Pat Owens fianee. Robert Thomas, of Hendersonv ille Tlie total number of Korean Conflict veterans on June .Td. 1faM. was .ViUs.tSMi (lie Veterans Administration reported. This in eluded more than one million veterans with World War II ser vice and brought the average age of all Korean veterans up to Kings Mountain Herald A newspaper puWI*he«t weekly on ThutMtays b> Martin 1. Ilarmon. Jr. DBA I’ubliKhini: House. Unttfitl it MTund class nyiMt- at the post of •lee at kins* Mountain \ (’ 3V*•*'» uml« r A* t of r«mer?>> »f Mar. h 1*73 | sibscmition ratks By Mail Anywhere: Six Month* TJ ifl fhrer Month* <1 IT Single cup) p: ire Id One year $3..VI I TIMMS iiijjl.v popular s 1 y I e u s e (I lilt -si l\ in lied room ami tlin ing room suites. Ilow ever. Us infill cnee is also he i n K see n in lamps. lal»lt*s. anti accessories. Mediterranean design, as ihe name implies, is borrowed from the furniture and archi tecture of one tit more of the Mediterranean countries, par ticularly Spain. Italy, Greece* and the Arab countries. Question: I have a 15 x 22 feet living room but it has so many windows, doors and openings that there is prac tically no wall space. How can 1 possibly furnish this room ? Answer: You do have a problem, but it's one that has been solved many times. Have your furniture dealer or dec orator set* the room and he will show you several ways to furnish this room attrac tive!} Question: Shall I use a pic ture or a mirror over my sola? Answer: Either i' appropri ate but if your mom is small, a mirror will make the room look larger. If you would like to s«*e the most beautiful Spanish design in a bedroom suite, drive down to our store on the Grover Rd.. and look at the one we have on display in our window While you’re looking, be sure and notice the RCA Victor Color T.V. vve'il have playing in the window, com plete with sound. Tune in ••The Gene Timms Show” to morrow morning and see if you can Identify the "Mys tery Tune", if you can it'll be worth $35.(10 in furniture trade at our store. Hughes Writes Church Material R«*v S. M. Hughes of Mel bourne. Fla., formor Cleveland County minister, is author of the Sunday School Young Adults quarterly for October through Dprrmbrr 1964 and the corns • ponding teaching plans in “The Adult Teacher.” Mr. Hughes is a former pastor of (trover's First Baptist church, Shelby's Boss Grove Baptist church anil interim professor at Gardner -Webb college in Boil ing Springs. Mr. Hughes, superintendent of the Adult Three Department of Melbourne's First Baptist church, entitled the lessons. “Letter* to Christum Leaders." Rev. Mr. Hughes is chairman of the Math Department at Mel boutne high school. He holds the M A. degiee finm Appalachian State Teacher's college and the, I! IV degree from Columbia Sent- | inary. He did work to want the Th.D degree at Southern Baptist Seminary. He is also an algebra instructor at B rev aid Kngincer ing college in .Melbourne. Bus Driver Charged Following Accident Manasseh Lemar Paysour. 16. i Compact school bus driver, was charged with failure to stv if movement could Ik* made in ’ safety following an accident at tin* intrrwvtion of Watlerson Street and Belvedere Cirele Wed nesday, October 7. Tin* accident I lining up vol- j unteer workers to make their contacts within the next week to to days. Kings Mountain is behind 60 pints in its blood-giving for the fiscal year which ix'gan July 1. I The October visit w ill he the sec- \ and to Kings Mountain. Two librarians in Belleville. 1 111., pocketed SI.S00 in overdue book fines between February and ; October. 196.'!. A 17-year-old Galveston, Tex.. ' youth gave a man a ride oil his 1 bicycle and w as robbed of 510. Vole For Bob F. Maner Foi The N. C. House Of Repiesentatives Republican Family: Wile. Jenny, chil dren Robert S-, Frank G. and Sarah K. Kdueation: B. S. Davidson College, MA History U. N. C. Occupation: B. F Manor Agency General Insur ance. Civic Affairs: Past Presi dent Kings M t n. Jr. Chamber of Commerce; Past Recipient Kings Mtn. Jayceos distinguish ed scr\i»v award; Cur rent President Kings Mtn. Chamber of Com merce. Cleveland County has never offered a better, or more qualified candidate for the State Legislature from either party. We also urge y our support for W. HALL YOUNG for Congress, and BOB GAVIN for Governor. riewlaml County K.\ivutivo Committee — K Compass point 4 TECS* 49 Frohen 00 Consumed 3i Sea nymph S3 School book 50 Bargain events S6 Natural fat VERTICAL 1 Gun tube 2 Insect 3 Necative reply 4 Joke 5 Smell C Soon ? Carol • Pronoun • Lair 10 Kxpunger 11 Outer garments 13 Recreation 16 Measure 10 More powerful 20 Supported •1 On the bade 25 Changed 32 Pythias' friend 33 Pickled fruit* 35 Seaton of year 3« Guide 41 Great Lake 42 Sleeping place* O Any 44 Withered 45 Female sheep (Pi > 48 Constellation 50 Fruit drink 52 Hebrew deity 54 Near Colored News Funeral for Mrs. Mary Lucille (Jlenn, 41. was held Wednesday at 3 p.m from Hopewell Baptist church, interment following in the church cemetery. Mrs. fHenn died Saturday morning in the Kings Mountain hospital. She was a resident of the Hilltop Community. Surviving are her son. Robert Lav (Hcnn. Jr.; her mother. Mrs. Ida Borders; three brothers. Ivan Williams and William Alonzo M illiams. both of (Invnsboro, and Robert S. Williams of New York; one sister, Mrs. Willie Mae McKens of Washington, D. C. Gill & Brown Funeral Home had charge of arrangements. The average monthly turnover rate for all patients in Veterans Arminisiration hospitals during Fiscal Year 1964 was 16.4 per cent. an increase of 1.9 percent over the previous fiscal year. The total veteran population of the United States declined 153,000 during Fiscal Year 1964, the Veterans Administration re ported. bhhnmn BUY jPAY mow! LATER! Why Wait? Don't let your old heater keep right on foolin' and freezin' you and wasting your fuel dollars. Enjoy the comfort and peace of mind you •*? get only with a beautiful, new 5ICGLEF OIL HOME HEATER T fon ly SIE6LER > [ has sweapmg ^upn Hoar IimI^ F discover the comfort miracle of U SWEEPING % I SUPER FLOOR HEAT ij Stuffy, overheated ceiling* waste your fuel dollars and leave you cold. Siegler suveps the heat over your floor where you need it... and save you [ : money at the same time. Ask your friemla or neighbors who own a patented, automatic Siegler < ■ Oil Home Heater... they'll convince you tliat i you can’t make a smarter buy. And the time to \ 1 buy is right now und /my later. Come in soon » and let us solve your beating problem for good ...