MAKHIA*:y ASXOl'XCED Mr, ami Urn. Harare Brown an il i th/ .-I , i it >f ihri iiitaqhtrr. Oioria Jeaniar, to Kirk oias Mil'll Janil l.cfti-.. h. »<»i of Mr. ami Mrs. F-cti H. /(rrtiw. F h tin .',i\v (i , ,>/ A1 nqs Mountain. The u'Tiiiiinq Ilink piaer An ins' <‘h M -i. l.eiti- h at a student of Hinas Maim fain hitjh h. •!. Ih h -lmn • 1* 1 'i pi mini In M illins. In, The couple is at h Shelhu hitihuntu. Leqion Auxiliary Met Thurday John Das ling. who is associat ed vxit!i tnc S ', Se in :tx Ad minis! rat ion in Gastonia. gaxe the pro: rant Thursday night whon hr A-vi'r an l.< •>• Au\ Diary me: at tin* home .1 Mrs. Hubert Aderhelt Mis John \\ Gladder. was eo hostes- xv.t! Mis Viei It ami they siir\ i-ii cake and iiv cream, at reties iment time Mi I>arling stressed social so curity benefits to senior eiti/ens and pe.ntod out need lor educat ing oui eiti/ens on social security la. ts Fourteen members attended Club Activities Are Planned A barbecue dinner for tin* family will S' serxed beginning at .> p m Friday at the Country Club Ciub manager Allen Berlin sa.d s.ip|H*r will be serxed early so that merrbe ' max i,tter*d the Rhelbx Kings Mountain football game in Shelby Mr Berlin also announeed plans tor a Halloween eoatume party tor pr. * : •clot s through third graders Oo toner 30 from 3 .V uniil 5 pm Reserxa tions ore asked Club membei's also plan a bus ti\p to the Carolina Ciemsor fixotball frame Saturday Novem boi Tth Mi Berim said 3s tiekets an' ax ailahle The bus xx .11 leaxe at 10 s • «r to: Ciemsor. re turning to K ngs Mountain in time for club members te attend club n.irht aetlx-ittes A hotx luneb will he served ai noon Leanne Robbs Has First Birthday U'isin,' Christa Rnhhs da ugh 1fr of Mr and Mrs Johnny Hobbs of 1710 Shelby » md eele bra PM tier ftrsr birthday The* da\ iVtoher 20th She is the granddaughter of Mr ir.d Mrs Boyd F Sanders of Wcatowi r and V - J H Robbs • Sheiry • id a-d tho late Mr R.v a* Her great irandparerts art' Mr ar V s R .1 San n s The famdy gat hoi <«a at tho Robbs • o TV*» • y • t; : • cut Lea-res pink do orated birthday * ako The . ako w as im.'ij with punch and other party refreshments Crawfc-d Lef* Monday For Step Two Ot Traininq \V rvv-Kt:,! v'ra' t . Kings Mount* n natiw who has enter ed the postal :"*pe :.or service has completed four \\*-eks of training Washington P C. and reported '1 >nday for step two in h> tt a r re program to the Chattar wa division of the l* # Postal So: v ..m Mr Crawfc >;vrt the week end with h.s w.:'e a"! daughter. Donna Mr Crawford winked as a postal I'le's at the K. . . V. tam postoffsoe for 14 year* He was appo. ted to the inveatipit ivt hra-'.oh of the t' S P >Tal Service in September Mr at-ii Mrs J*v Spearman and ehddren. Joey and Cindy spent the weekend with their paper "s Mr ad Mrs Paul Owens and Mr and Mrs C A Spearr- in co-rur.c especially for the Friday night reunion of the Class of 'M of K.ngs Mountain high school Mr* Spearman the former Mary Owen* was a mem" ber of the graduating daaa. Magnolia Garden Club To Meet On Tuesday Magnolia Garden club mem bers will hold their regular mw mg Tuesdav miming at 10 o'clock at the him*' of Mrs. Mat r> Jaynes Mrs C. V Cash "ill pivsent the program, "Church Arrange ments." Party Honors Recent Bride Mrs David Roberts, recent bride was honored ruesdav eve ning at a drop <n party held in the fellowship hall of Kings Mountain Baptist church. Sharing hostesis duties were Mrs Jim Littlejohn. Mrs Mike Dixon and Mrs Charles Hem don The 25 guests who called show ered Mrs Roberts, the former Libtn Medlin. with miscellaneous household gifts Overlaid with pink cloth, the refreshment table was decorated in pink and green. A candela brum of pink candles and flowers centered the table. Green punch was served from one end of the table and silver trays held petit fours nuts and mints Mrs Roberts who wire a blue wool dress, was given a corsage of pmk carnations from the host OS SOS. Miss Joan Mi-C'.urc freshman at DNC-G. spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs J \ McClure SOCIAL CALENDAR F ridn »; ').<»' I'amilv hiii beetle din nor I .it tin* Country ('Ititi. 7:30 Rfhcarul for the o won* Thomas wedding in Shavvs Cieek Baptist rhurrh of Hen dersonville follow'd . v after re hearsal patty at the home of Mrs J. It. ntomii' Sn t it rdo u: l:t*o Flic ividdinn -f Miss Pa tti. 'ia Ann Ost'iw and Robert Clyde Thomas in Shaw Creek Baptist church of 1 Icndet sonvillc followed In a reception to be given hy Mr and Mrs. Paul W Ow«'t»» at Hendersonvill** Wimt- j an's club. Tmxdav: am Kick >ff breakfast ! for Cnilrd Fund volunteers at tin* Woman's club. 10 a nt Magnolia Garden club I at the home of Mrs. Harry I Jaynes Mrs. C. K. Cash, program 1 chairman. Mrs. Barber Heads Clubwomen Mrs. Otis Barber has been elected president of t ie Mar grace Woman's lull for the com ing year. Other officers, wh ■ assumed new duties at the regular club meeting Saturday evening, are Mrs Floyd Gates, vice president: Mtss Grace Blanton, ’haplatn: Miss Hertha Blanti»n. treasurer: Mrs John Caldwell, secretary: and Mrs. J. B Foster, repotter Mrs. George Stroupe and her mother Mrs C. C. Lynn, were os-hostesses at thou home They served a Halloween refreshment plate, including deeotaied .:p cakes, sandwiches. nuts and small baskets of Halloween goodies Birth Announcement? Mr. and Mrs Bobby K< Bridges. lflfiO Bennett Drive, an nounee the birth of a daughto; Wednesday. October 14. Ki Mountain hospital Mr and Mrs Billy Ray Foster. 204 Bonfield Road, .innoun, e : . birth of a daughter Wedr. sd iy vVtober It. K;ngs Mountali : -- pital Mr. and Mrs James Martin 210 Kiser street announce th. birth of a son. Sunday. October 15. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr and Mrs Thomas Brown. 522 Belvedere, announce thoj birth of a son. Friday. (Vtobe 16. Kings Mountain hospital Mr and Mrs Paul Webber Jr route 1. Shelby, annour-e tin birth of a son. Monday October IP. Kings Mountain hospital — Mr and Mrs. Emil Abu Pay enh of Jerusalem and Mr and Mrs. Buren Neill f Oast >nia were dmner guests Monday night of Mr and Mrs. A. \V Kincaid The Dayenhs. Arabs v.s.v g ,:i Gastonia, are travel agents and Mr Day enh served as a g.i i Sor the American party the K caids joined to tour the Holy Land this summer Mr Neill a Gastonia travel agent and son f Mr. and Mrs. B S Neill, former resident*, now of H . korv A .\ r,.U r.VF.X T AS S OVXCED M anil Ms. O- or Short of K nos M ■•in' >,n «»«>»• •><•« *■.':« <>/ fftrtr daughter, J ' . ' f' B. « Ck • n.\ ' >. ; .V .i.jrf .V •*. Ho-l<tn Grteni >t G • > • !>»•/<>.;? i -i/i />• >*t ,-rrnf «/ Drmnbrr I’tfi. Mrs. Weir Heads Study Club Mrs \V. T Weir has been elected president of the Study dub for the .-omlng year She will sue-eed Mrs \V A Russell Tite new officers were elected at Tuesday m :n:'< r« ,.:lar m«vt -ng Mrs \v Kugenc McCarter was hostess at her home and served a and dessert .-curse at the beginning: of the meeting. Mrs Lawyer . L'-h: w:11 sen e as vice-president of the dub and Mrs W U Gmntham ».li re •eeretsry-treasurer The new of ficers will assume duties in No v ember. Mrs E W Neal reviewed 'Mountain Dtvto y Lee.-.-. Blythe as the j.,- >. ■ »rr. h... i rht. Mrs j R Keet. or. . r man, presented Mrs Neal . art librarian at Ja .»b S M . .. \ Memorial Library and : or Kit es Mounta.n teacher. Grover Rescue Squad Plans Supper, Dance The Grow.' Rescue Squad veil] soonsor the sale if hamburgers and h >tdogs Saturday from 5 until 7 pm. at the Rescue Squad building. A square dance will begin at ' p\\ ith music by the Am ros;. Owens Hand of Forest City. Admesion will be SI per person M:ss Cooke Weds Charles Drewery Tlie wedding of Miss Lena C 'kc a • ! Charles R Drewery-. b ;h of Shelby. took place Satur day ;n a 7 p.m. ceremony per formed by Probate Judge \V. R Douglas ;n Gaffney. S. C. M > Drewery. daughter of Mr. 1 M ' J. R CiH’ko of Shelby is a graduate of Bethware high > ’hooi and :s employed by Pitts arch Plate Glass company. Mr. Drewery. son of Mr. and Mr- Leroy Drewery of Shelby. .* also employed at Pittsburgh Plate Glass c mpanv. He at en It'd Shelby high school and as completed a three-year tour •f duty with the United States Army. The newly-weds are at home in Shelbv. eUrab^+h S+cwarf Pkone 739-5441 Miss Owens Gives Plans Miss Patricia Ann Owens and ( Robert Clyde Thomas. both of | Hendersonville. have <*>mp!eted plans for their wedding, which i will take place Saturday. Octo- • her 2-lth. at 4 p.m in Henderson- \ vllle's Shaw-s Creek Baptist j church. The bride-to-be is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb Owens of Kings Mountain. Mr. Thomas is a non of Mrs. J. R. Thomas of Hendersonville and the late Mr. Thomas. Rev. T. G. Proctor will offici ate at the double-ting ceremony. Miss Rhea Lineberger of Mats [ Hill will be organist for the pro gram of nuptial music and Mrs. Dan Royal of Wilkisboro will be vocal soloist. The bride-elect will be given in marriage by her father. Fred Moore of Hendersonville will be | best man for Mr. Thomas. Mrs. Joe Spearman of Hendcr- . sonville will be her sister's ma- ' cron of honor and Mis* Sue Par ser of Hendersonville will be maid of honor. Bridesmaids will ; nolude Mrs. Mortis Foster of drover and Mrs Charles John- 1 mn of Durham, sisters of the : •Wide-elect. Mrs. Paul Davis of ihelby. and Mrs. Wayne Bibb of Decatur. Ga.. sister of the pros- 1 lective bridegroom. Ushers, all brothers of the trospective bridegroom, will in iude Johnny Crosier Thomas, toyce Thomas and Wesley Tho nas. all of Hendersonville, and i J. R. Thomas. Jr. and Charles j rhomas, both of Jacksonville. Fla Mrs. Harold Vests of Oteen will keep a guest register. The bride-elect's parents will ; ■ntertain after the ceremony at the reception to be held at Hen ! lersonville Woman's club. Following rehearsal for the wedding on Friday evening, the bridegroom-to-be's mother will be hostess to members of the wedding party at her home on Kar.uga R --ad in Hendersonville, j Presbyterian Women In Mount Holly Today Fight Kings Mountain women will go to Mount Holly Thursday today, to attend the annual meeting of Kings Mountain Pres bytery at Mount Holly Presby- | tei :.m church. The local Presbyterian delega tion. representing First Presay terian church, will be led bv Mrs Bob Maner. president, and’ Mrs Charles Ballard, vice-president of Women of the Church Others who will attend are Mrs W C Ballow. Mrs. C. D. Blanton. Mrs Frank Sinoost. Mrs. P G. Pad gett. Mrs Paul Mauney and Mrs Charles Blanton Women of Presbytery opened the annual meeting Wednesdav night with a supper at the host ess church. Mission Study Held By Lutheran Women Mrs. Paul McGinnis led the study of the book. • Death of a Myth" by Kyle Haselden at Mon day night's joint mission stud> of Lutheran women from Resur rection and St. Matthew's Luthe ran churches. Lutheran women are using the theme. Spanish Speaking Amer icans as Bible studv material for 1964-65. MR. ASD MRS. JERRY REID IVILSOX arc p« tun'd above us thru cut their wedding eakt at the United Stati * Atr Foret Base ChajtcJ in Y'tl"\a. Turkey. The bruit, the former Katherine Often of Xrie Castle. Pa;. ft * cm pi tied f.»/ tin Stati Dt/tart• nient in Ijahorc. Pakistan before her marring* in August. Mr. M'ifnow. noir on a rwn.ycnr assgnwrvt with tl. CSAF in Vo lora, i# son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Wilson d Kings Mountain. He graduated from Kings Mountain high set.I and attended X. C. State and CIt mson < .liege*. A < • cert neon, //receded the church rites in the Base Chape! with the rerr/Jion following. Miss Martha Ernst Weds Bruce Seism In Double-Ring Ceremony October 2 Hoyle-Scism Invitations Issued Invitation* read.rg as follows have t*ee:; issued ir. Kings Moun tain: Afr. and Mrs. A thur Do d Gosnell request the honour of your j ire sen, e at the marriage of the|-’er JaequcUne Hoyle to Mr. Xolan Trruy Seism on Sunday, the first of Xi’vember Si«< r<vn hundred and - ' i.r at fire o’el’--K Temjdc Bop’ist Church Kings Muntam. X ~th Co - no Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owens and son. Pete, will go to Henderson ville Frida\ night for the wed ding Saturday of their daughter, Pat Owens, to Robert Thoms Miss Owens and Mr. Thomas will be married at 4 p.m Saturday in Shaws Creek ( hui\ r. and the Kings Mountain Owens' will be hosts for a reception after the ceremony. Miss Libby Bar. h. freshman at Wimhrop college in R>- k Hill. S. C-. spent the weekend her parents. Mr and Mrs. Kelly Bunch. Mrs, Arthur Is Winner At State Fair;Bridal Parties Held Mrs. J. H. A'Tf-jr ot ki-'gs Mountain was *he or y win-i "er fror- Cevea-d Coj-ty ■ v *-e wo'c "eeoe»;> divi sion e* t-e No-**' Carol'"'a S*a*e Fa>. I>e v ngs Mou^ta - wen*- i a- r area sere's ' *~e at g-a- c.ass ot *-e woe nee- i d ewoH division $+a*e Fa:r j o'-'ir'a s 'eroded +F’s weeL T^e anrua fa’r a+t-aeed H„ndneds ot ••'ousa''cJs ot tafooe^s +c Ra e gfc a s + week "i"He *ai- ceseo Sa*j'~ dav. * * Bridal Parties Continue Jacv'e Ho> e. bride-eect of November I. was oues* ;of-honor a* twe bnda1 parties 'ece-*'v. \'r>. W ar'e- Her“don a~d Mr«. Jerry R'kard e~*er*a *• eo a* a dror-ir snowe' ana 30 guests ca ea a* *ne aa e? ouoge of f- -st Bac^is* church *o O'Vf \*'ss Hove >oe'-e a^g •'c-fe’-c a c **$. ~ne refreshment ‘able was decorated in pink o-ee a-'d wh'+e. ^ ca-oe'ab'..m of pink ca-d'es a~d p -A ca'-a *‘ons ce-^ered *~e »abe and g-een punch was served w * oree * cases topped w *h p ~k roses and lilv-cf-the-va' ev. • • • % Mrs. Vo**a** Sc s~* Mr*. Joh»- B. F*cnk M*s. C e’** W-'sh+ a~2 V'$. Dave De 'nger sha-ed hos*ess dut'es *cr a — re a~eo...s snowe'he d ;n t^e te cwsh'p ha of Pa-^e'sc" Grove Bar's* chuTh. Jack e Ho> e who wi marry Ne ar Scisrr,, was given a •shcwer of gifts and a white carnation corsage, i The refreshment tabie was decorated in pink and white. •Ja-rf: Sa-y {’~ker) John ?or Jr- vv ceeora*e his *">c r '*-aay F-'aay. Octo re" 33 a* "'s ■'CT>e at 1025 c C-c"\ Ave__e Rock :'!gram. V:."C JoHrsor wi'i c_* a decorated b''*"dav rake ~-e~re"5 c* r's farr y. He ? '-e ?or> or Mr. a^o M"s. .'ar-es Gar\ Jc^'scr, Sr. of Rocu’-gbarr former K:-gs Mour*a'" residents. Mrs. „ r?c ■ $ ♦*-e Torrrer Cyr *-‘a T'’,da:. G-a-dpa-e^*? a^e Mr. a~d '' N. U. ’ "da o* Du^nem —?" v of K -g> Mo-ntar. 3"0 Mr. a~o Mr?. Ka rn Jcn-so* o* \ “os vounta r. o*ea’ gra"oca'e"*s a-e M<-. and M*s. A. U. ~ ~ca e* K>cs Mour *a> a~d Mrs. R. H. C-a'c cx o ee~v e Sc.*” Carc''-a. • • » * \e« v-'-cd; V*„de a-d r H. Se" c: Sreenv'' e S. C. *e*e ci.e<*?-c:-r!oror Sa+.-oas a* a ’acky ca-*y and ’6" s”c«*er o\c\ Mrs. ”e«e ^ cks a_d Mrs. Judy Pe~o e*c” *he a**r' o* $-ec. a* *-e hc^e Mrs. C. A. Seepra'c ~ ~ os ** s+'eet. Mr?. Seeopa*o c* Mrs. Hicks a~d Mr$. Ge”n. T”e 2C :c.ce: ca^e *ce oe~“? gift? o’ "can. Michae S^'p^a- w;r *-e t>r<re ’’or tee re?* cos*_”~e. It's A Girl M*. a*.- Ui R - cf •* Per oc'cr*” c* Chamotte an nounce tea arrive cr J c'racg** 3o*cr*t\ October II. T^e yoi-rgs’er '? grarddajghteaiof Uns. I. B. Goforth. Sr. of Kings Mountain and tha late Mr. Goforth. About This N’ That 1954 graduates of Kings Mountai' hiqn schoc He o e reunion Fr,day night in the "ecreatior ha1' of First Presby *er an church. read etters *rom classmates livinq in Burli~g ton, N. Knob Neste-, Mo., Denver Colo, and Sa- Ar *or.o. Texas, and paid tribute to a deceased membe- of the c sss. Rar-y Amette. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Amette. Refreshments were sensed at a buffet tabe by M-s. Seorge Moss. !n charge of arrangements were M*-$. H. A. ca -’a* a-d Mrs. Se"' G- gg. Jr., pot*- cf Raie or ana Mrs. R cHard McMackh of W’nston Saiem. Othe- c!ass members attending were Mr. a-d Mrs. James Rushing and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Russe , KHqs Moun*a*n; Mr. and Mrs. Ge-e Lail and Mc-da a^d Mr. a-q MrS. Marvir. Atkirscn. Lee and Todd, of Crar'ctte- M-s. Rooe-t Neiser, Page and, S. C.; Mr. end Mrs. Robert Davis Aug-s+a. Ga.: Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Raines. Shelby Mrs. Ray He a~d of Knightdae- and Mr. end Mr?. Joe Spearr-a- of Hendersonville. * * * t Steve Barber young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jcrn B. &ar oer flew to Washington. D. C. and back over the weekend *’or a three-day visit with young Eddie Smith. The youngsters visited the White House, the Capitol. Lincoln Memorial. Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and toured Storybook Land ;n Woodbridge between Rich mond a->d Arlington. • • * • Mrs. E. A. Harn'l! is in Decatur, Ga. for a visit w'4+> he' daughter, Mrs. Jason DoHon and Mr. Dortor. • • * • Mrs. Caci1 Anderson return? to KecrvUie Te'-essee to day after a visit here with her brethe-. Booth GHiespie and Mrs. Gillespie. Mrs. Franklin Pethal, daughter of the Gies pies. also returns home to Greensboro Thursday after M ss Martha Ernst and Bruce Seism, o?h of Mountain, were wed C>> tober 2 mi a 7 p.m. cerem ny hold at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Geoige Julian on York road. Rev Mr Julian, pastor of Sec ond Baptist church, heard the double-ring pledges in the pres ence of members of the two fam ilies. The bride and bridegroom en- A toned the ceremony room toge-" ther The bride's wedding dress was a street length design of wiiite bridal satin. The fitted bod^e was fashioned with ba teau neckline, low crescent w aist - line and elhow sleeves. A tailored b-'\v was caught to the neckline at the ba. k with streamers fall ing t the hemline of the A line skirt. A satin rose held her fin gert.p veil of illusion and she earned a white Bible topped an orchid and showered with satin streamers. Mrs. John V. Sessoms was the brides matron - of honor. She w Te a pick street-length dress with lace ta ket. a pink veiled headpiece and carried a Intuque: of pmk pompons. Paul Sessoms was best man for the bridegroom. The bride's mother wore a gold brocade street-length dress with black accessories and a white shoulder corsage. The bridegroom's mother chose blue with black accessories and <i white shoulder corsage Tile bride and bridegroom cut their wedding cake at a recep tion which immediately followed the ceremony Overlaid w .th white lace doth, the bride's table was decorated in all white. A three-tier cake was cut and served (nun one end of y the table by Mrs. (Ilona Spiof. Mrs Dorothy Cole Moore and Mrs Ivey Lankford served punch A candelabrum of white candles and flow ers provided the tenter piece. All ■ white flowers wore used throughout the Julian home. PR Hit AS’D PRIhBGROOM The new Mrs Scisnt is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Odrey Ernst Mr. Seism is the non of Mr. and Mrs Raymond Seism and both he and his bride are grad nates of Kings Mountain high school Hie bl ulcgrootii is miw employed by Mn'molm l-'inislting Plant in Blacksburg. S C. M: anil Mrs Seism are at nomc on Seism Gin road near Kings Mountain. Seniors Name Senior superlatives for |<NM hav t1 been chosen by airtnltct s of the senior class «t Kings Moon tain high •ehuol They Include Best all arotititl Susan Merrier and Jimmv Cion to ;ei Most school spirited leresa M-Oame! and Sieve Baker Most likely to siici-crd lialy Mortis and Neil Met ail.n Wittiest: Donna Hurtles and Denn* Patterson M'>*t athletic: .love** It.illn and R.-harti Gold Most ta'entcd Lynda Mauney and Bur Shuford. Most sapdious: Jan Willianw John Vavem B**t looking: Susan Plonk and " Superlatives"

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