Stretching Tour Dollar By Philip J. Goldberg Institute for Pinonciol Planning. Inc. 1 have yet to liear a widow 01 Orphan complain about being left too much insuram-e. A life insur ance bargain Ik available to over 114 million men. ami most of them don't knuw about it! The government has reopened eligi bility for National Service Life NOW OPEN Bob Brymer Insurance Agency (formerly Piedmont Insurance Agency) 201 W. Gold Street Telephone 739*4501 Miss Ann Hammett. Manager We have complete coverage lor life, health, auto. fire, group. We finance assigned risk plan. Call Bessemer City MA 9*3775 anytime 11:19 till Insurance to veterans with ser viee-oonneeted disabilities. Those collecting pensions will be in. formed when they receive their monthly check Hut tlic veterans administration is having a dlffl •'lilt tim«* locating these • x-GIs who have service incurred disa bilities but are not receiving any compensation payments Any veteran who believes he is entitled to this insurance should contact the VA to deter mine if he falls into the category i of eligibility. This is really un- | usual opportunity. As ntosi for mer servicemen discovered when they tKMight commercial life in stiranco some years ago, afiet they were discharged from the Armed Forces, their OI coverage was the most inexpensive they could ever have bought. However, by the time the young vets of World War II and the Korean conflict became fim ily men and gave serious consul- j oration to buying life insurance. ! 11:5 - 4:25:6? I thex were no longer eligible for i Ol ravcrafit which mast «»f than ] allowed 10 1 ipse. The gox-ernmcnt set a lime limit within which a dei :sinn <»n whether or o »t they would convert all or |*ait of tlkor SlO.nilf) life policies to some form "f |» i inaneni Insurance. I Tlie mipcih.U of eligibility to i this segment of veterans is an | ! opportunity lhal should not be , | mts.-cd. Ii would he safe to ~\ I lhal ihe hulk of these men eoufri I use the extra ittsu an e regard- ; less of their present coverage. ft, my personal experienre. | have fountl f< vx people xvh > really had attenuate piotection foi theit families. Th • Veteran's Administration 1 admittedly does not kn iw where the 11 _• million ex tils who f|uali fted for no r.imneitsation service connected disahility are. There was no reason to remain in touch with them In the past. Since this offering will mean such tiemendous savings for these vets, patriotic and other organizations have volunteered to help the VA contact them Still, many eligible vole."ins will never hear of this opportunity to buy this low cost insurance. I. therefore, urge all former sor vieemen who even faintly believe that they have a disability status to check with their local VA of fices. I'erhaps. the government will take another gracious gjani steo soon ami permit all ex-OIls to reinstate their lapsed National Service Life Insurance policies. Baptists Plan ’M" Night Rev. M. D DuBow, Jr.. Kings Mountain Baptist Associations! Training Union Director. an nounced that the Associations) “M" Night woukl hr Deermbei 7th at 7:30 p.m. in the First Haj list church. Shelby. Dr. S. Potter, pastor o' the Prichard Memorial liaptis church. Charlotte, will he goes speakci, with the Gardner Webi choir bringing tile sjHt-ial music Dr. Potter is a native of North Carolina: gradualist from Wak« Forest College and Southern Bap list Theological Se minary. Fot ten years he was pastor of the First Baptist i-hurch in States ville, then, pastor of the Taber nacle Baptist Church in Raleigh. The theme for this “M” Night meeting will he: '’That Men Shall Worship Him” iZoph 2:11*. The Gardner Webb Choir, under the directorship of Mrs. Robert Gidney. will offer is t’seir anthem a ?jic«iui arrangement of ■•<) Worship the King". Rev .Mr. DuBose issued a spe cial invi:atk>n to all the I’.aptis* churches to participate in this worship service on December 7th and advised th> nursery will he open for this service. A goal of 1 >00 has been se* for ■" said Rev. Mr. DuBose. ’and we have great hop« s of reaching our goal.” More on the way everyday! Thanks for waiting! Your wait for one of these new 1965 Chevrolets is about over— and we want to thank you for your patience. Come see us now. When you yet behind the wheel, you’ll be glad you waited! *65 Chevrolet Thi* one’s the year’s handsomest surprise. It's longer, wider, lower. Swankier, more spacious, smoother Impala Sport Coupe riding, too. Everything about it smacks of expensiveness except one thing—its Chevrolet price. *5Cfteve/fe A brand-new idea last year, it’s even newer now. Fresh styling. V8’s available with up to 880 hp. A softer ride. But Malibu Sport Coupe it’s still an easy-to-handle size. After all, that’s one of the things that make a Chevelle a Chevelle. _ _ __ less than ever like a ChflW If bat keeps on saving like one. V / styling, fresh new interiors, thrifty car Clean new V8’s avail Aiota Sport Coup* able with up to 300 hp! Here's the liveliest, handsomest thing that's ever happened to thrift. '85 Corvalr It's a new kind of Corvair. It’s longer and wider. It’s racier, roomier, flatter riding. With quicker steering, surer Corsa Sport Cou{^ stopping and more power available—up to 140 np in Monza s and 500’s, up to 180 hp in the new Corsas. Man to tee, more to try in the eon more people buy Order a new Chevrolet. rhevelle, Chevy U, Corvar or Corvette now at your dealer's VICTORY CHEVROLET COMPANY KINGS M OUNTAIN. N. C PHONE 739-5471 13S RAILROAD AVE. COMPLETES TRAINING—Air man Robert S. Gantt son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac T. Gantt of 309 Parker St- Kings Moun tain, has completed the first phase of his Air Force basic military training at Lackland APR. Tex. Airman Gantt has been selected for technical training as an aircraft equip ment repairman at an Air Training Command (ATC) school at Sheppard AFB. Tex. His n.'w unit is part of the vast ATC system which trains airmen and officers in the di verse -kills required by the na tion's aero-pace force. The air man is a 1963 graduate of Hudson (N. C.) high school. b^fiiniosiuMtlO —> Thomas H. Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon L. Adams Sr. of Kings Mountain, has been commis sioned a second lieutenant In the V. S. Air Fores upon gradu ation from Officer Training School (OTS) at Lackland AFB. Tex. Lieutenant Adams, select ed for OTS through competitive examination, is being assigned to an Air Araining Command unit at James Connolly AFB, Tex., for navigator training. A graduate of Compact high school, he received his A. B. de gree from Johnson C. Smith University. Charlotte. N. C. Re is a member of Omega Psi Phi and Sigma Rho Sigma. Census Brings Statistics Up The 1964 Census of Agricul ture, now being conducted by the Bureau of the Census, U. S. De triment of Commerce, in Cleve 00 1JOO ; 43 4 00 j 24 00 u oo no oo | 3000 CM-m u-41'M « t •" "• * MfacmiwkUiiM Local Fiwnce Co 121 2f. LAFAYETTE STREET Sfcolby. North CaroUaa Phone 482-2434 LAYAWAY NOW Christmas Is Less Than Four Weeks Away! Shop WESTERN AUTO STORE for # T-V and Stereo Sets # Wheel Goods • Toys For All Ages # Power Tools # Sporting Goods For All Ages WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE Odas Smith. Owner Spec fa/Ph0f>0 Oflet/ admiral! Tl/t-Out PORTABLE PHONO a QUALITY FEATURES • 1X9 matched and balanced High Fidelity Speakers • Automatic 4-speed chanter • Wood-built cabinet —no tinny sound • Precision 45 rpm spindle • Tone and Volume Controls ONLY THIN COMPACT. EASY TO CARRY ADM IRAK