Department Special — Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only Boys’ Winter Jackets # Bomber & Clicker Styles # Sizes 8 To 20 # Big Selection # Most Pile Lined 65% Dacron — 25% Cotton Shills Regular $8.99. NOW Regular $19.99. NOW $7.19 $8.77 ’ lATf SANrAS* Gift Sale ! What an easy, economical way to complete your Christmas shopping — at GRIFFIN'S DRUG STORE'S Late Santa's GIFT SALE I We'll be open until 9:00 PJM. Christmas Eve — and we've still a wonderful selection of gay gift buys to solve your prsssnt profs* LOW to give you the last wart in SAVIMGS1 . I CALL 739-4721 LET TO DO TODS SHOPPING WE HAVE GIFTS POE ALU FREE DELIVKSV .^4 TREAT YOUR HUNGER AT OUR FOUNTAIN FAST SERVICE GRIFFIN'S DRUG YOUR PRfc SCRIPT ION STORf c Rt L r'iCKLJR''* l f l r R''r PMONir 739 4.VI ■ V9 MOUNTAIN'-,*' r KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VISITING HOURS Daily 10:90 to U:30 a.m. 3 to | p ut. and 7 to 9 p.m. I f'alK'Hf at King* Moun tain Honpital at Noon Wednen Mrs. Ida Barrett Mi. Lonnie Bates Mr Farries P. Bridges Mr*. James Davidson Mrs. Bertha Ellison Mrs. James Gamble Mrs. Ernest Gosey Mrs. Robert Harmon. Sr. Mrs. Dave Hartgrave Mrs. Eugenia i-achappelle Mr. Franklin McCluney Mr. Ruble Phillips Mis Guy Schefield Mr. Willie Seawright Mrs. Mary Short Mrs. Charles Stroupe Mrs G T. Thrift Mr. C. B. Vickers Mr*. Lawrence White Mrs. Annie Mae Wilkie \DMITTED THURSDAY Mrs. Paul Whitley. 9 Poplar 't . City Mrs. Nora Payne. Rt. 2, Besse -ner City. N. C. Harold Varnadore. 315 E. Vir rinia Ave.. Bessemer City. N. C \DMITTED FRIDAY Mr William Holmes. 310 S. Gaston Street. City Mrs. Donald Blanton. 6225 Wil <inson Blvd., Charlotte. N. C. Mrs. Lytle Chandler. Rt 2. Box 'M, Bessemer City. N. C. Mr. Admiral D. Cochran. Rt 1, Grover. N. C. ADMITTED SATURDAY Mr. Henry Yarborough. 116 W. Carolina Ave.. Bessemer City. N. C. Mrs. Cole Pittman. 810 Third street. City ADMITTED 5UHDAT Mrs James Robinson. Box 4. trover. N. C. Rev. Floyd Holler, 1215 Second street. Ext. Citv Mr. Charles Lail, Rt. 2. City Mrs. Lewis Miller. Rt. 1, Box 193. City \DM1TTED MONDAY Mr. Samuel Burton. 600 l-and ng Street, City Mr. Zeb Etters, SOI Henry St., "'ity Mrs. Blanch Poplin. 101 E. \:ng Street. City Mrs Irene Redmon Smith. 31C Waco Road, City Mr. Paul Toney, Rt. 1. York Road. City James Howard Greene. SOSO Midpines, Citv Mrs Way Ilambright. 1419 •rover Road. City Mr. Ray Hambright. 1*0 Box M. Grover, N. C. Mrs Charles Helfner, 402 Hill street. City Mr. Noah Kiuley, Box 71. Fin :erville. S. C. Mr. Robert Patrick. PO Box 101. Bessemer City. N. C. ADMITTED TUESDAY Roy King. E. Lee Ave.. Besse ller City. N. C. Mrs Robert Lovelace. Rt. 3 iox 346A. City Mrs. Stanley Adams, 30s S '•Jighth Street. B«*ssemer City. X Mr. Boyce Brown. Rt. 1. York 5. C. Mrs. Lee Roy Davis. 1*0 Box !X3. Bessemer City. N. C. Mrs. Clennv Edwards. Rt. 2 City Mrs. Willie Fowler. Rt. 1. City Mrs. James S. Teague. 618 Meadowbrook Road. City Mrs Edna Whetstine. 115 Mon ‘e Vista Drive. City Mrs. Mae White. Rt. 2. Box 139, City Sammie Lee Davis. Rt. 2. Box tni A. CherryvUle. N. C. ADMITTED WEDNESDAY James Franklin Farris. Rt. 3. 'lover. S. C. New School n Grover. Approved transfer of Deborah -Maine Hinson, an orthopedic- pa ienl. from North to West school, lue to “physical condition and Availability o f transportation", rhe child was recently discharg 'd from the Gaston Orthopedic lospital. The board took no action hut ndicated by discussion it is not nteresled in purchase of the lugh Williams residence, ad ioining North school property, at his time Compact To Give Musical Program The music department of Com pact school will present a pro gram of Christmas music at the school Thursday nijht at 7:30. The primary, elementary and high school departments, along with the school band, will parti - •ipate. Lions To Give SoskoU TO Mllaaai Kings Mountain Lions will ga ther Tuesday at 7 p.m. at B & B Food Store to distribute Christ mas f.>od baskets to the blind. Lions President Harry E. Jay nes said all members are in vited to attend and participate in the annual project. Tuesday’s meeting will he the regular December meeting. Mr. Jaynes said. EPISCOPAL SERVICE "Is God Alive?” is the title of a sermon to be preached by the Rev. Robert Haden at the 10 o'clock Sunday morning service at Trinity Episcopal church, 31)3 Phifer road. Six ChnrcBM Set Mrs A1 ohm a Culler. Mrs. Clyde McDaniel. Miss Nancy Reynolds and Fred Tate. El Bethel and lloey M?morial Methodist church choirs will present the Christmas Cantata ‘When Love Was Bom", by Van Denman Thompson. Sundiy at 7:30 p m. at the El Bethel church Mrs. John Phifer will direct ihe cantata and Wayne L. Ware Jr. will be at the organ. A reception honoring the choit will be held after the program The choir will sing "Preparr Ye the Way of the Lord" featur ng a duet by Miss Paulette Pat terson and Miss Ann Peeler; (Ilenn Parker will sing the solo 'Fear Thou Not”; the Women's Chorus will sing “Come Lord; A Ireat Light”; Mrs. Jack Eakei will sing. “I Sing Of A Maid": he choir will sing "The Shep tord and the Angels’* with Rev Roy l>K*krid;c singing the solo :he choir will sing. "TTiree Kings «nd a Star" with Miss Pat (Ircen« tinging the solo. "The Wise May Bring their Learning"; thcchoii will sing "Echo Carol; Mrs. Dear Costner will sing. "To Thee My Heart I Offer" and the choir will ting. "Songs Of Joy." A prelude *111 be played by Mr. Ware at he organ and Paulette Patterson »t the piano. The Junior Methodist Youth Fellowships of El Bethel will present a Christmas play Christ mas Eve at 6:30 p.m. After the play the youth will go to the •hurch educational building for •■eoreation and the Exchange of Christmas gifts. Rev Wayne Ashe, pastor of Macedonia Baptist church, an nounces today that the church choir will present the Cantata ‘Love Transcending" by John W Pfeterson, Sunday evening at 7 p m. at the regular evening wor ship service. This is a new arrangement es pecially adapted for small church choirs. Douglas •Ledford, church min ister of music, will direct the 20 voice choir. Dblores White will be pianist and Mrs. Tommy Beam will be narrator. Joy Welch will be alto soloist. Mrs. Wade Hartsoe and Mrs. Wayne Ashe will sing soprano solos. Steve Ashe and Corky •Smith will be tenor soloists and Douglas Ledford will sing hari tone solo. Mr. Ashe said the public is in cited to this special program of ''hristmas music. Me also announced that the an nual Christmas program forj •hildren will be held Thursday, j Dec. 24th at 7 p.m The White Christmas program ! vill be presented Sunday at 6:30 ».m. at St. Matthew's Lutheran •hurch. Entitled The Story of Christ nas”. the pageant will be narrat 'd by Pastor Charles W Easley. The cast of characters in -ludes: Phophet: Jacob C<»opcr Mary Patricia Herndon Eli/aheth Ginger Finger. Joseph Ricky Falls. The Shepherds Trip Herndon, iddie Mauney. Jackie Bridges. The Wise Men Chuck Easley. Tney Hodden, Bill Herndon. Herod Tommy Bridges. Attendant - Kemp Mauney. Angels Ira Lou Easley. Ann Finger. Lynne Bridges, Laura Ann Hudson. Colleen Forsyth. Virginia Herndon, Jenny Gray Mauney. Mary Kithlynn Mauney. ; >ara Beth Simpson. Mrs. Ben Bridges has been in •harge of costuming. Lighting will he by Speedy Ramsey and •he stage crew will be Peter , ’-fauser and Chip Bridges. The senior Choir will sing and there will he solos bv Betsy Queen. Sa rah Frances Mauney. Charles Mauney. Tim Gladden and Rob ?rt Wilson. Mrs. Charles Mauney ind Mrs. James Simpson are di recting the pageant An offering will he received which will ho sent to the Homes for the Aged and for Orphans of the Lutheran Church. After the program, the Luther Leaguers of St. Matthew's will go caroling. Four Building Permits lumd The city issued four residence ' building permits during the past . week. E. L. Arrowood purchased a • permit for construction of a six- ' room brick dwellin ' on Landing street estimated to cost $16,000. T. F. Bridges bought permits for building of two five-room brick residences on Bridges Drive, both estimated to cost SS.000. Luke Hoyle bought a permit ! to build a 3-room brick residence 1 at SIS \V. Gold, estimated to cost $10,000. Nuaienes Set Tale Service The annual Christmas program • at First Church of the N’a/arenc i will be held Sunday night at 7 o'clock. Rev. H. G. Clayton, pas , tor. has announced. Children of the church will present a pro >ram which will he followed by a traditional can dlelight service. At the cloae of the program. Sunday School treats will be dis tributed. nki Hands Phar. Poor Mm Defeats Two teams in the Kings Moun nin Indies' Duckpin League are going down the home stretrh, •Vith only one week ol first half >owling remaining. Medical ’harmacy. the team that has led he league all season, is now >nly two games in first place. Belk's Department Store took our big games faom the top earn Tuesday night, and it is he only team that can over throw the leaders But Plonk's Department Store •ould be a big threat the second half, as they have improved incc the addition of Lib Gault. Plonk's moved from fourth place 0 third Tuesday by winning four Tames from Oates • Henderson Ihell. Oates . Henderson, hereto ore in third place, dropped into he clean-up spot, two games be hind Plonk'*s. McGinnis Furniture, the team That has the cellar position .•linched. won three games for hr first time Tuesday, taking he three from fifth-place Phil lip's 66. Dot Tignor rolled a 108 line tnd Pat Panther had a 297 set as Belk's handed Medical Pharm icy their third straight week of losing. Betty Cash rolled a 100 :ine and a 272 set for the losers. Medical Pharmacy team captain lanet Bums has been sidelined "or the past three weeks because >f illness. The Meds have lost tO of the last 12 games. Lib Gault rolled a 123 line and 1 354 set as Plonk's took over bird place from Oates-Hender son Shell. Helen Biddix and Jen ny Oates rolled identical HO linos and Oates had a 297 set for the losers. Charity Goforth rolled a 128 high line and a 306 set as bot tom-place McGinnis Furniture defeated fifth-ranked Phillip's 66 3-1. Margaret Wilson and Mary Henderson rolled 99 single games and Wilson added a 276 set for the losers. STANDINGS Tama W L Pet Medical Pharmacy 52 16 .765 Ninth Lose IW r xrade |jSun srt^ -rs «?""■•• .M RT;“nUn' -,™r livo co»Ur»J i PUyl^^y- * D*‘‘vmhoVason fir**" on r ' "Wn* h! I Darro" VV’/ief V "* *w «■»* for the «n<J *•«*>„ *(sS.S7j«S£'S Point* f* “■‘•Mjfhfer ; fpfahl lnrf t*6 Josors , M l,y* *ix **8 G-tV fc£T " TolefSt^ ;J%} sf&'aSLffittS L^rSS”*• ■$“**o'". M‘' '■•“■ <•>. i Xathan foim Wofcf «a.roS r,u'^ »m Sm^ W on. 1*"• »£" bT1* S!ii,*. “oi ston. awpfsf™” in IK 30 32 •,»I 57 730 •55| .529 •250 ■lf>2 City Employees i Voted Bonuses The city commission voted cjs tomary Christmas bonuses to employees last w«-ek. Employees with six months' service will receive a week's pay. while other employees will e celve a half-week's pay. The commission voted to re strict parking on Walker street, from North Piedmont to Gantt, to the south side of the street. The board discussed without RESCUE SQUAD Grover Rescue Squad will sponsor an auction sale featur ing toys, electrical equipment, household goods and clothing Friday night at 7 o'clock. Cap tain Fain llamhright has an nouined. Hamburgers and hot dogs will he on sale starting at 5 p m., llamhright said. DEACONS Dr Frank Slncox was ordain ed as a deacon a! First Pres byterian church Sunday morn ing and B F. Mailer. Dr. Charles Adams, and Chark*s Blanton were installed as dea cons in a special service. ROTARY CLUB g Karl Meaehum of Shelby will ^ review his trip to Russia for members of the Kings Moun tain Rotary club at their Thursday meeting at 12:15 at the Country Club. Tom Trott is program chairman. Kings Mountain Horald A nthvtpaprr. puMuhttl wrrkly on Thuns«!iy< by Martin L. Harmon. Jr. DBA I'uWtihing llttuw. Entered •r M'tif.d p!i« matter at the ptat oC •Ire at king* Mountain. N. C. JW*W under Act ot C*Kigre%9 of Ma:**h 3. 1873 SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Mall Anywhere: Sw Months $2.00 n»r. f Months $1 28 Single copy price .10 one year S3.b0 fHE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS .... is ever so brief. It's that fleeting interval when all the world is transformed by hearts beating as one. It's the Bttle girl's delight on touching a baby doll's pink cuddliness. It's Ike shining red tricycle that makes its first trip — round the dMng tablet The trinkets, the thought-filled gift that teNs her she's beautiful. It’s the glow that goes with gwing, that comes with sharing, t AM Belt's is filled with this mogical excitement, with the warmth of helping and serving you. Perhaps it's because we’ve found pleasure in bringing together a whole store full •f gift ideas. Perhaps it's the knowledge that for the very young this is a moment of make-believe and laughter, and / for the young-at-heart, happiness of family together, agair' J I Check off your Gift List at Belk's ... We ■J will be open ‘til 9 Every Night (except Saturday) Starting Thursday, Decem ber 17, and continuing thru December 23. Open Saturday, Dec 26

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