GARDEN TIME ' ► in e garter a e state college This has been a beautiful fall in <>ur neghoorho.d. Leaf color ation lias been vivid tieyond com pai .son Don't r.elic\ • \vc have ever had a better parade of col or. This is just aiiotlicr example ■ •f one of nature's many Kilts to this great and interesting state of ours. I am afraid that too few of us fully appreciate the varied top ography of North Carolina and the wealth of flora and fauna to In* found within her imrders. Have you tried Chinese chest nut trees? This is a good dual purpose tree as it yi« Ills very de sirable nuts and esi to plant it in the r backyard or alon » the border ol a lame front yard. Trees of ihe Chinese chestnut are in good supply. Contact your local nurseryman It he doss not stock trees, he can get them for you. If you wish, write me and 1 will put you in touch with a source of plants. Perhaps you would like to have a few apple trees hut have found it difficult to rare for the large standard sorts. If this is the case, you may wish to try the dwarf ty|x»s. The advantages of dwarf trees are early hearing and space con seivation. Then* are several de grees of dwarfing hut I w >uld suggest that you use the F.ast Mailing No. IX rootstock because it is the most dwarfing of the stocks available from the nurs t mw COLD CAPSULES 0 # .julieis c; in each capsule dissolve at timed intervals Help re,:?ve cold miseries. The Rexall Brand also contains P Methorphan to help suppress ■:ou,ehs at tne cc jrh ccr.trol center. / • Curved I tmgers • Ncn s'ip i surface ' • Neoprene and | rubber pair 1.49 ‘ SUPER SHEER SUPPORT STOCKINGS 5.95 • Nylon and lycra give leg support with sheerness • Seamless _revive the natural beauty of your hair (/&*?#) New Awakenings 5 formulas to let your hair wake up and be lovely... • CONTROLLED ACTION SHAMPOO — buffered 7 fl m. • SHEEN N SHIELD RINSE — leaves hair mane ^eabie 7 fl or • MOISTURE GUARD CONDITIONS R — restores moisture balance 7 fl or • STAR SHINE HAIR GLOSS (Aerosol) for sparkling highlights 4 or • CRYSTAL Cl EAR HAIR SPRAY — regular or for ha'., to hold hs.r 7 or (large I5'« o; Ha.r Soray for only 2 50) me wuvm 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays thru Saturdays ■ KINGS MOUNTAIN! • Hkl t, < (IM l»\NV I wy. If things go wHI, these tree* usually start I tea ring in the sec ond or third year after planting. Tin' ro il .system is a little slow in helming established in the soil si somi' form ol sup) sort is iWWMary for the first two years to prevent the wind from lippl j ing tli«' trees which would inter- I fere with root development. Ty ing the trees to a couple of rigid stakes will la- all that is neces ( sary Use some soft material to I seeme the stem to the slakes in i order not to restrict growth or | injure tin* hark a snip of inner . tula* or strips of cloth. These variety combinations will assure pollination of flo wers: Golden Delicious and RicharWI Delirious; Golden Delicious anti I Melrose; Yellow Transparent iearlyi anti Gallia Beauty isfmi ( lar to Rome Beauty hut hettei | color i. I If you are interested in varie ties other than those mentioned, or if you would like mote tiian two vaneties, let me know and I will suggest a fruitful comhina tion. ---- BETHWARE | OAK GROVE NEWS By July Bolton Daria Telephone 7J9-5S19 Bethware-Oak Grove News. BETHWARE Mrs. Jasper Philheek came home Sunday from Norfolk, Virginia after spending two weeks with Iter - daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Glenn Longley. She went to , be there during the hospital stay of Mrs Longley and the death of , the Longley’s infant daughter. Linda Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Philbeck went to Norfolk, over the week i end to tiring Mrs. Philbeck home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale V dlbraeht and Rita spent the weekend in Mount Gilead with the Preston Holts. Mr and Mrs. P. II McSwain visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gault - ney and family in R >ck Hill Thursday Mr and Mrs. Gene Hoyle and family spent Sunday in the mountains. The Rev. W. T. Luckadoo was , guest speaker at David Baptist i church Sunday night. 1 William Davis and Diane White went to the mountains Sunday afternoon. Protestants Set Holiday Appeal NEW YORK. N. Y. The 11th annual Thanksgiving appeal of Protestant denomination* for funds to carry on their joint pro , gram of food distribution to the | world's needy will be marked S u ti d a y < November 22 • in churches throughout America, i Highlighting nationwide ser 1 vices dedicated to the appeal, I which seeks $1,073,850 to finance | the SOS (Share Our Substance program for 1965. through which 1 i millions of need> persons over seas will receive life sustaining foods. will be the National Ser 1 vice of Thanksgiving in Wash j ngton. I>. C-. at the New York | Avenue Presbyterian Church, I 1313 New York Avenue N.W.. i Stindav (November 22' at 3:30 ' P.M. ' This service is sponsored an j nually by the Council of Church i es of Greater Washington, and j Church World Service, the over seas relief and rehabilitation agency of major Protestant com munions. The Reverend Dr. Eugene L. | Smith, executive secretary of the World Council of Churches in the U S.. will he the principal sp*\ik er at the Washington service, j The University of Mainland Cha pel Choir will sing. Since its inception the SOS j ' program has accounted far the distribution of more than two and a half billion pounds of foods made available from Amer ica's agricultural abundance by •he U. S. Department of Agricul ture, distributed in more than l<> ireas of acute need with funds contributed in the SOS appeal ind similar efforts of the church *s. and in community appeals of :ROP (Christian Rural Overseas ’rogramt cf Church World Ser ice. Church World Service is a de- : -•trtnu'-ni of the Nate nal Council of the Churches of Christ, and ; ■ooperates the Division of ntor-Church Aid. Refugee and , World Service of the World NOTICE We. the undersigned, have a storage lien against a Pon Mac. Serial No A-W1I3-H9. Title No. 165237U. Iwaring a 1963South Carolina license No. E-4S-397, re listened in the name of Getty* Jones. 200 Apt.. Highla.wl Homes. Spartanburg, S. C. Stored by j City Police. Kings Mountain. N. C.; Lien in favor of D.strict Dis count Company. Spartanburg. South Carolina. Storage Charges $48.50. We hereby demand full pay ■ ment be paid. I If payment in full is not madc ; by December 5. 1961. the ab«»\e j described vehicle will be sold at public auction at Victory Chev- j | rolet Company, Kings Mountain. N. C. at 12:00 noon on that date 1 This the 6th day of November 1964 Signed. Victory Chevrolet Co. By Charles E. Dixon New Pacemakei Foi Hearts Is Developed CHAI'KL Hli.L "We’re talk ing a.-out paifraakris. not pence makiit," says a North Caiolina ‘loart Assor iation spokesman in an obvious offoit to . n nvi a re cent tvpographir.»| error in th< Tab it City Tribune which liml put the heart group on record a bout •‘pearemakers.*’ A new artificial paremakoi that turns itself off when it* Council of Churches In its inter national programs. *er\nos »iv not needed l>j the heait has hern rppmird, award in>» to the North Carolina Unit Association. The •'demand” device, develop ed at th - University of Miami School of Medicine stimulates a heartbeat only when the heart's own natural elo< trieal impulse* fail By el minatirm -ompctitim between heart and pacemaker, the new device lessened e tisi; that h'tmfttl abnormalities in heart ihvthm may dev* lop. Artificial pacemakers are use beat so slowly that unconscious nos« or even death max result. In reecnt years <- >me 3.<*X> patients, in* luilim; mure than .■>> North Carolinian*, haw had a regular heart eat restored by the use of miniaturized. baiifr> (towered at tiftctal devices that send a steady train of tiny elect inal Mittal to the heart muscle. Even when heart block is pre* sent, the Hnri(la researchers point *>u:. tile h nt'.s n.iluial -o; nsl* may teium t*i :i ;r». il Or occasionally local . Iiisiecs heart muscle may I w still un explained reasons he.-om# tern porary electrical vendating cen ters and emit signals at a faster rate than the artificial pace.-nak er the paiient may lx* using. If the artificial pacemaker does not turn off in these eircum stance*. t>,. ompotition between the two m-I' i>f signals i an pro duy ix-.d wa\ • pattern* of . tc heart's elect ci a I system. When the natural rate is too alow, the artificial device turns it*elf on. If the natural into cvi els that programmed into the artificial part maker, the device turns off Thus f.■ i. Miami's Dr. I/>ui IrmUto says, the new dev .-c has lioen employed successfully in 2."> patients without an> com plications The “demand pace maker" was des< till'd at the American Heart Assoc, at ion’s 37th Scientific Sessions, held at Atlantic f"i<> nr October. Pic. Childers In 137th Infantry KOliT UKNMNC. GA .# AHTN* C* Aim) I VC Lander* K. ». vm ol Mr. ;i 'I Mrs. I - \V Chiidor*. Route 2. lk»x -12. K.n •> Mountain. N. C.. was a-- no.i •«> ili#* 197th Infantry i Henning. Ga.. Oct. 2d. t .lilfK-i - atriimrii ns n rifle hi i . i‘” )i in i\. isi i-ittalion #•1 11;«- *i. ...i# v ;*#;n am ller> at I he foil. The 19-year-old soldier entered the Army in Ma> 1963 and interest paid quarterly by check?” "Double. ” "Right... with First Union's 4J/o Savings Notes. Redouble. ” Every day, more smart people are looking into First Union Savings Programs And with good reason. First Union now offers two options to earn 4% on your savings, with greater safety than stocks, faster return than bonds, and greater short-term flexibility than most other investments. First Union Savings Notes earn 4% per year, paid by check every three months. There’s no waiting for a new interest period; you start earning from date of deposit. And these Notes have no specific maturity date. Hold them in definitely, if you like; to redeem them, simply notify the Bank 90 days in advance. First Un ion Savings Notes are available to individuals and non profit organizations for a minimum of $1,000, additions in multiples of $100. They can be used as loan collateral. First Union Savings Certificates, available in multiples of $100, also earn 4% per year from date of deposit, payable in cash on maturity at (he end of one year. For individuals and non profit organizations only, First Union Savings Certificates are transferable and can be used as loan collateral. As still another option for savings, First Un ion offers Instant Interest Savings Accounts, where regular interest :s figured every day on every dollar, compounded and paid every three months. You get bank safety in all these programs be cause Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insurance protects all accounts up to $10,000. See First Union today and get the best savings program for your money. Any officer can fill in details and help you decide which program best fills your needs. Stop in today... and put your money to work for you. «*k (h rrwui »r*n*vr imw • .“#• i riPKMl t'UOf