. Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 TMa Hfun lai Ointtf Kio<j, Mountain 11 itrifH from lit IM Kiay* Mountain tit, directory cmui TV i_ tarttt Bfun to from tko Daitod Wat.* nuu ol StW. VOL 75 No. 48 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November 26, 1964 Seventy-Hfth Year 1 O Pages 10 Today PRICE TEN CENT* Chinches Set Thanksgiving Dav Services Six Kings Mountain a i ? a churches plan Thanksgiving Day service* and at three churches breakfast will h** served by men of t he-church organizations. Boyce Mexolial Associate Re formed Presbyterian church will hold the traditional breakfast at X ajn. Rev. Fred Archer. Jr., pas tor of Eden Terrace ARP church of Rock Hill, S. C, will lead the worship sorvii'p at 7:30 a.m. Methodist Men o f Cmtral Methodist church will liegin serv ing breakfast at 6:30 a.m. to ac- j comm slate workers at mill shifts. Jacob Dixon announced. f'her members of th? congrega ^n and the interested commu ty may eat. beginning at 7 o'clock The church service will be held at S:30 a.m. in tin* sanctu ary with Rev. Howard Jordan to deliver the Thanksgiving morn ing message. The Men's Brotherhood of Kings Mountain Baptist church : will servo breakfast beginning at 7:30 a.m.. the pastor. Rev. Mar , ion BuBose, has announced Mr. i DuBose will bring the morning message at ft a.m. and the three choirs of the church, under direc tion of Mrs. J. C*. Bridges, will \ render special anthems. St. Matthew's Lutheran church , will hold a Thanksgiving wor ship service at 10 a.m Rev. Charles W. Easley will use the sermon topic. "Thanksgiving In lamentations". There will be special music by the choirs of the church. Trinity Episcopal church has scheduled a Thanksgiving serv icp at in a.m Rev. Robert Hadcn will use the theme. "Putting Life Into Focus" and the offering will g.i to Thompson Orphanage of > Charlotte. Grover’s community • wide ; Thanksgiving Day service will be held at Shiloh Presbyterian church from 9 until 9:3b a.m Thursday morning. Rev. Richard Hobson will deliver the morning message. j fBvirtually all o:her churche ^eld special services of Th ink' , giving Wednesday n.ht. includ ing First Presbyterian. Kcsurrei tion Lutheran and First Baptist churches. Young people of the Presbyterian church presented a Thanksgiving m«*ssagc in story and song at mid week services. - I Local News j Bulletins j REJOINS DEBIE’S Mrs. May belle .Jordon has rejoined the staff of Dcbies Bcautj Salon on a part-time basis. Mrs. Gordon has been employed on Thursdays, Fri days and Saturdays at the Kings Mountain beauty shop. BOY SCOUTS Troop 96 of Fast Gold St. Wesleyan Methodist church will mi*ct at Sadie Mill Club house Monday night at 7 o'clock. Any interested young men who would like to become Boy Scouts arc invited to join kin the program. K1WAN1S PROGRAM Rev. Charles W. Easley, pas tor of St. Matthew's Lutheran church, spoke on “A Thanks giving List" at Tuesday's Ki wanis club noon meeting at the Woman’s club. EPISCOPAL SERVICE The Thro*- Meanings of Ad vf nt” will be the title of a ser mon given by The Rev. Robert L. lladon at tho 10 a.m. Sun day service at Trinity Episeo pai ohurvh. 303 Phifer road. It will also b«* tho Mon and Boys Corporate Worship Service for tho year. Schools Need Two Teachers School officials are seeking two elementary tea l.ers. one to alleviate an overload in tho see ond third split grade at Grover school, and a second grade teach or for Bethware to replace Mr*. Mao B. Barrett, who has resigned effective Detvmher 4. Mrs. Barrett's husband is re turning front a tour of overseas duty in the armed so rv it vs and they are planning to reside in California. tSuperintendent B. X. Barnes id Wednesday he is interview ing prospects und hopes to fill the positions quickly . BAITY IN’ LEAD BOLE — David Baity, Kings Mountain native, plays the lead rale of Alan in “Come Blow Your Horn", which plays Nov. 26. 27. 28 and Dec. X 4, and 5 at the Gastonia Little Theatre. Baity portrays a bachelor and Ann Murphy, above, ap pears as Connie. In the show Alan juggles girls the way a cir cus headliner juggles plates. (Johnny Kanipe photo). Gaston Dramatists To Give Comedy Baity Has Lead in Little Theatxe "Com** Blow Your Horn.” a ■>>medy in three arts. will in- the reason opener at the Hast mia Little Theater on Thursday. Nov. 26. The curtain goes up at N: 15 p. tn. tin one of the funniest plays 'ver to play a Broadway stage. It will be presented at the little theater for two consecutive week ends. Show dad's are Nov 26. 27. !!< and Dec. 3. -I and 5. "Conte Blow Your Horn” is the dory of a young bachelor, his babes. his young brother and their parents. The setting is a ush bachelor apartment in the Has* 60’s in New York and the imo is now. David Baity of Kings Mountain portrays Alan, the devil-may-care bachelor, who-is the envy of his brother. Buddy, portrayed by Harry l*etrev. and the thorn in the sides of their parents, por ‘rayed by Garland Atkins and Norma Minges. Alan's two beauties in the show are Peggy Evans and Con nie Mason, portrayed by Barbara Baity and Ann Murphy. It's Alan's delimma to have to choose between the life of a play boy with such girls as Peggy and the role of a husband with a girl like Connie. How is a poor bach elor to make up his mind? You'll find the answers at the conclu sion of ''Come Blow Your Horn." male Alan begins when his young brother Buddy combs to The downfall of the mighty live with him. He wants to go in to training in order to follow in Alan s footsteps. Alan is willing, but first he has to keep their fa lter front blowing a gasket over he situation. Father cannot he contained ('oufinuff On P>if/r » | PRESIDENT — Dr. Gaotge Plonk has been elected presi dent of the Cleveland County Medical Society for the coming yea*. Plonk Heads Dr. George 1’ 1 o n k. Kings Mountain surgeon, has been e lectori president of the Cle\ elan.I I County Merlieal Socictj for the coming year. Other officers will include Dr. Robert Jones, vice-president, and Dr. James Burrus, secretary treasurer, both of Shelby. The new officers were elected at the annual dinner meeting ol tin* society Monday night at | Cleveland Spring Country Club. I Wives of doctors w ere special I guests. Congressman Basil L. White nep made the after-dinner ad dress Th«* loth district eongr«*ss man was introduced by l>r. Ave I ry W. McMurray. program • hail - man for the affair. Medical Kings Mountain's Top Teeners To Be Crowned At Football Game Kings Mountain's top trcnvg- J m will rwvive trophies at Sat urday night's Optimist ■ spon sored Turkey Bowl at 7:30 p.m.1 at City Stadium. The recognition program will be held prior to the Midget foot ■ ball game. R. W. iBobi Hurlhut. chairman of the second annual "Top Teen, agcr" award, said that the civic , club had received numuruu* nominations for “Teenager of 1964'* honors. Winners of the 1961 awards were Rita Phifer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar riott Phifer, and I-arry Patriek. son of Mr. ami Mrs. Lawrence Patri.-k Youths are ns'ognized b\ the Optimists for outstanding work in the home, church, school and mnimiinily. United Fund Gifts Over $15,000 Refugee Princess Will Speak Here Refugee Left Native Romania On Red Takeover Princess Catherine Ciradja. 70-year-old Komanian princess who fled her eor.n>Jnist-dominat ed homeland 11 years ago, will speak to a joint meeting of the Junior ami Senior Woman’s clubs and the Senior Citi/ens dub Mon day night at s p.m. The urogram at the Woman's club has iieen arranged by the Senior Woman's dub of which Mrs. John A. Cheshire is presi dent. Princes* Caradja will also be J4*t s eakei at Tuesday night's Junioi Chamber of Commerce t -eting at 7 pm. at the Wom an s eii,b. In K.n^s Mountain she will he* house-g test of Mr. and Mis. Aubrty Mauney and Mr atul Mrs. Pi. ft. Goter. Tlie internationally-known lec turer has warned of dangers of communism in Is states, in Lon don. Moiro.-co. Algiers, and has appeared before 160 audiences in France. Catherine Caradja. a refugee fr m Romania. ha.- been in tin* United States 11 years, lfcr ear iy v< ars were s; ent in England. In Romania, during World War I, she opened a hospital for vic tims of typhus. She personally supci-v isod her family Founda tion for more than orphans and foundlings, which was taken over hv the Red Government af ter World War II She helped -an- for over l<s> U S. fliers in their I*OW earrp at Timis. She has sp 'km in -lx states anti lias seen *7 of her ex-POWs. Her mission to America, she says, is to tell those in the Ire** world about conditions existing behind the Iron Curtain, and to eti- ou’age others to protect and defend their precious freedom. Mrs. Auhrov Mauney. Woman’s chi pi -tram chairman, said the inletcsted public is invited to lit.ii* Prit ess Caradja. Parents Plan Grid Banquet Parents of members of the 1‘tiil Kiny.' Mountain high school championship lootbai! team are -•porisoring a banquet honoring players and coaches to be hold at the American la-gion building the evening of December 3. Tickets are available to the public at $1 IV! i»er person, and arc now on sale. Tickets may be obtained from Mr.- Bob Khea. Mrs. Jim Clon inger. Mrs. Clyde Murphy, and Mrs. Kay Mullina.x. The ol Mountaineers won ten consecutive games, including seven In thi- Southwest Confer ence of the Western North Caro lina Activities Association, to gain clear title to the confer ence championship. Only a tie with Shelby mar red the record, which show ed the Mountaineers undefeated in 2*1 consecutive games during regular season play. Hickory brought the skein to an end, t> to 0. in the semi-finals WXHSAA play-offs, last Friday night. Tlic parent sponsored banquet will he the first of two honoring tin til Mountaineer gridmen. The Kings Mountain Lion- club will hold its annual football ban quet on December s. with Kddie Teague, head coach of the Cita del. to bo the featured speaker. Mrs, Boyd's Rites Conducted i Kunetal riles for Mrs. Polly Sjjie Bowl. VI. wife of Jessie I>a- , vid Boyd. were held Saturday ! morning at 11 o’cloc k from Har ris Funeral Home Chapel, inier ment following in M tuntain Rest i cemetery. Mrs. Boyd died Thursday at •V 15 a.m. in the Kings Mountain hospital after several months illness. She was a native of Ca tawoa County and a former eni plover of Rhvne Houser Com patty ol Cherryv.lle. Continued On Puyt a i SPEAKER—Princess Catherine Caradja. of Romania, who fled her communist - dominated homeland 11 years ago. will speak tc four Kings Mountain clubs Monday and Tuesday. Empty Stocking Gilts $91 Kings Mountain’s Empty Slot-k in;* Fund reached $91.42 Satur day as area ministers manned iKJOtlis in the business district to collect funds lor Christmas cheer for the indigent. The effort will Ik- continued urtil December 24. Christmas Eve, when gifts will he distribut ed to needy families. Rev. C. K. Goods-ni, chairman of the drive said. Mr. (lo *1 son said tnat citizens who would like to give names of needy jH-rsons. regardless of race, creed, or religion, should contact the minister u o lives nearest their homes. All names will Ik* turned in to the ass >cia lion committee. Last Christmas season the Empty St. king appeal collected $1700 for the Kings Mountain tuedy, supplying 135 food has kets. coal to -17 homes, nil to five homes for fuel, medicines to 11. clothing to seven families. nri rent for 11 farnili<*s. The Ministerial Association Christmas project committee al so includes Rev. II. (I Clayton. Rev. George Julian and Rev. Robert McDowell. Checks should Ik* made paya ble to: Empty Stocking Fund, in care of Rev. C. R Good son, t>12 E. Gold street, or they may he mailed in care of Kings Moun tain Herald. Wilson Rites Held Wednesday Funeral rites for Marvin Oates W.lson. 15. of Clover. S C-. Kings Mountain native, were held Wed nesday at -I p m. from Clover I Wesleyan Methodist ehurch. in- | torment foil .wing in Woodside cemetery Rev. it. J Fr»4*man and Rev. A H. Hilliard officiated at the final rites. Mr. Wilson died Monday after noon in a Clover hospital. He was a son of Mrs. Mamie Antho ny Wilson of Kings Mountain and the late Andrew Wils n. Resides his mother. Wilson is survived by his wife. Mrs. Eunne Moore Wilson: two daughters, Mrs Jack Pennington of Clover, S. C and Miss Kathy Wilson of the home; one son. Marvin M. Wilson of Clover, S. C and three grandchildren. Also siirvivinv ari* tw.• broth ers, Charles Wilson of Kings Mountain and Wayne \\ ;l* >n of Gastonia; anil six sisters. Mis. Frank Greene of Gastonia. Mrs. Marshall Sigmon of Detroit. Mich., Mrs. Gertie Graves and Mrs. Pearl Landrum, lioth of Richmond. Va., and Mrs P 11 Carroll and Mrs Ralph Wells, both of Kings Mountain. THANKSGIVING SERVICE Trinity Episi-opal church will have its annual Tbanksgivln. si-rvlce at 10 a m this Thur da.v. The sermon topic will be "Putting 1 ife Into Focus”. The offering will j*o to Thompson O-phanage of Charlotte V. < . The church is located at 303 Phifer road. Total Increases By Over S4000 In Past Week United Fund jilts roarhiti this week, Chairman Charity* K. Maunfy reported. The lfklTi finaiu al campaign .•cks a goal of $23.1 nk) for rune funds and the current drive is being eoiulueted with the theme, "Fair Share Campaign", in which all citizens are asked to make a "fair share*1 contribution. A "lair share" contribution was describ ed .is one hour's pay |n>r month or six-tenths of one-percent of annual income. Chairman Mauney urged solie itors to complete their wxirk as soon as possible and noted that rhecks may h<> forwarded to him. 1* 0 Mauney Hosiery Mills, and made payable to Kings Moun tain l nlted Fund. Mr Mauney say s there is no reason for failure to attain ihe goal 1 i: we work." Nine funds will benefit from United Fund re.(;pts. They are the Red I loss, Boy S.-oii's, Com pact Davidson bands, r;j»1 Scouts, Mauney Memorial library. Kings Mi ipitain high school hand. Kings Mountain Res uc S juad. anil two sjH iai funds for Indi gent heart and c.nicer patients of $l.tn« each. Star Posts First Gift For Stadium The Shelby Daily Star holds th« honor of making the first donation to tin Kings Moun tain Football Stadium fund. Charles F. Harry Ilf, seere tary-treasurer. said Monday he itad received in the morning mail a check for Sloo from the Star, signed bv Henry lee Weathers, publisher. Mis. Peterson's Kites Conducted Funeral for Mrs. Lucy Cornier Peterson, 7t>. was held Saturdav at 2 p.m. from the Chapel of Harris Funeral lloTe, interment following in M xnitain Rest cem etery Rev. B. L. Raines and Rev. Marion Du Bose offie.ated at the fitial rites. Mis. Peterson, wife of Paul Peterson, died Friday morning at y: In a m. at the home of her son. Harold R. llunni.-ntt, in Kings Mountain. She had made her home here for sometime. Mr. Peterson is a patient in Veleian's hospital in Augusta. (la. Daughter of the late Mark L. and Martha Ann I lemby Condor. Mrs. Peterson was first married to K L. Ilunnieutt who died in I fios, B« sides her husband and s *n. she is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Dixie ii inn; tut Cutler of Macon. (la., one --1st -r. Ml'.John C. (Jutley of Indian Trail, five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Leq'an Dance Saturday Niaht Tiny Jackson and his Orchts tr... *.f Charlotte, will play for a dance for mcmhcrs r>f Oils I). fJroon Post l.Vi. American Legion, anil their quests at the 1 < gion Building Saturday ni.y.t from !i to miilr.iu'ii The dining room will In <i|>en from r- p.m. Only eoupk-s will In- ndmiftc 1. Postal Carrier Is Free On Bond TAPPED — James Forrest has been tapped for membership in national honorary scholastic fraternity Phi Kappa Phi at North Carolina State where he is a senioi. Phi Kappa Phi Taps Fonest .lames fin rest. Kin",' Mmin tain senior at N.nih Caiolm.. Si.ite of ihe Fniversitv of North Carolina, i* one of 52 seni >i> who have won for them staves the highest ;l idemii- honor available to a .1* nl at the institution membership in the elite national ionorary scholastic fraternity Phi Kappa Phi. Porrest •• t c son of Mr. and and Mrs R J Kornsi. The n*"\v momheis w re chosen I from the top f> ,ir )•*>: cent of ; this year's scrvor < lass. which numbers 1.5* is Membership in Phi Kappa Phi rc"i>i*ni/os scholastic attainment at technological and scientific in stitutions :it a level eomparalile I to recognition from Phi Beta | Kappa at liberal arts institutions. | North Carol n i Stoic's chapter ■ of the fraternity is one of tt“ in the l cited States Membership in t!i«" fraternity io\v t dais Irene than lu»,tMio. County Vacancies Filled By Board J. M Hardin, recently-retired Air Porte lieutenant-col >nel. will succeed Ralph Tucker as assist ant county tax collector on De cember 7. Mr. Tucker, elected register of deeds on November 3, will as sume tin* duties of that office on Dei-ember 7. The cotMitv commission also apjiointed Wavee Kimhrell. t»f Shelby, currently with the City • if Shelby to till the vacancy created several months ,i;’owhen James A. Lybrand. of Kings Mountain, resigned Irom the tax i appraiser's office. Mr. Hardin also lives in Shel by. He is a Clover native anil his wife is the former Belly Falls of Kings Mountain. Thanksgiving Day Fare To Include Feasting, Hunting, And Holidaying Kings Mountain citizens were busy preparing for the annual Thanks iv.ng celebration W.-d nesday. With turkey • n • trimming menus upcoming, grocers su> ponded the Wednesday afternoon holiday, and reported good sales. An area round up indicated roasting, hunting and holiday ing, in addition to religious ser\ ices, would lie the principal Thanksgiving Day diet for aiea citizens. Principal football dish on the menu is the traditional Turkey Day clash between old rivals DISPLAY FLAGS It is proper to display United States flags on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Vera M. Cooper, flag chairman. Col. Frederick Ham bright chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, said. lutawba and Lenoir-Rhyne, with dCkoll tunc achcuuiwt at bails bury at 2 p.m. Other football taw will be provided on televis-. ion. Majority of Kings Mountain! business establishments will be rinsed lor tin* holiday Service1 stations will Ih* ojm’ii is usual. | as will Joy Theatre. Hut t; iffinj Drug Company and Medical Pharmacy wi l .. for tlu* day. | Kings Mountain Drier Company i will ho often from !! to tioon andl 3 to 5 p.m. for proscription scry-1 iot*. Also rlosing for tlu* day will be the Kina's Mountain postof ficc. City Hall office. Jacob S. Mauney Memorial library, and! Kings Mountain Herald. All school pupils of the nine plant Kite's Mountain district bade _;oodbye to hooks for a long weeken I at the end of Wcdnes day sehedules. Ttiey return to school Monday morning. Seveial churches are featuring: iiadili na! morning seivi.es, in cluding family bnaUttU. > Henson Charged With Kiting" On Money Orders Bohh> Ku ene Henson, Rouie 1 ai.a! (><»: ii carrier, waived preliminary hearing before I’nitcd states « ommissioner Ben W. . iaig. of (Gastonia. Friday, on jes pm bezzlemenl of money ordei funds. delay of mail and liestru lion of re ords. Bnid <>i was made. Hen*oi i' to l»e tried in federal district court in Shelby in the Apri’ 19K5 term. Postmaster Charles L. Alexan de- eommentei] only that he had a< epted Henson's resignation Friday and that h.s route is be rm handled lit .1 Edwin Moore, substitute carrier Henson's arrat.'nment followed investi ition a: I charges hv In speetors T. I, Wood and J. J. < lor m ley. of the Atlanta. <la., regional offne oi the postal de* part men t. The rural < arrier. in an affi davit to the r ^lectors, admitted lie was guilty of "kiting" in the handling of money orders over a jH-nod i f ah--lit IJ months. 'iie Sj ill e! .11 • evolved from a money or l«-r placed by Janette Kio,.k> on Novi tuber IS. which Henson iiaii not turned in on re turn to the postoffice. In turn, Henson Iiaii us« d a numbered receipt out of sequence at the h.c k of iris order book to leave Hie money order purchaser. Found in bis car was another money order bought by James Whitesides, also employing an out of sequence receipt. The >:ubs had been removed. In their report on the investi g ition. the Inspectors wrote: Muring the investigation Mr. Henson aivounted for all known outstanding orders. Therefore th« re is no known reason to withhold saiarv payments due to the former employin'.” M. Heiisi n was appointed rural .urier on August IS, iy»52. As of I'iidav liis annual salary vva- S.V per year 'exclusive of equipment maintenance allow a' ci Hi* is ,i disabled servhe veteran. Bill McDaniel Recommended William H. Kill i McDaniel, regular *■ iI\ nr.cr at Kings Mount am p •:/..»*. lias been reco.nm fur transfer to the now \a«.i t lai.il route position. Members . the liethwaro !?.tst Ki.igi M 'untain and West Kings Mountain Democratic pre eitt't .'otnmittees convened Tues day •tteipo.i. at City Hall, with J. Olln Hart is. chairman of the hast Kind’s Mountain precinct presiding. He informed the group that three present postal employees had evidenced interest in trans ferring to the rural post, adding that the precinct committeemen had the choice of ns- mmending a postman for transfer, or tie lining to re. ommend. In the lat ter instance, he said, a civ.1 ser vice examination to establish a new eligible list for rural carri er would lie requirt'd On motion of Cameron Ware, Bethware chairman, seconded by Leonartl Smith, d Hast Kings Mountain, the group voted unan imously t recommend a postman for transfer. In the secret ballot voting, the result was McDaniel nine. W. F. I rughtei two. and Bud Medlin one. A motion of Martin Harmon t « make the transfer recommend ation unanimous fot Mr. McDan iel was approved unanimously on voice vote. Mr. McDaniel, now a regular rity < artier, joint'll the ixtstoffice rtn Octolicr 15. 1WO. DIXON 4 H CLUB Mi's Ann Yarbrough, home economist with the county ex tension service, and Henry Dameron. assistant county ag ricultural agent, will be guest s|H*akers at Tuesday night’s 4 H elub meeting of the Dixon until unity I II dub at Dixon Presbyterian church at 7 put

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