Proposed Trade Practice Boles T»erve As Guide For Morticians 1 Ed. Note, Following is a set >°s of questions and answers •lealing with the Trade Practice Rules for the Funeral Service Industry which have been pro posed hv National Selected Mor tieians to the Federal Trade Commission. Because o f the many requests from the general public for information on the proposed rules, the following is submitted. Q Do the trade prartii-c rules confer juiisdiction ovbr individ ual funeral director* beyond that which the federal government already possesses? A No. As it was pointed out in the special report issued by the Official NSM Board, the trade practice rules merely re- ' state the prohibitions of existing j law. They do not add to existing | law. They are voluntary In their j adoption and do not have the force of law Q Will the proposed rules make funeral directors subject to federal legislation and regula tions in other aieas? A No. This has not been the ex|x*rience of other industries, deluding the Concrete Burial Fault .Manufacturers. Rather, they will serve to refute any claim that legislation or regula tory authority is necessary or de sirable. Q Can these proposed rules he used by the FTC as a basis for issuing trade regulations and rules? A -No. Rather, these rules, if supported and adopted by the . funeral industry, will make un necessary regulatory action a gainst funeral service, which has l»een urged i>> so me groups. Q It has been claimed that if tunerai directors adopt the proposed practice rules, thev j . ,lu‘n be subject to the pro* visions of other federal regula •ions and legislation which are not already applicable A Tltis in incorrect. The rules do not give the Federal Trade Commission or any other federal agency jurisdiction over funeral directors which is not already present. Q How many cases involving funeral diiectors have Iwen the subject of judicial action by the FTC? A One case has dealt with a specific funeral director, the Greater Chambers Company of Washington, D. C. There have, however. I»een a total of 36 oth er cases from 1922 to 1933. in volving other segments of the funeral industry, including can ket and monument manufactur ers. But, these only represent cases which have been actually filed by the FTC. They do not include the many hundreds of <-omplaints received by the FTC against funeral directors. Infor mation concerning tht» details of •such complaints is confidential. By statute, it is a crime for FTC personnel to disclose the nature of such complaints. Q If the FTC adopts the pro posed trade practice rules for the funhral service industry, how would they be enforced? A Tile FTC would give every funeral director full opportunity to comply voluntarily. Only in the event of a deliberate or will ful violation would the FTC in stitute formal proceodings. The FTC would take this latter ac tion whether or not trade prac tice titles were adopted, provided the Commission had the r«*qdisite iurisdiction. As Senator Philip A. Hart. Chairman of the Senate Anti trust and Monopoly Subcommit tee said following the hearings in Washington last July: “To me, the most encouraging fact developed jn these hearings is the trade practice rules pro posed to tile Federal Trade Com mission. While they by not hav Comedy Comer ”r«rl HM> la Mm oft that adwrtisltw |Wrt ■MflW Terror's smwWw soul won't allow him to wrsstls oils you wear HI" ing the force of law would not , solve all problems involved, at least they would provide the ' funeral dim-tor a guide that is moie in k«>epir*g with our free enterprise system." Q Was it necessary to pro- I |K)se trade practice rules to the 1 Federal Trade Commission? A Yes. if public confidence is . , ever to be restored in the funeral director, as they demonstrate the funeral service industry is concerned with the public inter est and public opinion. .y N'SM and other funeral di j rector organizations have their own codes of ethics as effective in restoring public confidence as trade practice rules? A The public always suspects codes of ethics which are issued North Carolina Needs Two-Party Government! VOTE FOR Bob Gavin GOVERNOR VOTE FOR Bob Maner For North Carolina House Of Representatives BOB GAVIN BOB MANER WHERE HRS 60 TEARS OF DEMOCRA TIC RULE LEFT OUR STATE? • 43rd IN THE NATION IN PER CAPITA PERSONAL INCOME. • 50th IN THE NUMBER OF TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE EMPLOTED. 49th IN WAGES PAID TO INDUSTRIAL WORKERS. 46th IN INFANT MORTALITY RATE. 42nd IN RETAIL SALES. 44th IN THE NUMBER OF DRAFTEES WHO FAIL THE SELEC TIVE SERVICE MENTAL EXAMINATION. 43rd IN THE NUMBER OF CITIZENS (14 OR OLDER) ABLE TO READ OR WRITE. • 46th IN THE NUMBER OF 9th GRADE STUDENTS WHO FINISH HIGH SCHOOL. • 47th IN THE NUMBER OF PUPILS PER TEACHER. Put N.C. Back on the Track VOTE REPUBLICAN! by association* for tin* guidance of their members. Most people consider them as being more in the interest of the funeral dhts tor than of the public. Proof of their ineffectiveness were the critical attacks made against funeral dim-tors over the past few years. Q Would the proposed trade practice rules supercede exsiting state law and regulations gov erning funeral directors? A No. The proposed trade practice rules are a restatement of existing federal law, which does not confer upon the FTC any jurisdiction or authority over funeral directors which is not already provided in the statutes it administers. The trade prac tice rules provide a national guide for both funeral service and the general public, and are intended to do no more or no less. As it was stated in the special re|K)i t from the Official Board of National Selected Morticians: "The rules; do not have the force of law, hut they do serve to put the industry membership on notice thai abidance by the rules is an excellent way to avoid adversary action by the Commis sion for law violations. Further, they form the basis for ehtical conduct for all funeral directors on a nationwide basis." y W uld ail persons, includ ing representatives of funeral scrviie organizations, have an 'pportunity t o express their views on the proposed rules and lo suggest amendments if public hearings arc held h ythp FTC? A Yes. All parties, including S'FDA anti NSM. would hav e an opportunity t o express their views and opinions before tile Commission. The Commission A'ould only make its decision on whether or not to promulgate Ihe proposed rules if they had :aken into consideration all the testimony given at such hear ings. Q What is the alternative to ! trade practice rules? A Funeral service has little al ternative in view of the critical attitude of the general public to ward this industry. If continuing {opposition persists and the rules are not adopt ini or issued by the { j FTC. funeral service is in for many years of litigation, not on ly by the federal government. : hut by state and local authorities ' f r , r .... . . . ... ... . r,^ . TEEA*S HEALTH Health and Safety Tips < from The American Medical Axsoi'iatUm | . ’i Walking or hiking is an excel i lent exercise that involves many j j of the muscles of the body. One I | of its big advantages is that . 'walking is universally available - as an exercise nearly every day ' of the year. The strenuousness of | the activity de|tends on the pace | anti distance. Walking can have mental health values, too. if we learn to enjoy the exercise and the open air. says a pamphlet of the A merican Medical Association. Pleasant physical activity can I help to relieve emotional tension, j Exercise is most likely to he on , joyable when the activity is done ' with ('am- and skill. Like any form ol exercise, walking requires a period of gradual conditioning before any all-out effort. If you're out of training, start slowly with short hikes and gradually build up the time and distance. The feet take quite a beating in walking. Be sure that shoes fit properly, are w-ell broken In and have no rough spots inside. | Wearing two pair of socks helps. • i The feet function best w-hen the i toes point straight ahead in i w-alking. Walking with toes turn ed In or out distributes the bo- { dy> weight unequally on the fee*. Local Men Begin Recruit Training SAN DIKCJO. CALIF. iKIfTN C, Danny A Thomasson. son of Mr and Mrs John W. Tho masson of 1002 Woodsirip Dr.. Kin^« Mountain. X. and Dav id M. Hardin, son of Mr. and Mr* E. T. Hal din of .ittl West Gold St.. Kind's Mountain. X. bogan nroruit training Sept 2!». at the Naval Training Ontor, San Dingo, Calif. They aw learning basic mili tary law. cunt ims and »*iiryitfit«‘. seamanship. and a hash* kn->w ledge of shipboard routine. Also included jn the training was extensive military drill, first aid. swimming, water survival it.t.-tics .md physical fitnrcs 1'pon rompkMiiifi, lln*y will bn granted a 11 day leave tr-for* reporting to new dut> station* or a serv i school Jim jiwiu noim POT PIES 4 rn_ WH»IM uir MNN» 1A Z 59c steaks ___ 49c SUPER-RIGHT" SMALL MEATY PORK SPARE RIBS - • "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY PURE PORK SAUSAGE • ALLGOOD BRAND, SMOKED FLAVORED 1-LB. ROLL Sliced Bacon 1-LB. PKG. 39*2 LB. PKG. miccs trr. TH»U OCT M. B-CENTS or* LABIL ON — OUR OWN TEA_ 51c B-Ot. K| ■*" Tn N( VIGOROUS AND WINEY BORAR M COFFEE...1# 77c MARCAL COLORED TOILET TISSUE ORIEO. RRERARED — LUCK'S Roll* 29c ORIEO. BRER ARID — LUCK'S A|k BEANS.-3£ 49c i SUNSHINE <|ai_ fc Hi-Ho Crackers ^ 256 : STRIETMANN AA AA * ZEST A SALTINE E-Lb. 29C *■LJ 1 CRACKERS In ™ NABISCO OVEN ERESN AA AA COOK I EScHOCOLAT. 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