"SU**' **hv , ft. 55c "WJj-iit ife *“ Cut- 5,114 Ls- v f b Cut. f C s“^ **. ., LB . ft- 25c ^jfssWsfiKk ft. 95c , ft. 85 I CATN NMNt f»HH STANDARD |.QZ S'ALIO 65C OYSTERS ,Mwr“ 9Bc "SUPER RIGHT' "Super Right” Heavy Corn-Fed Beef. Bottom Hound Steaks lb. 75c "Super Right” Heavy Corn-Fed Beef. PORTERHOUSE or T-BONE STEAKS lb. 89c Allgood Brand No. 1 Smoked Flavored SLICED BACON 1- lb. package.37c 2- lb. package.73c TOP QUALITY FRESH OR FROZEN CHICKEN HENS * 35' CHOC., VAN., OR STRAWBERRY, MARVEL HALF ICE MILK GALLON CARTON 39< ALL FLAVORS MARVEL BRAND ICE CREAM S49c JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKE fruittnuts^ 5 $3.99 3 $2.89 V/2 & $1.49 I AtP CONCENTRATED FROZEN 6RAPE JUICE 2 » 63c ANN PAGE NEW POULTRY SEASONING £ 15c MIX OR MATCH 12-OZ. NIBLET’S GOLDEN CORN 1- * A&P MIXED « PEAS CANS FOR NO LIMIT ON PURCHASES ANN PAGE GROUND SPICES Sage 25c Cinnamon 25c SULTANA BRAND TUNA FLAKES 2 AAR BRAND PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 S CENTS OFF LABEL — YOU PAY ONLY 4>Os. Cant FAB - DETERGENT Mb !•/«• Ot Hi 35c 65c 73c FRESH CRANBERRIES - 25c PINK MEAT GRAPEFRUIT - 49c CELERY .-v 19c CARROTS - 19c REGALO SALAD MIX 19c REGALO SLAW MIX 19c FRESH COCOANUTS - 19c GAM TIME m e gardner n c state college "I n.'cd in remove norm* rathci large limbs li.ik trees jrnw ing near the house. I> > you ha\c Mgiicsliwu about (tome this job?" If the limbs are ovei i»o or hree inch* s in iliamrtn .it the tMM-. I would employ someone a.th the know-how and equip ment !■> properly do the work There is always the p 'ss.hility of punching a hole in the root unless ropes and pulleys an* used !o lower the large limbs to the ground. Tlien. too. the cuts should he made smooth i no stub left! in order that the cambium i an heal the wound. This is ra ther dilfieult because, if the lim > is not held in p isition while rut sin*:, it will tear the hark and leave a jagged wound which max ] not heal over. "Please tell me something a . Isut tin* lung tree. Can it In grown in eastern North Car > lina?" Tung trees are grown for their fruits which contain se«*d that produce large (|ua-ntities of oil. This oil has excellent drying qua lities and is used extensively in making paints, \arnishes and printers ink The trees gr >w to a height of from 12-2o feet and have showy ' flowers. The mature fruit is roundish in shape, has a dark brown outer cover and contains lrorn four to seven large blown • sivds These produce the oil. T«*sts have shown that tung 1 trees thrive best in a belt about .Vt-loo miles wide extending fr'm northern Florida westward to iamisana and eastern Texas At present Mississippi leads in com mercial plantings follow**! by Florida. Louisiana. Alabama and 10 each in apparrel rr.anu factoring and wholesale tiade Other a:ns included 300 in ma •hinery fit ms. 200 in furoiturr faciories. and 100 each in fabrt ated metals, electrical marhin ery. communications and public utilities, and finance, insurance inti real estate. Crane >aid the Octoberemploy ment gains were partly offset by decreases of 1,600 in construc tion. son in State and local gov ernment agencies, lion in Federal government. Hid in cigarette Tianufacturing. 200 each in che micals and ordnance and trans portation equipment, and 100 ■ach m printing, food products, • nd stone, day and glass pro ducts. I"heO. toiler employment lioost rought the number .if non-farm loirs in the State to a |»»ilit 13. >"i» higher than .n October, 1963. Commissioner Crane said. Fac tors employment, which increas ed l.uoo during October to a total •*l a'U.VtO. was up 21 300 over the Oi lober. 1963 figure. Non.nanu fa* taring jobs, increasing 600 to a total of 793.300 during the month, wen- up 22.300 over the October. 1963 level. Hourly earnings of factory em ployees averagisl $1.76 in Octo l>ev. rising a penny from Septem her An increase ol 1.2 hours in Hie factory workweek, to an Oc toher average of II 6 h