The Neighbor You Know By REV. GEORGE T. MOORE Resurrection Lutheran Church TEXT: Matthew 22:,'$yb "You shall lo\o your neighbor as your M*lf 'The world is so full of a num her of things. I'm sure we sh iuIiI all In* as happy as kings." The po»*t was a real optimist' Yes. the world is full of a num her of things, so full that no man could begin to know them all, even in a dozen lifetimes. And happiness? One doesn't ac quire many years before really in# that all the things of this world do not bring happiness In fact, very few do! This truth so disturbed William Wadsworth that he wrote his poem on a rather dismal note: "The world is too much with us: late and soon. (Jetting and spending, we lay waste our powers." All of this suggests the age-old question we all ask. sooner or later What is the most import ed. meaning! al, essential thing I my life? Is there any one thing I can have which will ans wer all my weds, fulfill all my desires and bring me happiness? The answer can hr* summed up in one word LOVE! Some s«*«k awl find knowledge. Some sr-ck and find power. Some seek ami find wealth. Some seek and find MKnu. Hut nu one (imla happi ness or security of mind, no one . really lives until he finds, and is ; found of, love! There is no great- j or truth than that expressed in Paul's letter to the Corinthian Churoh: “If I have prophetio powers, and understand all mys tones and all knowledge, and if 1 have all faith, .so as to remove rnjuntains. but have not love, I - am nothing!" The trouble we have with this ‘ answer of love is that it seldom gets a fair chance We think it has its place, but is a little im practical for the real problems *f . life. It's considered to be an ideal, a good thought, or that ni< e feeling between those near ! and dear to each other. But for the test of life? You can t learn it in schist!, as you do algebra You can't set it in the hou$e, as >ou would a piece of furniture. You isn't put it in the bank, as you would a sum of money. So, how can love be the essential “stiff” of life, the life I have to face day In and day out? In spite of our reservations God's answer was love, an active, practical, down-to-earth, love! God's love was personal love in action, in his own Son. Jesus Christ; Who came in love and as I i\e itself! “For God so loved . HIGH WADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR MONOGRAM SPACE HEATERS VM«T2S%«MK NRTONMIlttTB This can be your oppor tunity to own a wonder. fuUy new Monogram heater at an unheard of low coot. Yea, for a limited time we going to offer trade-in allowances like we never have before. Don't continue to put up with outdated heating—take advantage of this opportunity to own a Monogram heater with Magic Miser Burner. Cooper’s, Inc. 210 S. RAILROAD AVE. PHONE 739-2581 THIS CURIOUS WORLD* NIGHT HAWS MOTHS. TMi wo ELECTUOTV CQMMF HMMUW MCT THAT AMUR, WHEN rrnwiaq >vnucv small omjmcv. much MAMMTOeir. *OiknMV'«M» INK fiMBC MAiM pno ammo i %. V-V III I ✓ A SNAIL. SHELL AFTER. FtVEVEABS SHOWCASE, WAS FCUNOTO CONTAW A (ME , SNAIL/ I the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever be lieveth in Him should not perish. Nut have eternal life." That’s not just an ideal, good thought or a nice feeling between dear friends, rhat’s God himself, living and giving and fighting and dying hat all might have life instead of death, that all might know God an dhis love, that all might live the life of love as God's <*hil 1ren. the only life of worth and value. If all of this is so, land it is, for this is heart of the Gospel’ how do we live the life of love? It is, above all else, the life of response. It is responding in love because God first loved us. It's not just saying, ”1 love God,” but it’s living an ddoing, in love, the things God wants us to do, for Him. Yet. when you come down to it, what can you do for God? Robert Young 'Star of TV's “Fa ther Knows Beat") tells of his daughter’s prayer life, how she would follow her formal prayers each evening with special re quests for that day. One night after she was supposedly through she paused, and added, "And now God. what ran I do lor yew?” Mr. Young said that the question really jolted him: It made him really wonder. What can site, or 1, or anyone, do for God? Actually we can do very little for Him. really nothing more than the response of praise and thanksgiving as we acknowledge His as Lord arid God. Now this limitation is not to belittle the relationship or the response, but it does point us to the other area of life wherein we find tiiegreat er opportunity for love. It is that to which our Lord has called us. love for our fellow man or. in biblical terms, love for our neighbor! Yes. “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, anil with all your soul. , and with ail your mind." but. al From the blazing excitement of Ford’s new » Mustang 2* the sumptuous beauty of Ford’s newift...the big news for ¥5 is at your Ford Dealer^ now! Hig Fords arc the moat changed, quietest ridmg in I5 years. There are new Ford wagons that seat 6 adults and 4 kids. *69 Fairianes have a new, big. luxury look. New Falcon standard Six can ■we gas, delivers 30 mare hone! Mustang Fan back 2+2 looks like ■ $5,000 sports car! Thunderbirds hewe new mr turn signals that ■ash 1-2-3 in sequence. See. drive a *65 Ford! ! ihrtMrt t SOUTHWELL MOTOR COMPANY 910 SHELBY BOAD PHONE 7994743 L so. "you shall love your neighbor as yourself." Vou cannot have one without the other. The Apostle Paul emphasized this a numlHT of times. To the Christians at Galatia he wrote, "For the whole law is fulfilled in word. ‘You shall love your neigh bor as yourself'." Is thehe any necessity in spell ing out again the range or scope, the outreach of love, and the neighbor involved? Surely, our Lord made it quite clear in the parable of "The (food Samari tan."...not only the neighbor identified, hut the very personal, question, "Whose neigh bor am I?" Tin* neighbor you or i know and the* response we make to ward him. toward every person God created, is both the opportu nity and the judgment of what we really an1, before G >d! Chris tianity is not a static, standstill quality of existence. It is living the life of love, the selfsame love which gave its life for the world Unless we can lose ourselves in loving the neighbors of the world we are making a mockery of God. ami of what we claim to be Christians: Our Lord's words and example as as timely as the morning newspajier. They are hitinglv re levant to the crises in our church and community lift-. What about shirt-sleeve evangelism or wit nessing on the job. or at school? How about color-blind minister - ies and desegregated classrooms? All challenges, in religion and business and race, as in every other area of life, tall quickly in to place once we are constrained by the love of Christ to re-enact the neigh burliness of the good Samaritan right here on the streets of Kings Mountain. If men expect to inherit eter nal life, that is life in commun ion with the God of love, then they must obey the only demand God makes of his own. They must freely share with their neighbors that love which God freefly showers upon them. Men. created by God and re deemed by Christ, are equals, and meant to bo brothers. Their ,s neither distinction nor separ ation on God's part. Dare we do less? In the days when men sailed wooden ships, an inexperienced | youth went to a London hiring ' hall, seeking a job as seaman. : "Have you ever gone around the | Horn." asked the agent. He knew j that the shipping companies wanted only t h «■ experienced men. The young man ha dto admit that he had not. that he had nev er sailed at all. 'Then.” said the agent, "you'll have to come into I the next room.” There, in the - other room, was nothing but the .lorn of a steer, lying in the cen- 1 ter of the floor. The agent had i the perplexed man walk slowly around it. saying. "Now you have been around the horn. You can sign up lor a voyage to India.” Some people, in a similar man ner. become Christian in name only, never really living the transformed life. The true Chris tian. like a real mariner, has sailed tiie heavy seas of life con scicntiouslv. He has helped bear the cross of Christ in every temp i's!. lie has home his brother's burdens. He is a go-si neighbor with love for Hie fallen, the poor, the oppressed. He is a friend to the sick, a comfort to those who mourn, a peace-maker to those .« strife, a child of God in loving action. lie never asks the absurd ques tion. “And who is my neighbor?" He only asks of himself, "Am I being the neighbor God desires me to be*" Untill he can answer that question in the affirmative, ami even when he does, he goes : out again and again in love. He , strives, with God's help, to do ! the task Gist has given him. lie dot's it not because he must, but because he is filled with God's love in his own life. Ho serves i the neighbor he knows in Chris- ! tian love! Our world, nation, society and ■ church are caught up in rovolu 1 lions we can neither avoid nor ignore. Freedom, Equality, oppor I iunity, security* happiness and brotherhood are not fanciful dream* or Impossible ideal*. Men and women and children arc rtrijgglinj and. yes. dying for human dignity and life, which is their fiofl given heritage and right. These are fop all men. There i« only one way and one answer. the way of Christian love. •'You shall love ynur nelffh bor as yourself." 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