r.WOiZ SAT. SEE A DOUBLE THRILLER A LI NEW SUSPENSE ■ SHOCKER'! I SUN.-MON.-TUES. STEP THROUGH THE MTME PORTAL” veto the FUTURE before it tapped*! SEL: warn matte Lm Macttw tt tU*1 tlM IMto StMTt«C«! z WATCH FOR 1. “Emil and The Detective" 2. “Roustabout" 3. “Get Yourself A College Girl" 4. “Fate Is The Hunter" bgr Maldrwd Manic \j[y News tenis this week from McDowell, Currituck. Nash. Co lumbus. Alamance, and Haywood bounties WREATHS MADE OF NATIVE MATERIALS “Now I know why a wreath like this .-ost $35.” was the com ment of nany women attending the pine cone wit»Gth workshop* in McDowell County. Miss Rachel Keisler, home economics agent, says harl work is reqxired out the end product is worth the ef fort. In addtion to many different rones, trtey used nuts, sweet gum imlls, ctflon bolls and other dri ed matitials to complete the wreath. The women sprayed tie wreaths with a clear shellac to bring ot! the natural color and preserv* them. MAN All EM ENT PRACTICES ACCEPTED Homo management practices have ban emphasized in Curri tuck Caaity this year Mrs. uiz-abeth Sandeiiin. horn* economics agent. says that out of 110 women reporting 59 learned to repair electric cords; S3 started family record keeping; 9 got their biri hcertificates: 70 studied their insurance policies; and 3h families made wills. AGENT NOT MISSED Arriving late at a Home De monstration Club meeting, I found out 1 had not been miss ed." reports Mrs. Lydia Booth, home economics agent in Nash County. The women were busy tying tobacco to make money for the 4-11 Development Fund. "In fact they fieri three bams of to bacro that day" adds Mi's Booth. However they did rest for a few minutes and watch the de monstration for the month. 'Fur niture Arrangement." COOKING CONTEST Linda Nance, a l-H'cr from Western Prong, won top honors in the semi-final bake off "Bake Toward Your B.A. Contest ” Miss Betty Capps, assistant home economics agent in Colum bus C >un;y, says Linda had to write a theme on "Why I Want To llo To College." and baked a sweet potato cake as her win ning entry. She will comjiete in the regional finals this month. HD READING PROGRAM New emphasis will he put on the Home Demonstration reading program in Alamance County, reports Mrs. Nancy Adams, home economics agent. The librarian is planning to add books to the library tiiat will supplement information given in demonstration at the regularly scheduled Huh meetings and at spe.ial interest workshops. SEWING CLASS STARTED .Sewing lessons are being of feied to -4-H leaders and senior age 4-H girls n Haywood Coun ty. Mrs. Gwilli Brendell. assist ant home economics agent, says the class will involve nine ses sions of two hours each. The seamstresses will learn everything from selecting a pat tern and making a garment to modeling. Fanners To Vote On Four Issues Marketing quotas and assess ment programs involving North Carolina’s Ihw largest cash ci*ops will tx- voted on Dor. 15. , by Tar Heel farmer*. Tin- continuation of four pro- j gram.- will bo decided. These are 11 * tobacco market- j ing quotas; t2» cotton market- i ing quotas; i '1 < peanut assess ment of two cents per hundred pounds; <4, tobaeco assessment not to exceed SI per acre The cotton rote will affect on ly the 19»j.'> crop. Kach of the oth- j or three issues will affect u increase vour savings considera bly by the end of the year. II tv? By just following those practical, dollar s!retching lips: 1 Buy only what you in-ed dur i ing the Christmas season and wait for those post-holiday sales. 2. You can cut fuel bills by lowering your thermostat when you go to sleep; 01 when you leave the house empty for an ex tended period of time. 3. To get the maximum liencfit out of a supermarket sale, you must buy In quantity. Here is an opportunist for you to profit from your freezer •l Art1 you squanden'i > mono) on premium gasoline-’ That is just \that you ate doing if you pay higher prices for additives and extras when yout oar will operate just as efficient!) on reg ular gas. Check with a depend i ble station attendant; y.«u might Ik* in for a dollar-stretching Mir prise. 5. Timing when you buy can be a great budgetaid. For example, you will find that hi Januart the stores reduce prices to clear out winter clothes in order to set up spring and summer merchandise. Late season buying will always mean dollars sav«*d for you. 6. Remember, credit charges are costly, so always pay cash if you ran. For example, a *1'. in terest charge when paid monthly amounts to 1S'« per year. 7. If you must borrow, shop a round for the best ii loan companies Usually, liar-k lates are lower than 1 >an ,ompanies. s Save money hy i;smL, ,t ies»u lor cheeking ac< >ut,t. By meeting the rcquiiemcnt of maintaining a minimum balance, there is no Charge for any eh«*ek you write. Based mi the usual hank fee of 10c per cheek if you issued check, m a year you would save th«* tidy sum of S.».00 !>. If your earning capacity has iss-n inereas«»d. y ou could achieve Substantial savings by accepting "deduct ihh-*." n sonic of your policies }'<>t example, if you have a major medical plan with S2.VI deductible, it means that the company wi aid : . jin pay ing you sp iaftol bei <•:it> ai.ci y »u in curred this amount of expenses. 10. Kven tlKiugh it is a bother, make it a habit to k<