by Maid red Morria Xm items this wtek from Washington, Polk. Alamance, Swain. Cherokee, and Columbus Counties. GOOD EATING AHEAD FOR RHUBARB LOVERS Have you ever frozen rhuoaro? Mrs. L. L. Hinton was the only club rm*mber i n Washington County to report freezing rhu barb this year. In the spring, she and her husband started collect ing and a variety of berry plants, gr.i|>c vines, nut and fruit trees and rhubarb. Mrs. Kranrt*s Darden, home economics agent. sa. s Mrs llin ton is proud of the results. "We will not he satisfied until we can grow unusual fruits not normal I ly grown here." Mr*, llint in re ! ported. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES I’SED Because of many new carpet fibers on the market, Mr*. Shir ley Arledge, home economics a gent, has been showing Home Demonstration Club members in Polk County the various types of carpets now available. The women also discussed care of rugs and carpets. Mrs Ar led ;e explained and demonstrate ihI the correct use of the carpet sweeper and vacuum deaner. STEAM YOt'H WRINKLES AWAY Boone Home Demonstration Club in Alamance County receiv In North Carolina. at a picnic, beer is a natural When you’re relaxing at your favorite outdoor beauty spot with friends or family, and your thirst's whetted by fresh air and cxcr cisc-that's the ideal time for a cool, refreshing glass of beer. In fact, you can name your recreation—swimming, hiking, or just watching TV—and chances arc nothing in the world fits k quite as well as beer. Your familiar glass of beer is also a pleasurable reminder that wc live in a land of personal freedom—and that our right to enjoy beer and ale, if we so desire, is just one, but an important one, of those personal freedoms. fci North Carotin...boor gees with 6m, with nlautioa UNITED STATES MEWfEBS ASSOCIATION, INC. 1005 lUMgti Building. Raleigh, North Carolina cd top honors with their fair booth on “I’roper Pressing Points .'* They exhibited various pieces o' pressing equipment a long with information on press •ng wool garments. M.s. Nancy AdaTs. him1 «*.-o nomies ageni. says beside the steam iron was the notation steam your wrinkles away; by the pressing doth was the no tation steam, don't iron; beside the "spanker" was the words spank away the shine. Other helpful suggest.ons wen* given in the exhibit TOMATOES CONSERVED ‘'Frozen tomatoes make a nice garnish for salads during the winter months.” says Mrs. Ber nice Davis of Swain County. Miss Carolyn Davis, assistant home ac momii-s agent, says Mrs. Davis has been canning and freezing the plentiful tomato crop. Mrs. Davis says she waits un til she is ready to serve the salad and then places the frozen toma to slii-es on top as a garnish. MEAT CUTTING Tw > meat cutting demonstra tions were held in Cherokee County t o show homemakers how to make the best use of a forequarter of !»eef Many home makers were surprised at the small number of roasts and steaks from such a large car eass. Miss Thelma Wheeler, home economies agent, says they dis cussed the mar-ling ami disiri bution of fat ami compared roasts from the same carcass which vary in quality. “If you are going to freeze the meat, ‘boning' it will help mm- space in the freezer." added Miss Wheeler. 4-H'ERS TEACH NUTRITION Carolyn Harris, a 4-H’er in Columbus County, has been try ing to get local homemakers to use mow \itamin A foods in the diet. Miss Belly Capps, assistant home economics agent, says Oar olyn exhibited p isters in the lo cal grocery stows. She placid them near the fresh vegetable and fruit counter. On the posters ; was the question. "Have you pur chased your Vitamin A food f >r today?” The posters showed ex amples of vitamin A foods and told why tile foods were imp** | tant in *ihe daily diet. Eastside Series Starts Sunday Rev. William Weasc of Lin colnton will be evangelist for special services which begin Sun day night at Eastside Baptist church on York R>>ad. Services will be held nightly through November 1 at 7 p.m. Rev. Darrell Coble. Eastside pastor, issued an invitation to the community to join in the series of services. Wtwr« WIN Ttwy Hav«, ClMi^ Todayr Public School Classrooms Room Full vma For Classroom Bond Christopher Columbuses In Labs Chart Course To "New Hearts" CHAPKL HILL Its been 472 years since Christopher Co lumbus found the New World and started a chain of events which could hardly be foreseen are largely engaged in ba sic research to find tacts which can unfold their own usefulness to tl»e continuing war against the heart diseases. According to Dr. Herbert O. Sicker, president of ihe North Carolina Heart Association, re search is only one of the heari groups weapons in that heart war. Physician education, public health education, and heart dis eas** prevention and control pro grams in the local community an* just as important, if not more important, he suggests. "For each advance in the car dioviscular field, advances in other fields will he needed to put tlu* n«*w knowledge to use,” Dr. Sicker says. Columbus' journey to the New World was financed by Queen Isabella of Spain The work of the “Christopher Columbus«*s" in Tar Heel heart research labora tories is being financed, to a large deg re**, bv the North Caro linians who envision a “new world for hearts.” 20.000 young people 11 to 2-1 years old had dropped out of 1 high school sometime during the lflis2-63 school year. A number of families in the October survey also will be ask ed about their plans to purchase cars, houses, and major house hold appliance's during the next few months. Similar questions on i-onsumor buying intentions are included in tin- survey four times a year. Sample households will he in terviewed locally and m 3.V* oth er selected areas of th«* country during the week of October IV Census Bureau interv iewi-rs who will visit families in this area this month include; Mrs. Frances C. Hedden. s«i.» Meadovvhrook Road. Kings Moun tain. x. C. 2***?: Also Mrs Ethel S. Rockett. 9us South Street. Gas luoia, .N. C. JfcUM. G-W Sets Fonndei's Day ROILING SPRINGS Konwr presidents anil principal* ol Gardner Webb College will he honored Oct. :M a.* the college celebrate* its 57th. year of exist •mce with amiu il Founders Da\ Homecoming rv< nts. Activities begin O-t J'i ami continue through the night of Oct. 2-i when the Homecoming Football game between Gardner - Webb and Ferrum College of Ferrum. Va.. is slated for Blan ton Memorial Stadium in Shelby A highlight of Oct 2-1 feativi ties will In* the Founders Day Luncheon honoring tile principals •ml presidents of the old high school and college, their wives, children and grandchildren Also included as guests oi honor will be the graduation classes of li»51 .V> who will lx- recognized at the 1 p.m. ium-heon. Oitest speaker w ill lie Dr. The run I» 1’: r g ion Department at Furman I'm versify. Greenville. S. f. Before the luneneon, a joint meeting of the Alumni officer* ami Dirts "tors, presidents of lo cal alumni chapters and the A lumm Committee of the Faculty Will l»- held. Open house will be held from 2-6 pm. with all campus build ings open to the public. The new men's dormitory will hr official ly opnnl during a formal open ing ceremony with sjws-ial guests teing individuals and churche who have furnished memorial rooms in the dormitory. Former graduates. faculty, staff members and guests udl enjoy Hie annual barbecue at the gymnasium :i«>m .‘> 6 p. m. bef«ire going out to support the Bulldog football team. Iginsford Jolley, chairman of the college Social Studies Depart ment. is chairman of the Found ers Day Committee and Hubert Dixon. Head of the Department of Mathematics, is chairman of the Alumni Committee. Former principals to be hon ored are J. D. Tuggins. Sr., prin cipal at Boiling Springs High School from 1907 1910, and from 19H 192*. F. A. Brown, joint principal with Hudgins from 190S-1910; J. M. Hamrick. 1910 1911: W. J. Francis. 1911-1914. Foimer presidents t.> be honored an* the institution’s first presi dent. James Blaine Davis. 192> 19.10; I»r Zeno Wall. 1930 1932; James 1- Jinkins. 1932-35; A. C. I.ov el.K e. 1935 36; George J Bur nett; 193d 1939; J. R. Cantrell. 1939-1.1; I>r. Phillip L. Elliott, 1943-61 and Dr. E. Eugene Post on. present president Brymer Insurance Agency 119 E. VA. AVE. — DIAL MA 9-3502 BESSEMER CITY. N. C. INSURANCE FOR YOUR EVERY NEED LIFE - HEALTH - AUTO - FIRE ASSIGNED RISK — FAST FS-1 — WE FINANCE SIX MONTHS TO PAY AGENT FOR N. C. STATE MOTOR CLUB 8:20 tfn ORIGINAL fe 10 BIG DAYS JHURS. OCT. IS thru SAT. OCT. 24 RtXAU rubbing aicohol diyn*1'' __ f»r» M 2 far •O' »o XI \STATI JW| \ Smart r,c* it j its* ■•■•H AIROSOl^ V SHAVE > i CREAM l *V*r<*tt or Rr *• f*|U»jr cr mtntnet I? •> *r«» tif 2 for 99c^ *1**11 ASPIRIN .Sr' •- 'f SI 90 5f» trc 69t 2for70c .2 for 2.91 J 98 PANOVITE MULTI VITAMINS 119 SACCHARIN 'roo-.. r-2 for 1.20 98c runci REX i0r root _ 2 for .99 .... . r * '““I - « IUI .33 1 50 COMPACT POWDTR 2 for 1.51 A 95 SUPPORT NYLONS . . " »iior 2pair496 98c REXAll SHAMPOOS Cucuf 0* 4 98c HAND LOTION V " ■ *11 c,.. 2 89 CHEWABU VITAMINS “••a' V.ulrM* IOC' 9 89 POLYMULSION Qc-. 25c TABUTS. ENVELOPES 1’ite lm*n l,3.9, “'CALCIUM PHOSPHATE TABLETS Ariitl ICO’* 5* UCO «t> »U*«"*C UC0H01’ __ & awttmsutMsnottis. ;r,V'U2«»vm. «'»•> ^ctL kVw«n*u L. ® “Stark —— ;S3£sjj8r£ Oral. if I*1. _ 2 lot .60 _ 2 lot 54 . 2 tot 120 __ 2 for 54 2 lot 2 01 . 2 tot 2 51 _ 2 lot 1.26 _2 for 66 2 for .50 2 for 1 70 Me BOOT MkSStCC IOTION. ►«»'!. , , , „ meticattd. ( ft. a: Z T0t Stt M< fVKIO IY[ IOTION. Hrral' t t «. 2 lot 99 Me «it tintiSHit. ;«>. awokoi 2 1 • 99 toe CU OUIIINC UC0N0L teral! t ft o.’ Me QUI* SOUS Btiall 100 sin** I P o> S4 double t o . 1 00 Ml* BOUSMIS. Nylon. P.n». blue t*e»f .. Jlc NAIt NITS fob ixtf tffuier. Peek of 3. . 1 If MTN Oil. lot re k-duef o» Seaoo.k Pme. 6 fi 0/. _ H( Mill POIISN BIMOVit. Itu'l. 4 Ok ITUt SUMS IOTION, lavender or Urt SMvf. 5 *1. 0/.. 3 St TTtTIt tOTTU Victor a ito e> «f .to ___ I tt rouNUIN SVtiNsi. Victoria reo Of MUtO, cuarantetd 1 ft CHinatu vitamin C. i'. - teiali ICO mg., JSC » f 03 CMOS Bri3|*. Po>e- or P - 3Sc SIFT wtkP Car .He Ce jie. 4 '.bet t> 40 > CO «a b II. c 2 f 70 ... 2 for 40 2 tor 1 Ot 2 packs 28 2 for 1 20 i 2 for 40 2 lor .70 2 for 3 60 2 for 3 90 arererf 2 for 3 20 rile 2 for 101 2 for 26 SMM !Ufe» I fr* Til Rrxall antiseptic mouth w^his I IAi-31 I ,6*r color ■.< I*' 9 for 90c KUNZO ftjby fed. spicy uivof. 7fi • 4 f*r . 801 BLUE , ORAL Cool. ifUeih | die li-te* Ji.270c g MILK OF MAGNESIA • • |J II ot **€ 2 for 70c HAIR SWAY RtfutJI Of I«! H»ti I t»HcM **>*• '!?* *f J•*' * fcf I*' Rexall DEODOrA]VTs 491 21" * 70t • v .COOL * BLUE I*1?.** °*ooo#*Nr cxJo: a!f da, 1 : r tr* 4fca too: a'f daf 2hr70i »•* CMI (Id HI). ■ «••- I ‘0- .99 RIDI SPRAY *HOSOl * mj*|> tjfr* cunt. 74-hour P'olott' c e t a;n di with embossed dfS'gn AAA fta/ec ** on SURPRISE BUYS I •. V^ICU..' r* rc »o« 'mn nrt**- •»- •" -• * JUMBO SITTING POODLE P I u v h Ait** • ftst* satm taiUmnf. 3* 4-TRANSISTOR RADIO - With tl'Chcn*. I rjw 4»4 »jr> lor .... 13 95 INUSIIO SIMIONUT. ': Met*.SStntltNi 1. PUTINS CUBS. 00 f ill c Srflfie dec* 1 SNUCIOlB FOUNTAIN STBINSI. Ref 3 SB t ort 2 SOOSINICB MIMOB. S" p < i> 4 «U(n.')inc SNSSCT CWBBli BUB » fret ] It. tJ I p ovh 3 Bit BrBISI WSTCMIS. Bn i »"d iM rt' .... I pippi u pobcn i.ft-im, p'uia_2 BUT BOU. »' till. t»»io dend dr««. j ft bated_ _3 TBARS 1ST OB BATTIBT, 9 «slt Bee 39c 29 s sssissss facial msu(S.Rt>4it400't.faoruii«(i 3 boxes 75 MIRROR M» round th* neck--■" miiinc bowls. colon — Set ol 3 .57 WISH BIN or NUKI, 4! 5JJ-! sltt_> 55 MIR »R»IR. Domrnien, PortAbl*__ .. 9.95 ni'CMlN RNlviS. 7 piece, sUtnicjj steel-7 JJ COLOR MOUII HIM. Re « ( mm. 2S ft -1 95 COLOR HIM Rtf 3S mm 70 «iperu-» _1.7? sprat 0( ICIR. ► .rci*o« it o: or o»ot_35 llicrtlc BLAMLT. Rei Roy 12" > tV_ 10 95 MUSICAL Jterlt «0I, Block lotquer, mother oi p««rt rutty „ 3 91 me fisuvm FREE DELIVERY 9 cmr. to 9 p.m. Monday thru Saturday IKING!) MOUNTAIN RUG COMPANY THE C ITV S MODERN STOR F.