Rep. Whitener Has Introduced Many Bills Of Great Importance During his eight years in the House of Representatives Con gressman Basil L Whitener has introduced many bills for the benefit of the people of his dis trict, state, and nation. The leg islation sponsored by Whitener covers a wide field. Quotations from some of the speeches White ner has made in the House ol Representatives on the bills he has introduced for the benefit of the people he represents picture the broad range of his legislative activity. • • • SOCIAL SECURITY “I believe, Mr. Speaker, that the limitations imposed on out side income under the Social Se curity Amendments of 1960 should be removed. The higher cost of food, clothing, housing, and medical care is working a severe hardship on thousands of our older citizens. My kill would permit Social Securty beneficiaries to earn as much outside income as possible without jeopardizing their right to Social Security benefits. The enactment of my bill would per mit many of our elderly people who now find it impossible to maintain a decent standard of liv ing on their Social Security pay menu to increase their income from outside sources to a level adequate for their proper maint enance.'* • • • U. S. MAIL “Mr. Speaker, one of the most serious problems existing in the United States today is the great harm that is being done to our young people through the dis semination of obscene and de grading pictures, publications, and other pornographic matter through the U. S. mail. I have introduced a bill, there fore, to prohibit the mailing of obscene matter and prescribe ade quate penalties for those who do so. I sincerely hope that my col leagues in the House will join in supporting my bill. The distribu tion of obscene mater in our coun try adversely affect* the moral health of our nation, and I feel there U no greater duty on the part of the Congress than to provide adequate safe guards against the distribution of such material." • • • FEDERAL TAX ***fc flpoafcor. I have intro duced bills today to repsal the Federal tax on the transporta tion of persons and on communi cations. 1 fool that the repeal of those taxes lo long overdue. Th— taxes at* discriminatory in naturs and certainly should be removed without further de lay on the pert of the Congress. • • • NS LI “Mr. Speaker, thousands of our veterans are now without Na tional Service Life Insurance. Many of these veterans lost their policies by reason of the fact that they were not properly noti fied by the Veterans Adminis tration of the lapse of their poli cies. In addition, numerous other veterans allowed their National Service Life Insurance policies to lapse due to economic hard ship or insufficient information as to their rights, privileges, and benefits under the National Serv ice Life Insurance Act. Mr. Speaker, in order to give these deserving veterans the op portunity to participate once again in our National Service Life Insurance program I have introduced a bill which will auth orize the renewal of expired five year level premium term National Service Life Insurance.” • • • REPRESENTATION “Mr. Speaker, I have intro duced a bill, which, if enacted. I believe will eliminate the loss of representation that certain states will suffer by the admis sion of Hawaii and Alaska. My bill is in keeping with the his toric pattern that has been fol lowed in the past whenever new states have been admited to the Union. Throughout our history the additional representation brought about by the admission of new states to the Union has been taken care of by the crea tion of new House seats.” TWO-PRICE COTTOH “Mr. Speaker, it is my judg ment there is no more important legislation relating to our econ omy pending in the Congres than the bill designed to elimi nate the two-price cotton situa tion. I have pointed out heretofore that more North Carolinians work in textile jobs than in all of the other manufacturing indus tries of the state combined. The textile payroll is nearly 5 times larger than that of the next lar gest manufacturing industry in the State of North Carolina.” • • • MICA "Mr. Speaker, I am lodny la •reducing a Mil to estahltoh a program for the porchme and resale of domestically prod—cad. mica ore. Every mica atom la tha United States is dosed today, according to the information which comes gressiouaJ^Dittrie**in°l»orth te 01*00 which I am privileged to Of Basil Whitener Congressional Record Reveals Reputation l» iBTOlT«J Man is indeed involved with his fellow man and no better example of this principle can be found than the life of Congress man Basil L. Whitener. Congress man Whitener’s entire life has been one of service to his fellow man and predicated on the con cept of the Brotherhood of Man OUTSTANDING His record of civic service is an outstanding one. In addition to the public of fices that he has held, he has found time to serve humanity in The Whitener Sentinel Published In The Interest of The Re-election of Basil L. Whitener To Congress. PUBLISHERS .FRIENDS OF WHITENER emtor.john brock Policy The policy of THE SENTINEL is to give voters in our District an absolute true picture of the out standing job Congressman Whitener has done for the people of our District, our State and our Nation, and to urge the re-election of this distinguished American to Congress. CONGRESSMAN / WHITENER ener was one of the organizers and the first president of the numerous capacities. Basil Whit Gastonia Junior Chamber of Com merce. In 1940 he served as vice president of the North Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce. He was subsequently elected presi dent of the North Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce in 1941. In recognition of his outstanding services to the Jaycees, his coun ty and state, Basil Whitener was trade an honorary life member of the Gastonia Junior Chamber of Commerce. He was named Gastonia's "Young Man of the Year" in 1939. Congressman Whitener served as state president of the Young Democratic Clubs of North Caro lina in 1946-47. He was named permanent chairman of the Young Democratic National Convention at Chattanooga, Tenn., in Novem ber. 1949. He was chairman of the Speakers Bureau of the Young Democratic Clubs of Amer ica in 1940 - 1951. He was elected chairman of the Board of Region al Directors of the Young Demo cratic Clubs of America in 1951. He served as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1948 and I960. Balmont Ithlur roHaga heehnr ad upon him an honorary Dectoe of Laws degree in 1988. He is an active member of the First Methodist Church in Gas tonia and has served on the of ficial board of the church. He is a member of the Kiwanis, Elks, American Legion, The Forty and Eight and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Basil Whitener is a Thirty Sec ond Degree Mason, member of York and Scottish Rite Bodies, a Shriner and a member of many other civic and fraternal organi sations. What Others Think^ WHAT CONGRESSMAN WHITENER S COLLEAGUES IN THE CONGRESS THINK ABOUT HIM AND HIS SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE: As secretary of the informal House Committee on Textiles. I have become closely associated over the years with Basil Whitencr. I know of no one who has more persistently, ably, and successfully fought to save our great textile industry from unfair low-wage fop. eign competition and to protect our farmers. Basil Whitener is a leader in the Congress. He is a man of unquestioned integrity, character, and patriotism. The Congress is a better Congress because of Basil Whitener's membership and dedication to better gov em inent I congratulate all of you for your good judgement in sending him to Washington. _REP. WILLIAMS JENNINGS BRYAN DORN, S. C. Congressman Basil W’hitener is a man of experience and sound judgment, of integrity and human compassion. I not only prire hi* friendship; I seek his wise counsel time after time. Basil Whitener's good works are everywhere He has made a reputation in Congress as an effective and tireless worker for the common man’s interests. No people are better represented in Washington than those of the Tenth Congressional District of North Carolina. Basil Whitener is truly a dedicated man of the people. —REP. CARL ALBERT. OKLAHOMA Basil Whitener is dedicated and industrious, and I know, as does Speaker John McCormack, that he work* hard for the people of his District and the great State of North Carolina. Throughout his career, he has battled for the success of the Democratic Party, both in local and national elections, and we are proud to have him in our front ranks. Basil Whitener has earned the respect of the House leadership as well as his fellow colleagues on both sides of the for his honesty, his industriousness and his sincerity. As you your Congressman serves on the vital House Judiciary Committee, and he is making a fine record for his District and his State on this committee. I am proud to work with Basil Whitener and to serve with him in the House: and I am confident you will continue to give him your wholehearted cooperation and support for the benefit of your State and our Nation. I commend Basil Whitener and urge the people of the Tenth District to work for his re-election. —REP. MALE BOGGS, LA. It has been suggested by friends of Congressman Basil L. White ner of the Tenth District of North Carolina that I write you in re gard to his service as a member of the United States Congress I have served with Basil Whitener throughout his tenure of office. Congressman Whitener enjoys in an unusually high degree the con fidence and esteem of his colleagues, and particularly those of us who have had the privilege of serving on the Judiciary Committee with him. He is able, forthright, dependable and courageous. In addition, he is well informed and active in the Committee, as well as in the work of the House of Representatives. Congressman White ner firmly adheres to sound and fundamental doctrines. He believes in and advocates measures which enhancet he betterment of Amer ica. He is one of the most useful members of the House of Repre entatives. —REP. WILLIAM M. TUCK. VIRGIN I \ Basil Whitener is one of the most respected and able Members to enter the House of Represntatives in my 22 years of service here. During that time I have seen hundreds of Members come and go. A few of them become leaders within a short time: others after a period of years: and many never made it at all. Basil Whitener. with his keen knowledge of the law. as an advocate of Constitutional gov eminent and sound fiscal policy, with his firm yet temperate manner of speech, dedication to public service, hard work, resourcefulness ■nit magnetic personality, made himself known and respected within a short time after entering the House. With each passing year he has grown in stature and position. He has, indeed, become one of the most effective and influential Members of this body, one that the great State of North Carolina and the country could to lose. —REP. THOS. G. ABERNETHY. I hav< ."wwn Congressman Whitener since his first election the Congress. My association with him has been almost daily. Cer tainly he is one of the outstanding Members of Congress by any yardstick you want to measure him by. All of us value bis service and bis judgment and leadership most highlv. _ ody, one mai mild IR-afCfltd mississM ■wt —REF. AUm THOMAS. TE1.W Congressman Basil L. Whitener Is one of the most dedicated, productive and outstanding Members of Congress whose service on the powerful Judiciary Committee has been a credit to his district, state and nation. He is recognized by all Members of the House as one of the best informed legislators in the Coneress. _ —REP. RICHARD H. ICHORD. MISStH RI I have known Congressman Whitener since he was first elected to Congress in January. 1957 where he has served with distinction. As a Member of the House Committee on the District of Columbia, t was privileged to work in close association with him until 1952 when I left the District of Columbia Committee to become a Member of the Committee on Agriculture. He also serves as a most valuable Member of the Judiciary Committee of the House. During the time we have served together in the Congress. Congressman Whitener has demonstrated his great capacitv for the nositiou he holds. In my judgment he is eminently qualified to continue as a distinguish ed Representative of the people of North Carolina by reason of his qualifications, excellent character, fine temperament, and lug record In Congress. It has been my experience that be diligen ly studies every Issue presented to the Congress with an open mind, and. after having examined all of the facts and evidence, he has acted and voted In a manner which shows his Intense desire to sen-e the people of North Carolina in the best possible manner and in the highest tradition of the Democratic Party. -RHP. JAMBS H. MORRISON. LOUISIANA Congressman Basil Whitener has done an outstanding job in Washington, diligently earing for the interests of his constituents while at the same time taking national leadership In major efforts to strengthen our nation in these times of peril. _ -'. CHARLES E. BENNETT,